Asakusa Downtown Boys

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Asakusa Downtown Boys
Rarity 4
効果1Increases HP by 200~400
効果2Increases ATK by 200~400
以湯溶刹ウマミチフウジンケンNo additional CS effects
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Guts StrengtheningWhile user has Guts: ATK Up by 1.5x for 999 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 100%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Resist 6 statuses / 50~100%
0.55x ATK penaltyThrust
1.00x ATK penaltyBlow
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Sarutahiko (☆4)
Seth (☆4 Beachside)
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Sol (☆3)
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Starman Φ (☆2)
Surtr (☆3)
Suzuka (☆4 Fashionista)
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Taishakuten (☆4)
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Takemaru (☆5)
Takemaru (☆5 Christmas)
Takeminakata (☆3)
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Tangaroa (☆3)
Tanngrisnir (☆3)
Tanngrisnir (☆5)
Taromaiti (☆3)
Taromaiti (☆4)
Taurus Mask (☆3)
Taurus Mask (☆4)
Taurus Mask (☆4 Christmas)
Teda (☆4 Christmas)
Tetsuox (☆3)
Tetsuox (☆4)
Tetsuox (☆4 Jiangshi)
Tetsuya (☆3)
Toji (☆5 Valentine)
Tomte (☆3)
Red Tribe (☆2)
Green Tribe (☆2)
Tsathoggua (☆3)
Tvastar (☆3)
Tvastar (☆4)
Typhon (☆3)
Ulaanbaatar (☆3)
Ulaanbaatar (☆5)
Volkh Vseslav (☆3)
Volkh Vseslav (☆5)
Volos (☆3)
Volos (☆4 Beachside)
Wakan Tanka (☆3)
Wakan Tanka (☆5)
Wakan Tanka (☆5 Fashionista)
Red Wolf (☆1)
Blue Wolf (☆1)
Green Wolf (☆1)
Yellow Wolf (☆1)
Purple Wolf (☆1)
Shaded Wolf (☆1)
Black Luchador (☆2)
White Luchador (☆2)
Brown Luchador (☆2)
Red Luchador (☆2)
Blue Luchador (☆2)
Green Luchador (☆2)
Yellow Luchador (☆2)
Purple Luchador (☆2)
Y'golonac (☆3)
Y'golonac (☆4)
Blue Yaksha (☆2)
Green Yaksha (☆2)
Yamasachihiko (☆4 Pool)
Yule (☆3)
Yule (☆4)
Zabaniyya (☆3)
Zabaniyya (☆5)
Zao (☆3)
Zao (☆4)
Zhurong (☆3)
Zhurong (☆5 Christmas)
Translated from Japanese
"Ah, that was a fun fight, Hanuman. I feel great, let me buy you a drink."

"For real, Tetsuox! I'd like some fruit milk after my bath."

There is a public bathhouse called "Sarunoyu" located right next to Umamichi Academy in Taito Ward. It's a place where the students of that school go to socialize. This is especially true for those who don't have a bath in their dormitory. Today, Hanuman and Tetsuox walked through the curtain after a brief fight. Screams were heard when the soap got into their scrapes, and sparks fly as they jump into the hot water. They grow up, stretch out, get pulled out, and always argue about whether to drink coffee milk or fruit milk.

Official Japanese

「なんとマジでござるか、テツギュウ殿! 拙者、湯上りにフルーツ牛乳も飲みたいでござるっ」 台東区・得真道学園のすぐ傍にある、とある銭湯「猿の湯」。 そこは同学園の生徒たちが足しげく通う、社交の場。 特に、下宿に風呂がついていない若人たちにとってはそうだ。 今日も、ひと喧嘩を終わらせたハヌマンとテツギュウが、暖簾をくぐってやって来た。 擦り傷にセッケンが染みては叫び、湯に飛び込んでは怒られて。 のぼせて伸びて、引きずり出されて、コーヒー牛乳かフルーツ牛乳かでいつも議論をかわすのだ。


Event Line
Profile Tetsuox: Ah, that was a fun fight, Hanuman. I feel great, let me buy you a drink.
Hanuman: For real, Tetsuox! I'd like some fruit milk after my bath.
Charge Hanuman: Come on, come on, let's fight, Tetsuox!
Tetsuox: Oh, leave it to me, Hanuman! Well, let's go!
Both: Come on! Umamichi Wind God Blade!


  • The CS name is "Umamichi Wind God Blade: As Easy as Melting Temples"
  • The bathhouse mentioned here, Saru no Yu, is where Sarutahiko works.

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Anonymous user: b89afe3d
No. 8967
44 months ago
Score 0 You

>>8939 I didn't notice this until your comment!

Holy crap you are right, Tetsuox really gets around :V
Anonymous user: 90636869
No. 8939
44 months ago
Score 0 You
Not complaining but Tetsuox appears in so many AR cards whilst other characters hardly appear in any...
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