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Running Side-by-Side
Rarity 3
効果1Increases HP by 150~300
効果2Increases ATK by 150~300
電光競駆ボール・ライトニングNo additional CS effects
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Break ResistanceAcquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Break / 100% (Buff) to allies on the left and right of self / 20~100%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] +2~4 CP to allies on the left and right of self / 80~100%
Element light.pngAETHER
Element hero.pngVALIANT
Christmas Showdown Free Quest/Limited Missions
Show applicable transients (180)
White Agent (☆2)
Yellow Agent (☆2)
Aizen (☆4 Jamboree)
Valiant Alchemist (☆2)
Aether Alchemist (☆2)
Algernon (☆3)
Algernon (☆4)
Alp (☆5 Halloween)
Amatsumara (☆4 Fashionista)
Andvari (☆5 Beachside)
Aether Angel (☆1)
Valiant Angel (☆1)
Arsalan (☆5 Summer)
Ashigara (☆5 Seaside)
Astaroth (☆4)
Asterius (☆3)
Asterius (☆4)
Azazel (☆3)
Azazel (☆4)
Balor (☆3)
Balor (☆4)
Aether Baron (☆2)
Barong (☆5 Host)
Behemoth (☆4 Summer)
Benten (☆5 Christmas)
White Camouflager (☆2)
Yellow Camouflager (☆2)
Choji (☆4 Christmas)
Valiant Ciramantep (☆2)
Aether Ciramantep (☆2)
Ded (☆3)
Aether Deity (☆2)
Yellow Devil (☆1)
Gold Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
White Drone Pilot (☆2)
Yellow Drone Pilot (☆2)
Duo (☆3)
Duo (☆5)
Aether Einherjar (☆2)
Yellow Fencer (☆1)
Furufumi (☆4 Festival)
Fuxi (☆5 Christmas)
Gabriel (☆3)
Gabriel (☆5)
Yellow Ghost (☆1)
Valiant Giant (☆2)
Aether Giant (☆2)
Gullinbursti (☆3)
Gullinbursti (☆4)
Gullinbursti (☆4 Summer)
Gunzo (☆5 Valentine)
Hakumen (☆4 Valentine)
Hanuman (☆4 Journey)
Hecate (☆4 Summer)
Hephaestus (☆5 Summer)
Hogen (☆5 Festival)
Horkeu Kamui (☆5)
Horus (☆4 Christmas)
Hotei (☆3)
Hotei (☆4)
Ifrit (☆4 Make Sail)
Jacob (☆3)
Jambavan (☆3)
Jambavan (☆4)
Valiant Jiangshi (☆2)
Aether Jiangshi (☆2)
Jiraiya (☆4 Seaside)
Kalki (☆3)
Kalki (☆4)
Kengo (☆3)
Kengo (☆4)
Kengo (☆5)
Kengo (☆5 Valentine)
Krampus (☆5 Valentine)
Kresnik (☆3)
Kresnik (☆4)
Kurogane (☆5 Nightglows)
Aether-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Licho (☆3)
Licho (☆4)
White Livestreamer (☆2)
Yellow Livestreamer (☆2)
Aether Lucky Cat (☆1)
Light Mage (☆1)
Aether Maid (☆1)
Marduk (☆4)
Aether Mermaid (☆2)
Aether Merman (☆2)
Michael (☆3)
Michael (☆5)
Mineaki (☆4 Hot Paradise)
Aether Mobster (☆2)
Moritaka (☆5 Jamboree)
Motosumi (☆4 Setsubun)
White Nightgaunt (☆2)
Yellow Nightgaunt (☆2)
Yellow Ninja (☆1)
Nobumichi (☆3)
Nobumichi (☆4)
Nodens (☆3)
Nodens (☆4)
Yellow Oni (☆2)
Oniwaka (☆5 Setsubun)
Ophion (☆3)
Ophion (☆5)
Ose (☆4 Christmas)
Otter (☆4)
Aether Pirate (☆1)
Pollux (☆3)
Pollux (☆4)
Q'ursha (☆3)
Q'ursha (☆5)
R-19 (☆3)
R-19 (☆4)
White Ranger (☆2)
Yellow Ranger (☆2)
Raven Arthur (☆3)
Reprobus (☆3)
Reprobus (☆4)
Sanzo (☆3)
Sanzo (☆4)
Valiant Senri (☆2)
Aether Senri (☆2)
Seth (☆3)
Seth (☆4)
Seth (☆5 Valentine)
Shennong (☆4)
Shinya (☆3)
Shinya (☆4)
Shiro (☆5 Jamboree)
Shiva (☆5)
Shuten (☆4 Gendarme)
Simurgh (☆4)
Yellow Slime (☆1)
Snow (☆5 Valentine)
Suzuka (☆3)
Suzuka (☆4)
Taishakuten (☆3)
Taishakuten (☆4)
Tajikarao (☆5 Summer)
Tanetomo (☆3)
Tanetomo (☆4)
Tanngrisnir (☆3)
Tanngrisnir (☆5)
Taromaiti (☆3)
Taromaiti (☆4)
Teda (☆4)
Tetsuya (☆4 Christmas)
The Hero (☆3)
The Hero (☆4)
Thunderbird (☆3)
Thunderbird (☆4)
Thunderbird (☆4 Summer)
Tindalos (☆5 Summer)
Tomte (☆3)
White Tribe (☆2)
Yellow Tribe (☆2)
White Trickster (☆2)
Yellow Trickster (☆2)
White Trooper (☆2)
Yellow Trooper (☆2)
Tsathoggua (☆4 Fashionista)
Tuaring (☆3)
Tuaring (☆5)
Ulaanbaatar (☆5 Christmas)
Aether Valkyrie (☆2)
Volos (☆4 Beachside)
Yellow Wolf (☆1)
White Wraith (☆2)
Yellow Wraith (☆2)
White Luchador (☆2)
Yellow Luchador (☆2)
Xolotl (☆5 Hot Paradise)
White Yaksha (☆2)
Yellow Yaksha (☆2)
Yamasachihiko (☆4 Pool)
Yasuyori (☆5 Christmas)
Zabaniyya (☆5 Fashionista)
Ziz (☆3)
Ziz (☆4)
Translated from Japanese
"I may not be as fast as I was before, but I haven't lost my spirit! Gullinbursti, will you accept me challenge?!"

