Oguchi Magami

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Transient Information

[Charging Apprentice Police Dog]  Oguchi Magami
Weapon Spread Blow.png
Rarity 3 Cost 10
HP 320+100.469*(Lv-1) ATK 280+56.673*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 60 6247.671 ATK @ Lv 60 3623.707
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 10257.051 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 6757.167
Evidence Tracer [Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Duplicate BuffThe inflicting card copies a buff from the target. Duration of buffs are reset and original Status Lv is maintained. (Debuff) to hitting units
    Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hitting units / 35~70%
[When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 25~50%
Pain-Eater [After HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, after attack damage is applied, after the target's [When Hit] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] +100~200 HP to self / 40~80%
[When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] +8~16 CP to self / 35~70%
Resolute Decisiveness [When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Guts+1HP when HP is at 0 at the end of the turn for 5 turns. Removed once activated. (Buff) to self / 50~100%
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply AdamantineDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to self / 45~90%
Opened Big Mouth [When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] Apply ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) to self / 25~50%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove BreakCannot move at will, DEF Down by 1.2x ~2.4x for 2 turns (Debuff) / 50~100%
Luxurious Extravagant ProtectionAsuka's Tale of Oguchi-no-Magami
Apply Duplicate BuffThe inflicting card copies a buff from the target. Duration of buffs are reset and original Status Lv is maintained. (Debuff) to hit units + Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hit units + +300~600 HP to self Weapon Spread Thrust.png
Show equipable ARs (89)

AR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.png

Illustration Futei
Scenario ――
Voice Masaya Onosaka
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization Male
Gate Takamagahara
Guild Unaffiliated
School Kiou Police Academy
Release Date 2021-08-13 (v4.15.1)
Strategy (placeholder)

Research Files

Translated from Japanese
Wolf beastman Transient who is part of Kioh Police Academy's Canine Department. He has an upright sense of justice and outstanding talent as a police dog. However, he also has a sense of curiosity so strong that he tends to charge into all sorts of dangerous areas and cause disasters trying to satisfy it. That's why he's still designated as an apprentice. He has the power to understand a part of the emotions of whoever attacked him whenever he is hit, especially with blows to the gut. As such, he tends to think understanding anything would be quickest by getting hit, so he seems to prefer getting punched as opposed to a normal greeting. Due to a past incident, he gets upset when he faces people who want to be eaten.
Official Japanese
Relation From Others To Others
Like Shiva Tajikarao
Dislike Thunderbird Hermes

[Misfortune-Eating Wolf]  Oguchi Magami
Weapon Spread Thrust.png
Rarity 4 Cost 18
HP 622+100.112*(Lv-1) ATK 578+56.01*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 65 7029.168 ATK @ Lv 65 4162.64
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 11031.408 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 7282.84
Evidence Tracer [Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Duplicate BuffThe inflicting card copies a buff from the target. Duration of buffs are reset and original Status Lv is maintained. (Debuff) to hitting units
    Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hitting units / 35~70%
[When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 25~50%
Pain-Eater [After HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, after attack damage is applied, after the target's [When Hit] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] +100~200 HP to self / 40~80%
[When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] +8~16 CP to self / 35~70%
Determined One [Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Guts+1HP when HP is at 0 at the end of the turn for 5 turns. Removed once activated. (Buff) to self / 50~100%
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply AdamantineDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to self / 50~100%
Shaggy Dog with a Big Bite [When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] (Total turns 1, 3, 5...) Apply ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) to self
    (Total turns 2, 4, 6...) Apply BrawnATK Up by 1.15x ~ 2.3x for 4 turns (Buff) to self / 35~70%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove BreakCannot move at will, DEF Down by 1.2x ~2.4x for 2 turns (Debuff) / 50~100%
Luxurious Extravagant ProtectionAsuka's Tale of Oguchi-no-Magami
Apply Duplicate BuffThe inflicting card copies a buff from the target. Duration of buffs are reset and original Status Lv is maintained. (Debuff) to hit units + Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hit units + +600~1200 HP to self Weapon Spread Thrust.png
Show equipable ARs (92)

AR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.png

Illustration Futei
Scenario ――
Voice Masaya Onosaka
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization Male
Gate Takamagahara
Guild Unaffiliated
School Kiou Police Academy
Release Date 2021-08-13 (v4.15.1)
Strategy (placeholder)

