
From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
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Transient Information

[Machine Child]  Bertro
Weapon Spread Snipe.png
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 311+101.031*(Lv-1) ATK 289+56.112*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 60 6271.829 ATK @ Lv 60 3599.608
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 10292.449 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 6721.848
Brilliant Ruminator [After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 1, 3, 5...) Apply Glint (Stackable 1)+10% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self
    (Total turns 2, 4, 6...) Apply Glint (Stackable 2)+10% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 45~90%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -400 HP to self / 100%
Hungry Wolf [After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Copy 2 BuffsCopies 2 buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. (Buff) to enemies in Thrust range / 20~40%
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Movement expansion in all directionsIncreases movement distance in all directions by 1 square for 3 turns (Buff) to self / 50~100%
Mechaman [Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 30~60%
Calculator [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 5~10%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff) to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 20~40%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 1.5x damage to Warmonger enemies / 100%
Skill Evolution(s)
Hungry Wolf+ [After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Copy 2 BuffsCopies 2 buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. (Buff) to enemies in Thrust range / 20~40%
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Movement expansion in all directionsIncreases movement distance in all directions by 1 square for 3 turns (Buff) to self / 50~100%
[After BuffDoes not trigger if buff is nullified or resisted. Shares timing with effect that bestowed buff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when buff is already held. Buff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.] Apply ConcentrationATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns (Buff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 35~70%
[After BuffDoes not trigger if buff is nullified or resisted. Shares timing with effect that bestowed buff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when buff is already held. Buff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.] Apply Glint+10% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Buff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 40~80%
Pitying Moon's Questioned PhilosophyHarsh Mistress
-800~-1600 HP to hit units and enemies directly adjacent to them + Apply DarknessATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns (Debuff) to hit units Weapon Spread Magic.png
Show equipable ARs (56)

AR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.png

Illustration Toomiro
Scenario ――
Voice Haruna Ikezawa
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization Male
Gate Tokyo
Guild Warmongers
School Unknown

Research Files

Official English
"Guild Master of the aptly named Warmongers, a guild comprised of politicians and militarists, who was initially dispatched from the Game Masters, a guild operating out of the Tower of Babel. Born a human, although extensive surgery and modifications have rendered Bertro's body almost entirely mechanical. Bertro has been programmed to focus primarily on recording the actions of his fellow guild members, and as such, rarely gets involved in the conflicts they instigate. He firmly believes that those who can make war and humor coexist are truly human, and has an extreme fondness for both topics. Possessed of a strong desire to destroy the moon, Bertro inherently respects those with sufficient power to perform such a deed. He has a tendency to slip in Russian phrases when he gets worked up. Furthermore, Bertro tends to gain the sympathy of those who, like him, have had to endure being modified by the hands of others."
Translated from Japanese
Guildmaster of the Warmongers where war makers and political instigators meet. He has been sent from the Game Masters, the guild positioned at Babel Tower. He was born a human, but due to later surgeries his body is almost all machinery now. Generally he doesn't participate in the war that his guild causes, and his main inputted goal is to record those actions. His pet theory is that "humanity is in being able to execute humor and start wars," so he is greatly concerned with those topics. He has special thoughts regarding smashing the moon, so he shows respect for warriors who can accomplish that. He has a strange speaking pattern that mixes English and Russian when in high spirits. He seems to elicit sympathy by people who also have been altered by someone else.
Official Japanese
Relation From Others To Others
Like Ellie
Dislike Breke Breke

[Wolf-Mounted]  Bertro
Weapon Spread Thrust.png
Rarity 4 Cost 16
HP 519+101.745*(Lv-1) ATK 681+54.378*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 65 7030.68 ATK @ Lv 65 4161.192
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 11065.58 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 7248.752
Swift Contemplator [After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply ConcentrationATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns (Buff) to self / 40~80%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 1, 3, 5...) Apply Glint (Stackable 1)+10% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self
    (Total turns 2, 4, 6...) Apply Glint (Stackable 2)+10% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 45~90%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -400 HP to self / 100%
Hungry Wolf [After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Copy 2 BuffsCopies 2 buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. (Buff) to enemies in Thrust range / 20~40%
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Movement expansion in all directionsIncreases movement distance in all directions by 1 square for 3 turns (Buff) to self / 50~100%
Mechaman [Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 30~60%
Exceptional Calculator [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 10~20%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff) to enemies in a 3-square diamond radius aheadPyramidupward.png / 35~70%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 1.5x damage to Warmonger enemies / 100%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove DazzleATK Down by 0.7x ~ 0.35x for 3 turns (Debuff) / 50~100%
Skill Evolution(s)
Hungry Wolf+ [After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Copy 2 BuffsCopies 2 buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. (Buff) to enemies in Thrust range / 20~40%
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Movement expansion in all directionsIncreases movement distance in all directions by 1 square for 3 turns (Buff) to self / 50~100%
[After BuffDoes not trigger if buff is nullified or resisted. Shares timing with effect that bestowed buff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when buff is already held. Buff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.] Apply ConcentrationATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns (Buff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 35~70%
[After BuffDoes not trigger if buff is nullified or resisted. Shares timing with effect that bestowed buff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when buff is already held. Buff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.] Apply Glint+10% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Buff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 40~80%
Pitying Moon's Questioned PhilosophyHarsh Mistress
-2000~-4000 HP to hit units and enemies directly adjacent to them + Apply DarknessATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns (Debuff) to hit units Weapon Spread Magic.png
Show equipable ARs (66)

