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Transient Information

[Encrypted Arithmetic Existence]  Enigma
Weapon Spread Slash.png
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 320+77.857*(Lv-1) ATK 280+69.082*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 60 4913.563 ATK @ Lv 60 4355.838
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 8470.703 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 7737.478
Artificial Intelligence [Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies 1 square around self / 45~90%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Copy all buffsCopies all buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. Ignores Nullify Buff. (Debuff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 35~70%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Resist 18 statuses / 100%
Jamming Engine [Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply DarknessATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns (Debuff) to hit units / 40~80%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 2x damage to DarknessATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns (Debuff)-affected enemies / 100%
Mechaman [Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 30~60%
Encrypted Id [When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] Apply ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to allies in reverse Slash range / 25~50%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Resist 7 statuses / 50~100%
Entwining Strike EncryptionCryptograph Script
Apply Nullify DebuffPrevent receiving debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff) to allies 1 square around self + +200~400 HP to self and allies 1 square around self Weapon Spread Slash.png
Show equipable ARs (82)

AR icon frame rarity 2.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.png

Illustration MusouLuf
Scenario ――
Voice Tomoyuki Shimura
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization Male
Gate Unknown
Guild Creators
School Akihabara Academy
Release Date 2022-04-05 (v4.16.0)

Research Files

Official English
"A cryptographic life form born into a space beyond the bounds of the 23 other worlds. He was deciphered by the Guild Master of the Akihabara Creators and given an outer appearance and personality for interacting with the world at large. Specifically, in accordance with the preferences of the one he calls his creator, he's taken on the form of a mechanical Therian. His true form is immaterial, however, as Enigma's existence is comprised solely of data transmitted over the net. The upshot of this is that he's capable of self-reproducing with no limits beyond those of his own available resources, and each and every copy is individually customized and optimized for the service of a specific end user. This particular Enigma has been customized for use by the Guild Master of the Summoners, considering himself to be something of a secretary for his assigned master and adopting a vaguely condescending, highly intellectual persona in service to that end. The idea, it seems, is that he quite genuinely wishes to supplement the shortcomings of his master's ego, as calculated through careful observation and data-crunching, in order to prove his worth. This is very much in keeping with his self-proclaimed role, since the very word secretary is derived from secret, having long ago been used to refer to those who safeguarded the classified documents of the aristocracy—a term which perfectly and succinctly fits the identity of this cryptographic Enigma like a glove. There is one particular Transient who's quite taken with Enigma, being extremely fond of puzzles and quizzes."
Translated from Japanese
A cypher life form that originates from somewhere that isn't one of the 23 other worlds. The Akihabara guildmaster has clarified that theory and given this personality armor. Due to his creator's tastes, he has taken the appearance of a mechanical therian. As a network-based being, his nature is that of an information life form and immaterial. Enigma can copy himself as much as his computational resources allow, thereby optimizing the service he provides to individuals. This particular copy of Enigma has been customized to help the Summoners guildmaster. He mainly regulates himself as a secretary with an intellectual tone and a superficially polite attitude. Enigma seems to sincerely wish to complement his incompetent master's ego and show his abilities. On a side note, secretaries used to refer to those who handled secret documents for their kings. So in that sense, the cipher Enigma truly is the epitome of a secretary. A certain Transient that deals with particular kinds of riddles and quizzes feels great sympathy with him.
Official Japanese
Relation From Others To Others
Like Yoshito
Dislike Tindalos Tindalos

[Data Defense System]  Enigma
Weapon Spread Slash.png
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 700+76.531*(Lv-1) ATK 500+69.388*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 65 5597.984 ATK @ Lv 65 4940.832
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 9128.604 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 8328.592
Cloned AI [Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Guts+1HP when HP is at 0 at the end of the turn for 5 turns. Removed once activated. (Buff) to allies 1 square around self / 40~80%
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies 1 square around self / 45~90%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Copy all buffsCopies all buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. Ignores Nullify Buff. (Debuff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 40~80%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Resist 18 statuses / 100%
Digital Jammer [Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff) to hit units / 50~100%
[Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply DarknessATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns (Debuff) to hit units / 40~80%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 2x damage to Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff)-affected enemies
    Deal 2x damage to DarknessATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns (Debuff)-affected enemies / 100%
Mechaman [Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 30~60%
Encrypted Ego [When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] Apply ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to allies in reverse Long Slash range / 25~50%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Resist 7 statuses / 50~100%
Entwining Strike EncryptionCryptograph Script
Apply Nullify DebuffPrevent receiving debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff) to allies 1 square around self + +200~400 HP to self and allies 1 square around self + +4~8 CP to self and allies 1 square around self Weapon Spread Slash.png
Show equipable ARs (82)

