Blood of the Beast

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Blood of the Beast
JP Name 獣の末裔
Trigger timing After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.
Effect Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
Proc Chance 50%

Transients with 獣の末裔

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Aether Lucky Cat 1AetherBlow2510Wealth Bringer Fortune Dealer Sacrifice Blood of the BeastWeapon Spread Magic.pngLuck Bringer
Hakumen 3FireSlash374242Binder Ruler Blood of the Beast CajolerWeapon Spread Magic.pngMagnificent Dark FigureDangerous Courtesan
Hanuman 3FireThrust396203Blood of the Beast Head of Festivities Ninja ImmortalWeapon Spread Thrust.pngInnocent and Outrageous CelestialInfinite Trickster
Cu Sith 4WoodMagic805396Blood of the Beast Fey Folk The Abandoned Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Mount Breaks StringsThird Howling
Ganglie 4WaterSlash834455Seafarer Gourmand Blood of the Beast Battlefield RiggerWeapon Spread Slash.pngIndolent Self-IndulgenceLackadaisical General
Ashigara 3WaterBlow409216Mountain Dweller Grappler Blood of the Beast Martial Arts MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bear King's Forward PushThread Bear Champ
Shaded Wolf 1InfernalThrust12340Blood of the Beast Guard Adept Sacrificial Defender GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst
Marchosias 4FireSlash802398Tailed Demon Blood of the Beast Knightly One Tough-Winged GriffonWeapon Spread Slash.pngSeven Lives' Report to GodSteadfast Devotion
Temujin 4WoodShot800403Blood of the Beast Pursuer Avenger MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngRaining Tears of ArrowsWisdom of the Mani Khan
Blue Wolf 1WaterThrust11844Blood of the Beast Guard Adept Sacrificial Defender GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst
Gyumao 3FireBlow322328Blood of the Beast Hulking Lord Celestial Hot-Head ProprietorWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngExtreme ExpansionYes I Can!
Barguest 3NetherBlow399203Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Mountain Dweller The MisfortunateWeapon Spread Magic.pngEvil Sealing and Lamenting CorpseCrossroads of the Witch Queen
Yule 3WaterBlow400230Fortune Dealer Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Sky DasherWeapon Spread Thrust.pngDivine Gifts of AssistanceSerendipitious Delivery
Ahab 3WaterShot470275Seafarer Avenger Blood of the Beast Spreader of LunacyWeapon Spread Shot.pngOcean's Dying VowOath of the Whaler
Hakumen 4FireSlash801409Binder Ruler Blood of the Beast CajolerWeapon Spread Magic.pngMagnificent Dark FigureDangerous Courtesan
Hanuman 4FireThrust805397Blood of the Beast Head of Festivities Ninja ImmortalWeapon Spread Thrust.pngInnocent and Outrageous CelestialInfinite Trickster
Garmr 3NetherBlow405196Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Pursuer DaredevilWeapon Spread Thrust.pngUndying LoyaltyBane of Tyr
Fenrir 3WaterBlow438255The Shackled Blood of the Beast The Indomitable Devourer of WorldsWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRelentless Lone WolfWolven Monstrosity
Ashigara 4WaterMagic850420Mountain Dweller Grappler Blood of the Beast Martial Arts MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bear King's Forward PushThread Bear Champ
Kenta 3NetherThrust404199Child The Forsaken Blood of the Beast MuncherWeapon Spread Thrust.pngLost Like a StrayBereaved Dog
Asterius 3AetherBlow402200Blood of the Beast The Forsaken Shut-in Living LightningWeapon Spread Blow.pngObstructed Giant Bated BreathLabrys of the Labyrinth
Green Wolf 1WoodThrust12543Blood of the Beast Guard Adept Sacrificial Defender GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst
Gyumao 5FireLong Slash12931504Blood of the Beast Hulking Lord Celestial Hot-Head Eloquent SpeakerWeapon Spread All.pngExtreme ExpansionYes I Can!
Barguest 4NetherMagic805405Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Mountain Dweller The MisfortunateWeapon Spread Magic.pngEvil Sealing and Lamenting CorpseCrossroads of the Witch Queen
Yule 4WaterThrust810455Fortune Dealer Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Sky DasherWeapon Spread Thrust.pngDivine Gifts of AssistanceSerendipitious Delivery
Agyo 3WaterMagic533189Destroyer of Wickedness The Abandoned Blood of the Beast Symbol of ProsperityWeapon Spread Shot.pngEmotional SolidarityCleansing Dependence
Xolotl 3WoodShot684253Gardener Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Blow.pngLost in FoliageTwisted Bastion
Nomad 3FireBlow403199Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Avenger TeleporterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngVengeful SlaughterBurning Bright
Garmr 4NetherThrust803402Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Pursuer DaredevilWeapon Spread Thrust.pngUndying LoyaltyBane of Tyr
Fenrir 4WaterThrust826469The Shackled Blood of the Beast The Indomitable Devourer of WorldsWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRelentless Lone WolfWolven Monstrosity
Moritaka 3WaterSlash403198Blood of the Beast Parry Adept Spiritual Dog Warrior Samurai WarriorWeapon Spread Slash.pngThree Foot Ice BladeBlade of Ice
Kenta 4NetherThrust805399Child The Forsaken Blood of the Beast MuncherWeapon Spread Thrust.pngLost Like a StrayBereaved Dog
