Category:4-star transients

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Below is a list of all cards currently in the game.

Element none.pngALL-ROUND

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zhurong Magic67053069794213Pure Beast Image Weaver Flame Finder Seeker of AuroraWeapon Spread All.pngMystic BrillianceColors of the Aurora
Y'golonac Blow78841272913901Neck Holding Host Gently Biting Nominee Wet Palm Engulfer Surrounded CaptivatorWeapon Spread Blow.pngSealed Cold Shallow AbyssCold Print
Tomte None73646475574288Passion Spreader Knower of Good and Evil Guard of Farmers Metabolic BurnerWeapon Spread Slash.pngDripping Away with SweatBirchwood Break
Robinson (Canaan)Snipe62257861195072Acute Sniper Star-Strider Reliable Executor Dividing DrifterWeapon Spread Snipe.pngLeader's Majesty in One StrikeIsland Divider
Protagonist Slash89050078193765Dragonborn Drifter Horizon Chaser Rainbow CrosserWeapon Spread Slash.pngIron Sword Through the TailBoundless Tail
Musashi Slash75646167994432Dual Wielder Chance Hitter Mountain Dweller SwordmasterWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngEmptiness of Five CloudsFleeting Clouds
Ixbalanque Shot64255863584834Sharp Forward Field Noble Reserve Defender Bewildering BallerWeapon Spread Shot.pngAll That's Shot Must EndGrass of the Plains
Christine Magic75646867994432Standing Ovation Mask Bearer Dreamer Ender of DreamsWeapon Spread All.pngFantasy EmbracePhantom Embrace
Beowulf Blow77043072553937Swordbender All In on the Battlefield Dragonslaying Viking King He Who Has EverythingWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngGrand Superpowered FistStone Fists of Grendel

Element fire.pngFIRE

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Ziz (Christmas)Slash62857268014390Curtain Caller Play Shepherd Stagehand Mama BirdWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngSinging Bird's Musical PlayLoving Asylum?
Vapula (Valentine)Thrust98121993071885Creator Idol Akiba Group Performer Center-Moving Winged Lion Golem ChoreographerWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Brilliant Red EndeavorShem HaMephorash?
Tvastar Thrust59560566954497Bringer of Life Serpentine Sire Nectar Injector Component CreatorWeapon Spread Magic.pngAccessorized Work Like No OtherCreator's Vengeance
Tezcatlipoca (Festival)Snipe88831273353857Jubilant Reveler Sharpshooter Smokey Firecracker Magnanimous ExoneratorWeapon Spread Snipe.pngDestructive Light's ReflectionDark Reflection
Taurus Mask (Christmas)Thrust78350471924164Hero Fortune Dealer The Hot-blooded StarshineWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRoom-Dividing BullCorona Borealis
Tanetomo (Valentine)Snipe69350766334559Snow Field Advisor Petal Leaper Stone-Faced Stoic Aerial PiercerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngEver Forceful Tactician in the SnowAvenger's Blade?
Tadatomo Magic70569869204513Reincarnate Avenger Blood of the Beast NinjaWeapon Spread Magic.pngSky-Burning ReportScroll of Inferno
Surtr (Valentine)Snipe77065060145319Baker Charmer Unwavering One Grieving GuardianWeapon Spread Snipe.pngDestiny's Date by Loving FlamesFanned Flames<?
Sitri Shot67261881673724Soul Shooter Tailed Demon Fate Binder Tough-Winged GriffonWeapon Spread Shot.pngTampered Love, Clouded PassionChimeran Matchmaker
Shiro (Valentine)Magic86339988222822The Lovesick Cook Fortune Dealer Tailed DemonWeapon Spread Magic.pngSweet RitualCosmic Terror?
Sarutahiko (Host)Magic92227875713620Foaming One Summer's Bubbly Host One Who Takes the Big Stage Customer Service TechnicianWeapon Spread Magic.pngDazzling Bubble Festival DreamsSarutahiko no Aramitama?
Pazuzu Magic99021093231869Evil Warding Oil Baron Reptile Tamer Imposer of Repression Lab CoronerWeapon Spread Magic.pngScorched Earth Style Preventative MeasuresSky Scourge Exorcism
Orgus Long Slash63057063704821Indomitable Ogre Bulwark Imperial Guard Captain Fiery SpiritWeapon Spread Thrust.png10000 Dragons' Giant CallSword of the Flame Dragon
Oguchi Magami Thrust62257870294163Scent Tracer Pain Consumer The Determined "Soft Fur, Sharp Teeth"Weapon Spread Thrust.pngLuxurious Extravagant ProtectionFerocious Consumption
Nomad Thrust80340170074188Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Avenger TeleporterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngVengeful SlaughterBurning Bright
Motosumi Thrust80439968124386Child Head of Festivities Ogre Brethren The FelicitousWeapon Spread Thrust.pngAdamantine GuardianshipRock-solid Antimony
Melusine (Christmas)Shot65055064304762Ruler Cuddler Blind Shooter Yuletide DancerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBlighted DragonLady of the Land