Translated from Japanese
His finely tempered body itself can devour misfortune and protect people from it. It is also a Sacred Artifact that hides the power to guess at criminal charges from the thoughts piercing into him that accompany the attacks he eats. It is through this power that Oguchi Magami is believed to be a Guardian that protects good people from bad luck. But Oguchi Magami eating this misfortune doesn't just stem from simply from the goodness of his heart, since a large part of it also comes from him wanting to know why people swing their fists to begin with. Due to that, he tends to be fascinated by people who talk with their fists, especially in regards to love. But back in his home world of Takamagahara, that curiosity brought tragedy. As a result, even though he's believed to be innately virtuous the details of it is not something he knows in his guts.
Official Japanese



Event Line
Summon 鬼王警察学校、警察犬科所属、オオグチマガミ号であります!
まずは一発、挨拶代わりにガツン! と腹に喰らわせてやってください、さあ、どうぞっ!
Beginning of Battle 出動!ハンドラー!
Move クンクンクンクン!
Attacking バウッッ!
Skill Activation 任せてください!
Hit (minor) 喰い足りません!
Hit (major) がぁっは!
Charge その悲しみを喰らうであります!
Victory なんのまだまだ!耐えてみせるであります!
KO'd ぐほぉっ…がはぁっ…ぐぅけほけほっ…ひゅーっ…。
Love 嘗てない一撃を、ハートに喰らった気分であります。未熟な自分でありますが…
Title Screen 『東京放課後サモナーズ』
Event (Shop) Line
Open Shop お勤め御苦労様であります。任務に必要な物資はこちらで交換しております!
Close Shop 事件も万事解決、大変にお疲れ様でありました! おわっ! ナデナデでありますか……?
いけません! 顔が……にやけてしまうであります。
Encouraging どうか、その行き場のない重みを拳に込め、この腹に喰らわせてやってくださいませんかっ。
Touched ぬあッ、いけません、そんなソフトタッチでは。
自分にはドスン、と芯まで届く御指導を! どうぞ、ここに一発……ふぅんぬッ! ぬおお!
Conversation (1) ハンドラーとは、警察犬に適切な指示を与え、共に事件解決に尽力する、指導手であります。
Conversation (2) 自分はこの街を護る警察の一員として、教官殿に日々御指導を賜っております。
え、今の評価? 好奇心が強すぎて、暴走しがちとか……クゥンッ。
Conversation (3) バウッ。本日もお勤め御苦労様であります! さあ、報告と引き継ぎを兼ねて一発、どうぞっ。
自分には、そちらが分かり易くあります! ……だめですか? そうですか……くぅん……。
Conversation (4) どんなに重い想いとて、受け止められるよう鍛えております!
頑丈さには自信があるので、どうぞ遠慮なく! さあ、幾らでも!!
About Someone (1) 今回は、尊敬するあの先輩をハンドラーに迎え、実務にあたっておりますが……
About Someone (2) 覆面で顔を隠し、ヒーローを名乗る……うむ! まごうことなき不審者であります。
About Event (1) あくまで噂なのですが、優秀な警察犬科の生徒は校長に「ナデナデ」してもらえるそうです!
Missing lines (for translators)

hit-major-2 charge-2 love-2 title-2 open-2 close-2 greeting self character-3 character-4 event event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4

Takamagahara Skin

Event Line
Beginning of Battle いざ、あぎとにて裁きを与えん!
Move その思い、が骨身に示せ!
Attacking ガアッッ!
Skill Activation もっと…もっとだ!
Hit (minor) 喰らってやろう!
Hit (major) 感…じる…!ぐふっ…!
Charge 大口の、あぎとに汝が罪を問う!被肉皎守アスカキタン・オオクチノマガミ
Victory 闘いを終える度…われは…僕は、思う…
KO'd あぁ…無数の思いが…
Event (Shop) Line
Missing lines (for translators)

summon hit-major-2 charge-2 love love-2 title title-2 open open-2 close close-2 greeting encouraging touched conversation-1 conversation-2 conversation-3 conversation-4 self character-1 character-2 character-3 character-4 event event-1 event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4


Transient Summons

Transient Transient Summon
Oguchi Magami ()


  • Oguchi Magami is derived from the deified wolf Ooguchi no Magami, the "Large-Mouthed Pure God" who is worshipped and invoked for harvest, fire and theft protection, breaking off bad relationships, marital harmony, and fertility.

