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Event Line
Summon I am the first ranked under the hexagram and an elite of the law. Please call me Bael. Shall I bring you fastidious order and shining wisdom?
Beginning of Battle My oh my, you wish to go against the highest ranked one? Very well, I'll show you the differences between our statuses.
Move Prioritizing me is excellent judgment.
Attacking There.
Skill Activation Objection!
Hit (minor) Kh...
Hit (major) Stop this foolishness!
Charge Behold the rankings of beams of light! Bring your blood sacrifices and give your faith to mine name! Burnt Offering!
Victory The matter has now been settled. Oh dear, would you look at that stain over there? I'll have to call the cleaners.
KO'd Curse your impertinence! How dare you do this to me!? Howdareyouhowdareyouhowdareyou...!!
Love 貴方こそは、このバエルが見初めた相手にございます。私、いささか強引に行かせていただきますよ?
Title Screen New Semester 2020 Part 2 (4/15/20 ~ ??):I object to the rules of the world. I, Bael, shall crush this contradiction.
Event (Shop) Line
Open Shop 取引は、早めのほうが宜しいでしょう。とくと手に入れるが吉に御座います。
Close Shop 綺麗サッパリと、片付けていかれますよう。
Encouraging 我がサモナーを傷つけた愚物はどこのどなたでッ!おのれッ、このバエルが許しはせぬぞッ!
Touched ほわぁぁぁぁああ!?……き、急に尻尾を掴む行為は、転光生法に差し障る行為に御座いますよッ!
Conversation (1) 私は世界の立法を、すなわちルールを知り尽くす者故に、その抜け道に最も通じる者に御座います。
Conversation (2) おーやこのような所に汚れが……掃除屋を呼ばなくてはなりませんねぇ。
Conversation (3) おーやご機嫌麗しゅう。何をしていたかと?ロースクールの課題をこなして御座いました。
Conversation (4) 果敢、決意、野望、感性、聡明!それこそが私を称え、言い習わす言葉!
About Someone (1) あれは我が父祖。そのような郷愁を、私も持たされてしまいました。
About Someone (2) 私より序列の低いゲヘナの悪魔達?……いいえ、見下してなぞおりませんとも。
About Event (1) 何やら、催しが行われる様子に御座いますねぇ。……宜しい。この私めを頼られるが良いでしょう。
Missing lines (for translators)

hit-major-2 charge-2 love-2 title-2 open-2 close-2 greeting self character-3 character-4 event event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4



Role VN Scenario
Major Character A51ea663715121d261ecffedb64eba93.png The Promised Undersea City
Extra 5c1acfa6ecfc3aa075ddf5c766cc9ca5.png Main Quest Chapter 10

Transient Summons

Transient Transient Summon
Bael () - Summer Swimsuit Transient Summon (2023)
- 2020 New Semester Campaign Part 2 (2020)
Bael (Host) () - Fabulous Summer Host Transient Summon (2024)


Bael's seal
  • Bael is a demon in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon. He is titled as a King of Hell and commands sixty six legions.[1][2]
    • He is ranked as the 1st of the 72 demons in the Ars Goetia.
    • In the book, he is described as appearing in the form of a cat, toad, man, some combination of those.
    • His rule to make people invisible is taken directly from the Ars Goetia as one of the powers the demon Bael has.
  • In the Grand Grimoire, he is listed as a subordinate under Lucifuge Rofocale.
  • In this iteration, he takes on the appearance similar to Seth as the demon Bael may have been derived from the Canaanite deity Baal, who was a deity of storms and with Canaan and Egypt's close geographical proximity, may have had some overlap with the Egyptian deity of the desert and storms Seth.


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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

No. 19339
9 minutes ago
Score 0++
even evil dark mysterious bitches deserve just a little summer fun
Anonymous user: c84045c5
No. 19291
one day ago
Score 0 You


Bael + Zhurong
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19285
one day ago
Score 0 You

>>19260 excuse me, but i do play the game, that is why i am mad. what good will certificates do to him? his problem is his supportive capabilities not his damage, he is leannan sidhe at global range, that in exchange of having shitty rates, and on top of that only for the first 6 turns of the quest, what am i supposed to do with him? hope i get his generic buffs once per quest? he has 1/3 and 1/2 of a chance to give only one of his buffs at a given time, i can at most count on him 2 out of the 6 turns he is useful, at that point why bother to bring him to the quest, his buff is too short for dungeons, for farming he is too complicated and redundant to use, he will realistically only be used in story quests farming, but with how sparce his utility is it's better to bring someone more consistent, specially with how hard modern quests are becoming.

i could max him out to make his a pseudo dps (in fact that is exactly what i am doing) but that does not change the fact that he is the definition of mid, and when they make the 5 star version of his weird "buff and cleanse after debuffed" archetype he will be even worse
Anonymous user: 33fcdec0
No. 19270
one day ago
Score 0 You


Not disagreeing with you but hear me out, maybe, okay follow me, maybe you shouldn't have trashed about a character in said character's wiki page, if you wanted to praise bael or shit on perun you should have done it here, with bael fans, you literaly went to the den of the wolves with a meat suit and expected to walk away unscathed
Anonymous user: 0155d81c
No. 19260
2 days ago
Score 0 You

>>19259 Just invest in Guild Certificates and move on with your life. If anything, being 4star means you can fit him in more teams due to reduced cost.