Masanori (Valentine)Snipe88931174813711Valentine's Consultant Former Mental Investigator Revolutionary Constituent Love ScholarWeapon Spread Snipe.pngSecret Sweet SentimentsBlade of the Beast?
Marchosias Slash80239872643925Tailed Demon Blood of the Beast Knightly One Tough-Winged GriffonWeapon Spread Slash.pngSeven Lives' Report to GodSteadfast Devotion
Macan Blow83046971504159Immoveable One Survivor Berserker Shape ShifterWeapon Spread All.pngPossession By Mad TigerMad Tiger
Licht (Valentine)Shot80843668464577Greed Gatherer Devourer of the Strong Agitator in the Shadows Spreader of LunacyWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngChange Plans, Love PeopleTrojan Legacy?
Kyuma Shot79740376593538Athlete The Indomitable Leader MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngHeavenly Child's Five CometsGoliath Smiter
Kumano Gongen Slash47472660265165Stained with Soot Great Nature's Sansho Gongen Mutually Destructive Spark Dragon-Human ReincarnationWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngRepeated Lies and RegretsNanayomaki Jadoutensei
Kimun Kamui Thrust61059068014391Procurements from the Hunt Nurturer of Love and Mercy Retainer of the Deep Snow Ice CutterWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Bear's Fated Life and DeathUnbearable Fate
Kagutsuchi Thrust79839672653925Child Guard Adept Life Giver The Hot-bloodedWeapon Spread Shot.pngSelf Scorching FlamesBurning Delivery
Jugo Thrust79740568094389Dragonborn Sacrifice The Indomitable Martial Arts MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngCurse-bound Martial PlanBound Sacrifice
Itzamna None88331795071685Sleeping Lizard Liberal Arts Scholar Imparter of Light Magnanimous SageWeapon Spread Magic.pngScale Rain CreationItzamna Kinich Ahau
Inaba Magic77043068304361Excited in the Year of the Rabbit Recovery Wisher Serious Player Surefooted MatchmakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngHeaven's Blessing for MarriageInaba White Rabbit
Ikutoshi (Gendarme)Slash82041075993607Glory Seeker Driving Force Starshine Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Magic.pngAtmospheric Evening StarDwarven Changeling?
Ifrit Shot81744965404744The Sealed The Unbound Athlete Hoster of FeastsWeapon Spread Magic.pngHell's Locked FlamesLesser Key of Conflagration
Ibaraki Shot77745668444468Mountain Dweller Excavator Ogre Brethren EnchantressWeapon Spread Shot.pngWoman's FerocityFerocious Ogress
Hombre Tigre (Summer)Blow60159964774715Fan Magnet Heart-Grabber Drama Queen Seething in the Face of AdversityWeapon Spread Thrust.pngShining Star Fang RollCrouching Tiger, Leaping Jaguar?
Hanuman Thrust80539770044188Blood of the Beast Head of Festivities Ninja ImmortalWeapon Spread Thrust.pngInnocent and Outrageous CelestialInfinite Trickster
Hakumen Slash80140971384084Binder Ruler Blood of the Beast CajolerWeapon Spread Magic.pngMagnificent Dark FigureDangerous Courtesan
Gunzo Thrust80140370064192Berserker Athlete The Lovesick TagalongWeapon Spread Thrust.pngOne-man OverrunTrample Down
Goemon Magic67053070054187Posturer Shape Shifter Scenic Frolicker Sower of ThrillsWeapon Spread Magic.pngRental High Class ActorSteal the Show!
Gabriel (Valentine)Magic82939578233398The Lovesick Heavenly Messenger Cook Benevolent OneWeapon Spread Magic.pngMutual Blessings and AffectionGloria in Excelsis?
Durga (Nightmare)Blow74062068534395Go-getter Hard Hitter Sweets Gobbler Emotional RulerWeapon Spread All.pngHesitating to Fool OneselfFirst in Glory?
Choji Magic79740277903408Gourmand Cook Hoster of Feasts Slick ArtisanWeapon Spread Magic.pngChoice of Luxurious FeastsFeast of Apicius
Catoblepas (Summer)Shot142098071004834Banner Charger Beach Partier Summer Cosplayer In the Heat of the MomentWeapon Spread Shot.pngLively and Graceful Jealous LoveLa Temptation?
Breke (Nightglows)Snipe71049067004492Precision Mover Laser Shooter Android of the Stars Wanderer in the NightWeapon Spread Snipe.pngAccomplishment in the Far Off SkyWar Principle?
Barong Thrust90030080513141Fervent Dancer Self Contradiction Aerial Annihilator Trance DivinerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRelease the Great SunEthereal Animal Dance
Barguest (Valentine)Slash52867270864106Harbinger of Disaster Hand Shaker Fiend of the Forked Road Smiled UponWeapon Spread Slash.pngCollective Love and ResponsibilityCrossroads of the Witch Queen?
Bael (Host)Shot94825275973594Issuer of Numbers Summer's Devilish Host Sweet Entrapper ReminiscentWeapon Spread Shot.pngThe Arrogant and IrreverentBurnt Offering?
Arc Snipe64159266364614Finisher Restrainer Compensator Sin-bearerWeapon Spread All.pngIncinerated FaithPyre of Piety
Amatsumara Blow83845171264190Coiler of the Dragon Hard Worker Dragonborn Mentor of the Next WaveWeapon Spread All.pngLightweight Stone OreIron-Gazed Dragon

