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Base Skills that use the When Attacking timing, id range 1601+.
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+ |
Distant Beacon (Apply Ardor) Teda Teda Marksman (Apply Crit) Kyuma Relief Pitcher (Apply Crit) Kyuma Thundering Pep Squad (Apply Ardor) Nobuharu (Festival) Fiery Spirit (Decrease HP) Orgus Fiery Spirit (Apply Crit) Orgus Disparagers (Apply Spirit) Fire Ciramantep Water Ciramantep Wood Ciramantep Aether Ciramantep Nether Ciramantep Infernal Ciramantep Valiant Ciramantep World Ciramantep Meticulous Mechanic (Apply Crit) Otohime Vivid Nobility (Apply Crit+) Otohime Serpentine Sire (Apply Crit) Tvastar Gambler (Apply Crit++) Tetsuox Passionate Gambler (Apply Crit++) Tetsuox Passionate Gambler (Increase CP) Tetsuox Annihilator (Increase CP) Shiva Trio (Apply Crit) Shiva Universal Annihilator (Increase CP) Shiva Trio Divided (Apply Crit) Shiva Misty Reverie (Apply Evasion) Ellie Faint Reflector (Increase CP) Choji (Christmas) Thundering Runner (Apply Crit) Kengo Thundering Runner (Increase CP) Kengo Beaconing Pugilist (Apply Vigor) Pollux (Christmas) Beaconing Pugilist (Apply Combo) Pollux (Christmas) Stalwart Contender (Apply Limit) Kengo (Valentine) Emplacer (Apply Vigor) Seth (Valentine) Repudiator (Apply ATK Up) Seth (Valentine) Group Huddle (Apply Arousal) Kyuma (Valentine) Group Huddle (Apply Concentration) Kyuma (Valentine) Outrider (Apply Crit+) Babe Bunyan Past Pioneer (Apply Crit++) Babe Bunyan Twin-Hearted Zosma (Apply Combo) Oz Metal-Armed Menace (Apply Crit) Nodens Radiant Master of the Silver Arm (Apply Crit) Nodens Abyssal Sunderer (Apply Crit) Kurogane (Nightglows) Subdivisor (Apply Guts) Sandayu Sandayu Overcomer of Indolence (Apply Crit++) Jugo (Summer) Flirt (Apply Burn) Typhon (Make Sail) Indomitable Flirt (Apply Burn) Typhon (Make Sail) Star-Chaser's Fire (Apply ATK Up) Zabaniyya (Fashionista) Star-Chaser's Fire (Increase CP) Zabaniyya (Fashionista) Inbetweener (Apply Concentration) Ebisu (Halloween) Incomprehensible Trickster (Apply Evasion) Azathoth (Halloween) Marksman (Apply Crit) Temujin Sharpshooter Stud (Apply Crit) Temujin Smoothing Out Twists of Fate (Decrease CP) Hermes Exaggerated Bragger (Decrease HP) Jiraiya (Christmas) Exaggerated Bragger (Apply Crit+) Jiraiya (Christmas) Hermit Arts' Disciple (Apply Crit++) Jiraiya (Christmas) Teleporter (Push) Nomad Space Jumper (Push) Nomad Infant-Bested King (Apply Crit) Balor (Valentine) Lunar Representative (Apply Protection) Hecate Brainy Team Leader (Apply Limit) Shiro (Jamboree) Brainy Team Leader (Apply Tenacity) Shiro (Jamboree) Midsummer Celebrity (Increase CP) Smoky God (Pool) Straightforward One (Increase CP) Yamasachihiko (Pool) Summer Friends (Apply Crit) Wakan Tanka (Fashionista) Summer Friends (Apply Protection) Wakan Tanka (Fashionista) In the Heat of the Moment (Apply Ardor) Catoblepas (Summer) In the Heat of the Moment (Apply Acceleration) Catoblepas (Summer) Martial Arts Master (Apply Berserk+) Sandayu (Halloween) Martial Arts Master (Apply ATK Up) Sandayu (Halloween) Martial Arts Master (Apply Brawn) Sandayu (Halloween) Grandmaster of the Three Iga Ninjas (Apply DEF Up) Sandayu (Halloween) Grandmaster of the Three Iga Ninjas (Apply Adamantine) Sandayu (Halloween) Grandmaster of the Three Iga Ninjas (Apply Evasion) Sandayu (Halloween) Night Runner (Apply Vigor) Sandayu (Halloween) Queen of Butterflies (Apply Regeneration) Ellie (Halloween) Living in the Night (Increase HP) Red Wraith Blue Wraith Green Wraith Yellow Wraith Purple Wraith Black Wraith White Wraith Brown Wraith Windward Captain (Apply Vigor) Ahab Windward Captain (Increase CP) Ahab Destitute and Unbound (Increase CP) Kirito Gone in the Twilight (Apply Evasion) Kirito Influential One (Apply Regeneration) Simurgh Influential Don (Apply Regeneration) Simurgh Excited One (Increase CP) Zhurong (Christmas) Captivated with Delight (Increase HP) Fuxi (Christmas) Splintered Lone Wolf (Apply Evasion) Bertro (Christmas) Snowball Shooter (Decrease CP) Jacob (Valentine) Illuminating Retainer (Apply Protection) Shinya (Valentine) Snow Field Advisor (Apply ATK Up) Tanetomo (Valentine) Living Lightning (Apply Crit) R-19 Lightning Loader (Apply Crit) R-19 Enlightened Mechanic (Apply Crit) Kurogane (Nightglows) Isolated Superior (Apply Guts) Cthugha (Nightglows) Remaining at the End (Apply Guts) Ahura Mazda One Who Remains at the End (Apply Guts) Ahura Mazda Party Sage (Increase HP) Tianzun Tianzun All In (Increase CP) Beowulf All In on the Battlefield (Increase CP) Beowulf Natural Law of the Impartial Plains (Apply Concentration) Wakan Tanka∞ Riot Instigator (Increase CP) Motosumi Head of Festivities (Increase CP) Motosumi Nature's Performer (Apply Ardor) Cipactli Huge Kaiju Actor (Apply Ardor) Cipactli Cutter of the Sea of Trees (Apply Limit) Boogeyman (Summer) Storm Thresher (Increase CP) Eita (Set Sail) Stormcutting Boy Captain (Increase CP) Eita (Set Sail) One Who Waits in the Deep Sea (Apply Remove Debuff) Dagon (Summer) Veteran Adventurer (Apply Crit++) Arsalan (Summer) Veteran Adventurer (Apply Crit+) Arsalan (Summer) Summer Party's Behemoth (Increase CP) Behemoth (Summer) Gnawer (Apply Crit++) Shark Unfettered Killer Star Supernova (Apply Brawn) Tetsuox (Jiangshi) Westward Venturing Monkey Prince (Increase HP) Hanuman (Journey) Three-Star Padrone (Increase CP) Choji (Christmas) Survivor (Increase CP) Claus Survivor (Apply Guts) Claus Proclaimer of Good Endings (Increase CP) Claus Proclaimer of Good Endings (Apply Guts) Claus Antibody-Producing Medic (Increase CP) Shennong Confirmer (Increase CP) Shamash Confirmer of Crimes (Increase CP) Shamash Blushing Destroyer (Apply ATK Up) Kalki (Christmas) Blushing Destroyer (Apply Spirit) Kalki (Christmas) Snowball Pitcher (Decrease CP) Jacob (Valentine) Silver Flower Brain Trust (Apply ATK Up) Tanetomo (Valentine) Silver Flower Brain Trust (Apply Spirit) Tanetomo (Valentine) Pop Singer of Love (Apply Blessing) Gabriel (Valentine) Oni Law Agent (Apply Combo) Toji (Valentine) Stalwart Stancer (Apply Guts) Takeminakata (Valentine) Incomprehensible Prankster God (Apply Evasion) Azathoth (Halloween) Royally Swamped Miracle Worker (Apply Combo) Jambavan (Nightmare) Gentle Yet Firm Dancer (Apply HP Loss Reversal) Smoky God (Pool) Gentle Yet Firm Dancer (Apply Increased Recovery) Smoky God (Pool) Gentle Yet Firm Dancer (Apply Glint) Smoky God (Pool) Healing Titan (Apply Protection) Prometheus Marriage Seeker (Apply Nullify Debuff) Belphegor Marriage Seeker (Increase CP) Belphegor Second Marriage Hunter (Apply Nullify Debuff) Belphegor Second Marriage Hunter (Increase CP) Belphegor Breaking Away (Increase CP) Ame-no-Uzume Ame-no-Uzume Withstanding the Kickback (Apply Weapon Change (Blow)) Willie Wildcat Willie Wildcat Outer Counterattacker (Apply Remove Buff) Starman ∀ Starman ∞ Starman Φ Tick-Tock Man (Apply Glint) Nyarlathotep (Main Story) Summer-Colored Invader (Increase CP) Perun (Host) Tireless One (Apply Increased Recovery) Barong (Host) Issuer of Numbers (Apply Vanity) Bael (Host) Summer's Devilish Host (Apply Remove Debuff) Bael (Host) Summer's Bubbly Host (Increase CP) Sarutahiko (Host) Great Banquet Ninja (Increase HP) Jiraiya (Seaside) Teleporter (Push) Bathym (Seaside) Skyleaper Rank 18 (Push) Bathym (Seaside) Flirt (Apply Burn) Ganglie (Journey) [[Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".|<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>]] (?) See full listNo values specified. Faithful Reindeer Fey (Increase CP) Yule Club-goer (Apply Spirit) Saturnus Nightclub Eventer (Apply Spirit) Saturnus Noisy One (Increase CP) Wakan Tanka (Nightclub) Consumed by the Groove (Apply Limit) Marduk (Nightclub) Unrivaled Reincarnation (Apply Spirit) Marduk (Nightclub) One Who Values Harmony (Apply Concentration) Manticore Archery Imitator (Apply Tenacity) Manticore Monster of Dissonance (Apply Concentration) Manticore Monster of Dissonance (Apply Crit) Manticore New Archery Club Member (Apply Tenacity) Manticore Success Angler (Apply Arousal) Ebisu (Halloween) User (Apply Crit) Kyoma Ring Connector (Increase CP) Snegurochka Silver Flower Ring's Snow Princess (Apply Concentration) Snegurochka Silver Flower Ring's Snow Princess (Increase CP) Snegurochka Passionate Happy Ender (Apply Ardor) Hastur (Christmas) Remaining in this World (Increase CP) Yig Out of the Aeons (Increase CP) Yig Roving Eyes (Apply Ardor) Amduscias (Valentine) Refrain Idol (Apply Combo) Echo (Valentine)
| Thundering Pep Squad (Apply Arousal) Nobuharu (Festival) Thundering Pep Squad (Apply Ardor) Nobuharu (Festival) Imperial Guard Captain (Apply Arousal) Orgus Orgus Loyal Dog Warrior (Apply Guts) Tadatomo Hoster of Feasts (Increase HP) Ebisu Hoster of Feasts (Increase CP) Ebisu Big Catch Regaler (Increase HP) Ebisu Big Catch Regaler (Increase CP) Ebisu Benevolent One (Apply Blessing) Babalon Aspiring Matron (Apply Blessing) Babalon Faint Reflector (Increase CP) Choji (Christmas) Thundering Runner (Apply Crit) Kengo Thundering Runner (Increase CP) Kengo Group Huddle (Apply Arousal) Kyuma (Valentine) Metal-Armed Menace (Apply Crit) Nodens Radiant Master of the Silver Arm (Apply Crit) Nodens Lonely Illuminator (Decrease HP) Cthugha (Nightglows) Brainy Team Leader (Apply Limit) Shiro (Jamboree) Brainy Team Leader (Apply Tenacity) Shiro (Jamboree) Diehard Local (Apply Protection) Taishakuten Prideful Indra (Apply Protection) Taishakuten Gentle Yet Firm (Increase HP) Smoky God (Pool) Surprised by the Splash (Increase CP) Yamasachihiko (Pool) Summer Friends (Apply Protection) Wakan Tanka (Fashionista) Summer Friends (Apply Crit) Wakan Tanka (Fashionista) In the Heat of the Moment (Apply Ardor) Catoblepas (Summer) Queen of Butterflies (Apply Regeneration) Ellie (Halloween) Living in the Night (Increase HP) Red Wraith Blue Wraith Green Wraith Yellow Wraith Purple Wraith Black Wraith White Wraith Brown Wraith Windward Captain (Increase CP) Ahab Windward Captain (Apply Vigor) Ahab Eternally Living (Increase HP) Simurgh Influential One (Apply Regeneration) Simurgh Bird King of Eternal Life (Increase HP) Simurgh Influential Don (Apply Regeneration) Simurgh Captivated with Delight (Increase HP) Fuxi (Christmas) Burned at the Stake (Apply Blessing) Arc Illuminating Retainer (Apply Protection) Shinya (Valentine) Snow Field Advisor (Apply ATK Up) Tanetomo (Valentine) Snow Field Advisor (Apply Combo) Tanetomo (Valentine) Higher than the Winds (Apply Fatal Poison) Hastur Living Lightning (Apply Crit) R-19 Lightning Loader (Apply Crit) R-19 Isolated Superior (Decrease HP) Cthugha (Nightglows) Isolated Superior (Apply Guts) Cthugha (Nightglows) Riot Instigator (Increase CP) Motosumi Head of Festivities (Increase CP) Motosumi Arms Crossed Behind Her Back (Increase HP) Hecate (Summer) One Who Waits in the Deep Sea (Apply Remove Debuff) Dagon (Summer) Summer Party's Behemoth (Increase CP) Behemoth (Summer) Unfettered Killer Star Supernova (Apply Brawn) Tetsuox (Jiangshi) Three-Star Padrone (Increase CP) Choji (Christmas) Brother's Replacement (Apply Ardor) Claus Silver Flower Brain Trust (Apply Spirit) Tanetomo (Valentine) Silver Flower Brain Trust (Apply ATK Up) Tanetomo (Valentine) Silver Flower Brain Trust (Apply Combo) Tanetomo (Valentine) Benevolent One (Apply Blessing) Gabriel (Valentine) Pop Singer of Love (Apply Blessing) Gabriel (Valentine) Stalwart Stancer (Increase HP) Takeminakata (Valentine) Incomprehensible Prankster God (Apply Evasion) Azathoth (Halloween) Royally Swamped Miracle Worker (Apply Combo) Jambavan (Nightmare) Gentle Yet Firm Dancer (Apply Increased Recovery) Smoky God (Pool) Gentle Yet Firm Dancer (Increase HP) Smoky God (Pool) Healing Titan (Apply Protection) Prometheus Marriage Seeker (Apply Nullify Debuff) Belphegor Marriage Seeker (Increase CP) Belphegor Second Marriage Hunter (Apply Nullify Debuff) Belphegor Second Marriage Hunter (Increase CP) Belphegor Breaking Away (Increase CP) Ame-no-Uzume Ame-no-Uzume City Dweller (Increase HP) Tu'er Shen Future City Dweller (Increase HP) Tu'er