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Latest revision as of 09:12, 30 December 2021

Mentoring Time
Rarity 4
効果1Increases ATK by 400~800
Flag of the Covetous OxBullrushNo additional CS effects
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] +1500~3000 HP to self / 100%
[Defense ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other.] Take 0.7x damage from 1.00x ATK penaltyBlow-ranged enemies / 100%
Wakan Tanka
1.00x ATK penaltyBlow
0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash
Show applicable transients (196)
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Water Alchemist (☆2)
Wood Alchemist (☆2)
Aether Alchemist (☆2)
Nether Alchemist (☆2)
Alp (☆3)
Amanojaku (☆3)
Amatsumara (☆3)
Amatsumara (☆4)
Amduscias (☆3)
Amduscias (☆5)
Ame-no-Uzume (☆4)
Andvari (☆3)
Arachne (☆4 Summer)
Arsalan (☆3)
Arsalan (☆4)
Arsalan (☆4 Halloween)
Ashigara (☆3)
Asterius (☆3)
Avarga (☆3)
Azathoth (☆4 Halloween)
Balor (☆3)
Balor (☆4)
Baphomet (☆3)
Baphomet (☆4)
Barguest (☆3)
Barong (☆3)
Bathym (☆3)
Behemoth (☆3)
Beowulf (☆3)
Beowulf (☆4)
Chernobog (☆3)
Cthugha (☆3)
Cthugha (☆5 Nightglows)
Cu Sith (☆3)
Fire Deity (☆2)
Water Deity (☆2)
Wood Deity (☆2)
Aether Deity (☆2)
Nether Deity (☆2)
Infernal Deity (☆2)
Durga (☆3)
Durga (☆4 Nightmare)
Ebisu (☆4 Halloween)
Echo (☆3)
Echo (☆4)
Enigma (☆5 Mountain)
Fenrir (☆3)
Fenrir (☆4 Make Sail)
Gandharva (☆3)
Garmr (☆3)
Infernal Giant (☆2)
Valiant Giant (☆2)
World Giant (☆2)
Fire Giant (☆2)
Water Giant (☆2)
Wood Giant (☆2)
Aether Giant (☆2)
Nether Giant (☆2)
Girimekra (☆3)
Girimekra (☆4)
Gordon (☆5)
Gullinbursti (☆3)
Gunzo (☆3)
Gunzo (☆4)
Gunzo (☆5 Valentine)
Gurangatch (☆3)
Gyumao (☆3)
Gyumao (☆5)
Hakumen (☆4 Nightclub)
Hati (☆3)
Hati (☆4)
Hecate (☆4 Summer)
Hombre Tigre (☆3)
Hombre Tigre (☆4 Summer)
Horkeu Kamui (☆3)
Horkeu Kamui (☆4)
Ifrit (☆3)
Ifrit (☆4 Make Sail)
Ikutoshi (☆3)
Jacob (☆3)
Jacob (☆5)
Jugo (☆3)
Kagutsuchi (☆3)
Kengo (☆3)
Kengo (☆4)
Kenta (☆4 Valentine)
Kijimuna (☆4)
Licho (☆5 Festival)
Aether Lucky Cat (☆1)
Macan (☆3)
Macan (☆4)
MacRoich (☆4)
Fire Maid (☆1)
Water Maid (☆1)
Wood Maid (☆1)
Aether Maid (☆1)
Nether Maid (☆1)
Makara (☆3)
Manticore (☆3)
Manticore (☆5)
Masanori (☆4)
Michael (☆5)
Mineaki (☆4 Hot Paradise)
Motosumi (☆3)
Nezha (☆3)
Nezha (☆4)
Nobuharu (☆3)
Nodens (☆3)
Nodens (☆4)
Nomad (☆3)
Nyarlathotep (☆3)
Oguchi Magami (☆3)
Oniwaka (☆5 Setsubun)
Orgus (☆4)
Ose (☆4 Christmas)
Otter (☆4)
Oz (☆3)
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Pollux (☆3)
Pollux (☆4)
Pollux (☆4 Christmas)
Prometheus (☆5)
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モウショウ (☆5)
Quantum (☆3)
R-19 (☆3)
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White Ranger (☆2)
Brown Ranger (☆2)
Red Ranger (☆2)
Blue Ranger (☆2)
Green Ranger (☆2)
Yellow Ranger (☆2)
Purple Ranger (☆2)
Reprobus (☆3)
Seth (☆4 Beachside)
Shennong (☆5 Summer)
Shiva (☆5 Summer)
Shuten (☆3)
Sitri (☆3)
Red Slime (☆1)
Blue Slime (☆1)
Green Slime (☆1)
Yellow Slime (☆1)
Dark Slime (☆1)
Shaded Slime (☆1)
Smoky God (☆4 Pool)
Snow (☆3)
Sol (☆3)
Starman ∀ (☆2)
Starman ∞ (☆2)
Starman Φ (☆2)
Surtr (☆5)
Suzuka (☆4)
Suzuka (☆4 Fashionista)
Taishakuten (☆3)
Taishakuten (☆4)
Taishakuten (☆5 Valentine)
Tajikarao (☆5 Summer)
Takemaru (☆5)
Takeminakata (☆3)
Takeminakata (☆5)
Tangaroa∞ (☆5)
Tanngrisnir (☆3)
Taurus Mask (☆3)
Teda (☆4 Christmas)
Tetsuox (☆4 Jiangshi)
Tetsuya (☆3)
Volkh Vseslav (☆3)
Wakan Tanka (☆3)
Wakan Tanka (☆5)
Wakan Tanka (☆5 Fashionista)
Wakan Tanka (☆5 Nightclub)
Black Luchador (☆2)
White Luchador (☆2)
Brown Luchador (☆2)
Red Luchador (☆2)
Blue Luchador (☆2)
Green Luchador (☆2)
Yellow Luchador (☆2)
Purple Luchador (☆2)
Y'golonac (☆4)
Green Yaksha (☆2)
Yellow Yaksha (☆2)
Yasuyori (☆4)
Yule (☆3)
Yuma (☆4)
Zao (☆3)
Zhurong (☆3)
Translated from Japanese
"My heart is with you!"

