CS Lock

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CS LockCS封印
Type DebuffAffected by statuses related to debuffs, e. g. Nullify Debuff or Reflect Debuff.
Notes Charge Skill Blocked
Description Block charge and CS activation and for 3 turns.
Duration 3
Tags Other
Base Value Maximum Value
Unit Restrictions Charge
Used Skills
CS Lock (Wakan Tanka∞)CS封印
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Charge Skill Blocked (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description Block charge and CS activation and for 999 turns.
Duration 999
Tags Other
Base Value Maximum Value
Unit Restrictions Charge
CS Lock (AR)CS封印
Type DebuffAffected by statuses related to debuffs, e. g. Nullify Debuff or Reflect Debuff.
Notes Charge Skill Blocked
Description Block charge and CS activation and for 1 turn.
Duration 1
Tags Other
Base Value Maximum Value
Unit Restrictions Charge

Prevents afflicted target's Charge and associated Charge Skill from activating for 3 turns.

This following features of CS Lock have been observed to apply as of as early as version 4.9.5:

  • If a unit is presently afflicted with CS Lock when their player's turn begins, they will default to their regular attack on their attack turn, even if CS Lock is removed before they attack
  • If a unit is not presently afflicted with CS Lock present and has 100CP when their player's turn begins:
    • If the unit inflicts CS Lock to self by moving (e.g. Heracles):
      • The unit will not activate their charge and default to their regular attack, even if CS Lock is removed before their attack turn
      • If the unit had Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff), CS Lock will be reflected back to self (essentially penetrating Reflect Debuff), but the CS will activate on their attack turn
  • If a unit is inflicted with CS Lock while using their CS, their CS effects will still apply on subsequent units they hit

Status usage

See CS Lock/Used Skills for more details

Base Skill The Sealed (self)
Penny Pincher (self)
     Ifrit (Make Sail)
Shining One (enemies)
     Ifrit (Make Sail)
Spooler of Thread (self)
Sunset Rider (self)
     Yasuyori (Christmas)
Excited One (self)
     Zhurong (Christmas)
Hierodulia-Denying Ripper (enemies)
Stomach Filler (enemies)
     Behemoth (Summer)
Comet Striker (self)
     Krampus (Valentine)
Jazz Player (enemies)
Gentle Biter (allies)
Gently Biting Nominee (allies)
Great Banquet Ninja (enemies)
     Jiraiya (Seaside)
Advancer (enemies)
     Curren & MS-C1
Cutter of Ties (x1.5)
     Volos (Beachside)
Hierodulia Denier (x1.5)
Hierodulia-Denying Ripper (x1.5)
Hierodulia Denier (x1.5)
Gesir Bogdo of the Disaster (x1.5)
     Ulaanbaatar (Christmas)
Font of Vitality
Expender of Vitality
The One to Lean On
     Hakumen (Nightclub)
Charge Skill Fire Pirate (enemies)
Water Pirate (enemies)
Wood Pirate (enemies)
Aether Pirate (enemies)
Nether Pirate (enemies)
Ifrit (self, enemies)
Ifrit (self, enemies)
Volos (Beachside) (enemies)
Akiha Gongen (enemies)
Akiha Gongen (enemies)
Nomad (Christmas) (enemies)
Israfil (enemies)
Ulaanbaatar (Christmas) (enemies)
Y'golonac (enemies)
Y'golonac (enemies)
Enigma (Mountain) (enemies)
AR Skill Spirit of Zen