Hearty Singing

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Hearty Singing
Rarity 4
効果1Increases HP by 100~200
効果2Increases ATK by 300~600
不意之交Fabric ScissorsNo additional CS effects
[After BuffDoes not trigger if buff is nullified or resisted. Shares timing with effect that bestowed buff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when buff is already held. Buff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.] +150~300 HP to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 15~30%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 100x damage to EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff)-affected enemies / 100%
1.00x ATK penaltyBlow
0.45x ATK penaltySlash
0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash
Show applicable transients (329)
CollapseOfficial English
"""Goodness, Suzuka, dear, the way you live your life—it's just so delightfully awkward and sloppy!""
""Ahaha, it is, isn't it? You're pretty awkward around the edges too. Not to mention stubborn, prideful, sulky... It's like I'm looking in a mirror!""

Many depend on Suzuka for their safety, and she has the piercing gaze necessary to ward off any threats. Arachne has her pride as a professional and a self-image that is strong and independent. Both force themselves to stay strong every hour of every day of every week, yet when they meet in their private lives, one hears nothing but pleasant, joyful chatter. They have fun. They leave behind always being on edge, driven and in control, to be perfect. Together, they live in this brief moment where there is neither work nor responsibility. Their worlds now consist of making a friend laugh, chatting about nothing in particular, and wondering where they'll go out to eat next. Now, as for their self-professed bodyguards, those ogres that heard their loose laughter and froze at the unfamiliar sound and were later beaten down in the hall? Well, that is a tale for another time."
Translated from Japanese
CollapseOfficial Japanese
「あはは……ああ、おかしいねえ! あんたも不器用で、意地っ張りで、生きるのがヘタクソで……まるで鏡に映った誰かを見てるみたいさね!」


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Anonymous user: df7c57d0
No. 18774
10 months ago
Score 0 You
Scissor Sisters
Anonymous user: 75b499ec
No. 14251
31 months ago
Score 0 You
Can we talk about how their CS is called Cross Scissors
Anonymous user: 9828c279
No. 14119
31 months ago
Score 0 You
Woot! We get to see Suzuka and Arachne at karaoke! It has voice lines too!
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