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| news link = https://housamo.info/news/virtualsummer2020/
| news link = https://housamo.info/news/virtualsummer2020/
| banner image = 2028ca914b5ed847e542fc32874a422f.png
| banner image = 2028ca914b5ed847e542fc32874a422f.png
| duration = Gacha!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 4th, 2020 @ 23:59;Main Quests!August 12th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 4th, 2020 @ 23:59;Free Quests!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> August 31st, 2020 @ 13:59;Item Exchange!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 7th, 2020 @ 23:59;High Difficulty Quests!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 4th, 2020 @ 23:59;Login Bonus!August 13th, 2020 @ 00:00 -> August 31st, 2020 @ 23:59;
| duration = Gacha!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 4th, 2020 @ 23:59;Main Quests!August 12th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 4th, 2020 @ 23:59;Free Quests!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> August 31st, 2020 @ 13:59;Item Exchange!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 7th, 2020 @ 23:59;High Difficulty Quests!August 07th, 2020 @ 18:00 -> September 4th, 2020 @ 23:59;
| type = Event
| type = Event
| active = true
| active = true

Revision as of 00:24, 16 August 2020

Virtual Summer Memory - Dance in the Dragon Palace
News Link
Gacha August 07, 2020 18:00 to September 04, 2020 23:59
Main Quests August 12, 2020 18:00 to September 04, 2020 23:59
Free Quests August 07, 2020 18:00 to August 31, 2020 13:59
Item Exchange August 07, 2020 18:00 to September 07, 2020 23:59
High Difficulty Quests August 07, 2020 18:00 to September 04, 2020 23:59

Event Details

Lifewonders is launching their new summer event, starting early August. Before the event is released, the associated Transient Summons will be added, these include Otohime, Hephaestus (Summer), Shennong (Summer), Algernon (Summer) and Hombre Tigre (Summer). A new shop unit is also being added outside the transient summons, him being Yamasachihiko.

In this event, all characters that have existing swimsuit skins will give a 10% bonus on the tokens obtained through free quests, these being Fragmented File and Dance Energy Cube. In addition to this, every piece of existing AR Equipment will grant an additional 20% bonus.

The banner unit rate-ups are as followed:

Fragmented File Dance Energy Cube Both
Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%)
Hephaestus (Summer) 40 Shennong (Summer) 40 Yamasachihiko 20
Algernon (Summer) 30 Hombre Tigre (Summer) 30 Otohime 20
Hephaestus (☆3/☆5) 10 Shennong (☆3/☆4) 10 Yamasachihiko (☆3) 10
Algernon (Regular ☆3/☆4) 10 Hombre Tigre (Regular ☆3/☆4) 10 Otohime (☆3) 10
Protagonist (any card) 10
Any AR Equipment (any rarity) 20

Adding to this, Sanat Kumara, Licho, Tezcatlipoca and Nezha are getting new swimsuit skins that will also give a 10% bonus on both currencies. The full list of swimsuit skin units that give 10% bonus on both currencies are as follows:

Both Both Both Both Both
Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%)
Shiro (any card) 10 Kengo (any card) 10 Ryota (any card) 10 Toji (any card) 10 Oniwaka (any card) 10
Hanuman (any card) 10 Claude (any card) 10 Licht (any card) 10 Maria (any card) 10 Moritaka (any card) 10
Fenrir (any card) 10 Ashigara (any card) 10 Asterius (any card) 10 Ganglie (any card) 10 Ikutoshi (any card) 10
Shinya (any card) 10 Eita (any card) 10 Choji (any card) 10 Macan (any card) 10 Garmr (any card) 10
Makara (any card) 10 Azazel (any card) 10 Gunzo (any card) 10 Nobuharu (any card) 10 Kyuma (any card) 10
Gabriel (any card) 10 Hati (any card) 10 Bathym (any card) 10 Kalki (any card) 10 Nomad (any card) 10
Snow (any card) 10 Nyarlathotep (any card) 10 Pollux (any card) 10 Taurus Mask (any card) 10 Jiraiya (any card) 10
Andvari (any card) 10 Horkeu Kamui (any card) 10 Taromaiti (any card) 10 Chernobog (any card) 10 Arsalan (any card) 10
Ifrit (any card) 10 Hakumen (any card) 10 Benten (any card) 10 Ahab (any card) 10 Typhon (any card) 10
Jinn (any card) 10 Xolotl (any card) 10 Tadatomo (any card) 10 Ophion (any card) 10 Motosumi (any card) 10
Ibaraki (any card) 10 Sitri (any card) 10 Aizen (any card) 10 Shino (any card) 10 Tajikarao (any card) 10
Surtr (any card) 10 Gullinbursti (any card) 10 Tetsuya (any card) 10 Takemaru (any card) 10 Tangaroa (any card) 10
Triton (any card) 10 Kijimuna (any card) 10 Kurogane (any card) 10 Robinson (any card) 10 Thunderbird (any card) 10
Gyumao (any card) 10 Seth (any card) 10 Ebisu (any card) 10 Aegir (any card) 10 Zao (any card) 10
Agyo (any card) 10 Tetsuox (any card) 10 Barguest (any card) 10 Kenta (any card) 10 Tsukuyomi (any card) 10
Jugo (any card) 10 Kagutsuchi (any card) 10 Avarga (any card) 10 Mineaki (any card) 10 Cu Sith (any card) 10
Leib (any card) 10 Jambavan (any card) 10 Alp (any card) 10 Arc (any card) 10 Babalon (any card) 10
Azathoth (any card) 10 Behemoth (any card) 10 Ziz (any card) 10 Dagon (any card) 10 Nezha (any card) 10
Tezcatlipoca (any card) 10 Licho (any card) 10 Sanat Kumara (any card) 10 Kotaro (any card) 10 Tsathoggua (any card) 10
Zabaniyya (any card) 10 Volos (any card) 10 Wakan Tanka (any card) 10 Amatsumara (any card) 10 Suzuka (any card) 10
Arachne (any card) 10 Goemon (any card) 10 Korpokkur (any card) 10 Musashi (any card) 10