Element water.pngWATER

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao (Mountain)Slash47372758955296Your Mountaineering Club President Last Summer Lover One Called Senior Future AlpinistWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngConcerted Efforts Through Shared FaithAjina Chakra?
Yuma Long Slash51868260595038Mixed DNA Drinker Cryptid Beast and TamerWeapon Spread All.pngBestial InitiativeSan Salvador Loupgarou
Yule Thrust81045570684266Fortune Dealer Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Sky DasherWeapon Spread Thrust.pngDivine Gifts of AssistanceSerendipitious Delivery
Typhon Magic82545069994422Swimmer Storm Dancer Giant Devourer of WorldsWeapon Spread Magic.pngFierce Inverse StormGigantic Typhoon
Tu'er Shen Shot68351764084783Parkour Master Future City Dweller Free Love Mediator Heterochromic RabbitWeapon Spread Shot.pngRainbow Freed From FateYi Yen Fu Precognition
Triton Magic86642966024605Flow Diverter Wave Bender Swimmer ForefatherWeapon Spread All.pngResounding Yell in Still WaterConch's Call
Toji Slash84041369514585Guardian Ogre Brethren Barrier Caster EnderWeapon Spread Slash.pngDistant Isolated PoisonOrphaned Fangs
Takeminakata (Valentine)Magic91029075503642Two-Faced Sumo Wrestler Pushing Through the Path of Love V-Day Celebrity Heavy Stone CarrierWeapon Spread Magic.pngRetreating Honored SoldierGreatest Glory Recounted
Suzuka (Fashionista)Blow54572663284954Photogenic Figure Air of Authority Turned Ogre Light of the Sleepless CityWeapon Spread Blow.pngBlowing Up at the Drop of an AccessoryThrice Wise Demon?
Smoky God (Pool)Long Slash75744373643828Midsummer Celebrity Gentle Yet Firm Salvation Preserver The First EnlightenedWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngDelusions of Sole InheritanceWheel of Fortuity
Shuten Thrust80239976573535Athlete Ogre Brethren Excavator King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Shot.pngHundred Oni's Field AttackOni Rush
Shinya (Valentine)Magic67053065214670Bonding Representative Snow Melter Illuminating Retainer Stealthy InvaderWeapon Spread Magic.pngLove Binding ArrowPass On Eros
Seth (Beachside)Blow68551569324260Summer Sky Flyer Tailwind Caller Seaside Guardian Sunlight WielderWeapon Spread Blow.pngChaotic RestraintHeart of Chaos
Sarutahiko Thrust88032068204372Cleanser Passionate Guide Bubble Blower Bathing Room AttendantWeapon Spread Shot.pngYearning Irascible PassionsRestless Mind Monkey
Otohime Snipe37083061895003Vivid Nobility Emotional Management AI Mechaman One Who Puts Years to RestWeapon Spread Snipe.pngCherished Forbidden BoxStrongbox Protocol
Nomad (Island)Thrust66756366584589Survivor Danger Spotter Blink Jumper TeleporterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngVengeful SlaughterBurning Bright
Moritaka Slash80040472673927Blood of the Beast Parry Adept Spiritual Dog Warrior Samurai WarriorWeapon Spread Slash.pngThree Foot Ice BladeBlade of Ice
Mineaki Magic79740169384251Expeller of Maladies Analyzer of Defects Preserver of Life Ill-wisherWeapon Spread Magic.pngSpirit-Eyed Cold OnlookerHigher Clairvoyance
Melusine Shot85041666204618Excavator Ruler Winged One DragonbornWeapon Spread Shot.pngBlighted DragonLady of the Land
Makara Thrust80540072643924Savior Swimmer Life Giver Storm DancerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngClear End ConstraintsDivine Lifeboat
Leannan Sidhe None100020096201571Produ-Surfer Shine Brightener Misanthropic Maiden Selfickle FaeWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWithering Call of Poetic InspirationMy Lagan Love
Kotaro (Beachside)None89031070164176Flow Dodger Trip-Taker Top Boss Master NinjaWeapon Spread All.pngReleasing Sea and SkyAvaricious Serpent?
Jiraiya Shot79240774584060Fortune Dealer Ninja Ogre Brethren RetakerWeapon Spread Shot.pngTriple-Dash FrogTripedal Leapfrog
Jambavan (Nightmare)Thrust81060066164649Bustler In Beast's Clothing Fiercely Tearful Royally SwampedWeapon Spread All.pngThe Unacceptably Busy KingDaughter of Jambavan?
Horkeu Kamui Blow79641064474501Mountain Dweller Blood of the Beast Vanguard SidekickWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrave and Loyal Freezing StrikeGallant Guardian
Hermes Magic83636478343358Smoothing Out Twists of Fate Speaker of Change Leaping Thief Zenith MessengerWeapon Spread Magic.pngManipulative Skills and Shining PipeArcos Phileteon
Hati Blow79940272683929Blood of the Beast Pursuer The Lovesick The MoonlitWeapon Spread Thrust.pngDrunken Moon HuntingMoonshine Chaser
Gurangatch Snipe98022079813211Great Scaled Gator Harm Grinder Buddy Diver Scarred-Back WandererWeapon Spread Snipe.pngCarving Out the World's SecretsGun'-yung-ga'-lung
Ganglie Slash83445571144206Seafarer Gourmand Blood of the Beast Battlefield RiggerWeapon Spread Slash.pngIndolent Self-IndulgenceLackadaisical General
Ganglie (Journey)Thrust84344575123808Wave Commander Voyager Flirt Mobilized GeneralWeapon Spread Magic.pngIndolent Self-IndulgenceLackadaisical General
Gandharva Magic80540273323861Gambler Artist Winged One Defender of ThronesWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Gambling Dice RollLady Luck
Fenrir Thrust82646969244402The Shackled Blood of the Beast The Indomitable Devourer of WorldsWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRelentless Lone WolfWolven Monstrosity
Ellie (Halloween)Magic63556564604732Queen of Butterflies Lifesucker Nocturnal Schoolgirl Attendant FollowingWeapon Spread Magic.pngFriendly Chattering of ButterfliesBloody Nightwalker?
Eita Thrust80039875263666Swimmer Block Adept Seafarer Storm ThresherWeapon Spread Thrust.pngUnparalleled SpearPeerless Trident
Ebisu Snipe102238980653284Seafarer Rabid Fisher Hoster of Feasts Fortune SeekerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngMyriad-fold Haul From a Single StreamBountiful Returns
Claude (Christmas)Magic60060067394453Romantic Whisperer Helping Hand Smoocher BrideWeapon Spread Magic.pngGorgeous Bridal CommandSplendiferous Corona
Breke Slash73047069154277Mechaman Drifter Shape Shifter Adaptive SoldierWeapon Spread Shot.pngScattering Like Stars in SpaceWerewolf Warfare
Benten Magic83941674073909Seafarer Binder Artist Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngPraise Pain FluxDrifting Currents
Bathym (Seaside)Shot63364963575056Beach Babe Tailed Demon Head of Festivities TeleporterWeapon Spread Snipe.pngBonding Ball GameCharming Serpent?
Babe Bunyan Shot58062054155711Past Pioneer Frontier Settler Raided Reckoner Bovine BrokerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWet Milky Blacklisted LayoffFeet on the Ground
Ashigara Magic85042073493862Mountain Dweller Grappler Blood of the Beast Martial Arts MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bear King's Forward PushThread Bear Champ
Arachne (Summer)Blow54066073063886Midsummer Fashion Leader Mountain Stream Sightseer Paddle Rower Aquatic ModelWeapon Spread Magic.pngArtisan's Finest Dissolving WorkSilken Snare?
Agyo Shot85241171444196Destroyer of Wickedness The Abandoned Blood of the Beast Symbol of ProsperityWeapon Spread Shot.pngEmotional SolidarityCleansing Dependence