This whole post read like "tell me you don't actually play or understand the game without actually telling me".
Anonymous user: 69813f33
No. 19259
2 days ago
Score 0 You

>>19257 i dont need to touch grass, i need the bael 5 star variant that we deserved and that was stolen in front of our eyes in exchange for one of the many deformed, ugly and hideous bombom characters. i waited 5 years for bael's variant only for him to be cucked by an ugly drawn manchild.

like, why does perun get to be useful and bael is turned a niche unit that i will never use or that will be used once every blue moon?
Anonymous user: 7b14c398
No. 19258
2 days ago
Score 0 You
gonna make this twink's panties drop like joe biden from the election
Anonymous user: 7a79198d
No. 19257
2 days ago
Score 0 You


True, true, that dude complaining about BomBom should really get out more and touch some grass. It was funny, but in a sad kinda way.

Also, Beael definitly has a big and thick dick
Anonymous user: 918438b2
No. 19250
3 days ago
Score 1 You
Bael Pussy
Anonymous user: 6981041e
No. 19241
4 days ago
Score 0 You

That whole debacle in perun's wiki page was intense. Bael my beloved psycho baby, you shoud have been the 5 star to avoid this whole mess.

Also, i refuse to belive he has no dick, i know he is just using demon magic to hide his oak tree sized dick, he just wants to appear more dignified like the king he is
Anonymous user: 8b4aff51
No. 19214
5 days ago
Score 0 You


In fairness their fur color should be a dead giveaway, but the fact that Sitri mistook Seth for Bael the first time they met suggests to me that there's more to their similarities than simply physical appearance.
Anonymous user: 31049b2e
No. 19192
8 days ago
Score 0 You


I would be the one who realizes immediately
Anonymous user: 8b4ae0af
No. 19191
8 days ago
Score 0 You
He and Seth should hang out more and play up how much they look alike. Switch outfits and see how long it takes others to realize they aren't talking to the one they think they are.
Anonymous user: 926c0203
No. 19177
10 days 4 hours 41 minutes ago
Score 0 You
Don't worry chat. He's just a grower. I know cuz I saw it myself
Anonymous user: 43a11215
No. 19146
12 days 9 hours 16 minutes ago
Score 0 You

No bulge in the new variant? No bulge at all!?

Guess the artist really is mot a fan of them, considering Sadayoshi in Live a Hero
Anonymous user: 43a11215
No. 19145
12 days 9 hours 17 minutes ago
Score 0 You

No bulge in the new variant? No bulge at all!?

Guess the artist really is mot a fan of them, considering Sadayoshi in Live a Hero
Anonymous user: 3104154c
No. 19100
27 days ago
Score 0 You


  • Voicelines
God dang it.
Anonymous user: 3104154c
No. 19099
27 days ago
Score 0 You

I can probably imagine a side game where it's similar to AAI but you play as an older version of Bael. Huh, The name of the game could probably be Tokyo Investigation Summoners or something.

I mean, Bael pretty much has some common sense in logic and stuff alongside the fact that one of his voicelies is- OBJECTION!
Anonymous user: b4a67f53
No. 18797
2 months ago
Score 0 You
seth but dark and twisted
Anonymous user: e07fc6c1
No. 18266
5 months ago
Score 0 You


this comment is so wild cause housamo players even way back were completely convinced that 2 multis were a good shot at getting a specific 5 star
Anonymous user: bd30a8ca
No. 17447
10 months ago
Score 0 You
If I faced him in court as a defendant, I'll plead the fifth for him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No. 17443
10 months ago
Score 0++
Love the outfit
Anonymous user: 7cf83b05
No. 17059
12 months ago
Score 0 You
Still better than Helluva Boss
Anonymous user: e079ff1c
No. 15843
16 months ago
Score 0 You
he's the reason i have a twink fetish
Anonymous user: be2d11a8
No. 15407
19 months ago
Score 0 You

Samocord and OTGCord ships! Part 1~

Yamhead2 X Markmis1 Cal X Askal JerBear X PrimalMeridian SpotEthan X Flerpy Saurian X Gyges Rama X Alch Dun X Zhou

