With Retainer in Tow

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With Retainer in Tow
Rarity 4
Syukou Akanaru
効果1Increases HP by 400~800
騒宴風従Brawler's BackupNo additional CS effects
[Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] +250~500 HP to self / 15~30%
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff) to self / 100%
Cu Sith
Element fire.pngFIRE
Element earth.pngWOOD
Show applicable transients (288)
CollapseOfficial English
"""Th-Thank you, Oniwaka...""
""N-No problem. Leave it to me, Cu Sith!""

One is fierce and hardened by battle, glaring his way through the violence and schemes of the Ikebukuro underground. The other is a quivering coward who will cry at the drop of a hat. While they seem to have nothing in common, both of their Roles have seen them swear their loyalty to another, only to part with them seemingly forever. Thus, they know and understand each other's scars and pain. They pray that their power to hurt, steal, and wound can be used for the good of their sworn masters. Much of the past goes forgotten in this Tokyo, but if they were to know the meaning of those farewells, perhaps then they would see the world in a different light."
Translated from Japanese
"Thank you... Oniwaka-san."

“J-just leave it to me, Cu Sith!”

A veteran warrior with a history of wandering the seedy underbelly of Ikebukuro, where violence and deceit are the law of the land. A softhearted pup who always has a gentle aura and is easily brought to tears. Two people who seem to have nothing in common, but share a “role” of one who swears a master-and-dutiful-servant vow with someone, only to be parted from their lord. Because of this, they can relate to each other's pain. So too, do they share a common ability to deprive others of their ability to cause harm. "Forget the accumulated pain of those bygone days." If they could know ahead of time what farewell truly means in this Tokyo, they would see the world in a new light.

Official Japanese
「お、おう 俺に任せておきな カーシー!」


Event Line
Profile Cu Sith: Thank you... Oniwaka-san.
Oniwaka: J-just leave it to me, Cu Sith!
Charge Cu Sith: I'll never forget you.
Oniwaka: I'll carry my memories of you in my heart...now!
Both: Attendant's Oath! We swear it here!


  • The CS is Attendant's Oath: Windward Boisterous Party.

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: a96b5e47
No. 5632
59 months ago
Score 0 You
That guaranteed debuff reflection though. Ninjas and mobsters and devils got you down with their bind and fear spam? This AR right here is a mandatory invitation for them to fuck off.
Anonymous user: 8ae6df22
No. 3090
66 months ago
Score 0 You
Is just me, or Cu Sith is getting more masochistic everytime?
Anonymous user: 9d048731
No. 3059
66 months ago
Score 0 You
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