"Uh, yeah... m-my feelings are wi... ddAAA! How can you say such embarrassing things with a straight face?!"

The two of them are powerful beasts charging down an endless road. Both as well embody the limitless power of many dwelling in a single vessel. However, their destinations lie in opposite directions. Their way of life is also diametrically opposed. One has a “role” that charges forward with the strength of the herd, the other carving his own path as a strong individual. Only in these school days could these two with such different mindsets cross each other's path for just a moment. However, if the “world exception” is reached at such a time, limitless new possibilities may emerge. The individual won't be swallowed into the faceless herd, but form a herd of individuals, a contradiction of reality..

Official Japanese
「俺の想いは お前と共に!」

「おっ、オレの想いも先輩と……ってこんな恥ずかしいセリフ、言えるかぁっ!?」 それらは共に、猛獣の群れに入り混じりて、果て無き道を駆け抜けるもの。 共に、無数の力がたったひとつの依代の中へと宿れるもの。 しかし、その行き先は真逆。在り方も真逆。 一方は群れが生み出す強さのままに断崖へと、もう一方は強き個体の導きのままに天蓋へと駆け去る「役割」。 行く先が異なる2つの群れが交わるのは、一瞬の如く過ぎ去る、この学生時代のみ。 しかし、その刹那のような時間に「世界の例外」に至れたならば、それは新たなる可能性を切り開くかもしれない。 それは群れにて個を失わず、個にして群れを成す、その矛盾を現実と成すもの。


Event Line
Profile Wakan Tanka: My heart is with you!
Gunzou: Uh, yeah... m-my feelings are wi... ddAAA! How can you say such embarrassing things with a straight face?!
Charge Wakan Tanka: I'll cover for you! Go, my Gunzou!
Gunzou: O-okay, please leave it to me senpai!
Both: Set! Bulls Rush Formation!


  • The CS is Bulls Rush Formation: Greedy Bull's Enthusiastic Flag.

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Anonymous user: a378ce60
No. 15677
23 months ago
Score 0 You
sports is so gay. you're wide open? you're going to receive? alright then.
Anonymous user: d5fd0363
No. 13425
30 months ago
Score 0 You
kind of fruity for two men to be walking together....like what are you doing.....practicing walking down the aisle together?
Anonymous user: 54d5879b
No. 6442
55 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 4ba23131
No. 6083
56 months ago
Score 4 You
bruh moment is over. now we have senpai and kouhai moment
Anonymous user: 54d5879b
No. 5857
57 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 1b3b8a07
No. 5060
57 months ago
Score 1 You

Are they...you know

Anonymous user: ba22d636
No. 4390
58 months ago
Score 0 You
[link removed]
Anonymous user: 2ce1ac97
No. 3231
63 months ago
Score 0 You
Are there no sound files? I can't hear them from the transient pages.
Anonymous user: 2252d111
No. 3209
63 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 85349c0a
No. 3067
63 months ago
Score 0 You
khhhhh i ship it
Anonymous user: 2252ddb4
No. 3064
63 months ago
Score 1 You
cute babies
Anonymous user: 9d048731
No. 3062
63 months ago
Score 1 You
Get on with it already!
Anonymous user: e0d18cfe
No. 3048
63 months ago
Score 0 You
My husbandossssss
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