Asakusa Gang

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Asakusa Gang
Rarity 4
効果1Increases HP by 200~400
効果2Increases ATK by 200~400
拳華上等The Umamichi GangNo additional CS effects
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Brawn StrengtheningWhile user has Brawn: ATK Up by 1.5x for 999 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 100%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff) / 50~100%
0.55x ATK penaltyThrust
0.28x ATK penaltyMagic
Show applicable transients (309)
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Algernon (☆4)
Algernon (☆4 Summer)
Alice (☆3)
Alice (☆4)
Alp (☆4)
Amanojaku (☆4)
Amatsumara (☆4 Fashionista)
Andvari (☆4)
Andvari (☆5 Beachside)
Fire Angel (☆1)
Water Angel (☆1)
Wood Angel (☆1)
Aether Angel (☆1)
Nether Angel (☆1)
Infernal Angel (☆1)
Valiant Angel (☆1)
World Angel (☆1)
Ashigara (☆4)
Astaroth (☆3)
Asterius (☆4)
Avarga (☆4)
Azazel (☆3)
Azazel (☆4)
Babalon (☆3)
Babalon (☆5)
Bael (☆3)
Bael (☆5)
Balor (☆5 Valentine)
Barguest (☆4)
Barong (☆4)
Bathym (☆4)
Bathym (☆5 Nightclub)
Benten (☆4)
Bertro (☆4)
Bertro (☆4 Christmas)
Bigfoot (☆3)
Bigfoot (☆5)
Bigfoot (☆5 Mountain)
Boogeyman (☆5 Summer)
Cait Sith (☆3)
Cait Sith (☆4)
Choji (☆3)
Choji (☆4)
Christine (☆3)
Christine (☆4)
Claude (☆3)
Claude (☆4 Christmas)
Cu Sith (☆4)
Cu Sith (☆4 Halloween)
Curren & MS-C1 (☆3)
Daikoku (☆4 Hot Paradise)
Ded (☆3)
Ruby Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Azure Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Emerald Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Gold Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Obsidian Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Shadow Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Duo (☆3)
Duo (☆5)
Durga (☆4)
Eita (☆3)
Eita (☆4)
Eita (☆5 Set Sail)
Ellie (☆4 Halloween)
Fafnir (☆5)
Fenrir (☆4)
Furufumi (☆4 Festival)
Gabriel (☆3)
Gabriel (☆5)
Gabriel (☆4 Valentine)
Gandharva (☆4)
Ganglie (☆4 Journey)
Garmr (☆4)
Red Ghost (☆1)
Blue Ghost (☆1)
Green Ghost (☆1)
Yellow Ghost (☆1)
Purple Ghost (☆1)
Shaded Ghost (☆1)
Goemon (☆3)
Goemon (☆4)
Gunzo (☆3)
Gunzo (☆4)
Gunzo (☆5 Valentine)
Gyobu (☆3)
Gyobu (☆4)
Gyumao (☆4 Valentine)
Hanuman (☆3)
Hanuman (☆4)
Hastur (☆3)
Hastur (☆5)
Hecate (☆4)
Hephaestus (☆5)
Heracles (☆5 Pool)
Hermes (☆3)
Hermes (☆4)
Hombre Tigre (☆4)
Horkeu Kamui (☆5 Hot Paradise)
Horus (☆3)
Horus (☆5)
Ibaraki (☆3)
Ikutoshi (☆4)
Inaba (☆4)
Itzamna (☆4 Valentine)
Jacob (☆5 Valentine)
Jambavan (☆3)
Jambavan (☆4)
Jambavan (☆4 Nightmare)
Infernal Jiangshi (☆2)
Valiant Jiangshi (☆2)
World Jiangshi (☆2)
Fire Jiangshi (☆2)
Water Jiangshi (☆2)
Wood Jiangshi (☆2)
Aether Jiangshi (☆2)
Nether Jiangshi (☆2)
Jinn (☆5)
Jiraiya (☆4 Seaside)
Jormungandr (☆3)
Jugo (☆4)
Kagutsuchi (☆4)
Kagutsuchi (☆4 Jamboree)
Kengo (☆5)
Kengo (☆5 Valentine)
Kenta (☆3)
Kenta (☆4)
Kijimuna (☆3)
Kijimuna (☆4 Canaan)
Kimun Kamui (☆3)
Kimun Kamui (☆4)
Korpokkur (☆3)
Korpokkur (☆5)
Krampus (☆5 Valentine)
Kuniyoshi (☆3)
Kuniyoshi (☆4)
Kuniyoshi (☆5 Nightmare)
Kurogane (☆5)
Kyuma (☆4 Valentine)