[Show Comments]

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 33853002
No. 18420
4 months ago
Score 0 You
I want to stick his fucking dick inside my ass
Anonymous user: 3952bbe6
No. 18410
4 months ago
Score 0 You
Uhhh, I wish I could ride him
Anonymous user: 870a67ff
No. 16390
14 months ago
Score 0 You


Hog? This is a DOG! Wow can you be anymore retarded?
Anonymous user: 86086a41
No. 15669
17 months ago
Score 0 You
I would never date a cop but I would have this hog twitching like my name is fentanyl. Sorry
Anonymous user: 3aa5b1d6
No. 15526
18 months ago
Score 0 You
Tha fact he is a cop and a dog makes him one of the most sexiest therians in the game, no doubt
Anonymous user: 6265c6dc
No. 15516
18 months ago
Score 0 You

atk blossoms are red hp seeds are blue are you a bread

because i loaf you
Anonymous user: 2a6c4312
No. 14672
21 months ago
Score 0 You
I wish to beat him up (affectionate)
Anonymous user: 29db0fbe
No. 14276
23 months ago
Score 0 You
I think I should write a hard steamy smut fanfic of him and Agyo. They look like father and son and THAT is hot
Anonymous user: e99050b5
No. 13691
24 months ago
Score 0 You

His K-9 Team hat reminds me about the Special Rhino SUV Variant K9 Units Need fro Speed: Most Wanted

I wonder what if Oguchi masturbates inside a K9 Unit and screaming like dreamybullxxx ambatukam
Anonymous user: c91ef944
No. 12082
30 months ago
Score 0 You
I just noticed he's the only furry transient from Takamagahara
Anonymous user: 926cf4c5
No. 11919
31 months ago
Score 0 You

Sometimes I hate going here

I hate all of your sick fantasies
Anonymous user: c71c6aaa
No. 11896
31 months ago
Score 0 You
I will not stand for this disrespect, why settle for this walmart ass looking hoe when you have a perfectly looking Barrel at better prices????
Anonymous user: c71c6aaa
No. 11895
31 months ago
Score -1 You




Anonymous user: c71c6aaa
No. 11894
31 months ago
Score -1 You


BARREL LIVEAHERO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FLOPUCHI MAGAMI

Anonymous user: 3ff5c1b4
No. 11827
31 months ago
Score 0 You
Everyone behold! This is Agyo's evolution!
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 11453
33 months ago
Score 0 You


I think not having an anonymous comment section is the smartest thing the Live a Hero wiki has done.
Anonymous user: 12a657bb
No. 11290
34 months ago
Score 0 You


On the bright side next to that laugh-piled drama hall, would be a fullhouse of so many cute sons to protect and big boyos to howl over
Anonymous user: 2060f451
No. 11251
34 months ago
Score 0 You

>>11237 There's no anon commentable for live a hero so I don't think there will be for Tamacolle.

Anyways I have always wanted to comment that I want Kouki to be knotted by Sirius, it will be part of his new show
Anonymous user: d745d1b3
No. 11239
34 months ago
Score 0 You


He will join him. It's all part of the training to creampie little kids
Anonymous user: 47aec804
No. 11238
34 months ago
Score 1 You
Guys hes like so cute I lob him ;-;
Anonymous user: f54baef4
No. 11237
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Imagine that incumming TamaColle game with anon commentable pool wiki, mmmhm the sea of tea cx
Anonymous user: f54baef4
No. 11236
34 months ago
Score 1 You
ikr, really in awe with these kbor heroes fighting over a minor useless issue lol its hilarious, as wasting the living time lots of ppl cant even have cuz they r ded bruh covid... ease up ur angwy fingers to heal the world with positive energy plz, stop biting around or reply the obvs triggered BAITs smh... don't join the shitshow now - know the cheap tricks and kick em aside eeh, wise words c:
Anonymous user: 01168766
No. 11232
34 months ago
Score 0 You
I can't believe agyo amd oguchi are literally doing the NAUGHTY I'm calling taji on him
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 11231
34 months ago
Score 0 You
All this over some Japanese artist who probably can't speak a lick of English on the other side of the world. Seriously people get real problems.
Anonymous user: f54baef4
No. 11225
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Dragon pissy juice in ur brain right there opeeon, cuz Goemon is not a flipping prisoner but a part time worker at the beach anddd a kabuki artist, nice move high IQ anon loving the bark
Anonymous user: d7456584
No. 11221
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: c1f4fa7d
No. 11212
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Calm down, Terminus. No need to sic your gross fantasies onto Housamo wiki.
Anonymous user: 18c24c03
No. 11205
34 months ago
Score -2 You


