A Very Summoner Xmas

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A Very Summoner Xmas
Rarity 5
BomBom, oaks
効果1Increases HP by 300~600
効果2Increases ATK by 200~400
大招富雪Christmas XIncreases CS Multiplier by +2
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] +400~800 HP to self / 100%
Element water.pngWATER
Element earth.pngWOOD
Element none.pngALL-ROUND
Show applicable transients (304)
CollapseOfficial English
"""Merry Christmas! Come on, Toji, give it some oomph!""
""Mer...Merry Christmas. Is this all right, Ryota? Heh... Hahaha. I feel... different.""

These two are students at Shinjuku Academy and members of the Summoners. Although the gregarious Ryota, who jumps into his circle of friends, and the aloof Toji, who loves to be alone, seem to be polar opposites, they are actually rather similar and are connected by their shared sensitivity to being alone. The difference lies in one feeling lonely in a group while the other feels lonely otherwise. They seem to delight in this difference between them. Christmas has come for this unlikely duo, who perhaps would never have met if not for the summoners, and they trace a path in the shape of a cross on this snowy Christmas Eve."
Translated from Japanese
"Merrryy Christmas! Hey, Toji, do it together with me!"

"Ah... M-merry... christmas. Was that okay, Ryota? Haha... what a strange feeling..."

Two people who go to Shinjuku Academy and belong to the same guild, the Summoners. At first glance they appear to be total opposites, social butterfly Ryota who gathers a large and ever expanding circle of friends, and the loner Toji who prefers to keep to the outskirts of groups. However, they are also similar, with a similar sensitivity to being “lonely”. The difference between them can be said to be the difference between "one who feels lonely in the group" and "one who feels lonely outside the group". Apparently, this different similarity gave them something to bond over. Christmas day is coming to these two different people. Two paths that would have never crossed if not for this guild trace a cross on the holy night.

Official Japanese
「メリー・クリスマースっ、だね! ほら、トウジも一緒に、やろうよっ」
「め……メリークリスマス これでいいかリョウタ? ……ふっ、ははは。不思議な……気分だ」


Event Line
Profile Ryota: Merrrryyy Christmas! Hey Toji, do it together with me!
Toji: Ah... M-merry... christmas. Was that okay, Ryota? Haha... what a strange feeling.
Charge Ryota: If we're together, we won't have to be lonely, eh Toji?
Toji: That's right, Ryota... let's combine our strength!
Both: Glittering Cross! Chris-Cross!


  • The CS name is "Chris-Cross: Great Invitation of Blessed Snow"

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Anonymous user: d1fbc7ae
No. 17794
15 months ago
Score 0 You
Colonel Sakimori is here for Christmas, and he brought us a finger-lickin' good present.
Anonymous user: 695cffab
No. 9640
47 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: fc0de44e
No. 9062
50 months ago
Score 0 You
My boys❤
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