Evasion回避 |
Type |
BuffAffected by statuses related to buffs, e. g. Spread Buffs or Nullify Buff. |
Notes |
Greatly reduce incoming damage |
Description |
DEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn |
Duration |
1 |
Tags |
DEF up |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
Damage Multiplier Received |
1% |
0% |
Used Skills |
Greatly decreases damage received from enemies by a multiplier for 1 turn. Note that the damage reduction scales with Status Lv, so attacks with bonus damage to Evasion (from either Skill or AR Card, and which does not scale with Skill Lv or AR Lv) will not penetrate all damage reduction from Evasion.
Status usage
See Evasion/Used Skills for more details
Apply | Advantage | Remove |
Base Skill |
Seer (allies) Duo Duo Ninja (self) See full list Blink Jumper (self) Nomad Nomad Nomad (Island) Nyarlathotep Nyarlathotep Sacrificial Defender (allies) See full list Storm Dancer (self) See full list Sea-favored (self) Eita (Set Sail) Sidekick (allies) Horkeu Kamui Horkeu Kamui Oniwaka Grandstander (allies) Oniwaka Persistor (self) See full list Grandstander+ (allies) Oniwaka Calamity Buffer (allies) Pollux (Christmas) Ill-wisher (self) Mineaki Mineaki Storm Rider (self) Avarga Avarga Agent Provocateur (self) Ose Hider in the Leaves (self) Korpokkur Korpokkur Blink Jumper+ (self) Nomad Nomad Nomad (Island) Nyarlathotep Nyarlathotep Dancer on the Water (self) Tsukuyomi Jungle Jaguar (self) Hombre Tigre Wave Bender+ (allies) Triton Triton Light of the Plains (self) Wakan Tanka (Fashionista) Light of the Sleepless City (self) Suzuka (Fashionista) Sea-favored+ (self) Eita (Set Sail) Savior+ (allies) Fire Mage Ice Mage Earth Mage Light Mage Dark Mage Makara Makara Scenic Frolicker (self) Goemon Goemon Flow Dodger (self) Kotaro (Beachside) Top Boss (allies) Kotaro (Beachside) Hater of Exposure (self) Sitri (Christmas) Gift Bearer (self) Sitri (Christmas) Jubilant Athlete (self) Taurus Mask Bearer of the Flag (self) Shennong Heritor of the Flag (self, allies) Shennong Dancer with Death (allies) Yasuyori Wrestler with Death (allies) Yasuyori Undertaker of Trials (self) Heracles Midnight Mister (self, allies) Red Luchador Blue Luchador Green Luchador Yellow Luchador Purple Luchador Black Luchador White Luchador Brown Luchador Intuitive Athlete (self, allies) Gunzo (Valentine) Bulwark (allies) Orgus Knight of Apostasy (self) Taromaiti Those Etched in Each Other's Minds (self) Hephaestus (Summer) Cat Conjurer (self) Cait Sith Inimitable Illusionist (self) Cait Sith Whisker Whisperer (self) Cait Sith Calculator (self, allies) Bertro Exceptional Calculator (self, allies) Bertro Misty Reverie (self) Ellie Prophetic Visionary (allies) MacRoich MacRoich Prophetic Visionary (self) MacRoich MacRoich Emplacer (self) Seth (Valentine) Ninja (self) Kotaro Fuuma Ninja (self) Kotaro Brigadoog (self) Tindalos Tindalos Silver Fragmentator (self, allies) Kurogane (Nightglows) Bull Tamer (allies) Wakan Tanka Escapist (allies) Sandayu Master of Elusion (allies) Sandayu Unknowing (self) Smoky God False Prophet (self) Smoky God Bulwark (allies) Orgus Mighty Stronghold (allies) Orgus Immovable Roommate (allies) Tsathoggua (Fashionista) Out of the Waters (self) Xolotl (Hot Paradise) Wildly Dancing Dream Demon (self) Alp (Halloween) Incomprehensible