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Skill Levels

All cards start at skill level 1 and can reach a maximum of 100.

As you increase the skill level of your cards, the power of their skills increases. The chances of their skill activating will increase, and in addition the effect of the skill itself will become more powerful.

Skill Levels are applied to all skills. A new Skill is unlocked for each card when you Limit Break them, up to a total of 4 Skills.

On a characters Status screen in the game, Skills are formatted as (Skill Name) / [Activation Timing] Skill Effect / % Chance of Activation

The activation chance and power of a skill+buff/debuff will increase by a multiplied 1% per level, for a max of a multiplied 100% at skill level 100.
Simply put, at skill level 100, the activation chance and power of all Skills are DOUBLE their original (skill level 1) values.

Increasing Skill Level

The cost for increasing a unit skill level to 100 using only the highest rarity of Soul
Skill Level
1-31 505 510 515 520 525
31-52 5305 10100 14915 19720 24525
52-67 14020 27540 41060 54580 68100
67-79 22945 45390 67835 90280 112725
79-88 31705 62910 94115 125320 156525
88-94 39220 77940 116660 155380 194100
94-97 44680 88860 133040 177220 221400
97-100 47545 94590 141635 188680 235725
Total 205925 407840 609775 811700 1013625

Some quests drop items called Souls that are used to increase a character's skill level; each weapon has a corresponding Soul. Like Boost, you don't have to match them up; any Soul would do. However, you won't fully benefit from the skill level increase that the matching Souls would yield.

You will see your chance for success after picking the Souls, with a 100% chance or above indicating that failure is impossible. Furthermore, percentages such as 260% indicate that your unit's skill level is guaranteed to go up 2 levels, with a 60% chance of going up a third.

Like Boosts, you also have to use coins to increase a unit's skill level, but unlike unit leveling, the coin cost is steeper.

F coin cost.png

This means that using higher quality Souls minimizes the total cost needed to skill up.

Suggested Path

Below is a suggested path optimized for the least amount of matching Warrior Soul G and coins consumed.

Skill Level 25 49 67 79 88 94 97 100
To Consume 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Below is the cumulative cost when skill boosting your units with the aforementioned path.

Rarity Total cost
1 202629
2 401358
3 600087
4 798816
5 997545

Suggested paths to use matching Warrior Soul L for the first few levels. Second path will consume more coins.

Skill Level 5 25
To Consume 1 5
Skill Level 17 35 49
To Consume 4 5 5

Skill Mechanics

See: Skill Lv

Skill Effect Timings

Each skill may have one or more effect, each of which has a specific activation condition. The various activation conditions are as follows.

Activation Condition Name (Eng/Jpn) Description
Phase Start 【フェーズ開始時】 Activates when a phase begins.[1] Activates before 'Turn Start' effects on Turn 1, but still on the same effective turn.
Start of Turn 【ターン開始時】 Activates when a turn begins.
Start of Enemy Turn 【敵ターン開始時】 Activates when an enemy turn begins. Triggers after the 'Start of Turn' effects on that turn.
When Appearing 【登場時】 Activates when entering the battlefield, either at the start of the battle or as a sub member when replacing a leaving member. Note the start of battle occurs slightly before Phase 1 begins.
When Leaving 【退場時】 Activates leaving the battlefield (after a half-turn passes while at 0 HP with no Guts+1HP when HP is at 0 at the end of the turn for 5 turns. Removed once activated. (Buff)).
When Attacking 【攻撃時】 Activates when striking a target. Skills with this timing activate before damage calculation has occurred. Activates after target 'Before Receiving Damage' effects, but before target 'When Receiving Damage' effects.
After Attacking 【攻撃後】 Activates after striking a target. Skills with this timing activate after damage calculation has occurred. Last to be activated during a striking sequence.
After Missing 【空振り時】 Activates when committing an attack with no targets in range.
Before Receiving Damage 【ダメージ前】 Activates when within the range of a committed attack, but before any targets within that range are struck. First to be activated during a striking sequence, activated directly before the attacking unit's 'When Attacking' effects.
When Receiving Damage 【対ダメージ】 Activates when struck, after damage calculation. Effect spread is relative to the attacking unit. Activates after the attacking unit's 'When Attacking' effects, but before their 'After Attacking' effects.
After Receiving Damage 【ダメージ後】 Activates when struck, after damage calculation. Effect spread is relative to the struck unit. Activates after the attacking unit's 'When Attacking' effects, but before their 'After Attacking' effects.
While Moving 【移動時】 Active while the player drags the unit to move them. Typically used for skills that enhance your movement range. Guaranteed to activate even with activation rate-reducing debuffs ( Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff), Drain-10% skill activation rate, -10CP/turn for 2 turns (Debuff)}, but still blocked by skill-disabling debuffs.
After Moving 【移動後】 Activates after the player stops dragging the unit to move them, either due to removing drag input or the move timer running out. Does not activate when coerced to move by the dragged unit (i.e. when ferried) or by forced movement from an effect.
Special Attack 【特攻】/【状態特攻】. Activates when striking a target, but only in certain conditions. These include when the target has specific skills or statuses. Typically does not increase in effectiveness with skill level.
Special Defense 【特防】 Activates when struck, but only in certain conditions. These include when the hit received is of a particular weapon type. Typically does not increase in effectiveness with skill level.
During Status Ailment 【状態異常時】 Activates before receiving a specific status. Typically prevents a status from being registered as received. Receiving the status will not be prevented before Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff), Nullify DebuffPrevent receiving debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff), or Nullify BuffPrevent receiving buff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Debuff) is exhausted, but will be prevented before 'After Buff/Debuff' effects would trigger, denying their activation.
During Force Movement 【強制移動時】 Activates when affected by forced movement from an effect.
After Buff/Debuff 【強化後】/【弱体後】 Activates when given any buff/debuff. If the triggering buff/debuff is applied before damage calculation, then the activated effect is also before damage calculation.
Victory 【勝利時】 Activates when the player wins the battle.
(After turn X, then every Y turns, per battle/phase) 【(Xターン毎)】 An effect's activation condition will only function on the turn after the Xth turn relative to either the first turn of battle or the first turn of the present phase, and will thereafter repeat every Y turns until the end of the battle or phase.

