Skill Quest

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These series of quests will focus around the strengthening of individual skills, improving activation rates and/or effects. However, like everything else, there's specific conditions that have to be met, and apply:

  • before starting the quest, set your leader to the unit who has the skill in question. As an example, Protagonist would have to be the very first unit (leader) in your party. For skills with multiple evolutions, you must complete them serially to unlock the next skill quest for the next skill evolution.
  • afterwards, these quests can't be redone with the same individual unit.
  • however, different variants and rarities can be redone, because:
  • finally, these improvements only apply to the individual unit; the quest would have to be redone if you, for example (if Beastman ever did get a fix), want your Moritaka to also have the improvement you just did with Moritaka .

See Skill Evolution for more information about Skill Evolution. Follow this external link for official documentation. For information on the Quest battles, see Skill Quest/Quest Details

Skill Quests

Volume Release period Name of Skill Quest Pre-evo skill Post-evo skill Applicable cards
1 April 2018
Skill Quest release campaign
Drifter Challenge Drifter Drifter + Icon frame rarity 3.pngAll-Round element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAll-Round element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Guardian Challenge Guardian Guardian + Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Mentor Challenge Mentor Mentor+ Many
Starshine Challenge Starshine Starshine+ Many
Swimmer Challenge Swimmer Swimmer+ Many
Island Guardian Challenge Island Guardian Island Guardian+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Child Challenge Child Child+ Many
Grandstander Challenge Grandstander Grandstander+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
2 August 2018
Seaside Summer School with You (2018 Re-Release)
Soul Shooter Challenge Soul Shooter Soul Shooter + Many
Avenger Challenge Avenger Avenger+ Many
Sprouter Challenge Sprouter Sprouter+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Archangel of the Moon Challenge Archangel of the Moon Archangel of the Moon + Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
3 March 2019
2019 New school year campaign
The Lovesick Challenge The Lovesick The Lovesick + Many
Stigma Brander Challenge Stigma Brander Stigma Brander+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Medical Practitioner Challenge Medical Practitioner Medical Practitioner+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Beast Hunter Challenge Beast Hunter Beast Hunter+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Blink Jumper Challenge Blink Jumper Blink Jumper+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngFire element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
Iron Artisan Challenge Iron Artisan Iron Artisan+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Samurai Warrior Challenge Samurai Warrior Samurai Warrior + Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Fount of Wisdom Challenge Fount of Wisdom Fount of Wisdom+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Disease Carrier Challenge Disease Carrier Disease Carrier+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngNether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Primordial Wyrm Reincarnate Challenge Primordial Wyrm Reincarnate Primordial Wyrm Reincarnate+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
4 May 2019
Black Snow on the Hot Spring Mountains (2019 Re-Release)
Mountain Moghul Challenge Mountain Moghul Mountain Moghul+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
The Frozen Challenge The Frozen The Frozen+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngNether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Infinite Challenger Challenge Infinite Challenger Infinite Challenger+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
The Misfortunate Challenge The Misfortunate The Misfortunate+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngNether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
The Forsaken Challenge The Forsaken The Forsaken + Many
5 June 2019
Raiders of the Lost Isle (2019 Re-Release)
Earth Eater Challenge Earth Eater Earth Eater+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
Wave Bender Challenge Wave Bender Wave Bender+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Chance Hitter Challenge Chance Hitter Chance Hitter+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngAll-Round element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAll-Round element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngNether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