Trickster (self) Azathoth (Halloween) Messenger (self) Hermes Zenith Messenger (self) Hermes Fierce Avenger (self, allies) Nomad (Christmas) Hermit Arts' Disciple (self) Jiraiya (Christmas) Beltane Illusionist (self) Cait Sith Soothsayer (allies) Itzamna (Valentine) Testifier (self) Tuaring Primordial Existence (self) Tuaring Infiltrator (self) Red Camouflager Blue Camouflager Green Camouflager Yellow Camouflager Purple Camouflager Dark Camouflager White Camouflager Brown Camouflager Blade Stasher (self) Red Camouflager Blue Camouflager Green Camouflager Yellow Camouflager Purple Camouflager Dark Camouflager White Camouflager Brown Camouflager Grandmaster of the Three Iga Ninjas (self) Sandayu (Halloween) Stealthy Monkey King (self) Hanuman Ninja (self) Hanuman Vanished in the Crowd (self) Kirito Gone in the Twilight (self) Kirito Splintered Lone Wolf (self) Bertro (Christmas) Shielder (allies) Fire Senri Water Senri Wood Senri Aether Senri Nether Senri Infernal Senri Valiant Senri World Senri Undoubting (self) Nobumichi One Who Trusts Fate (self) Nobumichi Superhuman (self) Ahura Mazda Eternal Recurrence Superhuman (self) Ahura Mazda Cycle's Pioneer (allies) Cipactli Cutter of the Sea of Trees (self) Boogeyman (Summer) One With Support (self) Maria (Seaside) Judgment Announcer Cherubini (self) Israfil Fey Folk Church Grim (self) Cu Sith Nochebuena Shepherd (allies) Ziz (Christmas) Giver of Royal Orders (self) Claus Through the Cracks (self) Quantum The Chosen (allies) Quantum Miniaturizing Divider (allies) Otter Ferocity Source (self) Amanojaku King of Ferocity (self) Amanojaku Incomprehensible Prankster God (self, allies) Azathoth (Halloween) Lucky Cricket (self) Kokopelli Luck-Manipulating Insect Man (self) Kokopelli Chip Holder (self) Barong (Host) Reminiscent (self) Bael (Host) [[Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".|<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>]] () See full listNo values specified. Masquerader (self) Christine Ninja (self) Jiraiya Three-Way Ninjutsu User (self) Jiraiya Three-Way Ninjutsu User (allies) Jiraiya Grand Finale's Key Player (self) Tianzun (Christmas) Wind-Up Musician (allies) Yoshito (Christmas)
| Guard Breaker (x100) Durga Durga Fire Merman Water Merman Wood Merman Aether Merman Nether Merman Infernal Merman Storm Thresher (x100) Eita Eita Thunderbird Thunderbird Marksman (x100) Kyuma Temujin Shifting Snatcher (x100) Ikutoshi Shaker (x100) Echo Nature's Resonator (x100) Echo Nerve Plucker (x1.5) Bael Nerve Wrecker (x2) Bael Assassin (x100) Tanetomo Tanetomo Marksman (x100) Kyuma Relief Pitcher (x100) Kyuma Heavy Gripper (x100) Tajikarao Demolisher (x100) Sol Shut Third Eye (x100) Shiva Shiva Group Huddle (x100) Kyuma (Valentine) Hungry Hound (x100) Tindalos Famished Fido (x100) Tindalos Demolisher (x100) Sol Disciple of Destruction (x100) Sol Stone Serpent Weaver (x100) Xolotl (Hot Paradise) Marksman (x100) Temujin Sharpshooter Stud (x100) Temujin The Great Elusive Phantom Thief (x100) Jiraiya (Christmas) Invasion Foiler (x100) Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar Conflagrated Samurai (x100) Tadatomo (Main Story) Banner Charger (x100) Catoblepas (Summer) Hierodulia Denier (x100) Kirito One Night Spender (x100) Q'ursha One Night Stander (x100) Q'ursha Cryptid (x100) Yuma Lip Licker (x100) Loki Debate Specialist (x100) Loki Hierodulia-Denying Ripper (x100) Kirito Hierodulia Denier (x100) Kirito One Who Shows Trauma (x100) Boogeyman (Summer) Storm Thresher (x100) Eita (Set Sail) "Anyone, Anywhere" (x100) Gullinbursti (Summer) Orbital Jaeger (x100) Willie Wildcat Great Outdoors Sound Engineer (x100) Echo
