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Event Line
Summon オム、スワスティアストゥ! オレはバロン! この東京一のエンタティナー……になる予定のショウダンサーさ! さあ、アゲていこうぜっ!
Beginning of Battle ようこそ、オレのナイトステージへ! ショーを楽しんでってくれー!
Move もっともっと、アゲていくぜーっ!
Attacking イエエイッ!
Skill Activation 皆アゲるぜぇー!
Hit (minor) おわっ!?
Hit (major) サゲサゲだぁ~……
Charge さあ、ここがオレの最高潮だ! 捧げ尽くすぜぇ!! 放明超陽ほうめいちょうよう、バナス・パティ・バローーン、ダーーーンス!
Victory どうだったー? オレは君をアゲられたかーい? そうなら、ナイトは大成功だなっ!
KO'd 今日のナイトは大失敗だぁ……。オレが楽しい、だけだったなぁ……
Love いつか最後の夜が来る時、オレの全てを君にやりたい。
Event (Shop) Line
Open Shop オレのナイトへようこそ、お客様!
さあ、おひねりの準備はオーケー? いつだって、今夜がクライマックスさー!
Close Shop お疲れ様。自分を出し切ったかーい? ……なら良し!
次のナイトもどうかお楽しみにだぜ! バイバーーイ!
Encouraging どーしたアゲてねーじゃーん? なあ、お客様ー? 歌って踊って飲み明かして、悩みも何もブッ飛ばす! いわゆるトランス状態ってヤツさー!
Touched チップが先だぜー、お客様ー? っとぉ! ステージと間違えちまったぁ~。わはっ。
Conversation (1) この東京にショーほど素敵な商売は無いってな。楽しんで! 喜ばせて! たまにチップもいただけるー。
まあ、贅沢暮らしはできねぇけどさー! ハッハー!
Conversation (2) 誰にとっても楽しいことなんて、この世に無いさ。
Conversation (3) いらっしゃいませ、お客様! お一人かい?
ここは都会のシャングリラ。オレにチップを恵んでくれたら、刺激的な滞在をお約束するよー! ハッハー!
Conversation (4) 陽キャだパリピだ言われるが、どういう意味だろ?
だって、楽しいことは皆好きだろ? わざわざ言うって、一体どういうことなのさ。
About Someone (1) 「このショーに全部を捧げて終わりたい」そういう奴らが、あそこには集まっているんだ。
About Someone (2) 誰かに身を削って愛されるって素敵なことだろう? なのに何でアイツは傷ついた顔をしてるんだ。
About Event オレは皆に楽しく、消費されていたいんだ。いつだって誰かに、何かをあげる自分でいたい。
Missing lines (for translators)

hit-major-2 charge-2 love-2 title title-2 open-2 close-2 greeting self character-3 character-4 event-1 event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4


Transient Summons

Transient Transient Summon
Barong () - New Semester! 2022 Part 1 (2022)
Barong (Host) () - Fabulous Summer Host Transient Summon (2024)


  • Barong is based on the deity of the same name in Balinese mythology. A king of spirits, he is described to be a lion adorned with gilded ornaments.
  • His Charge Skill Banas Pati Barong Dance is a reference to Banas Pati Raja, another name of Barong meaning "king of the jungle", as well as Barong dance, a traditional Balinese dance that features a battle between the spirits of good and evil.

[Show Comments]

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 5f80f606
No. 19311
24 minutes ago
Score 0 You
I wanna suck his cock while he dances :3
Anonymous user: bef369b2
No. 19245
3 days ago
Score 0 You
I want to put 50$ bills around his waistband
Anonymous user: b073c52d
No. 19235
3 days ago
Score 0 You
His cock is almost visible omg
Anonymous user: 022fe83b
No. 19222
4 days ago
Score 0 You
Gosh, I wish he were pole dancing for me :3
Anonymous user: 9a3f8db0
No. 19195
7 days ago
Score 0 You

He's pulling off his jock in the second host variant and he bites his lip when blushing! I can't-