Goemon is too old for his liking, if he transform into a kid then Oguchi will fuck the tanuki. Oguchi only likes to fuck little kids tight boy pussy like Agyou
Anonymous user: d2ed4664
No. 11193
34 months ago
Score 0 You

>>11192 "hurr durr hot cop would lose his job for getting caught fucking a kid but not for getting caught fucking a prisoner hurr durr"

Pedos really are retarded. IQ of a literal potato.
Anonymous user: f54baef4
No. 11192
34 months ago
Score 0 You
He's a cop guys, he can't sin Agyo or his future will poof even doh that sounds hawt. I offer Ogucci x Goemon cuz he could have all the best fun with a shapeshifter-ninja-"thief", Think About It, BDSM porn of cop x bad guy is classick ya know uwu
Anonymous user: 8493abb8
No. 11178
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Hot damn! That's sick... I'm in. Show me the Agyo x Oguchi henta1
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 11177
34 months ago
Score 0 You

Oguchi: *eats literally a bajillion buffs*

Bael: I see you have chosen death
Anonymous user: 17831699
No. 11176
34 months ago
Score 0 You
I wish Agyou was his son to have hot incest porn
Anonymous user: 25c361c2
No. 11173
34 months ago
Score 0 You

omg shut up y'all and stream hibari kun

[link removed]
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 11172
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Its not what I was saying but seeing how you jumped from fictional furry drawings to an actual crimes tells me your not serious about any of this.
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 11171
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Just go to his twitter, he's made some doujins already and they are really good.
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 11170
34 months ago
Score 0 You


Nobody is defending it. Because many of them understand the guy did same commissions years ago and are upset that others feel the need to drag up old shit and start drama for no reason.
Anonymous user: c1f4daeb
No. 11167
34 months ago
Score 0 You
If Shino was real, He would've been a fedora wearing, dabbing enthusiast, Modern Pokemon apologist, Reddit mod.
Anonymous user: c1f495f1
No. 11142
35 months ago
Score 0 You


But she has brain problems.
Anonymous user: 9d5c1e6a
No. 11138
35 months ago
Score 0 You


Magami x Agyou porn doujinshi
Anonymous user: f64d30dc
No. 11137
35 months ago
Score 0 You


Fine what you want, $25 limit
Anonymous user: 20474be4
No. 11136
35 months ago
Score 0 You


McDonals! McDonals! McDonals!
Anonymous user: 61b359df
No. 11133
35 months ago
Score 0 You
Y'all I'm going to the gas station what y'all want
Anonymous user: 4d77b3a3
No. 11132
35 months ago
Score 0 You


Who knows, but by being an outspoken mod of a semi-official Housamo Discord server, plus a good amount of supporters behind the said person, maybe that would be enough political capital to influence things.

With such influence, authority comes naturally.

You will do well to give in to their ideals, lest you want the crusaders to come and get you.
Anonymous user: c1f416f3
No. 11131
35 months ago
Score 0 You