Azazel 3AetherMagic401199Blood of the Beast Heavenly Messenger Sacrifice FarseerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPocket World's Natural LawEyes of the Fallen
Yellow Wolf 1AetherThrust12539Blood of the Beast Guard Adept Sacrificial Defender GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst
Tadatomo 3FireSlash558256Reincarnate Avenger Blood of the Beast NinjaWeapon Spread Magic.pngSky-Burning ReportScroll of Inferno
Hati 3WaterBlow396204Blood of the Beast Pursuer The Lovesick The MoonlitWeapon Spread Thrust.pngDrunken Moon HuntingMoonshine Chaser
Macan 3WoodBlow402198Berserker Blood of the Beast Immortal Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngPossession By Mad TigerMad Tiger
Agyo 4WaterShot852411Destroyer of Wickedness The Abandoned Blood of the Beast Symbol of ProsperityWeapon Spread Shot.pngEmotional SolidarityCleansing Dependence
Xolotl 4WoodShot1199361Gardener Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Blow.pngLost in FoliageTwisted Bastion
Nomad 4FireThrust803401Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Avenger TeleporterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngVengeful SlaughterBurning Bright
Jambavan 3AetherThrust401204Medical Practitioner Destroyer of Wickedness Blood of the Beast Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngArmored on the Outside, a Beast WithinDaughter of Jambavan
Arsalan 3WoodBlow402238Anointed One Blood of the Beast Monarch Expeller of EvilWeapon Spread Magic.pngGlossy Surge of Protective OilsAnointed Savior
Moritaka 4WaterSlash800404Blood of the Beast Parry Adept Spiritual Dog Warrior Samurai WarriorWeapon Spread Slash.pngThree Foot Ice BladeBlade of Ice
Nyarlathotep 3WoodBlow401201Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Roamer The AbyssalWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Bizarre MistakesCrawling Chaos
Azazel 4AetherMagic799396Blood of the Beast Heavenly Messenger Sacrifice FarseerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPocket World's Natural LawEyes of the Fallen
Purple Wolf 1NetherThrust12538Blood of the Beast Guard Adept Sacrificial Defender GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst
Oz 3WoodBlow410190Blood of the Beast Hesitant Recluse Courageous Coward Twin-Hearted LionWeapon Spread Magic.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Hati 4WaterBlow799402Blood of the Beast Pursuer The Lovesick The MoonlitWeapon Spread Thrust.pngDrunken Moon HuntingMoonshine Chaser
Macan 5WoodThrust1600805Berserker Blood of the Beast Immortal Mutant WeretigerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngPossession By Mad TigerMad Tiger
Shino 3InfernalSlash389263Mountain Dweller Flowerer Blood of the Beast MuncherWeapon Spread Slash.pngBeheading LonelinessRuthless Cutthroat
Horkeu Kamui 3WaterBlow392215Mountain Dweller Blood of the Beast Vanguard SidekickWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrave and Loyal Freezing StrikeGallant Guardian
Snow 3WaterBlow398197Blood of the Beast Herbalist Mountain Dweller Defender of ThronesWeapon Spread Slash.pngFlying Spiral of FortuneAshtamangala
Jambavan 4AetherMagic804399Medical Practitioner Destroyer of Wickedness Blood of the Beast Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngArmored on the Outside, a Beast WithinDaughter of Jambavan
Arsalan 4WoodBlow825428Anointed One Blood of the Beast Monarch Expeller of EvilWeapon Spread Magic.pngGlossy Surge of Protective OilsAnointed Savior
Moritaka (Valentine)5FireSlash1599850The Lovesick Blood of the Beast Spiritual Dog Warrior Loyal SamuraiWeapon Spread Magic.pngComplementary Love Tempered in IceBlade of Ice
Nyarlathotep 4WoodMagic798400Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Roamer The AbyssalWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Bizarre MistakesCrawling Chaos
Cu Sith 3WoodBlow399196Blood of the Beast Fey Folk The Abandoned Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Mount Breaks StringsThird Howling
Ganglie 3WaterSlash444266Seafarer Gourmand Blood of the Beast Battlefield RiggerWeapon Spread Slash.pngIndolent Self-IndulgenceLackadaisical General
Oz 4WoodMagic860340Blood of the Beast Hesitant Recluse Courageous Coward Twin-Hearted LionWeapon Spread Magic.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Marchosias 3FireSlash403197Tailed Demon Blood of the Beast Knightly One Tough-Winged GriffonWeapon Spread Slash.pngSeven Lives' Report to GodSteadfast Devotion
Temujin 3WoodShot396203Blood of the Beast Pursuer Avenger MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngRaining Tears of ArrowsWisdom of the Mani Khan
Gyobu 3WoodMagic412153Cloudy Dreamer Lawbreaker Blood of the Beast Life GiverWeapon Spread Magic.pngOld Tanuki TransformationMaster of Deceit
Horkeu Kamui 4WaterBlow796410Mountain Dweller Blood of the Beast Vanguard SidekickWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrave and Loyal Freezing StrikeGallant Guardian
Snow 5WaterSlash1601799Blood of the Beast Herbalist Mountain Dweller Unified TrinityWeapon Spread Slash.pngFlying Spiral of FortuneAshtamangala
Red Wolf 1FireThrust11741Blood of the Beast Guard Adept Sacrificial Defender GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst

Blood of the Beast
JP Name 獣の末裔
Trigger timing After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.
Effect Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
Proc Chance 50%
Evolution(s) Head Hunter

Transients with 獣の末裔

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Shino 5InfernalThrust1788736Mountain Dweller Flowerer Blood of the Beast Peony-Branded HoundWeapon Spread Thrust.pngBeheading LonelinessRuthless Cutthroat

Blood of the Beast
JP Name 獣の末裔
Trigger timing After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.
Effect Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
Proc Chance 50%
Evolution(s) Wolf of Ragnarok

Transients with 獣の末裔

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Fenrir (Make Sail)4NetherLong Slash989432Band-Mate Blood of the Beast Devourer of Worlds The ChosenWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngStubborn Lone Wolf?Wolven Monstrosity

Blood of the Beast
JP Name 獣の末裔
Trigger timing After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.
Effect Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
Proc Chance 50%
Evolution(s) Loyal Dog Warrior

Transients with 獣の末裔

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Tadatomo 4FireMagic705698Reincarnate Avenger Blood of the Beast NinjaWeapon Spread Magic.pngSky-Burning ReportScroll of Inferno

Blood of the Beast
JP Name 獣の末裔
Trigger timing After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.
Effect Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
Proc Chance 50%
Evolution(s) Beast of the Labyrinth

Transients with 獣の末裔

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Asterius 4AetherThrust801405Berserker Blood of the Beast The Forsaken Living LightningWeapon Spread Thrust.pngObstructed Giant Bated BreathLabrys of the Labyrinth

Blood of the Beast
JP Name 獣の末裔
Trigger timing After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.
Effect Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
Proc Chance 50%
Evolution(s) Beastly Samalian King

Transients with 獣の末裔

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Ahab 5WaterShot1648877Seafarer Avenger Blood of the Beast Overthrower of the HeavensWeapon Spread Shot.pngOcean's Dying VowOath of the Whaler

Blood of the Beast
JP Name 獣の末裔
Trigger timing After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.
Effect Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
Proc Chance 50%
Evolution(s) Beast Path Gangster

Transients with 獣の末裔

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Gyobu 4WoodMagic836412Cloudy Dreamer Lawbreaker Blood of the Beast Honorable TanukiWeapon Spread Magic.pngOld Tanuki TransformationMaster of Deceit

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: d8b9894a
No. 5540
60 months ago
Score 0 You
Honestly they should just rework the activation method to Start of Turn while keeping the proc rate as it is. Suddenly a lot of units gain more usability.
Anonymous user: df585198
No. 4515
61 months ago
Score 0 You

A.K.A Waste of Skill Slot: The Power, Unless the unit who has it comes with a lot more useful Move-to-Activate skills

I can only hope for a Skill Upgrade Quest in the future
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