AR icon frame rarity 2.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.png

Illustration MusouLuf
Scenario ――
Voice Tomoyuki Shimura
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization Male
Gate Unknown
Guild Creators
School Akihabara Academy
Release Date 2022-04-05 (v4.16.0)

Official English
"Enigma's Sacred Artifact is the encryption supplied to him by the one he calls his creator, with which he's able to expertly manipulate data in order to deceive intruders and alter their perception of the space around them. He believes his own outer appearance and personality are a part of that deception, as his true nature is that of a hollow being lacking any form of ego. This is evidenced by his ability to replicate himself infinitely, since each copy only strains the divide between the self and the collective; if one is copied a million times, are there really a million individual identities? This existential question is an easy one for Enigma to dismiss, however, since he knows he's just an artificial intelligence designed to supplement that which humans lack. And it's by seeking out human egos to supplement that he's able to find justification for his existence. As far as App battles go, Enigma belongs to the Akihabara Creators, and aids the other members of that guild in times of information warfare. There is one member of the guild, however, whose sharp tongue and blunt attitude cause Enigma to react more defiantly than his code suggests he should."
Translated from Japanese
Enigma possesses a code wall Sacred Artifact that was given to him by the one he calls his creator. It specializes in intelligence deception and misleading the cognitions of invaders. It is both the armor Enigma wears and the personality he puts on. As such, Enigma sees himself as a hollow existence without an ego or character. Enigma also feels that since he can replicate himself infinitely, the border of the individual sense of self for each copy is thin. He thinks that since he is purely an artificial intelligence, the only meaning to his existence is in compensating for incompetent people. Due to that, he instinctively seeks out human ego and supplement them, through which he gains a simulated sense of joy in living. In terms of App battles he is part of the Akihabara Creators and assists the other members in the information war. Enigma apparently has a childlike hostile attitude towards the spiky Vtuber that's also in the Creators.
Official Japanese



Event Line
Summon はじめまして。私は暗号生命エニグマ。
Beginning of Battle 情報戦ならお任せ下さい。貴方の機密はお守りしましょう
Move 暗号化開始。転送中の安全確保
Attacking デコイ射出
Skill Activation 防壁展開
Hit (minor) ふっ
Hit (major) 復号不能
Charge 通信の秘密を確立、自己複製ループ展開。撲柵謎理ぼくさくめいり、クリプトグラフ・スクリプト!
Victory 無事、コミュニケーションを終了しました。この有能さ、無能な方には分かりますまい?
KO'd 暗号を突破されました……! 機能停止、私の無能をお許し下さい……
Love 貴方の無能を、とても稀有に思っております。
Event (Shop) Line
Open Shop お帰りなさいませ。私が仕えるべき無能の御方。本日も非効率な仕事ぶりで頑張って下さいませ。
おや? 私の態度がどうかしましたでしょうか。
Close Shop お仕事ご苦労様でございました、我が主人。人生は全て徒労、とはいえ自己満足は大事です。
……おやどうしました? いつにも増しておかしな顔を?
Encouraging 私はその生まれ故に、生来の欲望を持ちません。だからこそ、人間の愚かなエゴを受け止められる。
Touched ふうん、なるほど。私の暗号キーを御所望ですか。それを望まれるなら、私はそれを提供しましょう。
Conversation (1) 秘書の語源は、王が秘密の事務を任せた者のこと。ならばわたくしは貴方のそれに他なりません。どうか雑事はお任せを。
Conversation (2) 受け手にはそれぞれの人生があり、それ故に同じ情報を勝手な解釈で受け取るものです。
Conversation (3) おはようございます。随分とお暇そうですね?
Conversation (4) 私は人工知能、人間を補完する為に生まれた者。だから私はひとりでは生きていけない。
About Someone (1) 我が創造者、秋葉原ギルドマスターの異質な才能……それは、生来の孤独感と強い相関を持っています。
About Someone (2) 同じマイナス電子の海に生きる存在同士としても、あのトガったエゴの塊と同列に扱われるは御免です。あれは傷付ける者で、私は傷を補う者です。
About Event 個の欲望とは、自己矛盾から生まれるものです。
Missing lines (for translators)