It was a fabulous day in the country side and Shino was walking through it, not a care in the world and thoroughly enjoying the peace and tranquillity that surrounded him, there was no city here, no noise of heavy traffic and no idiotic transients not indicating to others where they were turning and causing others to yell bad language at them! Instead the birds were singing little songs in the hedge rows, only the occasional jet broke the relative silence that surrounded him. Shino was a lone wolf character so to speak, he enjoyed being on his own, where others sought company, he avoided it, he had known only depression and rudeness from so called friends, his family had long since given up on both him and each other, they had gone there separate ways, maybe for the best, he lived alone now, he had a part time job which was boring as hell and not at all what he wanted to do, but it was a start and it wouldn't last forever, at least that's what he hoped. Shino soon approached a fenced off field with a foot bridge crossing over part of the fence, he noticed half a sign partially attached to a post, the sign read "beware the bull". Shino looked around the big flat field, he could only see hills and plains, no sign of any bull..., he thought to himself "maybe the bull was only in there at certain times of the year". He jumped over without a second thought. When his feet touched the ground they immediately squelched in a large pile of shit, "eww" he thought, he wiped his sandals in some tall grass and continued walking.. What Shino had failed to notice was the other half of the sign that was lying about 4ft away half buried in mud, the other half read "...he has gas". ...As he walked through the middle of the field the unnamed daichi characters looked at him with interest, some even started walking towards him. Shino tensed his body feeling a little apprehensive but he found they were most friendly, letting him stroke and pat them on the head and body, he relaxed and sighed and continued stroking them. Shino didn't take notice to some of the cows surrounding him, when he did finally notice, the one transient he had been stroking turned sharply knocking him to the soft ground with his rump, he tried to get up but another daichi stood gently on him as if hinting, no, so he stayed lying down trying to comprehend what they were possibly thinking, that's when two of the Daichis tore off his clothes and swallowed it between them, Shino shouted "hey what the" but the transients just looked at him and burped in his face. Some of the ugly “things” started moving away, but one of them came closer to him then abruptly lay on top of legs pinning him to the ground under its massive weight, Shino was starting to get a little nervous now, he didn't know what was going to happen next but he suspected nothing good. It was indeed nothing good, for Shino was about to receive a pat on the head, quite literally. It happened fast, two of the Daichis turned around so their arses were facing him, they raised their behinds and for a second or two nothing happened, but then there anus's twitched, opened and out shot a torrent of liquid shit, straight onto his face. Shino's eyes widened in shock and he found it hard to breathe through his nose so he instinctively opened his mouth causing the shit to enter it, he coughed and spluttered as the foul smelly shit entered his throat and travelled down into his stomach, Shino felt like puking but couldn't as the rush of shit was too strong for anything to come up, the shit now covered his entire face causing him to sweat profusely under the intense heat of it. It felt like hours for Shino but it had only been a few minutes, the Daichis stopped as suddenly as they had started and Shino wiped his face and breathed heavily through his nostrils, the smell was disgusting but he was thankful he could at least breathe again. The manure was still warm on his face and it slightly burnt him but that was the least of his worries. The two Daichis that were above him moved out of the way to reveal another cow. Shino struggled under the crushing weight of the Daichi on his legs but failed to move, it was far too heavy so he gave up. The new Daichi raised its rear, Shino held his breath just as another torrent of shit erupted from its anus, burying his face and mouth again. The hot liquid shit continued to splash on to him, this time spreading around his neck and torso. He had to breathe and as he did so he coughed and opened his mouth wide in a reflex he could not prevent, he gulped down a large mouthful of stinky shit, followed by another and another. Shino could not believe he was being force fed by fresh shit, nor could he believe that Daichis of all transients knew how to torture him, but that was a secondary concern, his primary one was just how much more he could physically take before he passed out, something that he didn't want to do. Shino found himself drifting, he couldn't take much more, he began to black out and as he did so he felt the warm shit stop, he drifted into blackness.....