Attacking Proc Chance

Skills that have an activation timing of When Attacking and After Attacking all have individual proc chances per enemy hit.

Skills that apply buffs or debuffs to the enemy, such as Tailed Demon, Benevolent One, Fate Binder, etc. simply have individual proc chances per square. A Harlot that hits 5 enemies could apply Blessing to all enemies hit, only one enemy, or any number of enemies.

For turn-lasting buffs that affect the attacker, such as Dragonborn or Gambler's Critical buff, the skill only needs to proc once, and it will affect all remaining enemies hit. This means it is possible to Crit only one enemy or all enemies with a single proc. The general calculation order of enemies hit appears to be left to right, bottom to top.

In effect, When Attacking and After Attacking skills have a higher proc chance the more (alive) enemies you hit with it. This means skills like Head of Festivities can proc upwards of 5 times.

Additional Skills

Some skills like Hero and Creator grants additional skills separate from the base skill. These skills ignore their tied skill's activation timings and chances (always 100%).

Usually these skills include movement modifiers (Winged One, Swimmer) or damage modifiers (increases damage dealt or decreases damaged received against specific units).

[During Status Ailment] Nullify [X] aren't additional skills and can have activation chance lower than 100%.

Because these additional skills are still skills, any form of negation will remove their effects.

Skill Evolution

Skills can be further improved through Skill Quests. These evolved skills simply replace the base skill. Most of the time they offer additional effects or activation rates.

Charge Skill Mechanics

A Charge Skill's power is determined by a unit's Sacred Artifact Lv, which is also referred to as Charge Skill level for the remainder of this section. Please refer to the corresponding page for more details.

A Charge Skill's effect will activate for each enemy with HP > 0 hit during the Charge Skill (with some exceptions, e.g. see the CS activation condition for Alp and Ophion). For most Charge Skills that apply buffs or debuffs, such as Charm, this has little meaning, but this greatly changes the power of Charge Skills with healing effects.

For example, if you hit 3 alive enemies with Azazel's Charge Skill, which has the effect of casting Heal on nearby allies, Azazel will cast Heal 3 times, multiplying its healing power by 3. Similarly, if Kuniyoshi hits 4 enemies with his Charge Skill, he will cast CP Up 4 times in a row.

However, an enemy has to have HP remaining when hit by a Charge Skill for it to count. If the enemy is already "defeated" by the time the Charge Skill activates, the effect will not stack. This means it is also possible for a Charge Skill's effect to activate 0 times if it doesn't hit any enemies with HP remaining.

It is recommended you make whoever you want to hit the most enemies FIRST with their Charge Skill your Leader, as allies' attack order is determined by their order in your deck slot. Allies in your Support slot will have more trouble activating their Charge Skill effects multiple times, as they attack last and thus have a higher chance of only hitting dead enemies.

The formula for the damage increase done by a Charge Skill is F cs 1.png [2]

Note that this is only for damage dealt. Most Charge Skills have a secondary effect, such as a buff or debuff. The level of the buff or debuff applied is the same as the users Charge Skill level, and its power is the same as ordinary skill level of the same. For example, an Andvari with a Charge Skill level of 50 will apply a level 50 Curse debuff to enemies when Andvari uses his Charge Skill.

Charge skills will activate if a unit has 100 CP at the beginning of the turn even if CP is decreased after movement, such as in the case of moving Tindalos.


See: Status

Status efficacy is determined by its Status Lv, and statuses that originate from skills have their Status Lv directly determined by the skill owner's Skill Lv. In other words, the Status Lv will be equal to the Skill Lv.


  1. This means a new wave of enemies. It does not mean the beginning of each turn.
  2. The source for this is uncertain, but was probably derived directly from the app, and added here when this wiki was just nascent (essentially a wikiwiki translation)

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Anonymous user: 5f65e221
No. 1171
72 months ago
Score 0 You
Is there no available data regarding cp increasing skills on max level or why is there a "N/A"?
Anonymous user: 9063b9d3
No. 878
73 months ago
Score 0 You
Is there only red gems for upgrading the skillz
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