Anonymous user: 7a792aae
No. 19190
7 days ago
Score 0 You
Ooooh he is pole dancing! I just realized that was why his legs were like that lol
Anonymous user: be0de60a
No. 19175
9 days ago
Score 0 You
Omg baron in a chip n dale suit is something i never thought i needed, the summer 2024 holiday varient is so good i just wish the angle wasn't so weird
Anonymous user: 43a11215
No. 19161
10 days 17 hours 46 minutes ago
Score 0 You
I want to be crushed by your thighs Mr. Barong sir
Anonymous user: 43a11215
No. 19149
11 days 6 hours 15 minutes ago
Score 0 You
Even if he is a slut and kinda a bad dude, he is hot.. so I forgive him and love him
Anonymous user: 43a11215
No. 19148
11 days 6 hours 17 minutes ago
Score 0 You
Even if he is a slut and kinda a bad dude, he is hot.. so I forgive him and love him
Anonymous user: 7a793e2d
No. 18932
one month ago
Score 0 You


I have an ich
Anonymous user: 5f801f62
No. 18927
one month ago
Score 0 You


What did you say?
Anonymous user: b4a67f53
No. 18800
2 months ago
Score 0 You


i think it'd be better if you wanted therapy
Anonymous user: f5a672ae
No. 17324
10 months ago
Score 0 You

Sir your balls look mighty heavy

mind if I hold them?
Anonymous user: 11b54051
No. 16903
12 months ago
Score 0 You
Such a bitch
Anonymous user: 8c5d9186
No. 16717
13 months ago
Score 0 You
But Seriously Screw this guy.
Anonymous user: 926cd353
No. 16142
15 months ago
Score 0 You
Holy shit, soulgem and super saiyan
Anonymous user: e6f307dd
No. 14883
21 months ago
Score 0 You

like i've seen that clothes before is that

Javanese traditional batik clothes from Indonesia?
Anonymous user: e6f307dd
No. 14882
21 months ago
Score 0 You

like i've seen that clothes before is that

Javanese batik traditional clothes from Indonesia?
Anonymous user: e913c13a
No. 13648
24 months ago
Score 0 You
I want him to get a new variant for the next summer event!! Pls!
Anonymous user: a7668318
No. 13407
25 months ago
Score 0 You



Let me your dancefloor Barong sir
No. 13386
25 months ago
Score 0++

>>13384 How?

Mecha Shark gives 3 deuffs (all 3 are annoying), so I guess...

Possession immumity, then debeef reflecc (debuff reflection) takes care of one other debuff, Purification takes care of the remaining rebuff?

It is worth a try. But then, Mecha Shark hits twice, each having a chance to land any (or all) of the 3 debuffs, and Debuff Reflection only reflects once.

Still, I suppose Bar dong gives me a better chance against those debuffs.
Anonymous user: 0af98533
No. 13385
25 months ago
Score 0 You

>>12738 It's start with Nullghost have some mental issues and cause other artist a lot of problem. Then one day, Nulghose post in his twitter about some shit, then Ross come and said No, you are the shit. And that make those Nullghost's Simp lose their mind.

To be honest. I follow Ross's twitter and don't see any cub/pup porn. But if you mean Licho's porn is a cub porn because Licho is still a high school student, a minor. Then the whole Japan anime will be a problem too. Because a lot of MC in Japan anime/novel is a high school student with around 16-17 Yr. Shell we ban Japan animes because it's a minor?
Anonymous user: 0af98533
No. 13384
25 months ago
Score 1 You


He is the key to beat the giant fish boss for you.
Anonymous user: 2c84c640
No. 13268
26 months ago
Score 0 You
I want Barong to give me a lap dance and tease my ding dong as he does it and make me nut all over him like Falco nuts on a city's skyscraper and cover the poir innocent people underneath with his seed
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 13267
26 months ago
Score 0 You


People like you care when it allows you to do sh*t on artist you don't like. When its someone you like then out comes the mental gymnastics.
Anonymous user: e9f54356
No. 13223
26 months ago
Score 1 You
Oh Barong... give me your schlong
Anonymous user: e9f54356
No. 13222
26 months ago
Score 0 You