...Shino awoke with a start, he slowly looked around from his position on the ground, he looked at his own body and saw that it was completely covered in shit, only his face had been partially cleared, he breathed a sigh of relief, at least he was not dead, just incredibly smelly. He looked around once more then slowly got up, as he did so most the shit slivered off him and splattered to the ground. Shino slowly started to move forward, his body was swaying and his legs didn't respond so well, he fell to the ground after the first few steps, he decided that crawling was a better idea, so he did. After 10 minutes of crawling across the ground he came across a pond, it looked fairly dirty but he didn't care, it was water all the same and he could use it to wipe off the rest of the manure that clung to his body. He crawled in, it was shallow thankfully and he proceeded to wash himself off. After a few minutes of this Shino emerged from the pond and lay by its bank looking at the blue sky above him, after what seemed like an hour but was actually only a few minutes a large shadow loomed over him and as the shadow grew larger he soon saw a shape appearing, he knew instantly what it was, it was the Babe Bunyan! His body was massive and so was the head, the Bunyan came close to Shino and gave him a good sniff starting with his mid section and working its way up to his face. The bull transient looked Shino in the eye for just a few seconds and then sneezed hard, causing alot of snot to explode on his face, Shino grimaced and wiped off the warm snot from his face, "thanks for that" Shino remarked in a slightly sarcastic tone. But Babe snorted then smiled at him. There was something about that smile that didn't feel right to Shino, he decided to get up and move on, so he did, but he'd barely gotten a few inches when the bull transient blocked his path, so Shino turned around and moved in another direction but again the bull blocked his path. As the bull transient faced him, Shino decided to walk backwards, as he did so the bull followed him, it was close but it wasn't getting much closer, after a few feet his body felt something behind him, it was a tree. Shino was now trapped he couldn't go forward nor backward. Babe smiled again then slowly turned his massive figure around so his bum was facing Shino. Shino was rooted to the spot with fear as the Bunyan's backside drew closer to him, its anus was aligned with his face. Shino could feel the heat emanating from the bulls body, even more so when his face was lightly pushed back against the tree. The bulls butt cheeks engulfed his entire head and Shino found that his muzzle was mere millimetres from the bulls big fleshy anus . The bull wiggled his giant butt around, almost using the canine transient's head and muzzle as toilet paper for his dirty crack, which in fact he was! "hmmmph" was all Shino could get out of his mouth as he tried to speak, which only made his situation slightly worse as his mouth was now stuck open as the bull continued to move his butt cheeks around his face. Shino could taste the foulness of the bulls crack in his mouth and tried to close it but without success. All the while the bull was feeling an interesting sensation on the inside of his big butt cheeks, as it continued, he felt a rumbling sensation building up in his bowls, it felt good as it passed through his large intestines. Babe then clenched his butt cheeks tightly together making the humans mouth push against his anus... Shino felt the crushing feeling as his face was being moulded between the two massive cheeks of the bull, but what was worse for him was that his mouth was still open and had formed a tight seal around the Bunyan’s anus. Shino also felt a great rumble build up inside the Bunyan's ass, Shino knew what was about to happen and within seconds the bull’s anus opened up and out came the loudest smelliest bout of gas, the sulphuric wind shot down his throat causing a burning sensation as it did so, Shino struggled and gagged because of the putrid smell. Babe Bunyan farted again not seeming to care about the Hakkenshi’s predicament, he had gas and couldn't hold it in. His butt cheeks vibrated against the warrior’s face as another torrent of foul wind escaped his anus... Shino’s face had wrinkled up and he'd gone cross eyed as well, could it possibly get any worse? That's when the Bull moved his butt cheeks up a bit. The canine’s mouth disconnected from the bulls smelly anus which was covered in his saliva, Shino found his tongue was licking the anus as it moved up from his mouth, this was sadly inevitable as the gassing had had a slightly paralyzing effect on him. Shino found that his muzzle was now pushed up tight against the bull’s anus, his nostrils being forced to breathe in the foul smelly arse, his mouth had finally closed against the fleshy muscle of the bull’s backside, he now had no choice but to breathe through his nostrils and boy did it stink.. Babe though was only just getting started, he clenched his butt cheeks around the poor Shino's nose and let loose another round of deadly flatulence.. Shino had no choice but to breathe in the bull’s epic fart, his nostrils burnt and as he did so the bull pressed harder against his face causing his muzzle to fully enter the bull’s rank smelling arsehole...

The bull wasted no time in farting again, filling the poor Shino's nostrils and lungs with intensely hot and foul wind. Shino tried to slap the bull’s rear but this action only caused the Bunyan to fart more, he felt himself about to pass out, as he did so the bull transient released him from his gassy prison. Shino dropped to the floor and in one last manoeuvre the bull rolled the human over onto his back, pissed in his mouth then sat his full weight down on top of him so that his arse was over his face for good and started to anal vore him........
Anonymous user: c1f416f3
No. 11130
35 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: c1f416f3
No. 11129
35 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: c1f416f3
No. 11128
35 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: c1f416f3
No. 11127
35 months ago
Score 1 You


Why should anyone listen to her of all people? What is her credibility?
Anonymous user: 385a7e57
No. 11126
35 months ago
Score 0 You

Shame on me for loving you Can't deny that you've been untrue You lie so sweet but you love to tease Putting out the fire with gasoline Woah, yeah! I'm baptized and born again You can go to hell with your fucked-up friends Crazy little bitch in the first degree Shame on you for loving me. Yeah, woah... Oh my my! (That's what I get for loving you) Lie, lie, lie! (You know I can't live without you) Why, why, why? (And all the things you put me through) Cry, cry, cry! (Cause I'll get my kicks without you) I could not live without you I could not live without you I could not live without you I could not live without you Shame on me for loving you Can't deny that you've been untrue Lie so sweet but you love to tease Putting out fires with the gasoline Are you baptized and you born again? I'ma raise hell for the bitter end I'm a crazy little bitch in the first degree Shame on you for loving me. Oh my my! (That's what I get for loving you) Lie, lie, lie! (You know I can't live without you) Why, why, why? (And all the things you put me through) Cry, cry, cry! (Cause I'll get my kicks without you) That's what I get for loving you

- Gojo Satoru
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