Element earth.pngWOOD

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao Thrust84147073344683Mountain Dweller Vanguard Adamantite Mountain MoghulWeapon Spread Shot.pngFoothill PurificationThird-Eye Chakra
Yoshito (Christmas)Slash79540571534039スノーランドパペッティア 幼馴染の布教者 ゼンマイ式音楽隊長 姥雪のキッズデイドリーマーWeapon Spread Slash.pngDuty and Filial Piety with LoveUragiri no Yaiba?
Yasuyori Long Slash46573567444448Bough Feller Expender of Vitality Spiritual Dog Warrior Wrestler with DeathWeapon Spread All.pngCutting to the Soul of the ProblemBlade of Falling Leaves
Yamasachihiko Shot58861267564436Swordsmanship Expert Fish Reeler Dazzling Revenant StackerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWily Mountain Ocean EnvyMountain Majesty
Xolotl Shot119936184183059Gardener Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Blow.pngLost in FoliageTwisted Bastion
Volos Shot95132682263015Peacemaker Gardener Sprouter Sower of PlentyWeapon Spread Shot.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Tuaring (Christmas)Snipe65554565134679Light Clothes Carrier Oedo Holy Night's Passerby Definer of Man One Who Sees the FutureWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWork Setting of Grace and WisdomImitation Game?
Tetsuox (Jiangshi)Blow67053068614331Whirlwind Vagabond Breakout Performer Killer Star SupernovaWeapon Spread Magic.pngFor Eternity and AlwaysWhirlwind Snare?
Temujin Shot80040368074383Blood of the Beast Pursuer Avenger MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngRaining Tears of ArrowsWisdom of the Mani Khan
Teda (Christmas)Blow65854264564736Pampered One Waited Upon Boy King of the Holy Night Resplendent OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngUniversal Reflecting Sun RaysSolar Prayer?
Taurus Mask Thrust80040376553534Artist Athlete Seal Breaker StarshineWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRoom-Dividing BullCorona Borealis
Tanngrisnir (Mountain)Shot76943171414051Jet Skier Past Summer Lover Feeder Returning PartnerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngSkanda's Packhorse RunVinr Tanngnjóstr?
Sol Magic72048072513941Healing Thaumaturgist Guardian Monk Demolisher Chaplain of LifeWeapon Spread Magic.pngLast Thanks at Lightning SpeedSage's Staff
Sitri (Christmas)Thrust73446470314160Hater of Exposure Hero Chaser Festival Crasher Gift BearerWeapon Spread Blow.pngEncouragement in a Single BoundChimeran Matchmaker?
Shuichi Magic80139672653926Researcher Farseer Masquerader Seer of the PastWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Favor to My Beloved BrotherRecord of Nineveh
Ryota Magic82042574694068Fortune Dealer Gourmand Sower of Plenty Miracle WorkerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPre-Meal Good HarvestUltimate Supper
Oz Magic86034073653827Blood of the Beast Hesitant Recluse Courageous Coward Twin-Hearted LionWeapon Spread Magic.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Nyarlathotep Magic79840070694125Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Roamer The AbyssalWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Bizarre MistakesCrawling Chaos
Nobuharu Thrust79940277203469Athlete Head of Festivities Morale Raiser King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Magic.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Nobuharu (Festival)Snipe75658471744468Head of Festivities Arbitrator Morale Raiser Sound ShooterWeapon Spread All.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Nezha Blow33386762024990Speedster Dragon Tamer Sacred Lotus Incarnate Chariot of FireWeapon Spread Magic.pngRebirth Linked with Roaring FlightsFull Speed Ahead
Maria (Seaside)Slash86945264684858Beach Babe Gardener The Indomitable Melon SplitterWeapon Spread Slash.pngRuthlessness to WatermelonsThorns of Golgotha?
MacRoich (Summer)Shot68551566594533Midsummer Youth Actor Two-Faced Map Spreader Expedition Leader of the UnexploredWeapon Spread Shot.pngTwo Victories in One BattleGearr nan Colann?
Kyuma (Valentine)Thrust64455667414451Pitcher of the Mound Group Huddle Legacy of Doubt Giant BreakerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngFull Force Flash ThrowGoliath Smiter?
Kuniyoshi Magic80540371394056Artist Researcher Dreamer Beast HunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngMoving Along as Wills DecideAuto-substantiation
Kijimuna Blow88242976843999Islander Flowerer Seafarer Earth EaterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSwaying Grove of Blessed TreesBanyan Haka
Kenta (Valentine)Long Slash71066073323886Clinger Giver of Proof Hand Holder Smiling OneWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngLost Like a StrayBereaved Dog
Kagutsuchi (Jamboree)Thrust69051070644128Table Waiter Empath Defier of Hardship Flaming HomusubiWeapon Spread Magic.pngWorld-Burning Flames from WithinBurning Delivery?
Jugo (Summer)Shot76343767844408Grudge Gatherer Self-Reflective The Ready Overcomer of IndolenceWeapon Spread Magic.pngDevoted Pursuit of Judo ArtsBound Sacrifice?
Itzamna (Valentine)Magic95025088592333Soothsayer Kindly Forest Elder Far-Flung Flourisher Red Dragon SorcererWeapon Spread Magic.pngNew Perceptions Now and HereafterItzamna Kinich Ahau?
Ikutoshi Thrust79940468094386Berserker Child Storm Dancer Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngGreat Ruthless SkillsDwarven Changeling
Hombre Tigre Thrust72051063894912Warmonger Agile Wrestler Death Dancer Jungle JaguarWeapon Spread Thrust.pngFree-Flying Tiger's FangCrouching Tiger, Leaping Jaguar
Hogen Slash74748865924764Duality Wielder Mountain Dweller Winged One SwordmasterWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngSix Swords, Three StrategiesBlade of Stratagem
Hippolytus Shot71548565764616Mossy Garden Manager Unspoiled Auriga Wreath Weaver Herbivorous AdvocateWeapon Spread Shot.pngPure and Chaste InnocentBastion of Chastity
Gyobu Magic83641274103805Cloudy Dreamer Lawbreaker Blood of the Beast Honorable TanukiWeapon Spread Magic.pngOld Tanuki TransformationMaster of Deceit
Gullinbursti (Summer)None68551554625730Amazingly Fast Deliveryman Flaming Summer's Forged Creature "Anyone, Anywhere" Brilliant CopyWeapon Spread Magic.pngSkill and Muscle Bringing New WindsSlidrugtanni?
Furufumi None99920093591833Scribe of Prophecy Catastrophe Auger Deliverance Author Archive KeeperWeapon Spread All.pngCentury Verse ReturnCenturies of Nostradamus
Echo Blow76843276363556Reverberator Nature's Resonator Paragon of First Love Adoring NymphWeapon Spread All.pngDrunk on Heartbroken TearsLove is Blind!
Cu Sith Magic80539668754316Blood of the Beast Fey Folk The Abandoned Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Mount Breaks StringsThird Howling
Claus None78042072653927Ruler of Midgard Giver of Royal Orders Brother's Replacement Proclaimer of Good EndingsWeapon Spread All.pngBrotherly Crown of Wide Starry AccomplishmentHárbarðr Gambanteinn
Catoblepas Shot78141968024390Moper Center of Attention Suited Siren Thine Own SelfWeapon Spread Snipe.pngCharming Eyed Mountain SpiritBedazzling Eye
Cait Sith (Valentine)Shot89530574943698Tactful Conductor Undaunted One Prancing Kitty Hopeful MinstrelWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Greatest Musical FurRex Felium?
Avarga Thrust71049065164676Grappler Dragon Slayer Thunder Tamer Storm RiderWeapon Spread Thrust.pngTalons of the GalesStromforged Khangarid
Arsalan Blow82542870104452Anointed One Blood of the Beast Monarch Expeller of EvilWeapon Spread Magic.pngGlossy Surge of Protective OilsAnointed Savior