Fire-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Water-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Wood-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Aether-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Nether-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Licho (☆3)
Licho (☆4)
Licho (☆5 Festival)
Loki (☆5)
Macan (☆5)
Fire Mage (☆1)
Ice Mage (☆1)
Earth Mage (☆1)
Light Mage (☆1)
Dark Mage (☆1)
Makara (☆4)
Marduk (☆4 Nightclub)
Maria (☆3)
Maria (☆4)
Masashi (☆3)
Mephistopheles (☆3)
Mephistopheles (☆4)
Fire Mermaid (☆2)
Water Mermaid (☆2)
Wood Mermaid (☆2)
Aether Mermaid (☆2)
Nether Mermaid (☆2)
Infernal Mermaid (☆2)
Mineaki (☆3)
Mineaki (☆4)
Motosumi (☆3)
Motosumi (☆4)
Motosumi (☆4 Setsubun)
Nekros&Bacchus (☆3)
Nobuharu (☆4)
Nobumichi (☆4)
Nomad (☆4)
Nomad (☆4 Island)
Nyarlathotep (☆4)
Oguchi Magami (☆4)
Red Ogre (☆2)
Blue Ogre (☆2)
Green Ogre (☆2)
Yellow Ogre (☆2)
Purple Ogre (☆2)
Shaded Ogre (☆2)
Oniwaka (☆3)
Oniwaka (☆5)
Orgus (☆3)
Oz (☆4)
Pazuzu (☆3)
Pazuzu (☆4)
Water Pirate (☆1)
Wood Pirate (☆1)
Reprobus (☆4)
Ryota (☆3)
Ryota (☆4)
Ryota (☆5 Christmas)
Ryota (☆5 Festival)
Sanat Kumara (☆5)
サンドドラゴン (☆2)
Sarutahiko (☆3)
Sarutahiko (☆4)
Sarutahiko (☆4 Host)
Saturnus (☆3)
Seth (☆3)
Seth (☆4)
Shamash (☆3)
Shamash (☆5)
Shennong (☆3)
Shennong (☆4)
Shino (☆5)
Shinya (☆4 Valentine)
Shiro (☆3)
Shiro (☆4)
Shiro (☆4 Valentine)
Shiro (☆5 Jamboree)
Shiva (☆3)
Shiva (☆5)
Shuichi (☆4)
Shuten (☆4)
Sitri (☆4 Christmas)
Snegurochka (☆3)
Snow (☆5 Valentine)
Sol (☆4)
Sphinx (☆3)
Sphinx (☆4)
Surtr (☆3)
Tadatomo (☆4)
Tajikarao (☆3)
Tajikarao (☆5)
Takemaru (☆3)
Takemaru (☆5 Christmas)
Takeminakata (☆4 Valentine)
Tangaroa (☆3)
Tanngrisnir (☆5)
Taromaiti (☆3)
Taromaiti (☆4)
Taurus Mask (☆4)
Taurus Mask (☆4 Christmas)
Tetsuox (☆3)
Tetsuya (☆4 Christmas)
Thunderbird (☆4 Summer)
Tindalos (☆5 Summer)
Toji (☆5 Valentine)
Toji (☆5 Halloween)
Tomte (☆3)
Tomte (☆5 Valentine)
Red Tribe (☆2)
Green Tribe (☆2)
Black Trickster (☆2)
White Trickster (☆2)
Brown Trickster (☆2)
Red Trickster (☆2)
Blue Trickster (☆2)
Green Trickster (☆2)
Yellow Trickster (☆2)
Purple Trickster (☆2)
Triton (☆3)
Triton (☆4)
Tsathoggua (☆3)
Tsukuyomi (☆4 Halloween)
Tuaring (☆3)
Tuaring (☆5)
Tvastar (☆3)
Tvastar (☆4)
Typhon (☆3)
Typhon (☆4)
Typhon (☆5 Make Sail)
Ulaanbaatar (☆3)
Ulaanbaatar (☆5)
Fire Valkyrie (☆2)
Water Valkyrie (☆2)
Wood Valkyrie (☆2)
Aether Valkyrie (☆2)
Nether Valkyrie (☆2)
Vapula (☆4 Valentine)
Volkh Vseslav (☆5)
Volos (☆3)
Volos (☆4 Beachside)
Wakan Tanka (☆3)
Wakan Tanka (☆5 Fashionista)
Willie Wildcat (☆3)
Willie Wildcat (☆5)
Red Wolf (☆1)
Blue Wolf (☆1)
Green Wolf (☆1)
Yellow Wolf (☆1)
Purple Wolf (☆1)
Shaded Wolf (☆1)
Y'golonac (☆3)
Black Yaksha (☆2)
Brown Yaksha (☆2)
Blue Yaksha (☆2)
Yamasachihiko (☆4 Pool)
Yasuyori (☆5 Christmas)
Yig (☆3)
Yoritomo (☆5 Valentine)
Yule (☆4)
Zabaniyya (☆3)
Zabaniyya (☆5)
Zao (☆4)
Zao (☆5 Gendarme)
Zhurong (☆4)
Zhurong (☆5 Christmas)
Ziz (☆4)
Official English
"""Can it, Motosumi! No talking about my past! It's over and done with!Don't call it a high-school debut, either!""
""Yeah, no need to remind me, Licho! A promise not to talk's a promise not to talk... but you're basically spilling the beans yourself right here and now! Hahaha!""