AR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 4.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.pngAR icon frame rarity 5.pngAR icon frame rarity 3.png

Illustration Toomiro
Scenario ――
Voice Haruna Ikezawa
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization Male
Gate Tokyo
Guild Warmongers
School Unknown
Official English
"Bertro is an artificial pillar created with technology from the future world of Utopia for the purpose of recording the events that transpire in this Tokyo. Although Bertro insists on staying out of App Battles, he is nonetheless heavily armed for the sake of self-defense. Among the ordnance in his possession is an electromagnetically guided shot that can hit a target from incredible distances. The mechanical wolf he rides upon also falls into the category of weapon. This wolf was formerly one of a pair of wolves who served at the side of Odin, World Representative of Yggdrasil. These wolves no longer get along, as each feels ill at ease with the current circumstances of the other. According to him, Bertro's reason for keeping this wolf is that he believes the Yggdrasil connected to this Tokyo is somehow influenced by Utopia's technology. Bertro originally had a different name given to him at the time of his creation, but for some reason, he chooses to be called Bertro instead."
Translated from Japanese
Official Japanese


Transient Summons

Transient Transient Summon
Bertro () - Chapter 11 Transient Summon (2021 Re-release) (2021)
- Chapter 11 Transient Summon (2020)
Bertro (Christmas) () - Guild Master Transient Summon (2024)
- Christmas Pickup Transient Summon (2023)
- Holy Night Gangstar Transient Summon (2022)


  • Harsh Mistress is a reference to one of Robert Heinlein's books, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
  • His CS subtitle comes from an expression that means cherishing something important yet being extremely violent with it. The expression itself is based on a story of a Chinese emperor drinking while writing poetry at a banquet, and he liked the moon so much that he took away all other lights.

[Show Comments]

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 870a67ff
No. 16319
17 months ago
Score 0 You
I want that robot wolf to step on me in a sexual way
Anonymous user: 3aa51be2
No. 15496
21 months ago
Score 0 You
I wanna suck his little robot toes and get shocked by them
Anonymous user: 225b6c29
No. 15314
21 months ago
Score 0 You
He looks like a character from Megaman/Rockman Nt Warriors/Exe.
Anonymous user: a6acdb65
No. 15261
21 months ago
Score 0 You
Just when I thought he couldn’t get more Mega Man, the Christmas skins come in, Toomiro is a godsend.
Anonymous user: 5347b152
No. 15254
22 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 3ded5dfb
No. 15244
22 months ago
Score 0 You


BUT BUT without the wolf, how am I suppose to make Twilight Princess Midna and Metal Gear Revengeance bladewolf jokes? D:
Anonymous user: 3ded5dfb
No. 15242
22 months ago
Score 0 You
Ok Christmas outfit is just ZERO from Megaman!
Anonymous user: c73a5912
No. 15235
22 months ago
Score 0 You
The surgery was a success and they final detached the child from the wolf
Anonymous user: abf4772c
No. 13865
26 months ago
Score 0 You
What's his love line?
Anonymous user: e913c13a
No. 13668
27 months ago
Score 0 You


I was thinking about the purple hair down there. But I guess it would be white... a shame.
Anonymous user: abf463ca
No. 13634
27 months ago
Score 0 You


his biological hair [ white ] or the purple mech hair? weird question either way but I was wondering if you'd specify lmao
Anonymous user: e9139042
No. 13628
27 months ago
Score 0 You
Do you think his pubic hair is the same color? I kinda want to see it
Anonymous user: 917d627b
No. 12319
32 months ago
Score 0 You
This bitch eats liquid soap and i support him for it
Anonymous user: 2caebdd7
No. 11482
36 months ago
Score 0 You


Read his description right after posting this. Now I feel stupid xD
Anonymous user: 2caebdd7
No. 11481
36 months ago
Score 0 You


Accurate, considering the fact that he speaks Russian in some of his voicelines.
Anonymous user: ad3654a6
No. 11083
38 months ago
Score 0 You
This character has got some "Сука блять" aura...
Anonymous user: 22e260b1
No. 10947
38 months ago
Score 0 You
Hes a band kid
Anonymous user: 7ac83b41
No. 10040
41 months ago
Score 0 You
Bertro and his doggo are just Bass.EXE and Gospel(Treble)2.0
Anonymous user: 9ffc5ad5
No. 8977
45 months ago
Score 0 You