Element light.pngAETHER

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Ziz Magic97023091532039Giver Sacrifice Hoster of Feasts Apocalypse ObserverWeapon Spread Magic.pngAffectionate Embrace of FeathersLoving Asylum
Yamasachihiko (Pool)Thrust65554564864706Summertime Fisher Straightforward One Surprised by the Splash Sharer of Good ThingsWeapon Spread Shot.pngGreat Efforts in Finding HooksOno ga Sachisachi?
Tsathoggua (Fashionista)None1130120100571348Photogenic Figure Immoveable One Captivating Corrupter Tribute PayerWeapon Spread All.pngHolding Meals until the Universe EndsSaturnian Elder?
Tianzun (Christmas)Shot75344771114081Snow Land's Villain Parade-Loving Sage Holy Night's Bad Teacher Grand Finale's Key PlayerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCheered By All the Little ThingsWuwei Ziran?
Thunderbird Shot87143772804103Hero Lightning Dasher Storm Dancer Storm ThresherWeapon Spread Magic.pngFurious WindstormClose-Woven Catcher
The Hero Shot53067068324360The Championed The Reinforced Ring Bearer The Chosen OneWeapon Spread All.pngA Glimpse of Infinite PossibilitiesThe Chosen One's Sword
Tetsuya (Christmas)Magic67552576923500Glarer Admirable Flexible Looking For a FightWeapon Spread Magic.pngFrom Death I Persist Once AgainOuroboros Rebirth
Taromaiti Thrust79641066374626Soul Shooter Enchantress Knightly One Dark LordWeapon Spread Thrust.pngKnight's Drill of FateTrenchant Dogma Breaker
Taishakuten Blow95424673972698Notoriety Bearer Defiant Daeva Rumbling Reprobate Prideful IndraWeapon Spread Shot.pngIrreverence for Heaven's Reverse SideDaeva of All Creation
Suzuka Long Slash76545267324411Lawbreaker Dancer Ogre Slayer Dark LordWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngThree Blades' Beauty and JudgmentThrice Wise Demon
Simurgh Snipe65754363814811Bird King of Eternal Life Punishment by Example Influential Don Saena of HideoutsWeapon Spread Snipe.pngDon's Pledge of Force and OrderMantiq Al-Ta'ir
Shuten (Gendarme)Slash75852167994362Glory Seeker Willful One Ogre Brethren King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngJoyous SceneryOni Roar?
Shinya Shot85642865924732Soul Shooter Fate Binder Heavenly Messenger StarshineWeapon Spread Shot.pngLove Binding ArrowPass On Eros
Sanzo None48771360395152Appetizing Monk Body Tripitaka Translator Caster of the Hoop Curse Sandalwood MeritWeapon Spread Thrust.pngSanzang's QuickeningJinji Jinguzhou Jinguerzhou
Reprobus Thrust70050057295463Dog-Headed Mount Savior's Navigator Carrier of Life's Burden First Time Seeing the LordWeapon Spread Thrust.pngMasked Guardian's Year of SalvationLegenda Aurea
R-19 Shot79939968084381Fearless Child Fugitive Living LightningWeapon Spread Magic.pngVoluntary Self DestructD-Blaster
Pollux Blow80539767434449Berserker Storm Dancer Immortal StarshineWeapon Spread Blow.pngCoupled Birds SeparationFists of Hephaestus
Otter Long Slash71148965814611Heaven-Gazing Otter Miniaturizing Divider Waiting Room Entertainer Frozen Land's Mischief MakerWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngShallow Shrinking PunishmentSapa Kapke Kur
Ose (Christmas)Blow56064064514741Sharp-Eyed Spy Crisis-Detection Expert Prepared One The Hanged ManWeapon Spread Thrust.pngThoughtful Charming CaptiveArcana Crown?
Nodens Blow51069066344557Aerial Abductor Lightning Seizer One Possessed Radiant Master of the Silver ArmWeapon Spread Magic.pngMaking a Tough Killing QuicklyAirgetlam Abduction
Nobumichi Thrust48072060735119Officer Fishing Canine Heavenly Net Wielder Faith Orb Dog Warrior One Who Trusts FateWeapon Spread Shot.pngWide Observation Against KillingSubduing Blade
Motosumi (Setsubun)Magic82537568174375Ogre Binder Ascetic Ogre Brethren Young FatherWeapon Spread Blow.pngAdamantine GuardianshipRock-solid Antimony
Mineaki (Hot Paradise)Blow89130975083684Brilliant Agent Information Master Versed in Life and Death Underworld AnnouncerWeapon Spread Magic.pngDistant Spying and Secret HealingHigher Clairvoyance?