6 August 2019
Embark! Summer Ocean Adventure (2019 Re-Release)
Sea-favored Challenge Sea-favored Sea-favored+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
Devourer of Worlds Challenge Devourer of Worlds Devourer of Worlds+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Battlefield Rigger Challenge Battlefield Rigger Battlefield Rigger+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Avenger+ Challenge Avenger+ Avenger++ Many
Binder Challenge Binder Binder+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 1.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Savior Challenge Savior Savior+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 1.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
7 September 2019
I Ain't Scared a No Halloween! (2019 Re-Release)
Lord of the Graveyard Challenge Lord of the Graveyard Lord of the Graveyard + Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Graveyard Lurker Challenge Graveyard Lurker Graveyard Lurker + Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
Sower of Plenty Challenge Sower of Plenty Sower of Plenty + Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
8 October 2019
Inter-event period (wave for other localized events that were previously skipped for skill evos)
Sky Dasher Challenge Sky Dasher Sky Dasher+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
Tough-Winged Griffon Challenge Tough-Winged Griffon Tough-Winged Griffon+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngFire element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Cook Challenge Cook Cook+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Beach Babe Challenge Beach Babe Beach Babe+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Martial Arts Master Challenge Martial Arts Master Martial Arts Master+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngFire element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Emperor of Zealots Challenge Emperor of Zealots Emperor of Zealots+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
9 January 2020
New Year 2020
Symbol of Prosperity Challenge Symbol of Prosperity Symbol of Prosperity+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Giant Dominator Challenge Giant Dominator Giant Dominator+ Icon frame rarity 4.pngValiant element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
Fullmetal Janitor Challenge Fullmetal Janitor Fullmetal Janitor+ Icon frame rarity 4.pngValiant element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
10 March 2020
O' the Great Gendarme (2020 Re-Release)
Mountain Menace Challenge Mountain Menace Mountain Menace+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Driving Force Challenge Driving Force Driving Force+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngInfernal element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngInfernal element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
King of the Four Heavens Challenge King of the Four Heavens King of the Four Heavens + Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
11 April 2020
New semester 2020
Cajoler Challenge Cajoler Cajoler+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Miracle Child Challenge Miracle Child Miracle Child+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Devourer of the Strong Challenge Devourer of the Strong Devourer of the Strong+ Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
12 April 2020
Desert Journey (2020 Re-Release)
Eloquent Speaker Challenge Eloquent Speaker Eloquent Speaker+ Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
Guide Challenge Guide Guide+ Icon frame rarity 4.pngValiant element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
Bodhisattva Challenge Bodhisattva Bodhisattva+ Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
Mobilized General Challenge Mobilized General Mobilized General+ Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
13 December 2020
Tail end of Chapter 11 Release Campaign
Infinite Challenger+ Challenge Infinite Challenger+ Infinite Challenger++ Icon frame rarity 3.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
14 June 2022
Treasure Hunt Campaign
Hungry Wolf Challenge Hungry Wolf Hungry Wolf+ Icon frame rarity 3.pngInfernal element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.pngIcon frame rarity 4.pngWorld element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png

Skill Specific Quests

These quests are similar to the regular skill quests except that they are only applicable to specific cards. Below is a list of them. For information on the Quest battles, click here

Volume Release period Name of Skill Quest Pre-evo skill Post-evo skill Applicable card
1 January 2020
Inter-event period
