Acceleration加速 |
Type |
BuffAffected by statuses related to buffs, e. g. Spread Buffs or Nullify Buff. |
Notes |
Gain CP each turn |
Description |
+8CP/turn for 3 turns |
Duration |
3 |
Tags |
Increase CP |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
CP Added |
8 |
Used Skills |
Increases CP of the buffed character at the end of the enemies turn for 3 turns.
Status usage
See Acceleration/Used Skills for more details
Apply | Advantage |
Base Skill |
Athlete (self) See full list Pursuer (self) Garmr Garmr Hati Hati Temujin Temujin Fugitive (self) R-19 Rugby Ranger (allies) Gunzo (Valentine) Tagalong (allies) Gunzo Gunzo Wakan Tanka Swimmer+ (self) See full list Wave Commander (self) Ganglie (Journey) Jilted Lover (self) Takemaru Takemaru Hounder (self) Toji (Valentine) Time Traveler (self) Algernon Algernon Bustler (self, allies) Jambavan (Nightmare) Athlete (self) Taurus Mask Jubilant Athlete (self) Taurus Mask Enterprising Entrepreneur (self, allies) Gyumao (Valentine) Athlete (self) Gunzo (Valentine) Intuitive Athlete (self) Gunzo (Valentine) Loyal Retainer (allies) Aizen (Jamboree) Impetuous Sunshine (self) Shennong (Summer) New Era Pioneer (self) Algernon (Summer) Inimitable Illusionist (self) Cait Sith Wind Gazer (self) Ded (Christmas) Tagalong (allies) Wakan Tanka Bull Tamer (allies) Wakan Tanka Beltane Illusionist (self) Cait Sith In the Heat of the Moment (self) Catoblepas (Summer) Defense Player (self) Ixbalanque Reserve Defender (self, allies) Ixbalanque Fugitive (self) R-19 Cantering Replicant (self, allies) R-19 Fast-Swimming Shark (self, allies) Shark Miniaturizer (self, allies) Otter Miniaturizing Divider (self, allies) Otter Oni Law Agent (self) Toji (Valentine) Student Space Merc (allies) Willie Wildcat Future World's Starman (self, allies) Willie Wildcat Rainbow Gazer (self, allies) Tu'er Shen Heterochromic Rabbit (self, allies) Tu'er Shen Orbiter (allies) Starman ∀ Starman ∞ Starman Φ Past Summer Lover (self) Tanngrisnir (Mountain) Fortune Dealing Young Santa (self, allies) Yule Girl and Robot (self, allies, enemies) Curren & MS-C1 Just the Two of Us (self, allies, enemies) Curren & MS-C1
| Nerve Plucker (x1.5) Bael Nerve Wrecker (x2) Bael
Charge Skill |
Garmr (self, allies)
Garmr (self, allies)
Hanuman (self, allies)
Hanuman (self, allies)
Ikutoshi (self, allies)
Ikutoshi (self, allies)
Jiraiya (self, allies)
Jiraiya (self, allies)
Nomad (self, allies)
Nomad (self, allies)
Nomad (Island) (self, allies)
Gyumao (self)
Ganglie (Journey) (allies)
Gyumao (self)
Tanngrisnir (self)
Tanngrisnir (self, allies)
| |
AR Skill |
Underground Speakeasy (self)
School Lunchtime Battle! (self)
| Underground Speakeasy (x1.4)
Show remaining infoboxes
Acceleration (Stackable 1)加速 |
Type |
Irremovable BuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them). |
Description |
+8CP/turn for 3 turns |
Duration |
3 |
Tags |
Increase CP, Extra stack |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
CP Added |
8 |
Used Skills |
Acceleration (Stackable 2)加速 |
Type |
Irremovable BuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them). |
Description |
+8CP/turn for 3 turns |
Duration |
3 |
Tags |
Increase CP, Extra stack |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
CP Added |
8 |
Used Skills |
Acceleration (Stackable 3)加速 |
Type |
Irremovable BuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them). |
Description |
+8CP/turn for 3 turns |
Duration |
3 |
Tags |
Increase CP |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
CP Added |
8 |
Used Skills |
Status usage
See Acceleration (Stackable 3)/Used Skills for more details
Buffs | Removable | ATK up | |
DEF up | |
+CP | |
+HP | |
Status-related | |
Proc rate up | |
Weapon Change | |
Other | |
Irremovable | ATK up | |
DEF up | |
+CP | |
+HP | |
Affinity Burst | |
Proc rate up | |
Other | |
Debuffs | Removable | ATK down | |
DEF down | |
-CP | |
-HP | |
Status-related | |
Proc rate down | |
Prevent movement | |
Other | |
Irremovable | ATK down | |
DEF down | |
-HP | |
Proc rate down | |