Hot Spring Fun

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Hot Spring Fun
Rarity 5
Kira Nerisu
効果1Increases HP by 500~1000
嶺山帯我Mountaineers FormationNo additional CS effects
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Hot Springs+20CP/turn for 6 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 100%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove FreezeDEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns (Debuff) / 80~100%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove Freeze (Stackable 1)DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns (Debuff)
    Remove Freeze (Stackable 2)DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns (Debuff)
    Remove Freeze (Stackable 3)DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns (Debuff)
    Remove Freeze (Stackable 4)DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns (Debuff) / 80~100%100% proc rate achieved at level 25
0.45x ATK penaltySlash
0.55x ATK penaltyThrust
Show applicable transients (295)
CollapseOfficial English
"""Chernobog! Won't you come join my mountaineering club? I'll of course lend you a hand with the school transfer papers. You show great promise as our second new recruit!""
""Hmph... Hahaha! What's this? I'm laughing! It's been so long since I've felt such delight!""

Who would have imagined? There is a vigorously steaming hot spring known as the Dark Lord's Crag located in a mountain range in the world of Kitezh, where the wintry winds blow wild and temperatures are so cold that one's soul could freeze over. It is there that Chernobog was born, confined to that frozen bastille. Yet within that eternal cold, ardent hot springs bubble, causing the surrounding snow to dissipate into nothingness. Though coming from different worlds, the miraculous meeting between the Dark Lord confined to these mountains and the adventurer who wishes to be bound to them is one that has potential to change the world."
Translated from Japanese
"...Oh right! Chernobog, would you like to join my Wondervogel club? Of course, I'll help you with applying for admission! Be glad, kouhai, you're now the second most prospective member of the Wonder club!"

"Hohoho...Ahh, I'm laughing. Am I really laughing now? This emotion of joy...has sure long been missed."

Who would have expected this? A smoking hotspring has emerged upon the bald mountain of the Demon King covered in blizzards of Kitezh. Black snow has always surrounded Chernobog, who has been bound to the mountain since birth. This mountain, as though capable of freezing even souls, is a jail that would never melt - or it should have been. Now, even the leftover snow is being melted by the heartwarming hotspring. The Demon King who has been bound to the mountain and the pilgrim who wishes to be bound to the mountain, their encounter has altered the world. How these two who originally came from different worlds could meet like this, was all because of the miracle referred to as "serendipity".

Official Japanese
「……これだ! チェルノボーグよっ。我がワンダーフォーゲル部に入部しないか? もちろん、入学手続きやら申請は俺が手伝おう! 喜べ後輩、ワンゲル部期待の新人2号だ!」


Event Line
Profile Zao: ...Oh right! Chernobog, would you like to join my Wondervogel club? Of course, I'll help you with applying for admission! Be glad, kouhai, you're now the second most prospective member of the Wonder club!
Chernobog: Hohoho...Ahh, I'm laughing. Am I really laughing now? This emotion of joy...has sure long been missed.
Charge Zao: Here we go, Chernobog!
Chernobog: Ah, I know what to do, Leader Zao. Our mountain is on the way...
Both: Mountaintop Vow, Wandervogel Formation!


  • The CS name is "Wandervogel Formation: Mountaintop Vow"

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 5deaae61
No. 12989
34 months ago
Score 0 You
Yo, I used 200+ Stones to get this AR only for Chernobog but they have me the Arsalan & Zabaniyya AR instead?! I only want to see my pure smile of Chernobog •́ ‿ ,•̀
Anonymous user: 535974ba
No. 7029
57 months ago
Score 0 You
Sucks that Cherno's in that pose coz if he were standing straight, with the towel like that, we'd all be seeing his massive dick dangling 'round :/
Anonymous user: 54d5879b
No. 6998
57 months ago
Score 0 You
happy cherno and hot spring status effect i think im gonna whale
Anonymous user: eeb431e5
No. 6979
57 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: cd74d5e5
No. 6974
57 months ago
Score 0 You
That pure smile =)
Anonymous user: 3ded0207
No. 6964
57 months ago
Score 0 You
Happy Chernobog gives me life <3
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