「峨々たる氷壁」の挑戦(1) Vanguard Indomitable Vanguard Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「烈波旋風」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Shifting Snatcher Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「天上の歌姫」の挑戦(1) Artist Angel of Song Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「リングの人気者」の挑戦(1) Athlete Jubilant Athlete Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「堕天の使徒」の挑戦(1) Farseer Earthly Watcher Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「戦場の傾奇者」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Head Hunter Icon frame rarity 5.pngInfernal element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
2 April 2020
New semester 2020
「劫火の天使」の挑戦(1) Judgement Dealer Yearning Punisher Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「聖夜の紅き闘魂」の挑戦(1) The Hot-blooded Fervent Wrestler Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「忠義の荒法師」の挑戦(1) Mountain Dweller Mt. Meru Dweller Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
3 May 2020
Early Summer Campaign 2020
「恋は試合の後で」の挑戦(1) Athlete Intuitive Athlete Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「投手交代」の挑戦(1) Marksman Relief Pitcher Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「闇堕の鍵盤使い」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Wolf of Ragnarok Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「泣き虫わんこ」の挑戦(1) Death Bringer Death Howler Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「氷壁砕く白刃」の挑戦(1) Mountain Dweller Mt. Daisetsu Dweller Icon frame rarity 5.pngValiant element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
4 May 2020
Clash of Floats (2020 Re-Release)
「祭や宴や」の挑戦(1) Heavy Hand Heavy Gripper Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「轟く応援太鼓」の挑戦(1) Sound Shooter Thundering Pep Squad Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「三刀の鬼姫」の挑戦(1) Dark Lord Daughter of the Fourth Heaven Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「化け狸の親分」の挑戦(1) Cloudy Dreamer Cloistered Boss Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
5 June 2020
Inter-event period
「三尺の氷刀」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Filial Dog Warrior Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「仇討ちの炎」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Loyal Dog Warrior Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「悌の八犬士」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Respectful Dog Warrior Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「智の八犬士」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Eight Dog Warriors of the Wisdom Beads Icon frame rarity 4.pngValiant element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「黒く猛きサンタ」の挑戦(1) Fortune Dealer Ethical Delineator Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「魂を穿つ剣撃」の挑戦(1) Knightly One Knight of Apostasy Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
6 July 2020
Inter-event period
「雪獅子のお仕置き」の挑戦(1) Herbalist White-Maned Herbalist Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「ドラゴンメイド」の挑戦(1) Ruler Ruler of Munition Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
7 August 2020
A Golden Treasure Ship 2020 Reprint
「白髪のアギト」の挑戦(1) Undersea Celebrant Undersea Reveler Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「宝船の釣人」の挑戦(1) Hoster of Feasts Big Catch Regaler Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「金欠ドラマー」の挑戦(1) Flame Spreader Burning Genie Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
8 September 2020
Fall Date Quest Campaign
「怠惰なる旧支配者」の挑戦(1) Amorphous Lifeform Fallen Abstraction Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「ヤールギュレシ」の挑戦(1) Monarch Jade Lion King Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「大物一本釣り」の挑戦(1) Block Adept Seafaring Adept Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「囚われの狂虎」の挑戦(1) Survivor Purrvivor Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「狂虎の暴虐」の挑戦(1) Immortal Immortal King of The Jungle Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
9 November 2020
Trick or Treat! Jiangshi Night (2020 Re-Release)
「世界を殺す獣」の挑戦(1) Benevolent One Aspiring Matron Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「天殺の宿星」の挑戦(1) Gambler Passionate Gambler Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
10 Mid December 2020
Tail end of Chapter 11 Release Campaign
「疾雷の蹴撃」の挑戦(1) Thunderer Thundering Runner Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
11 Late December 2020
Ikebukuro Christmas Concerto (2020 Re-Release)
「雷鳴の運び手」の挑戦(1) Lightning Delivery Perpetual Wheel Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「聖夜の流星」の挑戦(1) Pugilist Beaconing Pugilist Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
12 February 2021
Valentine Colosseum
「武士は恋を知る」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Filial Dog Warrior - Yearning Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「恋を知った破壊神」の挑戦(1) Monarch Lord of Reincarnation Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