Marduk (Nightclub)Magic50669460205172Club Newbie Consumed by the Groove Talent that Divides the Crowd Unrivaled ReincarnationWeapon Spread Shot.pngThe Challenge of Raising One's FeetAmar Utu Bêlu?
Licho Magic70549568274364False Villain In Beast's Clothing Power of Suggestion Bombastic NarratorWeapon Spread All.pngPassing Enthusiastic EndorsementRoar to the Moon
Kresnik Slash64056072523940Silver Shooter Kin Hunter Cowl-Clad Transformed StrikerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCrossfire Information SupportWarding Cross
Kengo Blow75643767914724Berserker Dragon Slayer Mountain Dweller Infinite ChallengerWeapon Spread Blow.pngGreat Lightning StrikeGeant Basher
Kalki Slash80340379143535The Lovesick Monarch Sacrificial Defender PurifierWeapon Spread Slash.pngTenfold Gestalt War BladeTenth Avatar
Jiraiya (Seaside)Thrust79044868294428Beach Babe Hoster of Feasts Ogre Brethren Living LightningWeapon Spread Magic.pngLightning Brilliant SageBreakneck Leapfrog
Jambavan Magic80439974613708Medical Practitioner Destroyer of Wickedness Blood of the Beast Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngArmored on the Outside, a Beast WithinDaughter of Jambavan
Ifrit (Make Sail)Blow95145374224062Penny Pincher Band-Mate Shining One Flame SpreaderWeapon Spread All.pngHot-Headed Boorishness?Lesser Key of Conflagration
Hotei Snipe66553569214271Fortune Spreader Sage of Blessing Miraculous Bag Bearer ComedianWeapon Spread Snipe.pngA Blessing's Full of LaughterBlessings and laughter for all!
Horus (Christmas)Slash90129975503641Oedo Holy Night's Fire/Theft Preventer Frontline Elite Balancing the Future Just FalconWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngHeart of LoyaltyRa Horakhty?
Hecate (Summer)Long Slash83636487802412Coupling Supplier Arms Crossed Behind Her Back Summer Event's Guest Speaker Explorer WitchWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngPrayer for Light and MercyHekates Trimorphos?
Hanuman (Journey)Shot80539766784515Voyager Bodhisattva Beach Babe Risk TakerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngThe Great Sage, Heaven's EqualInfinite Trickster?
Hakumen (Valentine)Shot98938072813984Love Trapper Soul Shooter Ruler CajolerWeapon Spread Magic.pngBurning-Tail UrgencyDangerous Courtesan?
Furufumi (Festival)Magic95224871734019Archival Illuminator Moon Gazer Sagacious Elucidator Fate ChroniclerWeapon Spread Blow.pngA Wish Climbing to the StarsCenturies of Nostradamus?
Choji (Christmas)Shot64255868664326Sagely Visionary Faint Reflector Fortune Gastronomist Culinary Crown CrafterWeapon Spread Shot.pngChoice of Luxurious FeastsFeast of Apicius
Behemoth (Summer)Shot75544557155477Summer Party's Behemoth Stomach Filler Savoring Satisfaction Feeding On Each OtherWeapon Spread Snipe.pngEngorgement of All DesiresGrand Ground Gluttony?
Azazel Magic79939677253469Blood of the Beast Heavenly Messenger Sacrifice FarseerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPocket World's Natural LawEyes of the Fallen
Asterius Thrust80140573303866Berserker Blood of the Beast The Forsaken Living LightningWeapon Spread Thrust.pngObstructed Giant Bated BreathLabrys of the Labyrinth
Astaroth None43276862364955Serpentine Prosecutor Possessor of Disparity Brave of Heart Chaser of PerfectionWeapon Spread Magic.pngSoul Unsettling Poisonous SnakeCriminatores Diabolus
Apollo Shot72347772263966Hecaërgus of Time Addictive Paean Heavenly Solitary Loxias Mankind's Ideal PhoebusWeapon Spread Shot.pngEye-Catching Brilliant TalentPhoebus Hecaërgus
Amatsumara (Fashionista)Magic75845162714989Photogenic Figure Fullmetal Scholar Reflection in the Mirror Head of the ClassWeapon Spread Magic.pngLightweight Stone OreIron-Gazed Dragon
Aizen (Jamboree)Slash83037073213870Loyal Retainer Baggage Carrier Journeyer Toward Enlightenment Inimitable Love SeparatistWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngA New Heart from Self-ReflectionIron Will?