These two attend the rough-and-tumble Umamichi Academy, and they speak the part. When Licho wanted to make his high-school debut and roll with the tough guys, it was Motosumi who showed him how to talk the talk so he wouldn't get clapped. Though his diction is harsh, Licho smiles as he bumps arms with Motosumi. One is a half-human, half-Therian youth seeking his own trail through the chaos of the culture festival. The other is a half-priestly, half-secular youth with one foot squarely on the path of training to attain divine secrets. Sharing a house of learning, the two enjoy their once-in-a-lifetime adolescence together, albeit while walking down their own paths. The Law of Deepest Formlessness states that, ""all who live in this world must know the boundaries of their enlightenment and follow the paths their hearts lay."" As the two seek their own paths, Asakusa's Kaminarimon Gate and the academy beside it quietly watch over them."
Translated from Japanese
"Dah!? Don't say a word about the past, Motosumi! Don't tell me you're making your high school debut!"

"I understand. I promise not to tell you, Licho. Well, you……It's like I'm saying it right now. Hahaha!"

The delinquent-sounding duo attend the infamously powerful Umamichi Academy. Licho is trying to adjust to the school environment, and Motosumi teaches him how to speak in a way that won't be taken lightly. Despite his crude words, Licho smiled as he locked arms with Motosumi. On one hand, the half-human, half-tiger youth is trying to find his own path as a beast after the commotion at the cultural festival. On the other hand, the half-monk, half-layman youth half-dips into Shugendo, which practices the secrets of the Origin Pillar. They enjoy their one and only youth together in the same school, and eventually walk down the "path" that each of them has chosen. It is said that "All who live in this world should know the boundaries of true enlightenment and follow their own path with their heart." The Thunder Gate in Asakusa and the school that stands beside it simply see each of them off.

Official Japanese
「ダァーッ!? 昔のことは他言無用だぞモトスミぃ、クラァ! 高校デビューとか言うんじゃねぇ!」


Event Line
Profile Licho: Dah!? Don't say a word about the past, Motosumi! Don't tell me you're making your high school debut!
Motosumi: I understand. I promise not to tell you, Licho. Well, you……It's like I'm saying it right now. Hahaha!
Charge :


  • The CS name is "Umamichi Gang: High-Class Fist Fight"

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No. 11551
41 months ago
Score 0++


That's not the only rape I'm looking to get from this delicious tiger
Anonymous user: 4f685894
No. 11533
41 months ago
Score 0 You
Every time I select this ar card Licho earrapes me with his "DAAHHH"
Anonymous user: 1d46d980
No. 9100
50 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 76223e4d
No. 9099
50 months ago
Score 0 You
Thicc yankees make me wanna wankie uwu
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