13 March 2021
Make a Killing! The Beach House and Andvari Falls (2021 Re-Release)
「天下の大泥棒」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Tricky Tanuki Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「大蛇の口寄せ」の挑戦(1) Ninja Fuuma Ninja Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
14 April 2021
Ueno Nightmare Dream Kingdom Re-Release (2021)
「もふもふ王国のもふもふ王」の挑戦(1) Reality Escapee Snarling at Reality Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「書物王国の書斎王」の挑戦(1) Fiercely Tearful Fierce Tears Amid Lotus Flowers Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「お菓子の王国の破壊王」の挑戦(1) Hard Hitter Asura Pounder Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
15 April 2021
Early Summer Campaign
「宙を掴む鉄腕」の挑戦(1) Slick Artisan Oily Artisan Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「星に輝く勇気」の挑戦(1) Twin-Hearted Lion Twin-Hearted Zosma Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
16 June 2021
Date Quest Campaign 2021
「浜辺のリキシメン」の挑戦(1) Gourmand Voracious Gourmand Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「大いなる道へ」の挑戦(1) Tagalong Bull Tamer Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「三月兎の茶会」の挑戦(1) Dreamer Returning Dreamer Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
17 June 2021
The Promised Undersea City Re-Release
「廻る黄金の蛇」の挑戦(1) Brave of Heart Inspired by Promises Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngNone weapon icon.png
「父たる竜の記憶」の挑戦(1) Great Creator Creator of Flesh and Bone Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「暴走の神牛」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Beast of the Labyrinth Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
18 September 2021
The Afterschool Hero and the Fantastic Boyfriends Re-Release
「光の装備と共に」の挑戦(1) Ring Bearer Bound by a Ring Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「炎の装備と共に」の挑戦(1) Bulwark Mighty Stronghold Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「風の装備と共に」の挑戦(1) Demolisher Disciple of Destruction Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「無機の皇帝」の挑戦(1) Engulfer of Lust Imbiber of Lust Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
19 September 2021
Autumn Vacation Campaign
「渚のベーシスト」の挑戦(1) Flirt Indomitable Flirt Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
20 「引きこもりモデル」の挑戦(1) Immoveable One Immovable Roommate Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngNone weapon icon.png
「炎への誓約」の挑戦(1) Meteor Chaser Star-Chaser's Fire Icon frame rarity 5.pngValiant element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「触れなば斬れん」の挑戦(1) Air of Authority Swaggering Ogress Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
21 October 2021
Special Alert! Halloween Police Corps
「吸血騎士探偵」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Phantasm Shifter Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「フランケンシュタイン」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Stormy Persona Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「ブラックドッグ」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Blackening Hellhound Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「地官の赦罪大帝」の挑戦(1) Self-Affirmationist Bashful Costumer Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
22 November 2021
Chapter 13 Release Campaign
「蒼き狼の末裔」の挑戦(1) Marksman Sharpshooter Stud Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「絶対魅了の一矢」の挑戦(1) Fate Binder Matchmaker of Many Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
23 January 2022
March of the Tigers
「復讐に燃える虎」の挑戦(1) Teleporter Space Jumper Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「言魂操る夢想者」の挑戦(1) Power of Suggestion Sleepless Tiger Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
24 「遺産略奪」の挑戦(1) Agitator in the Shadows Cornered Demagogue Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「文明の終焉」の挑戦(1) Blizzard Caller Representative of Ice Icon frame rarity 5.pngWorld element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「這い寄る混沌」の挑戦(1) Roamer Roaming Chaos Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
25 January 2022
Me-ow! Happy Illusion! The Festival of Magic Hijinks
「煙を吐く鏡」の挑戦(1) Sun Transgressor Abyssal Sun Icon frame rarity 5.pngWorld element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「次代の猫王」の挑戦(1) Inimitable Illusionist Beltane Illusionist Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「生体工房の匠」の挑戦(1) Component Creator Unorthodox Artisan Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
26 April 2022
Let's Go! Hot Spring Jamboree
「試練課す熊羆」の挑戦(1) Nurturer of Love and Mercy Affectionate Great Bear Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「リーダーへの挑戦」の挑戦(1) Insightful Strategist Brainy Team Leader Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
27 June 2022
Treasure Hunt Campaign