Element dark.pngNETHER

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Yoshito None76543572663926Clockwork Eliminator Filial Distender Substituter Proxy Dog WarriorWeapon Spread Magic.pngBloody Omen of ShameBlade of Treachery
Vapula Shot80639481223070Golem Commander Flying Winged Lion Marquis of Grimoires Sculptor of YetzirahWeapon Spread Shot.pngSupreme CrafterShem HaMephorash
Tsukuyomi (Halloween)Magic90629484182774Moonlight Host Star Reader Radiant Reflector Ruler of the Night WorldWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Beautiful Flowering DateYoru no Osukuni?
Tetsuya Slash80339676613535Lawbreaker Sealer of Infinity Cleanser of Impurities Tamer of the Dark LightWeapon Spread Slash.pngFrom Death I Persist Once AgainOuroboros Rebirth
Tetsuox Slash73249263264909Lawbreaker Gambler Retaker DaredevilWeapon Spread Magic.pngRaging Wind and Chasing SuperiorityWhirlwind Snare
Tadatomo (Valentine)Shot69850867214699Love Trapper The Lovesick Spiritual Dog Warrior ReincarnateWeapon Spread Magic.pngReports of Undying LoyaltyScroll of Inferno?
Snegurochka Shot74645472493943One Cool Girl Wishing for Winter's End Santa's Child Silver Flower Ring's Snow PrincessWeapon Spread Magic.pngDiamond Dust on the MoonflowersZimniye Gryozy
Shiro Magic82637081243392Researcher Fear Incarnate Seal Breaker Tailed DemonWeapon Spread Magic.pngFive Books of MadnessCosmic Terror
Saturnus Shot95224892781914Nightclub Eventer Orbital Saturn Legendary Cinderella Boy Attribute HolderWeapon Spread Shot.pngCircle of Dissimilar StarsAuria Saturnalia
Robinson Shot79040370104212Survivor Islander Seafarer Chance HitterWeapon Spread Snipe.pngLeader's Majesty in One StrikeIsland Divider
Pollux (Christmas)Blow70050061205071Pugilist Calamity Buffer Life Sharer Conqueror of StarsWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCoupled Bird SeparationFists of Hephaestus
Oz (Pool)Shot74945173793813Adventurer Summertime Regulus Starlit Coward Courage BonderWeapon Spread All.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Ose Snipe72048065324660Masquerader Mischievous Trickster Spreader of Lunacy Agent ProvocateurWeapon Spread Magic.png10000 Lies in the Blink of an EyeOscillating Crown
Maria Magic98933088232789Preacher Stigma Brander Herbalist GardenerWeapon Spread Magic.pngStrenuous Hard WorkThorns of Golgotha
Lucifuge Shot79040370104212Disease Carrier Shadow Dweller Tailed Demon RulerWeapon Spread Shot.pngEver Changing QuickeningInfernal Misconception
Krampus Slash74752863255015Hero Defender of Justice The Cursed The MisfortunateWeapon Spread Slash.pngBells of Certain PunishmentToll of the Wildebell
Kenta Thrust80539968114387Child The Forsaken Blood of the Beast MuncherWeapon Spread Thrust.pngLost Like a StrayBereaved Dog
Kalki (Christmas)Snipe52867275133679Defeater of Decadence Savior of Life Great Blusher Substantiator of EternityWeapon Spread Snipe.pngChimes of Turning ImportanceTenth Avatar?
Jiraiya (Christmas)Snipe44575557905402Exaggerated Bragger Hermit Arts' Disciple Toad Master The Great Elusive Phantom ThiefWeapon Spread Snipe.pngOni Appearing Disappearing PlanKuchiyose Seiajin?
Hecate Magic82038088402352Occult Researcher Coupling Enthusiast Doctor of Delusion Lunar RepresentativeWeapon Spread Magic.pngMixture of the Self and VulgarityWeighted Balance
Hakumen (Nightclub)Blow77142971294063Lady Nuwa's Aide The One to Lean On Nightclub Owner Beauty FoxWeapon Spread All.pngPassionate Eyes See Great BeautyKeisei Sangoku?
Gyumao (Valentine)Magic86733371454047Love For All King of Gaochang Enterprising Entrepreneur Unstoppable ForceWeapon Spread All.pngLove and Alliances for Quicker DiplomacyUltimate Realization?
Garmr Thrust80340269384257Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Pursuer DaredevilWeapon Spread Thrust.pngUndying LoyaltyBane of Tyr
Fenrir (Make Sail)Long Slash98943277693690Band-Mate Blood of the Beast Devourer of Worlds The ChosenWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngStubborn Lone Wolf?Wolven Monstrosity
Enigma Slash70050055984941Cloned AI Digital Jammer Mechaman Encrypted EgoWeapon Spread Slash.pngEntwining Strike EncryptionCryptograph Script
Echo (Valentine)Shot90429692301962Refrain Idol Scouting Responder Never Forget to Reply Harmony VocalsWeapon Spread All.pngSign of a Stubborn Musical PeachAmantes Amentes?
Ebisu (Halloween)Blow75045075943598All Hallows' Mummy Stage Taker Dark Hand Ally InbetweenerWeapon Spread All.pngFailure to Attack One's DislikesBountiful Returns?
Daikoku (Hot Paradise)Magic39580563804812Corpse Manager Shrouded Embodiment Cup Sharer InciterWeapon Spread All.pngAbundant Grudges Hidden in DarknessMahakala Mantra?
Cu Sith (Halloween)Thrust84543368874329Peacemaker Shape Shifter The Abandoned Graveyard LurkerWeapon Spread Shot.pngDark Mourning LeadThird Howling?
Cait Sith Magic60060073203872Future Provocateur Inimitable Illusionist Ruler Whisker WhispererWeapon Spread Blow.pngBeing Myself by Inviting CatsRex Felium
Boogeyman Slash54965171044088Tragic Star Icy Gazer Floral Faculty Bartering Bog FaeWeapon Spread Slash.pngA Gentle Dream All DayFear of Darkness
Bertro (Christmas)Magic75344768144378Temperature Drop Astonishing Machine Body Splintered Lone Wolf Gifted of the Holy NightWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrinciple of Enrichment and ImmutabilityHarsh Mistress?
Belphegor Snipe68951165744618Second Marriage Hunter Celebratory Color Changer Marriage Planner Happiness InvestigatorWeapon Spread Snipe.pngClandestine Disastrous MeetingsBaal-Peor
Behemoth Slash85040071524220Immoveable One Bulker Sacrifice Continent DevourerWeapon Spread All.pngExtreme High Time Pulling and BingingContinental Gorger
Bathym Thrust80540469394253Tailed Demon Herbalist Excavator TeleporterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngProud Tail Brilliant PantherCharming Serpent
Barguest Magic80540570714127Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Mountain Dweller The MisfortunateWeapon Spread Magic.pngEvil Sealing and Lamenting CorpseCrossroads of the Witch Queen
Azathoth (Halloween)Long Slash37382761895003Throne of Emptiness Bad Ending Collector Aftertaste Enjoyer Incomprehensible TricksterWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngLife is Dark, Death's a DreamMouth of Madness
Asterius (Island)Slash87144871464151Deep Diver Islander Shut-in Living LightningWeapon Spread Magic.pngObstructed Giant Bated BreathLabrys of the Labyrinth
Arsalan (Halloween)Blow81244270664520Peacemaker Shape Shifter Anointed One Graveyard LurkerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAwe Inspiring Oil DemonAnointed Savior?
Andvari Thrust79939777873402Fey Folk Excavator The Cursed Gold GrabberWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreed Beyond The GodsRing of the Nibelung
Alp Thrust85035074793713Charming Charmer Wild Dancer Dream Eater Party StarterWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Long Night of Spirits and DreamsDream Deep
Alice Magic79840268744316Child Dreamer Roamer Dasher of DreamsWeapon Spread Magic.pngMarch Garden BanTea Party Madness
Algernon (Summer)Magic105015060265165New Era Pioneer Heavenly Sweeper Mechaman Floor-StamperWeapon Spread Magic.pngDesperate Dreams in an Iron CurseMechanical Bouquet