"Ah, there's no way you can beat me, Tanngrisnir. I shall prove I am the fastest in the presence of my master!"

Tanngrisnir, a strong-legged goat who teaches in the reindeer department at Santa School. Gullinbursti, a golden boar forged by master dwarves and trains daily. Both of them were chariot pullers back in their home world of Yggdrasil. They used to compete with each other along with their respective masters, and even though they are now in a different world, they continue to compete and improve each other. Today, somewhere, the sound of their heavy footsteps shaking the earth echoes as they become one with the wind.

Official Japanese
「あの頃の速さは出なくとも、情熱は消えていませんとも! グリンブルスティ、私の挑戦、受けてはくれませんか!?」

「ああ、お前には負けん、タングリスニル。我が主の前で、我が最速を証明しよう!」 サンタスクールのトナカイ科で教師を務める、健脚の山羊、タングリスニル。 名工ドワーフたちによって鍛造され、日々修行に励む金色の猪、グリンブルスティ。 共にユグドラシルからの「転光生」であり、故郷世界では戦車を引く役目を担っていた2人。 それぞれの主人と共に、よく競争していた彼らは、住む世界が変わっても良きライバルとして互いを高め合っている。 今日も何処かで、今日も風となった2人の猛りと大地を揺るがす足音が響く。


Event Line


  • The CS name is "Ball Lightning: Lightning-Speed Racing".

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