Kaius X ARags
Anonymous user: 3c9a04ad
No. 15263
19 months ago
Score 0 You
SHEESH the comment section be wild
Anonymous user: 5e7dc5ef
No. 15117
20 months ago
Score 0 You
i want him in my presence so bad.
No. 15089
20 months ago
Score 0++
Maybe Valentine 2023 will be the one where we can have Chocoreto De Gozaimasu
Anonymous user: b956ac0b
No. 14895
21 months ago
Score 0 You


Least horny Hoasamo player
Anonymous user: c3e4485b
No. 14700
21 months ago
Score 0 You
this wretched twink with big pleading wet eyes trembled toward me at the bus stop today so i slammed him into a wall and knocked his prostate into his esophagus
Anonymous user: b073a895
No. 13877
24 months ago
Score 0 You
Pair him with Summer Oz and equip him with the Guts Resistance AR for that board wide Buff Reversal, Oppression, Weakness, and Curse.
Anonymous user: c84061e6
No. 13442
25 months ago
Score 0 You
Not my type. Cool clothes though.
Anonymous user: 97b977ee
No. 13312
25 months ago
Score 0 You
Literally who gave him the right to be this attractive
Anonymous user: d104a67f
No. 13208
26 months ago
Score 0 You
babygirl you're so full of yourself an ouroboros would be jealous
Anonymous user: 39bae3da
No. 12955
27 months ago
Score 1 You
"I could fix him" whatever. I could beat his ass.
Anonymous user: 94617335
No. 12377
29 months ago
Score 0 You
da lean monster
Anonymous user: 999c4725
No. 12134
30 months ago
Score 0 You

His love quotes says "You are the one this Bael has begun to see. I'm going to go forcibly, right?

Get it and show it with any hand"
Anonymous user: 48ea120a
No. 12064
31 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: b77ca5b1
No. 12063
31 months ago
Score 0 You

He's going to get a Valentine alt and his SQ is going to be like

"Let's say you've been a bad boy. Let's say, hypothetically, you've been a naughty boy even. Ok, and if you were a naughty boy, you would be my dirty little slut right? Then hypothetically speaking, you would be my little cumslut. Now that we have established that you are both a bad boy and daddy's boy, I believe you'd agree with me when I say that you deserve a spanking. Am I not correct? A bad boy deserves a spanking, and as I am daddy, you are my boy, so I am the one who must provide punishment."
Anonymous user: f64d6109
No. 11262
34 months ago
Score -2 You

Remind ya, I'm kinda Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh) Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh) Wet, runnin' down my vagina Remind ya, I'm kinda Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh) Wet, runnin' down my vagina (Uh) Wet, runnin' down my vagina, uh Slurp that dick 'til it cum Slurp that dick 'til it cum Slurp that dick 'til it cum Smack my ass like a drum Slurp that dick 'til it cum Suck that dick 'til it cum Slurp that dick 'til it cum

Smack my ass like a drum
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 11261
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Oh you sure shut that down.

I would be open to discussion if anyone could see things as they are, but you are all free to continue your simple views on how the story goes so bye sisters.
Anonymous user: 0e0193e9
No. 11260
34 months ago
Score 1 You

>>11259 Impertinence: lack of respect; rudeness

"Take your outdated impertinence away"

You are the one spewing nonsense as that phrase makes no sense in any context.

Also, the rule makers are (like a few other guilds) pretty much on the antagonistic side of things. And as Bael has been listed as a member, but not suspected to be a spy or anything, it is most likely he may become an antagonist in the story, just like he was in the special event. I think Anon is just hoping he is wrong or at the very least, Bael is redeemable.

All that said, I suggest you think before typing anything, you are obviously the one being rude when comments are meant for discussion, not slamming people.
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 11259
34 months ago
Score 0 You


I'm not being rude, labelling Bael an antagonist is objectively short-sighted


Of course you don't think, no one ever does before spewing out nonsense
Anonymous user: 0e017649
No. 11253
34 months ago
Score -1 You


I don't think you are using that word correctly.
Anonymous user: 0e017649
No. 11252
34 months ago
Score 0 You


There is nothing wrong with being hopeful and no need to be rude about it.
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 11250
34 months ago
Score 0 You


This is no Saturday morning cartoon, take your outdated impertinence away
Anonymous user: 0e01f3ce
No. 11249
34 months ago
Score -1 You
A bit sad that he's gonna be a likely antagonist since he's in the rule makers. But maybe since he isn't a leader he can be coaxed out of it~
Anonymous user: 53dc98fe
No. 11145
35 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 11057
35 months ago
Score 0 You

Agatha All Along from WandaVision

But it's Bael All Along in the Canaan event
Anonymous user: 497430a5
No. 10807
36 months ago
Score 0 You
spider Set animal, spider Set animal, does whatever a spider Set animal can
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