Element evil.pngINFERNAL

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Raven Arthur Slash68751364924700Legendary Fire Superintendant Chick Trainer Lowering the Holy Sword Reincarnated RavenWeapon Spread Slash.pngFlash of FoolishnessCache de Papegau
Mephistopheles Magic66653482132979Unholy Contractor Mirror Demon Luminophobe Steward of LossWeapon Spread Shot.pngAt the Underworld's DoorDelayed Departure
Masanori Blow97322791102082Soul Invader Brutal Revolutionary Proprietous Dog Warrior Samsara ScholarWeapon Spread Slash.pngReady Change of Heart and SelfBlade of the Beast
Girimekra Blow69150966134579Vexed Contriver Overbearing Elephant Insufflating Mount Enduring Exchange StudentWeapon Spread All.pngFalling Acts and Rebellious WillAgainst It All
Durga Thrust68962461555124Athlete Driving Force Guard Breaker TeleporterWeapon Spread Snipe.pngFirst Place DedicationFirst in Glory
Babe Bunyan (Summer)Shot89130975083684Summer Waterfront Pioneer Performer of Tall Tales Inspired One Fearless CowboyWeapon Spread All.pngThe Monster Dreaming of Perfect ServiceFeet on the Ground?
Arachne Snipe61071075913871Shadow Surveyor Affair Maker Undivided Attendee ProminentizorWeapon Spread Snipe.pngFearsome Neurotic ArtisanSilken Snare
Amanojaku Thrust66054065134678Partner Helper Contrarily Masked Passionate to Reform King of FerocityWeapon Spread Shot.pngNominal Top-Down Reversed PriorityContrary Ogre

Element hero.pngVALIANT

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Volos (Beachside)Thrust65754366674525Happy Harvester Cutter of Ties Summery Spirit Sentimental SapWeapon Spread Magic.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Thunderbird (Summer)Magic60359769814210Engulfer of Evil Appraiser Like Lightning Dream-guarding WingsWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bird Punishing Evil and Rewarding GoodClose-Woven Catcher?
Teda Snipe62157960155177Distant Beacon Force Expulsor Mass of Energy Gift of the SunWeapon Spread All.pngTale of Despairing at the SunSolar Prayer
Tanetomo Shot75544575243668Peony Planner Lovelorn Dancer Spiritual Dog Warrior AssassinWeapon Spread Shot.pngDeep Ruinous Wisdom in LovelinessAvenger's Blade
Shennong Thrust72447677264119Poisoner Antibody Factory Propagator of Plenty Heritor of the FlagWeapon Spread Magic.pngDoctor's Dozen DistractionsDoctor's Orders
Seth Magic72251869134378Voyager Wind Manipulator The Forgotten GuideWeapon Spread Magic.pngChaotic RestraintHeart of Chaos
Marduk Snipe63656469554237Celestial Ravager Dragon Tamer Prayer Venerator Flood BringerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWeakening Opening Light from WithinVeil of Amar Utu
Gullinbursti Slash65070064304814Unshakable Believer Giant Dominator Frontline Fighter War CrierWeapon Spread Thrust.pngReckless Foolish RushBoar-Headed Rush
Balor Blow65055064434749Captive Ruler Master Commander Giant Smoking EyeWeapon Spread None.pngSharp Manly Gaze and Suppressed VirtueGlare of the Doomed
Algernon Thrust66054062374955Mechaman Price Payer Time Traveler Fullmetal JanitorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDesperate Dreams in an Iron CurseMechanical Bouquet

Element world.pngWORLD

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
∀Isaac None105914198371355Dawn Watcher Steel Encirclement Avian Gifter Intellectual InnovatorWeapon Spread All.pngUnbreakable Hindering CaveCaves of Steel
Smoky God None88231893251867Salvationeer Blossomer of Creation Avatar of Revolution False ProphetWeapon Spread Blow.pngDelusions of Sole InheritanceWheel of Fortuity
MacRoich Long Slash63556563364530Dual Demagogue Prophetic Visionary Legendary Lover Thread NeedlerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngThe Force of 10000 HorsesYouthful Stampede
Kijimuna (Canaan)Magic73246877384107Earthbound Protector of Island Winds Cultivator Thwarter of CalamitiesWeapon Spread All.pngSwaying Grove of Blessed TreesBanyan Haka
Himavat Shot49170960435148Heavy Snow Accumulator High Brand Model Parvateshvara Roof Of The WorldWeapon Spread Shot.pngSpiritual Enlightenment Through One's LandHima Alaya Pole Shift
Bertro Thrust51968170314161Swift Contemplator Hungry Wolf Mechaman Exceptional CalculatorWeapon Spread Magic.pngPitying Moon's Questioned PhilosophyHarsh Mistress
Azathoth Snipe66158162304983Scorner Finisher Great Creator Lord of ChaosWeapon Spread All.pngLife is Dark, Death's a DreamMouth of Madness

Element infinity.pngINFINITY

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Tianzun Snipe84036089122280Party Sage Heaven-stretched Monk of the Infinite Path Heavenly Lord of Spiritual TreasuresWeapon Spread Snipe.pngConquering Road to Total EqualityWuwei Ziran
Cipactli None68951166144578Irradiator Cycle's Pioneer Devouring One Huge Kaiju ActorWeapon Spread All.pngBlessings of Terrifyingly Huge SizeTlaltecuhtli
Ame-no-Uzume Long Slash86933166124580Dancing All Night Groove-Riding Gal Breaking Away Miko of ReposeWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngCalled Enjoyment of Song and DanceUkefunenogi Mitamafuri

Element zero.pngNULL

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Yig Shot64855263734818Watcher from N'gos Favor Bather Holy Serpent with Many Children Out of the AeonsWeapon Spread Shot.pngTotal Exterminating RetributionTrussle in Zandanua
Sphinx Magic67152965304662Riddler of the Labyrinth Masked Inquisitor Pharaoh's Assistant Esoteric Puzzle KingWeapon Spread Magic.pngJudgment Clouding RiddleHeru-em-Akhet
Kokopelli Snipe80639473033889Luck-Manipulating Insect Man Detached Avenger Jazz Player Fellow FlutistWeapon Spread Snipe.pngCalm Clear Flute PlayingKachina Kokopelman
Gorozaemon Slash76343773823809Tester of Courage Unknowable Icon Frightening Great Youkai Night Parade ChiefWeapon Spread Slash.pngVeiled Nights of DrinkingNubatama no Yo, Chimimouryou
Baphomet Blow76643472693923Making You Dependent Possessor of the Human God Rule Maker of the Heart Goat of the SabbathWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCarousal of Hazy BoundariesSabbatic Orgy

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