ATK Up攻撃強化 |
Type |
BuffAffected by statuses related to buffs, e. g. Spread Buffs or Nullify Buff. |
Notes |
Increase inflicted damage |
Description |
ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns |
Duration |
4 |
Tags |
ATK up |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
Damage Multiplier Dealt |
110% |
0% |
Used Skills |
Increases attack by a multiplier for 4 turns.
Skills Related to this Buff
Status usage
See ATK Up/Used Skills for more details
Apply | Advantage | Remove |
Base Skill |
Shape Shifter (self) See full list Samurai Warrior (self) Moritaka Moritaka King of the Four Heavens (allies) Nobuharu Nobuharu Shuten Shuten Shuten (Gendarme) Loyal Samurai (self, allies) Moritaka (Valentine) Famous Clone Master (allies) Kotaro Hellfire Torturer (self) Zabaniyya Flowerer (allies) Kijimuna Kijimuna Shino Shino Pillaging Neptune (self) Aegir Ruler of Ogres (allies) Takemaru Takemaru Smiling One (allies) Kenta (Valentine) Samurai Warrior + (self) Moritaka Moritaka Primordial Wyrm Reincarnate+ (self) Ophion Meteor Chaser (self) Zabaniyya (Fashionista) Sin Reveler (self) Krampus (Jiangshi) Killer Star Supernova (allies) Tetsuox (Jiangshi) Insecure Perfectionist (self) Astaroth Insecure Perfectionist (allies) Astaroth Chaser of Perfection (allies) Astaroth Chaser of Perfection (self) Astaroth Great Blusher (self) Kalki (Christmas) Shape Shifter (self) Ikutoshi Shifting Snatcher (self) Ikutoshi Sun Transgressor (self) Tezcatlipoca King of the Four Heavens + (allies) Nobuharu Nobuharu Shuten Shuten Shuten (Gendarme) Cheat Hero (self) Cthugha Almighty Exasperator (self) Cthugha Offering Seeker (allies) Bael Offering Collector (allies) Bael Force Expulsor (self) Teda The Championed (self) The Hero The Hero River Splasher (self) Moritaka (Jamboree) Meticulous Mechanic (self) Otohime Vivid Nobility (self) Otohime New Era Pioneer (self) Algernon (Summer) Repudiator (self) Seth (Valentine) Lord of Reincarnation (self) Kalki Shape Shifter (self) Goemon Tricky Tanuki (self) Goemon Peace Broker (self) Babe Bunyan Bovine Broker (self) Babe Bunyan Transformed Striker (self) Kresnik Wide-Mouthed (self) Oguchi Magami [[Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".|<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>]] () See full listNo values specified. Sun Reveler (self) Tajikarao (Summer) Midsummer Fashion Leader (allies) Arachne (Summer) Star-Chaser's Fire (self) Zabaniyya (Fashionista) Noble Kamui (self) Horkeu Kamui (Hot Paradise) Aftertaste Enjoyer (self) Azathoth (Halloween) Shape Shifter (self) Alice (Halloween) Shape Shifter (self) Arsalan (Halloween) Shape Shifter (self) Cu Sith (Halloween) Phantasm Shifter (self) Alice (Halloween) Stormy Persona (self) Arsalan (Halloween) Blackening Hellhound (self) Cu Sith (Halloween) Alltender (self) Wakan Tanka∞ Zenith Messenger (allies) Hermes Cornered Demagogue (allies) Licht Sun Transgressor (self) Tezcatlipoca Abyssal Sun (self) Tezcatlipoca Cognition Scrambler (self) Perun Martial Arts Master (self) Sandayu (Halloween) Crowned by Giants (self) Balor Snow Field Advisor (self, allies) Tanetomo (Valentine) Source of Pain (self, allies) Dagon (Summer) Flaming Summer's Forged Creature (self) Gullinbursti (Summer) "Anyone, Anywhere" (allies) Gullinbursti (Summer) Unfettered Killer Star Supernova (allies) Tetsuox (Jiangshi) Dragon King of Muspel (self) Fafnir Blushing Destroyer (self) Kalki (Christmas) Dog Warrior of Benevolence (self) Masashi Silver Flower Brain Trust (self, allies) Tanetomo (Valentine) Rooftop Proclaimer (self, allies) Taishakuten (Valentine) Former Mental Investigator (allies) Masanori (Valentine) Shape Shifter (self) Ikutoshi (Gendarme) Transforming Boy (self) Ikutoshi (Gendarme) Resembling God (self) Michael Emperor Host (self, allies) Perun (Host) Summer-colored Fashionista R (allies) Arachne (Summer) Brand Wearer (self) Himavat High Brand Model (self) Himavat Talent that Divides the Crowd (self) Marduk (Nightclub) Seeker of Omniscience (allies) Kyoma King of Omniscience (allies) Kyoma Fan Service Giver (self) Tomte (Valentine) Creator Idol (allies) Vapula (Valentine)
| Dancer with Death (x1.5) Yasuyori Wrestler with Death (x1.5) Yasuyori Nerve Plucker (x1.5) Bael Nerve Wrecker (x2) Bael
| Artificial Intelligence Enigma Cloned AI Enigma
Charge Skill |
Red Fencer (self)
Blue Fencer (self)
Green Fencer (self)
Yellow Fencer (self)
Purple Fencer (self)
Kengo (self)
Kengo (self)
Red Ogre (self)
Blue Ogre (self)
Green Ogre (self)
Yellow Ogre (self)
Purple Ogre (self)
Shaded Ogre (self)
Red Wolf (self)
Blue Wolf (self)
Green Wolf (self)
Yellow Wolf (self)
Purple Wolf (self)
Shaded Wolf (self)
Claude (self, allies)
Claude (self, allies)
Claude (Christmas) (self, allies)
Kengo (self, allies)
Lucifuge (self, allies)
Lucifuge (self, allies)
Fuxi (allies)
Fuxi (allies)
Hastur (self)
Hastur (self)
Arsalan (Summer) (self, allies)
Perun (Host) (self)
Kumano Gongen (allies)
Kumano Gongen (allies)
| | |
AR Skill |
A Present from an Uncouth Fellow (self)
| | |
ATK Up (Enemy)攻撃強化 |
Type |
Irremovable BuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them). |
Notes |
Increase inflicted damage |
Description |
ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, DEF Up by 0x, enemies deal 99999 extra damage for 4 turns |
Duration |
4 |
Tags |
ATK up |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
Damage Multiplier Dealt |
110% |
0% |
Additional Damaged Received |
99999 |
99999 |
Damage Multiplier Received |
0% |
0% |
ATK Up (3 turns)攻撃力増加 |
Type |
Irremovable BuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them). |
Notes |
Increase inflicted damage (Cannot be removed or transferred) |
Description |
ATK Up by 2x for 3 turns |
Duration |
3 |
Tags |
ATK up |
Base Value |
Maximum Value |
Damage Multiplier Dealt |
200% |
200% |
Buffs | Removable | ATK up | |
DEF up | |
+CP | |
+HP | |
Status-related | |
Proc rate up | |
Weapon Change | |
Other | |
Irremovable | ATK up | |
DEF up | |
+CP | |
+HP | |
Affinity Burst | |
Proc rate up | |
Other | |
Debuffs | Removable | ATK down | |
DEF down | |
-CP | |
-HP | |
Status-related | |
Proc rate down | |
Prevent movement | |
Other | |
Irremovable | ATK down | |
DEF down | |
-HP | |
Proc rate down | |