| Reiterator Echo Reverberator Echo Exposer of Flesh Balor (Valentine) Costumed Vampire Kresnik (Halloween)
Charge Skill |
Hati (self)
Hati (self)
Hogen (self, allies)
Hogen (self, allies)
Red Ninja (self, allies)
Blue Ninja (self, allies)
Green Ninja (self, allies)
Yellow Ninja (self, allies)
Purple Ninja (self, allies)
Pollux (self, allies)
Pollux (self, allies)
Takemaru (self, allies)
Kijimuna (self, allies)
Kijimuna (self, allies)
Takemaru (self, allies)
Hogen (Festival) (self, allies)
Seth (allies)
Seth (allies)
Tanngrisnir (self)
Tanngrisnir (self, allies)
Algernon (self)
Algernon (self)
Hombre Tigre (self)
Hombre Tigre (self)
Seth (Beachside) (self, allies)
Dagon (self, allies)
Kijimuna (Canaan) (self, allies)
Jacob (self)
Jacob (self)
Bael (allies)
Bael (self, allies)
Seth (Valentine) (self)
Alp (Halloween) (allies)
Tangaroa∞ (self)
Ose (Christmas) (allies)
Cait Sith (Valentine) (self)
Itzamna (Valentine) (self, allies)
Israfil (self)
Israfil (self)
Kirito (self)
Amduscias (self)
Gullinbursti (Summer) (self, allies)
Masanori (Valentine) (self, allies)
Tu'er Shen (self, allies)
Tu'er Shen (self, allies)
Michael (self)
Saturnus (self)
Yoshito (Christmas) (self, allies)
Apollo (self)
Apollo (self, allies)
| Surtr (x100)
Surtr (x100)
Kotaro (Beachside) (x100)
Robinson (Canaan) (x100)
| |
AR Skill |
Vow of Eradication (self)
"Hang In There, Poor Detective!" (allies)
| Shooting Stars (x100)
Grapple With Destiny! (x100)
Hearty Singing (x100)
| |
Evasion (2 times)回数回避(2回) |
Type |
Irremovable BuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them). |
Notes |
"Enormously decrease damage taken 2 times every turn (Cannot be removed, transferred, or ignored)" |
Description |
DEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x; While user has Tenacity: +100% skill activation rate, 999 turns |
Duration |
999 |
Tags |
DEF up, Conditional |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
Damage Multiplier Received |
1% |
0% |
Evasion (2 times)回数回避(2回) |
Type |
Irremovable BuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them). |
Notes |
"Enormously decrease damage taken 2 times every turn (Cannot be removed, transferred, or ignored)" |
Description |
DEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x twice each turn, 3 turns |
Duration |
3 |
Tags |
DEF up, Conditional |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
Damage Multiplier Received |
1% |
0% |
Damage taken twice each turn is drastically reduced (cannot be removed/transferred/penetrated).
Collapse |
Buffs | Removable | ATK up | |
DEF up | |
+CP | |
+HP | |
Status-related | |
Proc rate up | |
Weapon Change | |
Other | |
Irremovable | ATK up | |
DEF up | |
+CP | |
+HP | |
Affinity Burst | |
Proc rate up | |
Other | |
Debuffs | Removable | ATK down | |
DEF down | |
-CP | |
-HP | |
Status-related | |
Proc rate down | |
Prevent movement | |
Other | |
Irremovable | ATK down | |
DEF down | |
-HP | |
Proc rate down | |