Cipher of Red and White

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Cipher of Red and White
Rarity 4
Plusno Konbu
効果1Increases HP by 200~400
効果2Increases ATK by 200~400
華幻巧娯Moratorium City DwellerNo additional CS effects
[After HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, after attack damage is applied, after the target's [When Hit] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Latent Remove Buff Before Being HitAcquire skill for 2 turns: [Before Being Attacked] Apply Remove Buff to self / 50% (Irremovable Debuff) to hit units / 20~40%
[Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Skill Lock ResistanceAcquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Skill Lock from self / 100% (Buff) to self / 30~60%
0.45x ATK penaltyShot
0.26x ATK penaltySnipe
Show applicable transients (237)
CollapseOfficial English
"""Nameless, talentless, useless—all of the ways you describe yourself are thoroughly false, Ulaanbaatar, leading me to believe they're a signal to someone. I'm right, aren't I? As for what you're after here in this city, it can only be—""
""Whoa-hoh, Tuaring, let's reel it in there. We can stand to have at least one code no one's broken, right? No reason to go and blabber the answer, you know?""

This town, where white snow falls upon red gratings, is a gathering spot for those hiding their origins. That makes it perfect for Tuaring and Ulaanbaatar, who keep their cards close to their chests. When Tuaring attempts to solve the mystery before him, Ulaanbaatar stops him with a raised finger and smiles. In a certain other world, you see, red is a dreaded color that means exposure, while white, he explains with confidence, is beautiful precisely because it is truth barely seen peeking through. Tuaring is immediately taken aback by this statement. With a laugh, he says that he'll do his best to forget the conversation. This is Yoshiwara, after all, with its streets of desire where one forgets their name, Role, and Rule in order to indulge in dreams of passion."
Translated from Japanese
CollapseOfficial Japanese
「名無し、能無し、役立たず、キミの自称のこれらはすべて偽装、つまり誰かへの符牒なのだねウランバートル? 都市生活者たるキミの真なる目的とはつまり……」
「おおっとそこまでにしとこうな、テュアリングちゃん。解けねえ暗号の1つくらいあった方がそそるだろ? それを口にすんのは無粋ってもんだぜ」


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Anonymous user: 926cecb5
No. 17940
15 months ago
Score 1 You
They definitely fucked
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