Event Quest:Osechi, the Mouse and the Sweeper

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Osechi, the Mouse and the Sweeper
News Link
Main Quest January 01, 2020 00:00 to January 20, 2020 13:59
Free Quests January 01, 2020 00:00 to January 20, 2020 13:59
Paid Gacha January 01, 2020 00:00 to January 10, 2020 23:59

Event Details

Percent Up Characters
20% Up 10% Up
Gullinbursti Protagonist
Algernon Shiro
Protagonist Kengo

Following tradition with previous New Years Events, an event Main Quest will be released alongside Free Quests to earn Offering to spend on the event's special Gacha or the associated shop. This time, the Gacha is a Reprint of 2019's New Years Event where Gullinbursti can be obtained until his Sacred Artifact level is maxed.

To celebrate the New Year, LifeWonders will be implementing a login bonus for a few days.

January 1st AR Token x20 Stamina Minor x4
January 2nd AR Token x20 Stamina Major x1
January 3rd AR Token x20 Stamina Minor x2 Stamina Major x1
January 4th AR Token x20 Level Seed x3 Stamina Minor x4 Stamina Major x1
January 5th AR Token x20 AR Lil' Salomon Ticket x2 Skill Seed x3 Stamina Drink x1

Owners of Algernon will be able to use a new skin for him (in lieu of Ganglie's and Moritaka's New Year skins). For those who don't, fret not, as you can use him as NPC support for both the Challenge Quest reprint and the Offering farming Quests.

Special material quests have also been added to the Event section. These quests have a higher chance of getting LB materials compared to their Daily Quest counterparts are available for the following attributes: Element none.pngALL-ROUND, Element evil.pngINFERNAL, Element hero.pngVALIANT, and Element world.pngWORLD; as well as the weapon types 0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash, 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe, and Icon weapon nothing.pngNone.

Alongside these changes, the full English and Chinese translations for the event Year of the Wildest Boar are being released.

Additionally, the super premium 2020 Grab Bag gacha is being added for a limited time.

Furthermore, Character quests and Skill Evolution Quests are being added to Agyo, Gullinbursti and Algernon.


This year, the premium 2020 Grab Bag gacha will be available. It can only be rolled on once, costing 50 paid-only Transient Stones.

Because of this premium, you're guaranteed one instead of a on the last roll. This can be limited or non-limited. Unlike last year, now the semi-last roll guarantees a limited or a limited . This guaranteed roll excludes limited units obtained through event shops, the Andvari Shop, or the New Year's Offering banners.

In addition, all limited units that aren't shop exclusive or offering exclusive are available to pull on every slot. This includes event limited s like Triton, Jinn and Dagon.

Like other gacha, a 10-summon can only be performed if the player has not yet exhausted the summon pool for the guaranteed rolls. In this case, if the player has all or limited units, they cannot pull from this gacha at all.


This year, in addition to dropping LB Materials, EXP stars, Seeds and Skill Gems, the Fortune Gacha reprint can drop the special tickets 2020 New Year's Ticket that can be redeemed at the shop for Lil' Salomon Tickets and Coins.


Event Exchange

Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
G Valiant Boost Offering x25 200 5000
Valiant Spell Token Offering x15 140 2100
Valiant Shard Offering x15 14 210
Valiant Crystal Offering x50 14 700
Valiant Energy Cluster Offering x200 14 2800
Nondescript Furniture (Wall) Offering x20 1 20
Nondescript Furniture (Floor) Offering x20 1 20
Nondescript Lighting (Hang) Offering x20 1 20
Frame【Dirty Room】 Offering x20 1 20
Ally Points Offering x50 100 5000
Coin Offering -1 -1
Lil' Salomon Ticket 2020 New Year's Ticket 5 5
Coin 2020 New Year's Ticket -1 -1


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やあやあお疲れ。 集めてきた物を回収しよう。ちゃんと見返りは用意してあるともさ! 働き者には報酬があって然るべき、だ。

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