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Guru mediation: An error occurred while retrieving data. Please try again later. ID: Card:133003

Guru mediation: An error occurred while retrieving data. Please try again later. ID: Card:133004


Event Line
Summon Shinobi of Akasaka, Inuyama Tadatomo. You wish to make my acquaintance? Alright, just make it worth my while.
Beginning of Battle More dirty work for me? That's fine, I'll add it to the fee.
Move Got it.
Attacking Die!
Skill Activation Kill... Kill you...!
Hit (minor) Kch...
Hit (major) Guaaa!!
Charge Sky-Burning Report! Go on killing me over and over... I'll just keep coming back from the flames!!
Victory I got a good payout today. Farewell; your luck ran out when you met me.
KO'd Damnit... I can't... avenge Father like this...
Love I'll protect you until I die. That is what my proud father wanted. There's nothing else I want to do.
Event (Shop) Line
Missing lines (for translators)

hit-major-2 charge-2 love-2 title title-2 open open-2 close close-2 greeting encouraging touched conversation-1 conversation-2 conversation-3 conversation-4 self character-1 character-2 character-3 character-4 event event-1 event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4

Event Line
Summon Lone Wolf, Inuyama Tadatomo. My passionate loyalty...... Receive it, my new master!
Beginning of Battle You'll regret it if you lay a hand on my master.
Move Understood, master.
Attacking Burn!
Skill Activation My loyalty to you!
Hit (minor) Nngh!
Hit (major) Guaaaaa!!
Charge Ucchusma's Raging Fire, Inuyama Tadatomo's devotion, I will demonstrate it! I'd love to be with you, master!!
Victory I will protect my master, with all my pride as Tadatomo. I will forever be loyal to you.
KO'd Father, Tadatomo couldn't fulfill his duty...... I have dishonored the name of Inuyama......
Love This Tadatomo Inuyama, the man who knows only of the path of loyalty, shall protect you until this life burns out!
Event (Shop) Line
Missing lines (for translators)

hit-major-2 charge-2 love-2 title title-2 open open-2 close close-2 greeting encouraging touched conversation-1 conversation-2 conversation-3 conversation-4 self character-1 character-2 character-3 character-4 event event-1 event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4

Event Line
Love As we're facing the jaws of death, I shall confess at this very moment. I've long been fond of you. If we survive this war...please agree to my contract of engagement!
Event (Shop) Line
Missing lines (for translators)

summon battle move attack skill hit-minor hit-major hit-major-2 charge charge-2 ko love-2 title title-2 open open-2 close close-2 greeting encouraging touched conversation-1 conversation-2 conversation-3 conversation-4 self character-1 character-2 character-3 character-4 event event-1 event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4


Transient Summons

Transient Transient Summon
Tadatomo () - Snow and Tadatomo Date Quests (2023)
- Skill Specific Quest (Hakkenshi) Transient Summon (2020)
- Fire Attribute Pickup (2019)
- Roppongi Tycoons (2017)
Tadatomo (Valentine) () - A Mix of Zodiacs Transient Summon (2024)
- Hakkenshi! Pickup Transient Summon (2022) (2022)
- Valentine Jail! Transient Summon (2021 Re-release) (2021)
- Valentine Jail! (2020 Reprint) (2020)
- Valentine Jail! (2019 Reprint) (2019)
- Valentine Jail! (2018)
Tadatomo (Main Story) () - May Fever Transient Summon (2024)
- Chapter 13 Special Transient Summon (2023 Re-Release) (2023)
- Chapter 13 Transient Summon (2022 November Re-Release) (2022)
- Chapter 13 Transient Summon (2022)


Valentine's Chocolate


  • Part of the Eight Dog Warriors (Hakkenshi) in the novel Nansō Satomi Hakkenden, where they are distinguished by their peony shaped birthmark, the emblem of the Satomi clan, and carrying a bead bearing a kanji character that reflects one of the eight fundamental virtues of Confucianism.
    • Inuyama Dōsetsu Tadatomo bears the bead with the virtue "chū" (忠) meaning loyalty and has his birthmark on his right shoulder.
      • The same kanji can be seen etched on the metal plate of his forehead protector.
  • He is blinded by the need for revenge due to the destruction of his family and the death of his father at the hands of the enemy he is not willing to let go of. Due to this, he is prone to making rash decisions and has a short and fiery temper. Even through all this, Tadatomo is fiercely loyal to the people he, and his family, were meant to serve.
  • In the Main Story, both Tadatomo and Moritaka are affiliated with the Summoners. The remaining Hakkenshi are split evenly among the True Three Guilds in Tokyo. Tanetomo and Yasuyori are affiliated with the Warmongers. Masanori and Yoshito are affiliated with the Invaders, and Nobumichi and Masashi are affiliated with the Rule Makers.
  • According to Summopedia, Tadatomo's appearance is based off the Kai Ken breed. The Kai Ken originated in the Japanese province of Kai. They were raised to hunt in mountainous regions and have an athletic, strong build that resembles a wolf or fox. Because their hunting drive is strong, Kai Ken will occasionally climb up trees while chasing prey. Their coats are usually brindle, or tiger-stripped, which has earned them the nickname "Tiger Dog". They can also be of a solid color, such as black. In terms of temperament, Kai Ken are best known for their bravery and great loyalty for their owners and family, but are shy around strangers.

