Event Quest:Raiders of the Lost Isle 2: The Promised Undersea City

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Raiders of the Lost Isle 2
News Link
Main Quest November 15, 2019 18:00 to December 31, 2019 23:59
Free Quest November 15, 2019 18:00 to December 31, 2019 13:59
Exchange November 15, 2019 18:00 to January 03, 2020 23:59
Gacha November 14, 2019 18:00 to December 13, 2019 23:59
Campaign November 11, 2019 18:00 to December 10, 2019 13:59

Event details

This event is notable for being the first ever explicit sequel to another event (Raiders of the Lost Isle); however, the story takes place immediate after the events of Chapter 9 of the Main Quests. Completing the Event Free Quests will reward exchangeable items Honeyed Milk and Seashell of Promises, as well as new Tribesman of the special attributes Element evil.pngINFERNAL, Element hero.pngVALIANT, and Element world.pngWORLD. High Difficulty Quests will also be released which will reward players for first completion.

Astaroth and Astarte are two characters taking the form of a single in-game new character entity, and is redeemable in the Event Item Exchange. Dagon is also released, now with new art as an obtainable version (different from his unobtainable version). Note that, like Jinn and Triton, Dagon is limited to this event's Transient Summon in both his regular cards. Lastly, three units featured in both the prequel and the current event has received new variants: Tangaroa (Canaan), Kijimuna (Canaan), and Robinson (Canaan). Additionally, two new AR cards are released: 深淵の海より来たりて and サン・アンド・オイル!. A Transient Summon and AR Equipment Summon for these cards are available during the event period.

Bringing specific character cards and AR cards will increase the amount of exchangeable items rewarded. These reward-boosting cards and the amount by which they increase rewards are summarized below.

Honeyed Milk Seashell of Promises Both
Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%)
Dagon 40 Tangaroa (Canaan) 40 Astaroth and Astarte 30
Robinson (Canaan) 30 Kijimuna (Canaan) 30 Astaroth and Astarte 10
Dagon 10 Tangaroa(Regular ☆3/☆5) 10 Tribesman (Element evil.pngINFERNAL, Element hero.pngVALIANT, and Element world.pngWORLD only) 10
Robinson (Regular ☆3/☆4) 10 Kijimuna (Regular ☆3/☆4) 10 Protagonist (any card) 20
Nomad (any card) 10
Asterius (any card) 10
Kurogane (any card) 10
深淵の海より来たりて 30
サン・アンド・オイル! 20
Island Diary: Page 1 10

My Guild items will be rewarded to those who log in during the event period.

Lastly, some other events will coincide with this event. First, the Main Quest of the prequel will be re-released for those who have not experienced it yet, as well as its associated Transient Summons. Second, a campaign for half-stamina-cost Main Quests and associated Free Quests will be held from November 11, 2019 18:00 to December 10 13:59. And third, the 3rd Anniversary campaign will be released during the event.

Event Quests

Event Main Quest, Free Quest, and Special Quest details can be found here.

Event Exchange

Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
Astaroth Honeyed Milk x20 100 2000
Astaroth Seashell of Promises x250 21 5250
Kijimuna Honeyed Milk x20 100 2000
Kijimuna Seashell of Promises x250 21 5250
Lesser HP Seed Honeyed Milk x160 20 3200
HP Seed Honeyed Milk x350 20 7000
Greater HP Seed Honeyed Milk x700 30 21000
Lesser ATK Seed Seashell of Promises x160 20 3200
ATK Seed Seashell of Promises x350 20 7000
Greater ATK Seed Seashell of Promises x700 30 21000
Level Seed Honeyed Milk x2000 5 10000
Skill Seed Seashell of Promises x2000 5 10000
G Aether Boost Honeyed Milk x25 120 3000
G Nether Boost Honeyed Milk x25 100 2500
G Infernal Boost Honeyed Milk x25 200 5000
G Valiant Boost Honeyed Milk x25 50 1250
G World Boost Honeyed Milk x25 300 7500
G All-round Boost Honeyed Milk x100 150 15000
Warrior Soul G Seashell of Promises x100 100 10000
Aether Spell Token Honeyed Milk x15 80 1200
Nether Spell Token Honeyed Milk x15 60 900
Infernal Spell Token Honeyed Milk x15 150 2250
Valiant Spell Token Honeyed Milk x15 50 750
World Spell Token Honeyed Milk x15 200 3000
All-round Spell Token Honeyed Milk x15 80 1200
Aether Shard Seashell of Promises x15 10 150
Nether Shard Seashell of Promises x15 10 150
Infernal Shard Seashell of Promises x15 25 375
Valiant Shard Seashell of Promises x15 5 75
World Shard Seashell of Promises x15 25 375
All-round Energy Shard Seashell of Promises x15 10 150
Aether Crystal Honeyed Milk x50 10 500
Nether Crystal Honeyed Milk x50 10 500
Infernal Crystal Honeyed Milk x50 25 1250
Valiant Crystal Honeyed Milk x50 5 250
World Crystal Honeyed Milk x50 25 1250
All-round Energy Crystal Honeyed Milk x50 10 500
Aether Energy Cluster Seashell of Promises x200 10 2000
Nether Energy Cluster Seashell of Promises x200 10 2000
Infernal Energy Cluster Seashell of Promises x200 25 5000
Valiant Energy Cluster Seashell of Promises x200 5 1000
World Energy Cluster Seashell of Promises x200 25 5000
All-round Energy Cluster Seashell of Promises x200 10 2000
Preliminary Slash Crest Honeyed Milk x150 10 1500
Preliminary Shot Crest Honeyed Milk x150 12 1800
Preliminary Magic Crest Honeyed Milk x150 10 1500
Preliminary Snipe Crest Honeyed Milk x150 5 750
Preliminary None Crest Honeyed Milk x150 5 750
Slash Crest Seashell of Promises x250 10 2500
Shot Crest Seashell of Promises x250 12 3000
Magic Crest Seashell of Promises x250 10 2500
Snipe Crest Seashell of Promises x250 5 1250
None Crest Seashell of Promises x250 5 1250
Honor Medallion Honeyed Milk x400 15 6000
Honor Medallion Seashell of Promises x400 15 6000
AR Token Honeyed Milk x100 50 5000
AR Token Seashell of Promises x100 50 5000
AR Lil' Salomon Ticket Honeyed Milk x1000 3 3000
AR Lil' Salomon Ticket Seashell of Promises x1000 3 3000
Lil' Salomon Ticket Honeyed Milk x1000 5 5000
Lil' Salomon Ticket Seashell of Promises x1000 5 5000
Ally Points Honeyed Milk x50 200 10000
Ally Points Seashell of Promises x50 200 10000
Coin Honeyed Milk -1 -1
Coin Seashell of Promises -1 -1


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Item Exchange


  • The event name used in this page is a fan translation

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Anonymous user: 8823709a
No. 8015
53 months ago
Score 0 You
Still to be translated correct?
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