Later in the event, LifeWonders revealed a login bonus during the event period:

August 13th - August 31st (obtainable once) Coin x 3000000
Transient Stone x 100
August 13th Rainbow Shard x 500
August 14th Rainbow Shard x 500
August 15th Rainbow Shard x 500
August 16th Rainbow Shard x 500
August 17th Rainbow Shard x 500
August 18th Rainbow Shard x 500
August 19th Rainbow Shard x 500

Quest details

Quest details for this event can be found here.

Transient Summons


Event Exchange

Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
Yamasachihiko Fragmented File x20 100 2000
Yamasachihiko Dance Energy Cube x250 21 5250
School of Fish: Right Fragmented File x20 1 20
School of Fish: Left Fragmented File x20 1 20
Many Bubbles Fragmented File x20 1 20
Lesser HP Seed Dance Energy Cube x160 20 3200
HP Seed Dance Energy Cube x350 20 7000
Greater HP Seed Dance Energy Cube x700 30 21000
Lesser ATK Seed Fragmented File x160 20 3200
ATK Seed Fragmented File x350 20 7000
Greater ATK Seed Fragmented File x700 30 21000
Level Seed Dance Energy Cube x2000 5 10000
Skill Seed Fragmented File x2000 5 10000
G Fire Boost Dance Energy Cube x25 120 3000
G Water Boost Dance Energy Cube x25 200 5000
G Wood Boost Dance Energy Cube x25 300 7500
G Aether Boost Dance Energy Cube x25 200 5000
G Nether Boost Dance Energy Cube x25 120 3000
G All-round Boost Fragmented File x100 100 10000
Warrior Soul G Fragmented File x100 100 10000
Fire Spell Token Dance Energy Cube x15 80 1200
Water Spell Token Dance Energy Cube x15 140 2100
Wood Spell Token Dance Energy Cube x15 230 3450
Aether Spell Token Dance Energy Cube x15 100 1500
Nether Spell Token Dance Energy Cube x15 80 1200
Fire Shard Fragmented File x15 10 150
Water Shard Fragmented File x15 15 225
Wood Shard Fragmented File x15 25 375
Aether Shard Fragmented File x15 10 150
Nether Shard Fragmented File x15 10 150
Fire Crystal Dance Energy Cube x50 10 500
Water Crystal Dance Energy Cube x50 15 750
Wood Crystal Dance Energy Cube x50 25 1250
Aether Crystal Dance Energy Cube x50 10 500
Nether Crystal Dance Energy Cube x50 10 500
Fire Energy Cluster Fragmented File x200 10 2000
Water Energy Cluster Fragmented File x200 15 3000
Wood Energy Cluster Fragmented File x200 25 5000
Aether Energy Cluster Fragmented File x200 10 2000
Nether Energy Cluster Fragmented File x200 10 2000
Preliminary Slash Crest Dance Energy Cube x150 10 1500
Preliminary Blow Crest Dance Energy Cube x150 5 750
Preliminary Shot Crest Dance Energy Cube x150 10 1500
Preliminary Magic Crest Dance Energy Cube x150 5 750
Preliminary Long Slash Crest Dance Energy Cube x150 5 750
Preliminary Snipe Crest Dance Energy Cube x150 5 750
Slash Crest Fragmented File x250 10 2500
Blow Crest Fragmented File x250 5 1250
Shot Crest Fragmented File x250 10 2500
Magic Crest Fragmented File x250 5 1250
Long Slash Crest Fragmented File x250 5 1250
Snipe Crest Fragmented File x250 5 1250
Honor Medallion Dance Energy Cube x400 15 6000
Honor Medallion Fragmented File x400 15 6000
AR Token Dance Energy Cube x100 50 5000
AR Token Fragmented File x100 50 5000
Forget-Me-Not Dance Energy Cube x500 5 2500
Forget-Me-Not Fragmented File x500 5 2500
Lil' Salomon Ticket Dance Energy Cube x1000 5 5000
Lil' Salomon Ticket Fragmented File x1000 5 5000
AR Lil' Salomon Ticket Dance Energy Cube x1000 3 3000
AR Lil' Salomon Ticket Fragmented File x1000 3 3000
Ally Points Dance Energy Cube x50 200 10000
Ally Points Fragmented File x50 200 10000
Coin Dance Energy Cube -1 -1
Coin Fragmented File -1 -1


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拾うものには福来る。無駄なもんはありゃしねえ。使えるモンはじゃんじゃん持っていってくれ! ところでよ。釣り針とか……拾ったりしてねえか?


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Anonymous user: 87cb815d
No. 17027
18 months ago
Score 0 You
The fact that this still has not been translated is a travesty
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