「恋せよサマーモンク」の挑戦(1) Menders of Anguish Trainees in Agony Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「蹴撃三連」の挑戦(1) Excavator Ore Digger Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
28 August 2022
Seaside Fashionista (2022 Re-Release)
「具現の蜘蛛糸」の挑戦(1) Prominentizor Shadow Stylist Icon frame rarity 4.pngInfernal element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「熱き飛沫を」の挑戦(1) Shoulder to Shoulder Summer Friends Icon frame rarity 5.pngWorld element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「鋼鉄の名教授」の挑戦(1) Fullmetal Scholar Iron Professor Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
29 November 2022
Pre-6th Anniversary Campaign
「赤風の猿神」の挑戦(1) Ninja Stealthy Monkey King Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「大地の飽食」の挑戦(1) Continent Devourer Bedridden Land-dwellers Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「黄金なる野望」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Beastly Samalian King Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「黄金なる野望」の挑戦(2) Overthrower of the Heavens Windward Captain Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「烙印の乙女」の挑戦(1) Herbalist Myrrh Martyr Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
30 December 2022
Pre-6th Anniversary Campaign
「仮面舞踏会」の挑戦(1) Dreamer Fictitious Stage Lady Icon frame rarity 4.pngAll-Round element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「集魂の縛鎖」の挑戦(1) Fey Folk Fey Calamity Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
31 January 2023
Valentine Fantasy (2023 Re-Release)
「教鞭を執るトラウマ」の挑戦(1) Floral Faculty Gardener and Educator Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「邪眼の王」の挑戦(1) Giant Crowned by Giants Icon frame rarity 4.pngValiant element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「連なる炎鎖」の挑戦(1) Sin-bearer Burned at the Stake Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
32 April 2023
Nightglows of the Starlit Sky (2023 Re-Release)
「アブダクションUFO」の挑戦(1) One Possessed Night Demon Emperor Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「戦場の思考機械」の挑戦(1) Mechaman Living Mechaman Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「カウントダウン」の挑戦(1) Fugitive Cantering Replicant Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「カウントダウン」の挑戦(2) Living Lightning Lightning Loader Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「機兵隊のメカニック」の挑戦(1) Abyssal Sunderer Enlightened Mechanic Icon frame rarity 5.pngValiant element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「ひとりぼっちの宇宙から」の挑戦(1) Lonely Illuminator Isolated Superior Icon frame rarity 5.pngInfernal element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
33 May 2023
Chapter 14 Release Campaign
「都会の不在証明」の挑戦(1) Hierodulia Denier Hierodulia-Denying Ripper Icon frame rarity 5.pngNull element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「万物を侵食せり」の挑戦(1) Sullied Sea Beast Sea Beast of Silt and Shame Icon frame rarity 5.pngInfernal element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「万物へ浸透せり」の挑戦(1) Impartializer Natural Law of the Impartial Plains Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
34 June 2023
Chapter 14 Release Campaign
「天使の梯子」の挑戦(1) Light Wielder Grand Light Wielder Icon frame rarity 5.pngWorld element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「天上の歌姫」の挑戦(2) Winged One Winged Idol Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「天河を御す」の挑戦(1) Gourmand Tea-craving Pig Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「善童と妙童」の挑戦(1) Head of Festivities Riot Instigator Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「善童と妙童」の挑戦(2) Ogre Brethren Punk with Wild Child Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「野望を燃やす夢喰人」の挑戦(1) Wild Dancer Wild Dancer Panda Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
35 July 2023
2023 Date Quest Campaign
「渚のベーシスト」の挑戦(2) Band-Mate Rock Band Bassist Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「昏き洞に差す光」の挑戦(1) Islander Hidden Island Monster Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「スイカスレイヤー」の挑戦(1) Summery Spirit Resplendent Watermelon Master Icon frame rarity 4.pngValiant element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
36 「リゾートオーナー」の挑戦(1) Excavator Treasure Digger Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「雄大なる海へ」の挑戦(1) Storm Thresher Stormcutting Boy Captain Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「浜辺の副会長」の挑戦(1) The Indomitable One With Support Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
37 August 2023
Jurassic Summer Vacation
「終末のコンダクター」の挑戦(1) Propheteer Judgment Announcer Cherubini Icon frame rarity 5.pngInfernal element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「氷壁砕く白刃」の挑戦(2) Vanguard Standing Leader Icon frame rarity 5.pngValiant element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「泣き虫わんこ」の挑戦(2) Fey Folk Fey Folk Church Grim Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