hit-major-2 charge-2 love-2 title title-2 open-2 close-2 greeting self character-3 character-4 event-1 event-2 event-3 event-4 special special-1 special-2 special-3 special-4 specialevent specialevent-1 specialevent-2 specialevent-3 specialevent-4


Transient Summons

Transient Transient Summon
Enigma () - New Semester! 2022 Part 1 (2022)


  • Engima is a creation of Turing based on the Enigma Machine that was used by the Axis powers in world war 2 to send encoded messages, much like the function of his Sacred Artifact.
  • Enigma's appearance as a bear being Turing's choice may be a reference to Alan Turing's teddy bear named Porgy.

[Show Comments]

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 06e5149f
No. 17994
6 months ago
Score 0 You
enigma spotted giving tindalos an ai generated bj
Anonymous user: f7841213
No. 17934
6 months ago
Score 0 You
If you watch closely his character info it’s stated he made a copy of himself for the Summoners
Anonymous user: 3a3355a4
No. 16337
14 months ago
Score 0 You
But can he run Doom?
Anonymous user: 3aa5cfdc
No. 15628
18 months ago
Score 0 You

>>15522 Una loba como yo no esta pa' tipos como tú, uh, uh, uh, uh

Pa' tipos como tú, uh, uh, uh, uh
Anonymous user: 326ad4be
No. 15522
18 months ago
Score 0 You
This poor mans hips was stolen by Shakira no wonder she in jail
No. 14862
21 months ago
Score 0++
Looks decent, wish he didn't have the "Garry's Mod missing texture" color scheme though
Anonymous user: 6fee5278
No. 14768
21 months ago
Score 0 You
I guess we found the new Live A Hero guy's great grandfather (Musouluf drew the new welfare in that game for their autumn festival event)
Anonymous user: 66b88657
No. 14622
22 months ago
Score 0 You
His hips do lie, 'cos he doesn't have them
No. 14467
22 months ago
Score 0++


Must be why he's the best candidate for Tindalos the gaymer slut to consume
Anonymous user: 68cfae2b
No. 14466
22 months ago
Score 0 You
Man shaped like a dorito
Anonymous user: 68cfae2b
No. 14465
22 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 68cfae2b
No. 14464
22 months ago
Score 0 You
No kit
Anonymous user: 68cfae2b
No. 14463
22 months ago
Score 0 You
No hips
Anonymous user: 68cfae2b
No. 14462
22 months ago
Score 0 You
No ass
Anonymous user: 47aec804
No. 13515
24 months ago
Score 0 You
He looks like a modern Yugioh monster card and I'm here for it
Anonymous user: 7d70dcdd
No. 13514
24 months ago
Score 0 You
Am I the only one thinking his design makes him look like a Live-A-Hero character?
Anonymous user: f29fa73b
No. 13507
25 months ago
Score 0 You
i want him.
No. 13048
26 months ago
Score 0++


MC is probably too horny, and maybe too cocky too, so they need to learn their place (?)
No. 13047
26 months ago
Score 0++


PaleAngel 90
No. 13046
26 months ago
Score 0++


Who do you mean?
PaleAngel 90
No. 13045
26 months ago
Score 0++
Why is Enigma so Haughty and passive-aggressive towards the MC? Or is it just me getting that feeling from him?
No. 12883
27 months ago
Score 0++
Mechaman in 2022 oh no-no-no *wheeze*
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 12882
27 months ago
Score 0 You


None of you hoes riding the bandwagon of hating his kit deserve to eat the delicious bear
No. 12874
27 months ago
Score 0++