Shut the f up... who the heack cares about that
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 13107
26 months ago
Score 0 You


Bruh its the same dumb. Discourse. If you don't like Ross or his work fine. But don't line about him being a predator or something.
Anonymous user: 61c38485
No. 13033
26 months ago
Score 0 You

>>12894 Sounds amazing until you realized he lacks CP generation with a reletively low ATK for a supposedly "Nuker", while all of his damage is in his CS charge. And then you have to move him at least 2 times to get him under half HP, maybe he can work with Leanae but both needs to be moved so that'd be a hassle, he also needs to avoid healing unit which might be a problem since he can only provide protection to the unit in front of him. I don't want to diss this guy too much, really, he's easily one of my favorite unit art-wise (sabertooth dudes really get me going like sheeeesh) but at least he nullifies enemies' Guts and cleanses debuff like a chad so i'll take him anyday (on the battlefield i mean)

Maybe there'd be unit that can work with this guy, tell me if there is, i want to make a usable team with him.
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 12930
27 months ago
Score 1 You


No he didn't but hey lets call keep pretending like NullGhost isn't buddies with Daichi Kouta like a lot of these artists are. Can't have that little fact ruining people's day.
Anonymous user: abca5ea1
No. 12894
27 months ago
Score 1 You

We have ourselves a Guts purging, support specialist. This sexy, multifarious dancer can cleanse, boost damage and CP while also having extended movement range. And let's not forget the Guts removal and the fact that he can basically get guaranteed skill procs when he's below half health. And then there's his CS. Crit and Crit+ in one CS makes for some disgusting burst damage potential. Oh and I forgot to mention the HE IS NOT LIMITED.

Thank you for your time
Anonymous user: 66824fb7
No. 12848
27 months ago
Score 0 You
If only Nullghost was also Nullmentalillness
Anonymous user: b89ad0d0
No. 12847
27 months ago
Score 1 You

>>12815 That's Bullshit Slander and you know it!

People suddenly got a Massive hateboner for him for disagreeing with NullGhost
Anonymous user: e3455269
No. 12825
27 months ago
Score 0 You


hROSSgar ex dee
Anonymous user: 564a8c5d
No. 12818
27 months ago
Score 0 You
licho discourse time owo
Anonymous user: 6743e3e1
No. 12815
27 months ago
Score 0 You

>>12738 He got in a fight with some other artist

But also I thought he drew cp? Like that’s why everyone hates him because he’s a weird freak who drew kids in sexual situations?
Anonymous user: 38596a3a
No. 12745
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Not all of his.. just exotic fangs and big shaved whisker-spots
Anonymous user: a682fe77
No. 12738
27 months ago
Score 0 You


wait, what drama? Can u explain pls
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 12732
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Dude the whole Ross drama is bs. I know about the thing between him and Null Ghost.
Anonymous user: 93b10e9e
No. 12728
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Gomeisa Live-A-Hero but based
Anonymous user: 926c68b5
No. 12726
27 months ago
Score 0 You
your tears are my nourishment :3
Anonymous user: e5c5ec12
No. 12719
27 months ago
Score 0 You
The jewelry just makes this so much hotter.
Anonymous user: 52a8e79b
No. 12710
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: eeb41252
No. 12707
27 months ago
Score 0 You

>>12690 We can still say this Barong is character owned by LW who just happened to be designing by Ross (+ hinami) so not his fault his artist is a POS

Anyways let's just pretend Hinami did all the work lmao
Anonymous user: c1f4eaab
No. 12705
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Ugly face.
Anonymous user: bbe622cb
No. 12702
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 3bc2a863
No. 12692
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Thank you for feeding my addiction of Big Feline Beastmen!
Anonymous user: ad8cd02f
No. 12691
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Or somebody on Twitter starts a week long drama campaign
Anonymous user: b41b4665
No. 12690
27 months ago
Score 0 You
People won't care about the artist as long as this guy is hot af
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