38 August 2023
Virtual Summer Memories (2023 Re-Release)
「己が佐知さち」の挑戦(1) Fish Reeler Dragging Big Bro Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「響き立つ夏のタップ」の挑戦(1) Heavenly Sweeper Sky Survey Buddy Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「鼓動撃つ夏のカポエイラ」の挑戦(1) Drama Queen Pursuing Estrella Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
39 September 2023
「媚薬をその手に」の挑戦(1) Snake Charmer Apophis Body Double Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「暴れん坊キョンシー」の挑戦(1) Killer Star Supernova Unfettered Killer Star Supernova Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「天真爛漫」の挑戦(1) Risk Taker Westward Venturing Monkey Prince Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
40 September 2023
「海上のサンタ」の挑戦(1) Red Hot Santa Sweltering Southern Santa Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「小悪魔とのパストレラ」の挑戦(1) Play Shepherd Nochebuena Shepherd Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「幸せの美味しい輪を」の挑戦(1) Faint Reflector Three-Star Padrone Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
41 October 2023
「夏祭りのストリーマー」の挑戦(1) Staff Employer Big Project Creator Icon frame rarity 5.pngValiant element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「魂を穿つ剣撃」の挑戦(2) Enchantress Armored Beauty Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「化け狸の親分」の挑戦(2) Blood of the Beast Beast Path Gangster Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「仙道の人機」の挑戦(1) Chariot of Fire Out of Control War Weapon Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「戦場にはためく」の挑戦(1) Antibody Factory Antibody-Producing Medic Icon frame rarity 4.pngValiant element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
42 November 2023
A Present From a Thoughtful Santa (2023 Re-Release)
「聖夜の造営」の挑戦(1) Point Maker Critical Artisan Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「聖夜の憧憬」の挑戦(1) Festival Crasher Festival Crashing Partner Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「聖夜の破壊」の挑戦(1) Great Blusher Blushing Destroyer Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
43 January 2024
Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)
「影を切り捨つ」の挑戦(1) Trench Digger Rester at Jingaoka Icon frame rarity 5.pngWorld element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「握拳の雪つぶて」の挑戦(1) Snowball Shooter Snowball Pitcher Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「舞踊家のガトリング銃」の挑戦(1) Snow Field Advisor Silver Flower Brain Trust Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
44 February 2024
Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)
「恋は試合の後で」の挑戦(2) The Indomitable Indomitable Tackler Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「火照る胸の奥に」の挑戦(1) Greed Gatherer Passionate Painter Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「ビタースイート」の挑戦(1) Benevolent One Pop Singer of Love Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「乞い願わば」の挑戦(1) Hounder Ogre Law Agent Icon frame rarity 5.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「香しき炎」の挑戦(1) Baker Brilliant Home Ec Teacher Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「恋の直球ストレート」の挑戦(1) Legacy of Doubt The Next Ace Reliever Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
45 March 2024
Valentine Crossroad
「這い寄る混沌」の挑戦(2) The Abyssal Sanity Blaster Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「引き篭もりモデル」の挑戦(1) Captivating Corrupter Holy Layabout of N'kai Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngNone weapon icon.png
「悪戯のグルメ魔王」の挑戦(1) Incomprehensible Trickster Incomprehensible Prankster God Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「深き者の長」の挑戦(1) One Who Bellows From the Dark Dawn-calling Baker Icon frame rarity 5.pngInfernal element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
46 March 2024
Just Before Spring Campaign
「お祭の食いしん坊」の挑戦(1) Food Tourist Pilgrimaging Gourmand Icon frame rarity 5.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「轟く応援太鼓」の挑戦(2) Morale Raiser Morale Boosting Drummer Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「もふもふ王国のもふもふ王」の挑戦(2) Painter of Dreams Dream-drawing Doujin Artist Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「鋼鉄の名教授」の挑戦(2) Head of the Class Time Tempered Teacher Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「書物王国の書斎王」の挑戦(2) Royally Swamped Royally Swamped Miracle Worker Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「儚く煙る夏の夢」の挑戦(1) Gentle Yet Firm Gentle Yet Firm Dancer Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「月華に舞う」の挑戦(1) Rampager Drunken Veteran Icon frame rarity 5.pngValiant element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「コーヒーブレイク」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Transforming Boy Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
47 April 2024
Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell (2024 Re-Release)