[Show Comments]

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 5f80f606
No. 19316
17 minutes ago
Score 0 You
I want to marry him
Anonymous user: c8e558a4
No. 19107
25 days ago
Score 0 You
Keep looking at him jus whenever I get lonely, I'm seriously so down bad for tada
Anonymous user: e46a29b0
No. 19066
28 days ago
Score 0 You
I want to fill his ass with my cum until he is pregnant
Anonymous user: 5f801f62
No. 18926
one month ago
Score 0 You
You are my king! Now let me suck your dick
Anonymous user: c8e59593
No. 18846
2 months ago
Score 0 You


Awwee, welp, hope he can work with green lol
Anonymous user: c8e5ebba
No. 18837
2 months ago
Score 0 You
Lmfaooooo I'm Claudeeee
Anonymous user: c8e5ebba
No. 18836
2 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: afc8bae1
No. 18748
2 months ago
Score 0 You


Settle down, Fftempest.
Anonymous user: b03e244c
No. 18735
3 months ago
Score 0 You
The perfect bottom with a big butt and THICC thighs, ready to to show his loyalty to his master in any way possible
Anonymous user: 549ef683
No. 18445
4 months ago
Score 0 You
an uwu bottom rentboy with a slutty waist
Anonymous user: 8c5d9186
No. 18259
5 months ago
Score 0 You

There is so much wasted potential with this character. For a guy obsessed with Revenge you think their would be some tension between him and Arc considered they are responsible for Shino's death.

Or you can explore Tadatomo's blatant hypocrisy. He's willing to do shady jobs as an agent to get revenge but ignores all the people he's hurt to hurt someone who hurt him.
Anonymous user: 1d82ce39
No. 17914
7 months ago
Score 0 You


And we would be in bliss, sis.
Anonymous user: 86087d77
No. 17562
8 months ago
Score 0 You
Sidemouth McGee
Anonymous user: 1689cc79
No. 17101
11 months ago
Score 0 You
Tadatomo is the type of guy who would fart just as he's leaving your bedroom and go "That's just a little treat for you".
Anonymous user: c1f4fc4f
No. 17079
12 months ago
Score 0 You
The angry german kid predated keyboard smashing before the those gay bottoms did.
Anonymous user: 603c822e
No. 16822
13 months ago
Score 0 You

this bottom will permanently borrow your jacket

aspiring tadatomo boyfriends, you have been warned
Anonymous user: 9c44b741
No. 16548
14 months ago
Score 0 You
he’s got that previously neglected shelter dog rizz. he looks like he wants to quietly sit next to you on the couch while you watch TV
Anonymous user: 7de896d0
No. 16428
14 months ago
Score 0 You

I wanna take his hand and walk under the night sky, a cute date seeing the stars.

Then I will suck his cock in a shady back alley where anyone could catch us. After that I will ride him until dawn.
Anonymous user: ff49e1ea
No. 16037
15 months ago
Score 0 You
He lunged after my cock like he was a polar bear. And I was the last coca cola on earth
Anonymous user: c95212ce
No. 15707
17 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: 420e5b41
No. 15605
18 months ago
Score 0 You
I wish I could see the doujin Jiroh did about him...
Anonymous user: 3aa54a4e
No. 15474
19 months ago
Score 0 You


Thats awesome, shame I'm not in that server
Anonymous user: 96ce3861
No. 15457
19 months ago
Score 0 You

Some shots of people in OTGcord's server posting images from Patreon's of artists.

[link removed]
Anonymous user: 3aa5ad30
No. 15430
19 months ago
Score 0 You

なあ 愛してるって何回言ったっけ?もっかい愛してるって Say 誠意 言ってみて

嗚呼 真赤な頬だ 貴方とは 遊びたいだけで
Anonymous user: 5cb2a144
No. 15418
19 months ago
Score 0 You
God may forgive you for being gay, but no one is going to forgive gou for that haircut.
No. 15206
19 months ago
Score 0++


I thought the Yam guy was Tangaroa
Anonymous user: 25dd9cfc
No. 15205
19 months ago
Score 0 You

Ok but why is Yam such a hypocrite Rule 10 be like "Don't overly express your dislike of characters :D"

>Proceeds to bash certain characters every time they get brought up and deletes posts with characters she doesn't like

Literally acting like a minor
Anonymous user: bcd4ef2f
No. 15102
20 months ago
Score 0 You

I am so normal about him.