Even worse when you realize you can just call him Bert for short. Really takes away the threat level from this guy.
Anonymous user: 27dc9fb4
No. 8780
46 months ago
Score 1 You
I just noticed he have white hair lol
Anonymous user: 0af98533
No. 8769
46 months ago
Score 0 You


Hakkenshi (8 warrior dogs) Shall have "all" too. Because their shall be 8 + 1(Shino, shadow). Shino is the father who give birth 8 warrior dogs. Total 9 unit, 9 element.
Anonymous user: 49744053
No. 8640
46 months ago
Score 0 You
love how his name is just "robert" jumbled up. its so stupid yet it works
Anonymous user: 35a9dca8
No. 8487
46 months ago
Score 0 You
Is there porn of him already
Anonymous user: 9bdcdf78
No. 8442
46 months ago
Score 0 You


The Hakkenshi are their own thing though. Unless they pull an Oz/Breke and cram him into the same body as Yoshito, Nobumichi, Masashi, or Masanori, I don't see that happening.
Anonymous user: 43269ef5
No. 8427
46 months ago
Score 0 You
This seems like a fine debuffing unit with good rates on evasion at turn start if you keep it moving (which you should with its expanded movement) pretty solid for a 4*. The copy 2 buffs its very niche but occasionally copying offensive buffs is nice.
Anonymous user: 57222cbb
No. 8414
46 months ago
Score 0 You
I loved how wild and crazy looking this boy reminds me of azathoth
Anonymous user: d4f853f0
No. 8392
46 months ago
Score 0 You
He looks like he stepped out of Azure Striker
Anonymous user: 8b4aaf28
No. 8386
46 months ago
Score 0 You

>>8322 My guess is that Skoll will ultimately be revealed to be one of the 8 Dog Warriors that we haven't met yet, presumably as the Nether attribute warrior since that seems the most fitting if they end up with one per attribute (not counting All-Type). So far we have: Shino- Infernal Moritaka- Water Tadatomo- Fire Yasuyori- Wood Tanetomo- Valiant ???- Aether ???- Nether

???- World
Anonymous user: 75a97e18
No. 8373
46 months ago
Score 0 You


Reading the full range instead of first three words might help
Anonymous user: ccc3fbf9
No. 8368
46 months ago
Score 0 You


The part I don't understand is "hit units and enemies" isn't that. uh. redundant
Anonymous user: 27dc9fb4
No. 8367
46 months ago
Score 0 You


"Flat damage" it means that's the amount of life the enemy lose before attack/CS attack, and ignores if enemy have defensive moves like evasion, of course, this damage works as poison or burn, it cannot kill, so that's why is applied before the attack
Anonymous user: 9b7bad45
No. 8356
46 months ago
Score -1 You


That makes it better
Anonymous user: f97e261b
No. 8351
46 months ago
Score 1 You


For consideration, he is classified as Shota.
Anonymous user: 1f9162f4
No. 8345
46 months ago
Score 0 You
"-2000~-4000 HP to hit units and enemies" what does this mean
Anonymous user: 9b419ea0
No. 8337
46 months ago
Score 0 You
Metal Sonic.
Anonymous user: 3535e36b
No. 8331
46 months ago
Score 0 You
baby. baby boy
Anonymous user: 9bdc1b46
No. 8322
46 months ago
Score 0 You

Alright, so of the Norse doggos I'm aware of:

Garmr is with the Berserkers Fenrir is with the Beast Tamers Hati is with the Missionaries Skoll still hasn't been revealed Freki got kidnaped and turned into Breke

Geri got kidnapped and turned into this kid's mount
Anonymous user: 3bc2c333
No. 8316
46 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: 5a9969ca
No. 8313
46 months ago
Score 0 You


Robert Heinlein. Book author, which fits with him being related to Utopian technology
Anonymous user: 8577e21e
No. 8308
46 months ago
Score 0 You
Can I just ditch Bertro and keep the wolf? It looks freaking BADASS.
Anonymous user: 66157cff
No. 8305
46 months ago
Score 0 You
i wanna fuck him and his wolf
Anonymous user: 1ea82803
No. 8290
46 months ago
Score 0 You
so, any idea who is this guy based off ? im really lost in this one (?
Anonymous user: 681eca2d
No. 8275
46 months ago
Score 1 You


The purple energy all over along with the visor gives me more Star Force vibes. Either way, his design's striking, easily one of coolest-looking warmongers.
Anonymous user: 5a99d980
No. 8268
46 months ago
Score 0 You
  • points* gremlin
Anonymous user: 072976a8
No. 8267
46 months ago
Score 0 You
Gregar from Mega Man Battle Network 6 got an update
Anonymous user: 0b2e99ed
No. 8265
46 months ago
Score 0 You
Not quite the feralsamo I was asking for but I'll take him :3
Anonymous user: 9ffc5ad5
No. 8260
46 months ago
Score 0 You
Dude looks like he just lept from the megaman zero series.
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