Event Quest:The Afterschool Hero and the Fantastic Boyfriends (2021 Re-Release)

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The Afterschool Hero and the Fantastic Boyfriends (2021 Re-Release)
News Link
Gacha September 07, 2021 20:00 to September 28, 2021 13:59
Free Quests September 07, 2021 20:00 to September 28, 2021 13:59
Main Quests September 07, 2021 20:00 to September 28, 2021 13:59
Item Exchange September 07, 2021 20:00 to October 05, 2025 23:59

Event Details

Lifewonders is re-releasing the collaboration event with their first product, The Summoned Brave & Fantastic Boyfriends (F-kare) along with TW, EN and CN localisation for its quests and the past High Difficulty Quests that event contained. In addition to the limited Transient Summon banner returning, a brand new AR Summon banner will be available with brand new limited ARs. All the units in this event and most AR Cards are limited to this event, meaning they won't be added to either permanent summoning pools. The limited availability include Nekros&Bacchus, Sol, Orgus, The Hero (through Event Shop), "Sweating Together, Through Good and Bad", The Ultimate Performance, Snapshot of That Day and Cheers to Adventure . In addition to this, the following new AR card will be added to the permanent pool This One's for the Summer Seas!.

There are also new themed banners containing the permanent versions of transients from the world of Yggdrasil available such as Aegir and Tanngrisnir. All the units in these banners give significant bonuses to the farming quests.

New Skill-Specific evolutions have also been released with this update for the high rarities of Nekros&Bacchus, Sol, Orgus and The Hero.

A new character quest for The Hero is scheduled to be released during the event period.

New Fantastic Boyfriends merchandise has been announced to be scheduled for distribution as well as a sequel collaboration event to this event story, details for these will be announced later.

Card Bonus % Card Bonus %
Nekros&Bacchus (5✰) 30 Aegir (any card) 20
Nekros&Bacchus (3✰) 20 Fenrir (any card) 20
Sol (any card) 20 Hati (any card) 20
Orgus (any card) 20 Garmr (any card) 20
The Hero (any card) 20 Alp (any card) 20
Horus (any card) 20 "Sweating Together, Through Good and Bad" 30
Andvari (any card) 20 The Ultimate Performance 30
Surtr (any card) 20 Snapshot of That Day 20
Tanngrisnir (any card) 20 This One's for the Summer Seas! 20
Gullinbursti (any card) 20 Cheers to Adventure 10
Breke (any card) 20

Transient Summons



Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
The Hero Midgardian Currency x20 100 2000
The Hero Quest Form x250 21 5250
Cheers to Adventure Quest Form x100 80 8000
ゲームコマンド Quest Form x20 1 20
Lesser HP Seed Midgardian Currency x160 3 480
HP Seed Midgardian Currency x350 3 1050
Greater HP Seed Midgardian Currency x700 3 2100
Lesser ATK Seed Quest Form x160 3 480
ATK Seed Quest Form x350 3 1050
Greater ATK Seed Quest Form x700 3 2100
Greater HP Blossom Midgardian Currency x1500 3 4500
Greater ATK Blossom Quest Form x1500 3 4500
G Fire Boost Quest Form x25 200 5000
G Wood Boost Quest Form x25 200 5000
G Aether Boost Quest Form x25 200 5000
G Nether Boost Quest Form x25 300 7500
G All-round Boost Midgardian Currency x100 200 20000
Warrior Soul G Midgardian Currency x100 200 20000
Fire Spell Token Midgardian Currency x15 150 2250
Wood Spell Token Midgardian Currency x15 150 2250
Aether Spell Token Midgardian Currency x15 150 2250
Nether Spell Token Midgardian Currency x15 200 3000
Fire Shard Quest Form x15 15 225
Wood Shard Quest Form x15 15 225
Aether Shard Quest Form x15 15 225
Nether Shard Quest Form x15 20 300
Fire Crystal Midgardian Currency x50 15 750
Wood Crystal Midgardian Currency x50 15 750
Aether Crystal Midgardian Currency x50 15 750
Nether Crystal Midgardian Currency x50 20 1000
Fire Energy Cluster Quest Form x200 15 3000
Wood Energy Cluster Quest Form x200 15 3000
Aether Energy Cluster Quest Form x200 15 3000
Nether Energy Cluster Quest Form x200 20 4000
Preliminary Slash Crest Quest Form x150 5 750
Preliminary Thrust Crest Quest Form x150 5 750
Preliminary Blow Crest Quest Form x150 5 750
Preliminary Shot Crest Quest Form x150 5 750
Preliminary Magic Crest Quest Form x150 10 1500
Preliminary Long Slash Crest Quest Form x150 5 750
Preliminary Snipe Crest Quest Form x150 5 750
Slash Crest Midgardian Currency x250 5 1250
Thrust Crest Midgardian Currency x250 5 1250
Blow Crest Midgardian Currency x250 5 1250
Shot Crest Midgardian Currency x250 5 1250
Magic Crest Midgardian Currency x250 10 2500
Long Slash Crest Midgardian Currency x250 5 1250
Snipe Crest Midgardian Currency x250 5 1250
Forget-Me-Not Midgardian Currency x500 10 5000
Forget-Me-Not Quest Form x500 10 5000
Honor Medallion Midgardian Currency x400 15 6000
Honor Medallion Quest Form x400 15 6000
AR Token Midgardian Currency x100 50 5000
AR Token Quest Form x100 50 5000
Ally Points Midgardian Currency x50 200 10000
Ally Points Quest Form x50 200 10000
Coin Midgardian Currency -1 -1
Coin Quest Form -1 -1


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"It's important to stock up before a journey, and yours is far from over. You've earned this break, so rest up while you can. Hey! What's that look for?!"


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