Event Quest:New Semester Campaign! 2024

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New Semester Campaign! 2024
News Link
NS Gacha 1 April 02, 2024 20:00 to April 12, 2024 23:59
NS Gacha 2 April 12, 2024 18:00 to April 23, 2024 13:59
Quests April 02, 2024 20:00 to April 23, 2024 13:59

Event Details

Another New Semester campaign has begun and with it comes the announcement of two banners that contain a menagerie of new units. Part 1 contains the following units: Hei Long Yi Quan, Prometheus, Belphegor and Ame-no-Uzume. Part 2 contains the following units: Willie Wildcat, Amaterasu, Raven Arthur and Tu'er Shen.

Just like last year there will also be a series of quests that will drop items that you can use to buy things from an event-exclusive shop! The various transients attainable during the campaign will gives boosts to these drops. These boosts go as followed:

*Non-variant cards that show up as their base sprites indicates that you can use any of the transient's cards unless stated otherwise
Part 1 +Bonus (%) Part 2 +Bonus (%) Others +Bonus (%)
Hei Long Yi Quan 40 Willie Wildcat 40 Protagonist 20
Prometheus 40 Amaterasu 40 Kengo 10
Belphegor 30 Raven Arthur 30 Shiro
Ame-no-Uzume 30 Tu'er Shen 30 Ryota
Hei Long Yi Quan 20 Willie Wildcat 20 Toji
Prometheus Amaterasu Moritaka
Belphegor Raven Arthur (Any AR) 10
Ame-no-Uzume Tu'er Shen

Certain units will also be given attack bonuses during the course of the event! These units include:

Part 1 +ATK Bonus (%) Part 2
Hei Long Yi Quan 100 Willie Wildcat
Prometheus Amaterasu
Belphegor Raven Arthur
Ame-no-Uzume Tu'er Shen

A login bonus will be given out everyday for logging in during the event period:

April 3rd Stamina Drink x5 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 4th Greater ATK Blossom x3 Greater HP Blossom x3 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 5th G All-round Boost x50 Stamina Major x2 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 6th Warrior Soul G x50 Stamina Major x2 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 7th Coin x1000000 Stamina Major x4 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 8th Level Seed x1 Stamina Drink x2 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 9th Skill Seed x1 Stamina Drink x2 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 10th AR Token x200 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 11th External Guild Subcontract x1 Guild Alliance Certificate x50
April 12th Rainbow Shard x1000 Guild Alliance Certificate x50

Quest Details

Quest details for this event can be found here.

Transient Summons

New Semester 2024 Part 1.png

Paid Stone New Semester 2024 Part 1.png

New Semester 2024 Part 2.png

Paid Stone New Semester 2024 Part 2.png

New Semester 2024 Pickup AR Equipment Summon.png

Item Exchange

Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
Lesser HP Seed 春光の胸飾り x160 20 3200
HP Seed 春光の胸飾り x350 20 7000
Greater HP Seed 春光の胸飾り x700 30 21000
Lesser ATK Seed 春光の胸飾り x160 20 3200
ATK Seed 春光の胸飾り x350 20 7000
Greater ATK Seed 春光の胸飾り x700 30 21000
Greater HP Blossom 春光の胸飾り x1500 3 4500
Greater ATK Blossom 春光の胸飾り x1500 3 4500
Level Seed 春光の胸飾り x2000 10 20000
Skill Seed 春光の胸飾り x2000 5 10000
G Fire Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 200 5000
G Water Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 200 5000
G Nether Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 150 3750
G Infinity Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 150 3750
G All-round Boost 春光の胸飾り x100 50 5000
G World Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 200 5000
G Water Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 150 3750
G Infernal Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 150 3750
G All-round Boost 春光の胸飾り x25 200 5000
Warrior Soul G 春光の胸飾り x100 50 5000
Fire Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 90 1350
Water Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 90 1350
Nether Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 75 1125
Infinity Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 75 1125
All-round Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 90 1350
World Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 90 1350
Water Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 75 1125
Infernal Spell Token 春光の胸飾り x15 75 1125
Fire Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 10 150
Water Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 10 150
Nether Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 8 120
Infinity Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 8 120
All-round Energy Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 10 150
World Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 10 150
Water Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 8 120
Infernal Shard 春光の胸飾り x15 8 120
Fire Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 10 500
Water Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 10 500
Nether Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 8 400
Infinity Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 8 400
All-round Energy Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 10 500
World Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 10 500
Water Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 8 400
Infernal Crystal 春光の胸飾り x50 8 400
Fire Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 10 2000
Water Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 10 2000
Nether Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 8 1600
Infinity Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 8 1600
All-round Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 10 2000
World Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 10 2000
Water Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 8 1600
Infernal Energy Cluster 春光の胸飾り x200 8 1600
Preliminary Long Slash Crest 春光の胸飾り x150 10 1500
Preliminary Snipe Crest 春光の胸飾り x150 10 1500
Preliminary Magic Crest 春光の胸飾り x150 5 750
Preliminary None Crest 春光の胸飾り x150 5 750
Preliminary Shot Crest 春光の胸飾り x150 5 750
Preliminary Slash Crest 春光の胸飾り x150 5 750
Long Slash Crest 春光の胸飾り x250 10 2500
Snipe Crest 春光の胸飾り x250 10 2500
Magic Crest 春光の胸飾り x250 5 1250
None Crest 春光の胸飾り x250 5 1250
Shot Crest 春光の胸飾り x250 5 1250
Slash Crest 春光の胸飾り x250 5 1250
Guild Alliance Certificate 春光の胸飾り x50 500 25000
External Guild Subcontract 春光の胸飾り x1000 1 1000
Honor Medallion 春光の胸飾り x400 20 8000
AR Token 春光の胸飾り x100 50 5000
Forget-Me-Not 春光の胸飾り x500 5 2500
Lil' Salomon Ticket 春光の胸飾り x1000 5 5000
AR Lil' Salomon Ticket 春光の胸飾り x1000 3 3000
Ally Points 春光の胸飾り x50 200 10000
Coin 春光の胸飾り -1 -1


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ようこそ我らが栄光のPXショップへ! 何が欲しい?  空けてがっかりボックスナスティか、それともクソ不味いMREか? HEHEHE……。


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No. 18522
11 months ago
Score 0++
I wasn't too big on the new characters other than Prometheus at first but I really warmed up to Amenouzume and Belphegor. They both have cute designs and surprisingly well-thought-out lores. Hei Long has a good backstory but I'm still on the fence about his art.
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