「プライベートタイム」の挑戦(1) Underworld Announcer All-seeing Virupaksha Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「セピア色のひととき」の挑戦(1) Corpse Manager Ruler of Ne-no-Kuni Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「様々な色をその手に」の挑戦(1) Image Weaver Colorful Photographer Icon frame rarity 4.pngAll-Round element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「阿波岐原の案内人」の挑戦(1) Passionate Guide Great Springs Guide Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
48 May 2024
Date Quest Campaign (2024)
「この言葉が届くまで」の挑戦(1) Nature's Resonator Great Outdoors Sound Engineer Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「試練課す熊羆」の挑戦(2) Retainer of the Deep Snow Hunter of the Snowfields Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「死と夜の化身」の挑戦(1) Soul Reaper Polar Night Soul Reaper Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
49 July 2024
Fabulous Summer Host
「浜辺の雷獣」の挑戦(1) Hoster of Feasts Great Banquet Ninja Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「浜辺のスター」の挑戦(1) Teleporter Skyleaper Rank 18 Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「夏色サーファー」の挑戦(1) Flirt "Flirty Pig, Versed in the Word" Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
50 August 2024
Summer River Adventure (2024 Re-Release)
「踊れサマーポリス」の挑戦(1) Pleasant Handler Pleasantly Passionate Handler Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「輝けサマーコーデ」の挑戦(1) Midsummer Fashion Leader Summer-colored Fashionista R Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「身に厄喰らうオオカミ」の挑戦(1) Scent Tracer Kiou Scent Investigator Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「世界を殺す獣」の挑戦(2) Moral Rebel Great Babalon the Apostate Icon frame rarity 5.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「三刀の鬼姫」の挑戦(2) Dancer Dancer of the Three Swords Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「仮面舞踏会」の挑戦(2) Mask Bearer Masquerader Icon frame rarity 4.pngAll-Round element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
51 October 2024
Date Quest Campaign! (2024 Part 2)
「聖夜を翔ける」の挑戦(1) Fortune Dealer Fortune Dealing Young Santa Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「聖夜を翔ける」の挑戦(2) Fey Folk Faithful Reindeer Fey Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
52 November 2024
AGF 2024
「翠玉のエビルアイ」の挑戦(1) Hardworking Therian King Solomon's Great Unicorn Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「屍書の解放」の挑戦(1) Seal Breaker Gatekeeping Viceregal Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「蝦蟇の舌技」の挑戦(1) Ninja Three-Way Ninjutsu User Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png
「狗神の守護」の挑戦(1) Muncher Munching Inugami Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
53 November 2024
Halloween Police Corps (2024 Re-Release)
「悪戯のグルメ魔王」の挑戦(2) Throne of Emptiness Gloomy Throne of Emptiness Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngLong Slash weapon icon.png
「復活のミイラ」の挑戦(1) Stage Taker Success Angler Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「笑福のハロウィン教官」の挑戦(1) Miraculous Bag Bearer Windy Mad Monk's Bag Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
54 January 2025
Valentine Crossroad (2025 Re-Release)
「天災への逆襲」の挑戦(1) Defiant Daeva Furiously Defiant Great Daeva Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
「悪童を仕置く鉤爪」の挑戦(1) The Cursed Cursed Enforcer Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「革命文士」の挑戦(1) Samsara Scholar Samsara Genius Icon frame rarity 4.pngInfernal element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png
55 March 2025
Just Before Spring Campaign (2025)
「巨きに挑む」の挑戦(1) Gloved Fighter Ving the Iron Glove Icon frame rarity 5.pngValiant element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「冥府の番犬」の挑戦(1) Sacrificial Defender Vengeful Guard Dog Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「冥府の番犬」の挑戦(2) Pursuer Tyr's Pursuer Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「妖霊慈しむ母」の挑戦(1) The Artiste Substitute Great Whore Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「熱愛を偵察せり」の挑戦(1) Journeyer Toward Enlightenment The Enlightened of Love and Desire Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png
「ピニャータ隊先任軍曹」の挑戦(1) Rose Smeller Flower Army Sergeant Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「食に愛を込めて」の挑戦(1) Slick Artisan Oily Patissier Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png
「お祭のやんちゃ大将」の挑戦(1) Sharpshooter Night Market Storm Sniper Icon frame rarity 4.pngFire element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png
「指輪の輝き」の挑戦(1) Excavator Grand Explorer Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png
「指輪の輝き」の挑戦(2) The Cursed Cursed Ring Owner Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png

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No. 13041
34 months ago
Score 0++
Gosh I wish these would come more frequently, or more per batch
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