Event Quest:Make a Killing! The Beach House and Andvari Falls (2021 Re-Release)

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Make a Killing! The Beach House and Andvari Falls
News Link
Gacha March 15, 2021 20:00 to April 02, 2021 13:59
Main Quests March 15, 2021 20:00 to April 02, 2021 13:59
Free Quests March 15, 2021 20:00 to April 02, 2021 13:59
Item Exchange March 15, 2021 20:00 to April 09, 2021 23:59
High Difficulty Quests March 15, 2021 20:00 to April 02, 2021 13:59

Event Details

Gold Coin Scratchcard | Beach Trash Prosperity Bonus
Card +Bonus (%) Card ×Bonus
Andvari (Beachside) 30 Andvari (Beachside) 6
Chernobog (Beachside) 30 Chernobog (Beachside) 6
Andvari (☆3/☆4) 20 Goemon 5
Chernobog (☆3/☆5 Regular) 20 Kotaro (Beachside) 3
Goemon (all cards) 20 Volos (Beachside) 3
Kotaro (all cards) 20 Seth (Beachside) 3
Volos (all cards) 20 Goemon 2
Seth (all cards) 20 Protagonist (all cards) 2
Makara (all cards) 20 Golden Harvest 4
Nomad (all cards) 20 Eyes on the Prize 4
Jiraiya (all cards) 20 Attack of the Killer Watermelons 3
Protagonist (all cards) 20 Surfing the Wave 3
Golden Harvest 30 Money-Making Beach House 2
Eyes on the Prize 30
Attack of the Killer Watermelons 20
Surfing the Wave 20
Money-Making Beach House 10

Quest Details

Quest details for this event can be found here.

Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
Money-Making Beach House Beach Trash x100 80 8000
Coin Stamp Gold Coin Scratchcard x20 1 20
Surfing Stamp Gold Coin Scratchcard x20 1 20
BBQ Stamp Gold Coin Scratchcard x20 1 20
Master Thief Stamp Gold Coin Scratchcard x20 1 20
Watermelon Stamp Gold Coin Scratchcard x20 1 20
Ninja Diving Stamp Gold Coin Scratchcard x20 1 20
Andvari Falls (Room) Beach Trash x50 1 50
Golden Toilet (Wall) Beach Trash x20 1 20
Gold Coin Bath (Floor) Beach Trash x20 1 20
Golden Banner (Hang) Beach Trash x20 1 20
Lesser HP Seed Gold Coin Scratchcard x160 3 480
HP Seed Gold Coin Scratchcard x350 3 1050
Greater HP Seed Gold Coin Scratchcard x700 3 2100
Lesser ATK Seed Beach Trash x160 3 480
ATK Seed Beach Trash x350 3 1050
Greater ATK Seed Beach Trash x700 3 2100
G Fire Boost Gold Coin Scratchcard x25 400 10000
G Water Boost Gold Coin Scratchcard x25 250 6250
G Aether Boost Gold Coin Scratchcard x25 200 5000
G Valiant Boost Gold Coin Scratchcard x25 150 3750
G All-round Boost Beach Trash x100 100 10000
Warrior Soul G Beach Trash x100 200 20000
Fire Spell Token Gold Coin Scratchcard x15 250 3750
Water Spell Token Gold Coin Scratchcard x15 200 3000
Aether Spell Token Gold Coin Scratchcard x15 100 1500
Valiant Spell Token Gold Coin Scratchcard x15 100 1500
Fire Shard Beach Trash x15 25 375
Water Shard Beach Trash x15 20 300
Aether Shard Beach Trash x15 10 150
Valiant Shard Beach Trash x15 10 150
Fire Crystal Gold Coin Scratchcard x50 25 1250
Water Crystal Gold Coin Scratchcard x50 20 1000
Aether Crystal Gold Coin Scratchcard x50 10 500
Valiant Crystal Gold Coin Scratchcard x50 10 500
Fire Energy Cluster Beach Trash x200 25 5000
Water Energy Cluster Beach Trash x200 20 4000
Aether Energy Cluster Beach Trash x200 10 2000
Valiant Energy Cluster Beach Trash x200 10 2000
Preliminary Thrust Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x150 10 1500
Preliminary Blow Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x150 10 1500
Preliminary Magic Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x150 10 1500
Preliminary Snipe Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x150 10 1500
Preliminary None Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x150 10 1500
Thrust Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x250 10 2500
Blow Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x250 10 2500
Magic Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x250 10 2500
Snipe Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x250 10 2500
None Crest Gold Coin Scratchcard x250 10 2500
Forget-Me-Not Gold Coin Scratchcard x500 10 5000
Forget-Me-Not Beach Trash x500 10 5000
Honor Medallion Gold Coin Scratchcard x400 15 6000
Honor Medallion Beach Trash x400 15 6000
AR Token Gold Coin Scratchcard x100 50 5000
AR Token Beach Trash x100 50 5000
Ally Points Gold Coin Scratchcard x50 200 10000
Ally Points Beach Trash x50 200 10000
Coin Gold Coin Scratchcard -1 -1
Coin Beach Trash -1 -1
Coin Prosperity Bonus 20 20
Coin Prosperity Bonus -1 -1


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さあさあ、どーん! と持っていきなっ! ……って、どうした? このゴエモン様を 前にして遠慮なんか すんじゃねぇぜ? かんらからから!


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Anonymous user: 22523370
No. 9375
48 months ago
Score 0 You
Why did this happen. My phone is broken i need to get it fixed right now I need to see the wholesome and cute content.
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