I want to kiss him under the moonlight before we pound each other relentlessly. On some days I would want him to don his dominatrix outfit and put me in bondage so he can use me as he pleases, on others I'd want him in nothing but his fundoshi just to stare at his muscular body and then use it for myself. I want him to train me in his ways, to write me graphic letters of things he'd do to me. I also know his cock is massive and his thighs are capable of crushing skulls between them.

I am SO FUCKING NORMAL about him
Anonymous user: e086d8c8
No. 15099
20 months ago
Score 0 You
Pls come home
Anonymous user: c2a4e9ac
No. 15020
20 months ago
Score 0 You


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
No. 15006
20 months ago
Score 0++


What a coincidence, I did ship MoriTada in my game!
Anonymous user: c2a4e9ac
No. 15005
20 months ago
Score 0 You
Sir, please, can I have your puppies?
Anonymous user: caf9ffe3
No. 14853
21 months ago
Score 0 You

Why are his fans so obsessed with farting

Like that Rintaro dude or Yam person
Anonymous user: 2aeecf84
No. 14823
21 months ago
Score 0 You


Who is Tim? Your dad?
Anonymous user: 5347ac66
No. 14802
21 months ago
Score 0 You
Tadatomo's daddy fetish is getting to be too much. I bet he gets a raging boner every time he sees Tim down the street, lighting up the grill to cook bratwursts for his family. Tadatomo dreams about becoming a homewrecker, stealing Tim away from his wife and kids, doing it in the back of their pick-up truck, building a shed together or some shit. But it will stay just that. A dream (for now)
Anonymous user: ede12050
No. 14019
23 months ago
Score 0 You
I'm in love with this man! If I were a woman I would love to have a full soccer team of puppies with him ~♡
Anonymous user: 5347d6bc
No. 13686
24 months ago
Score 0 You
Tadatomo is the resident cum dumpster for all the local dads.
Anonymous user: 860886cb
No. 13566
25 months ago
Score 0 You

>>13565 [link removed]

I meant this one....
Anonymous user: 860886cb
No. 13565
25 months ago
Score 0 You

Look, it's Tadatomo in FGO!

[link removed]
No. 13525
25 months ago
Score 0++


yes they did actually, they removed the [after buff] +6-12 CP to self and allies left and right, effect which honestly would have been very beneficial to his kit
Anonymous user: f29fa73b
No. 13438
25 months ago
Score 0 You
hand in marriage please
Anonymous user: 2b4792f1
No. 13413
25 months ago
Score 0 You


hey its me goku
Anonymous user: 75b4e946
No. 13412
25 months ago
Score 0 You

"No," I beg Tadatomo as his whip cracks down against my bare chest once more, "I'm sorry!!"

How long has it been? I think it's been days since I've been locked in this basement. My mind is starting to deteriorate now, the only thing occupying my thoughts now are the mornings, afternoons and evenings when Tadatomo opens the door above the staircase to visit me. Those are the blissful moments when the light from the day penetrates even here, in the darkest, chilliest depths.

Tadatomo roughly presses his lips against mine, rustling my chains as the stone wall behind me prods at my exposed flesh. "I won't get horny for anybody else again," I manage to eke out a response between the exchange of our heated breath, "I promise."

Tadatomo's expression doesn't change. His glare is as cold and menacing as it has been for these past days that now feel like have been my entire life.

After a long pause, I finally hear his words of, "You've been a bad boy, Summoner." The whip in his hands raises up once more and I close my eyes as I brace for the impact of the blow. It's no longer a feeling of fear, however. In fact, I've started enjoying the pain. I long for it. It's punishment that a filthy whore like me deserves.

And before the whip is ready to slash apart my flesh once more, I hear a tinge of emotion from Tadatomo's voice that is reminiscent of choking back tears as he says to me, "You've made Papa angry."
Anonymous user: d2ed5820
No. 13303
25 months ago
Score 0 You


LW pussied out with Cthugha. Should have embraced the M rating and had it all hanging out there.
Anonymous user: 88f0e30a
No. 13302
25 months ago
Score 0 You


sexy half thong is the best thing they would do i beliv, beside wettt fundoshi and thin silk artful censor lmao
No. 13301
25 months ago
Score 0++


Like they made Cthugha who came out with Nightglows Breke?
Anonymous user: d2ed5820
No. 13299
25 months ago
Score 0 You


Pull for him if you want to because LW will never release Breke 5*. They've got to keep up the pretense of this game being rated for teens. Unzipped Breke was already pretty spicy and the only way for them to top that would be for them to make him fully nude.
Anonymous user: 7cc076e6
No. 13298
25 months ago
Score 0 You


So, from 1 to 10, how would you rate him? I want to know, cause I want to save up for 5* Breke in the future.
Anonymous user: 7cc07004
No. 13292
25 months ago
Score 0 You
Is he worth rolling for?
Anonymous user: 1d46b571
No. 13261
26 months ago
Score 0 You


i dont think thats normal. you should get that checked out
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