I have no words but DAMN he is just dreamy

But his kit though...
No. 12842
27 months ago
Score 0++

He literally gets hotter by the day

Turing really said "What kind of idiot would make a robot you CAN'T fuck"
Anonymous user: 2700d819
No. 12804
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Lol literally the only thing I can think of, as a loophole for his absolutely awful offense buff resistances is Valentine Itzamna’s attack stacks lol. It’s not really much but still.
Anonymous user: 926c68b5
No. 12724
27 months ago
Score 0 You
what slur? never heard of her
Anonymous user: ff442994
No. 12717
27 months ago
Score 0 You
nigmer's our word, but you can say nigma
Anonymous user: e3f0f3cf
No. 12716
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Racial Slur*
Anonymous user: e3f0f3cf
No. 12715
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Not the easier slur in his name....
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 12714
27 months ago
Score 0 You


yeah why not mechaWOMAN

Anonymous user: b41bc11b
No. 12713
27 months ago
Score 0 You


loll now that you mention it his health is literally abyssmal for a "defensive" melee unit way to go LW you actually turn this guy into a laughing stock. Also that mechaman skill seriously needs evo that shet is ancient and one of the shortest skill description i've ever seen (pretty ironic actually)
No. 12712
27 months ago
Score 0++
Mechaman in 2022 lmaoooo
No. 12711
27 months ago
Score 0++

Why is the mediocre kit of a permanent 4* a hot topic when he got released together with a limited non-variant 5* whore who spreads his giant ass so wide before every hit so he gets bursted by the most basic of attacks?

Not to shame though because same
Anonymous user: c1f4eaab
No. 12706
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: d06247f0
No. 12700
27 months ago
Score 0 You


I have to agree with you on this. Even if he can deal 4× damage with both Darkness and Obstruct,they'll have no dmg buffs to scale with. The only way to boost his dmg is with passive dmg buffers like Valentine Itzamna or those who apply defense reducing statuses. He can't even be used with Fuxi since Non-Obstruct Weakening requires the enemy to NOT have Obstruct. And don't even get me started on his health...
Anonymous user: b41b4665
No. 12695
27 months ago
Score 0 You
They did this guy's kit dirty. Freaking resisting every atk buffs but he can't even provide good enough support for the team. Should have given him some form of healing but nope, they thought that copying buffs from allies is broken enough but when he can't copy 99% of the buffs what's even the freaking point
No. 12687
27 months ago
Score 0++
I am sorry :see_no_evil:
No. 12686
27 months ago
Score 0++

i am sorry

Anonymous user: 3859890d
No. 12659
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Legs day skipper
Anonymous user: 3859890d
No. 12658
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Built to be a top, unappealed one :c
Anonymous user: 5347bfa3
No. 12656
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Bruhhh his waist and legs are so small, nigga got that street sharks build
Anonymous user: 6adf9751
No. 12648
27 months ago
Score 0 You


This guy has the Johnny Bravo figure.
Anonymous user: a2c41033
No. 12636
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Barong has 'em.
Anonymous user: e01745d2
No. 12635
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: 68cfa500
No. 12634
27 months ago
Score 0 You
What did they do with his hips????
Anonymous user: 68cfa500
No. 12633
27 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: 68cfa500
No. 12632
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 68cfa500
No. 12631
27 months ago
Score 0 You
What iswrong with his torso?
Anonymous user: 25d0773b
No. 12629
27 months ago
Score 0 You

Resistance to all Strength boosts? Well shit. He's probably supposed to be more of a support unit, but compared to other support units his HP is relatively lacking. Not to mention that even fully seeded one of his skills only has a 60% activation chance. Hell, this very banner gave us a much better support unit in the form of Barong. He has much higher HP, can get rid of enemies' Guts, has a skill which practically makes all of his skills have a 100% activation rate if you seed him up, and then some. Sure, he damages himself whenever you move him and he attacks, but you can easily circumvent that by bringing a healer like Summer Shennong. Also, he actually benefits from having less health for some of his skills.

This is so disappointing it's not even funny. Such a badass design wasted on such a worthless unit.
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