Survival Resort

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Survival Resort
Rarity 4
効果1Increases HP by 300~600
効果2Increases ATK by 100~200
傑貴変幻Survival of the FittestNo additional CS effects
[Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Drain-10% skill activation rate, -10CP/turn for 2 turns (Debuff) to hit units / 80~100%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 1.6x damage to ArdorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x, +5CP/turn for 2 turns (Buff)-affected enemies / 100%
0.45x ATK penaltyShot
0.26x ATK penaltySnipe
Show applicable transients (222)
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Surtr (☆4 Valentine)
Tadatomo (☆4 Valentine)
Tadatomo (☆5 Main Story)
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Tanetomo (☆4 Valentine)
Tangaroa (☆5)
Tangaroa (☆5 Canaan)
Teda (☆3)
Teda (☆4)
Temujin (☆3)
Temujin (☆4)
Tezcatlipoca (☆3)
Tezcatlipoca (☆5)
Tezcatlipoca (☆4 Festival)
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Tianzun (☆3)
Tianzun (☆4)
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Red Trooper (☆2)
Blue Trooper (☆2)
Green Trooper (☆2)
Yellow Trooper (☆2)
Purple Trooper (☆2)
Tsathoggua (☆3)
Tsathoggua (☆5)
Tsathoggua (☆4 Fashionista)
Tsukuyomi (☆5)
Tu'er Shen (☆3)
Tu'er Shen (☆4)
Tuaring (☆4 Christmas)
Ulaanbaatar (☆5 Christmas)
Vapula (☆3)
Vapula (☆4)
Volos (☆4)
Wakan Tanka∞ (☆3)
Wakan Tanka∞ (☆5)
Evil Wraith (☆2)
Hero Wraith (☆2)
World Wraith (☆2)
Fire Wraith (☆2)
Water Wraith (☆2)
Earth Wraith (☆2)
Light Wraith (☆2)
Dark Wraith (☆2)
Xolotl (☆3)
Xolotl (☆4)
White Yaksha (☆2)
Purple Yaksha (☆2)
Yamasachihiko (☆3)
Yamasachihiko (☆4)
Zabaniyya (☆5 Fashionista)
Ziz (☆3)
Translated from Japanese
"It's alright. You're with me!"

"I, am with you. Heh!"

Hanuman taunted the scene with his uncanny movements, and Tsathoggua eliminated the confused participants with accurate shots. At the same time, the seemingly open Tsathoggua draws the attention of the people around him, and Hanuman, who was hiding with his "Ninjutsu," shoots them from their blind spots. It was a brilliant collaboration, made possible not only by their individual skill levels, but also by their mutual understanding of each other's characteristics, movements, and trust. Hanuman and Tsathoggua have one thing in common besides their love of games. It's neither adoration nor calculative, it's a side-by-side relationship that is not limited by ability-- That's what they want, and that's why they value the friendships they have. They shared their struggles, supported each other, and overcame the events in Roppongi. Everyone felt that what they had gained was not the cooperation with the Summoners, which could be expressed in terms of interests, but the deepening of their bond as invaluable friends. Water splashes in a corner of the TSL. The joyful voices of Hanuman and Tsathoggua overwhelmed the participants.

Official Japanese

「我が、ついているのであ~る。ふっふっ」 ハヌマンが目にも留まらぬ動きで場を翻弄し、混乱する参加者をツァトグァが正確な射撃で仕留めていく。 かと思えば、一見隙だらけに思えるツァトグァが周りの注目を集め、「ニンジュツ」で潜んでいたハヌマンが死角から撃っていく。 個々の練度はさる事ながら、互いの特徴を理解し、動きを把握し、信頼し合う関係だからこそ実現可能となった、鮮やかな連携だった。 ハヌマンとツァトグァには、ゲーム好き以外に共通している事があった。 崇拝ではない、打算のない、能力にとらわれない横並びの関係―― そういったものを求めている事、そして得た友人関係を大切にしている事だ。 彼らは苦楽を共有し、支え合い、六本木での出来事を乗り越えてきた。 そこで得たのはサモナーズとの協力関係という、利害で表せられるものではなく、 かけがえのない友人として絆を深められた事だと、皆が感じていた。 TSLの一角に水飛沫が舞う。 参加者を圧倒するハヌマンとツァトグァの嬉しそうな声が響いた。 「「友情パワー全開でござる(あ~る)!!」」


Event Line
Profile Hanuman: "It's alright. You're with me!"
Tsathoggua: "I, am with you. Heh!"
Charge Hanuman: I'll cover you, Tsathoggua!
Tsathoggua: We'll go at the same time, Hanuman!
Both: Divide, multiply, Shadow Clone! Avatar Illusion!


  • The CS name is "Avatar Illusion: Outstanding Valuable Transformation"

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Anonymous user: 695cffab
No. 9642
39 months ago
Score 0 You


Sometimes shippers forget the existence of platonic relationships
Anonymous user: 69049dc9
No. 7105
49 months ago
Score 4 You


Friends exist too
Anonymous user: 54d5879b
No. 6691
49 months ago
Score 0 You
ok ability. bad ship
Anonymous user: 7580bf11
No. 6014
51 months ago
Score 0 You
My favourite Gamer Boiz
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