2019 April Fools

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16-Bit Edition Release Coming Soon
News Link
Duration April 01, 2019 00:00 to April 01, 2019 23:59
Together With Horkeukamui
News Link
Duration April 01, 2019 00:00 to April 02, 2019 23:59

Event Details

Together with Horkeu Kamui

https://www.horkeukamuitoissho.com/ As foretold last year and after many hardships developing the AI, Horkeu Kamui is coming to a smartphone near you in 「Together with Horkeu Kamui.

The app is available for download in the Play Store here. Details on the general basics of gameplay will be available eventually. It is unknown if this is timely like last year's AR app.


Translated from Japanese
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Official Japanese








Translated from Japanese
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Official Japanese
As I follow this body, I will be a hero! Summoner! At first it is from the place to train the body together!

この身を従えたからには、英雄となってもらうぞ! サモナーよ! まずはいっしょに体を鍛えるところからだ!

LGBT向けゲームアプリブランド『Lifewonders』が贈る、 『東京放課後サモナーズ』スピンオフアプリ! ホロケウカムイといっしょに体を鍛えて、あなたも英雄になろう!


The game offers two types of gamemodes, Exercising Mode and Battle Mode.

Exercise Mode will train (you) the protagonist with Horkeu Kamui on his side to become stronger. The stat gains are all linear-based, so no matter which exercise you pick, you will gain the same amount of points per repetitions done as long said exercise covers said stats. See Exercise Table.

The player is able to customize the method of counting, amount of sets, repetitions, and pause intervals to the amounts they so desire, each exercise comes with their own settings so you can individually set their values and save them for later. Plus each exercise does come with a max cap of repetitions and the amount of sets the protagonist can do is capped at 5.

Battle Mode will make you and Horkeu Kamui battle in a turn-based RPG, the turns are determined by both your and Horke's AGI values; the higher your AGI is, the more turns you will have. Turn history is determined by both AGI values on a dice roll.

Battle Mode includes three methods of action:

  • Attacking
  • Defending
  • Charge Skill

Attacking will attack the enemy based on your ATK value vs their DEF value. Defending will defend you from their ATK value vs your DEF value. Charge Skill is selectable and activated once your CS has reached 100%.

Charge Skill is gained by both ways; inflicting and receiving damage. Inflicting damage gains you 10% CP while receiving gains you 5%. Releasing the Charge Skill will allow you to inflict x2(.5?) damage.

Initial stat values

Protagonist 2000 482 128 100
Horkeu Kamui 2400 482 155 200

Exercise Table

Exercise List Stat Gain

(per rep point)

Stat Gain

(max sets * reps)

Max Reps Tap? Gyro? Time? ATK HP DEF AGI ATK HP DEF AGI
Upper Push-ups 40 YES NO YES 0.2 0.1 - - 40 20 - -
Lower Squats 40 YES YES YES - 0.1 - 0.2 - 20 - 40
Lunges 40 YES NO YES - 0.2 - 0.1 - 40 - 20
Core Sit-ups 40 YES YES YES - 0.1 0.2 - - 20 40 -
Front Bridge 300 NO NO YES - 0.1 0.1 - - 150 150 -
Back Extension 40 YES NO YES - 0.1 0.2 - - 20 40 -
Reverse Plank 300 NO NO YES - 0.2 - - - 300 - -
Side-elbow Bridge 300 NO NO YES - 0.1 0.1 - - 150 150 -


  • App was released almost a day after April Fools; unlike the 16-Bit Edition, this did not come with an April Fools disclaimer.
  • The Terms of Service the app includes is primarily added for the reason to legally protect themselves in-case the player is hurt during an exercise. However they do state account data can be wiped, so a probable future update will mean that exercise data will be saved on their servers.
  • Game save data is stored in plain JSON and can be modified with a traditional text editor.
  • Save data shows that it is possible more to have more than one trainer in the app. Including custom 3D trainers in the app is currently unknown without extensive asset fiddling.
  • The 3D model of Horkeu Kamui is from the same mini-figurine shown on the JMoF 2019 page.


  • It is possible to break the interval timer by simply opening an exercise, exiting out, then re-entering.
  • The repetition counter is comparing less than one per usual.
  • The stats gain text disappears after having too much stat value.

16-Bit Edition



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Anonymous user: b57289d7
No. 2254
71 months ago
Score 0 You
I swear if they translate this app into English I'm going to get so buff.
Anonymous user: c6aabfbd
No. 2251
71 months ago
Score 0 You
oh my god, must work out.
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