Event Quest:Summer River Adventure

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Summer River Adventure - Otherworldly Rapids Tour!
News Link
Gacha August 13, 2021 21:00 to September 07, 2021 13:59
Main Quests August 13, 2021 21:00 to September 07, 2021 13:59
Free Quests August 13, 2021 21:00 to September 07, 2021 13:59
Item Exchange August 13, 2021 21:00 to September 14, 2021 23:59
High Difficulty Quests August 13, 2021 21:00 to September 07, 2021 13:59
Login Bonus August 14, 2021 21:00 to August 20, 2021 23:59

Event Details

A new Summer event is launching from August 13th! On the day of the event, the associated Transient Summons will be added which includes Tajikarao (Summer), Shiva (Summer), Arachne (Summer), Jugo (Summer) and Thunderbird (Summer). This event also features a new welfare unit in the shop: Oguchi Magami.

During the event period, there will also be a login bonus!

August 13th - September 7th (obtainable once) Transient Stone x 100
August 14th Rainbow Shard x 500
Greater HP Blossom x 1
Unknown icon.png HP + CP Down x 1
August 15th Rainbow Shard x 500
Greater HP Blossom x 1
Unknown icon.png HP + CP Down x 1
August 16th Rainbow Shard x 500
Greater HP Blossom x 1
Unknown icon.png HP + CP Down x 1
August 17th Rainbow Shard x 500
Greater HP Blossom x 1
Unknown icon.png HP + CP Down x 1
August 18th Rainbow Shard x 500
Greater HP Blossom x 1
Unknown icon.png HP + CP Down x 1
August 19th Rainbow Shard x 500
Greater HP Blossom x 1
Unknown icon.png HP + CP Down x 1
August 20th Rainbow Shard x 500
Greater HP Blossom x 1
Unknown icon.png HP + CP Down x 1

(Note: HPの大花 and ATKの大花 are the respective blossoms for HP and ATK stats.)

Similar to past Summer events, units who own a swimsuit skin will feature a 10% boost to the event items: Relic Trace and River Adventure Pack. The ARs from the Refrain Quest banner which provided a bonus to the coin quests released during the Chapter 12 Campaign will also do so for this event.

The item bonus are as follows:

Relic Trace River Adventure Pack Both
Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%) Card +Bonus (%) AR +Bonus (%)
Tajikarao (Summer) 40 Shiva (Summer) 40 Arachne (Summer) 20 Endless Night of Research 20
Thunderbird (Summer) 30 Jugo (Summer) 30 Oguchi Magami (☆4) 20 Grapple With Destiny! 20
Tajikarao (☆3/☆5) 10 Shiva (☆3/☆5) 10 Arachne (☆3/☆4) 10 Can't Fight or Make Rice Cakes Alone 20
Thunderbird (☆3/☆4) 10 Jugo (☆3/☆4) 10 Oguchi Magami (☆3) 10 The Bowels of Gehenna 20
Protagonist (any card) 10 As Long As Someone's There to Help! 20
Any unit with a swimsuit skin 10 O Stars! O Sun! 20

Quest details

Quest details for this event can be found here.

Special Quests

Character Translated?
Shiva Yes
Tajikarao No
Oguchi Magami No
Arachne No
Jugo No
Thunderbird No

Transient Summons

Summer River Adventure Transient Summon.png

Virtual Summer Memory Transient Summon (2021 Re-Release).png

Refrain Quest AR Equipment Summon.png

Item Exchange

Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
Oguchi Magami Relic Trace x20 100 2000
Oguchi Magami River Adventure Pack x250 21 5250
Lesser HP Seed Relic Trace x160 20 3200
HP Seed Relic Trace x350 20 7000
Greater HP Seed Relic Trace x700 30 21000
Lesser ATK Seed River Adventure Pack x160 20 3200
ATK Seed River Adventure Pack x350 20 7000
Greater ATK Seed River Adventure Pack x700 30 21000
Greater HP Blossom Relic Trace x1500 3 4500
Greater ATK Blossom River Adventure Pack x1500 3 4500
Level Seed Relic Trace x2000 5 10000
Skill Seed River Adventure Pack x2000 5 10000
G Fire Boost Relic Trace x25 200 5000
G Water Boost Relic Trace x25 250 6250
G Wood Boost Relic Trace x25 150 3750
G Aether Boost Relic Trace x25 200 5000
G Valiant Boost Relic Trace x25 150 3750
G All-round Boost Relic Trace x100 100 10000
Warrior Soul G River Adventure Pack x100 150 15000
Fire Spell Token Relic Trace x15 150 2250
Water Spell Token Relic Trace x15 200 3000
Wood Spell Token Relic Trace x15 100 1500
Aether Spell Token Relic Trace x15 100 1500
Valiant Spell Token Relic Trace x15 100 1500
Fire Shard River Adventure Pack x15 15 225
Water Shard River Adventure Pack x15 20 300
Wood Shard River Adventure Pack x15 10 150
Aether Shard River Adventure Pack x15 10 150
Valiant Shard River Adventure Pack x15 10 150
Fire Crystal Relic Trace x50 15 750
Water Crystal Relic Trace x50 20 1000
Wood Crystal Relic Trace x50 10 500
Aether Crystal Relic Trace x50 10 500
Valiant Crystal Relic Trace x50 10 500
Fire Energy Cluster River Adventure Pack x200 15 3000
Water Energy Cluster River Adventure Pack x200 20 4000
Wood Energy Cluster River Adventure Pack x200 10 2000
Aether Energy Cluster River Adventure Pack x200 10 2000
Valiant Energy Cluster River Adventure Pack x200 10 2000
Preliminary Thrust Crest Relic Trace x150 5 750
Preliminary Blow Crest Relic Trace x150 15 2250
Preliminary Shot Crest Relic Trace x150 5 750
Preliminary Magic Crest Relic Trace x150 5 750
Preliminary Long Slash Crest Relic Trace x150 5 750
Thrust Crest River Adventure Pack x250 5 1250
Blow Crest River Adventure Pack x250 15 3750
Shot Crest River Adventure Pack x250 5 1250
Magic Crest River Adventure Pack x250 5 1250
Long Slash Crest River Adventure Pack x250 5 1250
Honor Medallion Relic Trace x400 20 8000
Honor Medallion River Adventure Pack x400 20 8000
AR Token Relic Trace x100 50 5000
AR Token River Adventure Pack x100 50 5000
Forget-Me-Not Relic Trace x500 5 2500
Forget-Me-Not River Adventure Pack x500 5 2500
Lil' Salomon Ticket Relic Trace x1000 5 5000
Lil' Salomon Ticket River Adventure Pack x1000 5 5000
AR Lil' Salomon Ticket Relic Trace x1000 3 3000
AR Lil' Salomon Ticket River Adventure Pack x1000 3 3000
Ally Points Relic Trace x50 200 10000
Ally Points River Adventure Pack x50 200 10000
Coin Relic Trace -1 -1
Coin River Adventure Pack -1 -1


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お勤め御苦労様であります。任務に必要な物資はこちらで交換しております! その、ついでに、一発ご指導を……あ、はい、職務に集中します……。


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Anonymous user: f5f21fd6
No. 12045
39 months ago
Score 0 You
Please translate this I wanna kiss shiva again
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