Shen Orbiter (Apply Acceleration) Starman ∀ Starman ∞ Starman Φ Tireless One (Apply Increased Recovery) Barong (Host) Issuer of Numbers (Apply Vanity) Bael (Host) Summer's Bubbly Host (Increase CP) Sarutahiko (Host) One Who Takes the Big Stage (Apply Vigor) Sarutahiko (Host) Hoster of Feasts (Increase HP) Jiraiya (Seaside) Hoster of Feasts (Increase CP) Jiraiya (Seaside) Great Banquet Ninja (Increase HP) Jiraiya (Seaside) Great Banquet Ninja (Increase CP) Jiraiya (Seaside) One Who Values Harmony (Apply Concentration) Manticore Monster of Dissonance (Apply Concentration) Manticore Monster of Dissonance (Apply Crit) Manticore Weapon Beyond Visual Range (Apply Limit) Manticore Time Rewinder (Increase CP) Curren & MS-C1 Ring Connector (Apply Glint) Snegurochka Ring Connector (Increase CP) Snegurochka Silver Flower Ring's Snow Princess (Apply Concentration) Snegurochka Silver Flower Ring's Snow Princess (Increase CP) Snegurochka Snow Land's Puppeteer (Increase HP) Yoshito (Christmas) Scouting Responder (Apply Vigor) Echo (Valentine) Scouting Responder (Apply Crit) Echo (Valentine) Harmony Vocals (Apply Prayer) Echo (Valentine) Harmony Vocals (Apply Concentration) Echo (Valentine)
| Yearning Punisher (Apply Stigma) Zabaniyya Cajoler+ (Decrease CP) Hakumen Hakumen Hakumen (Valentine) Cajoler+ (Apply Charm) Hakumen Hakumen Hakumen (Valentine) Partial Judge (Apply Curse) Daikoku Silent Undertaker (Apply Obstruct) Daikoku Unresolver (Apply Curse) Daikoku Unresolver (Apply Skill Lock) Daikoku Fleeting Fixer (Apply Drain) Daikoku Calamity Runner (Apply Burn) Nezha Chariot of Fire (Apply Burn) Nezha Mobilized General+ (Apply Weakness) Ganglie (Journey) Wolf of Ragnarok (Apply Curse) Fenrir (Make Sail) Dark Lord (Apply Curse) Suzuka Dark Lord (Decrease HP) Suzuka Dark Lord (Decrease CP) Suzuka Cloudy Dreamer (Apply Obstruct) Gyobu Daughter of the Fourth Heaven (Decrease CP) Suzuka Daughter of the Fourth Heaven (Apply Curse) Suzuka Daughter of the Fourth Heaven (Decrease HP) Suzuka Cloistered Boss (Apply Drain) Gyobu Cloistered Boss (Apply Weakness) Gyobu Cloistered Boss (Apply Obstruct) Gyobu Cloistered Boss (Apply Darkness) Gyobu Demolisher (Apply Nullify DEF Up) Sol Demolisher (Apply Nullify Protection) Sol Priest of Life (Decrease HP) Sol Chaplain of Life (Decrease HP) Sol Embodier of Will (Apply Oppression) Nekros&Bacchus Embodier of Will (Apply Stigma) Nekros&Bacchus Surrounding Demise (Apply Bind) Nekros&Bacchus Surrounding Demise (Apply Stigma) Nekros&Bacchus Death Degenerator (Decrease HP) Nekros&Bacchus Lord of Degeneration (Decrease HP) Nekros&Bacchus Loyal Dog Warrior (Apply Conflagration) Tadatomo Knight of Apostasy (Apply Remove Buff) Taromaiti Knight of Apostasy (Apply Weakness) Taromaiti Knight of Apostasy (Apply Remove Buff) Taromaiti Insightful Strategist (Apply Weakness) Shiro (Jamboree) Bearer of Cold (Apply Freeze) Moritaka (Jamboree) Bearer of Cold (Apply Remove Buff) Moritaka (Jamboree) One Who Puts Years to Rest (Apply Double Lock) Otohime Otohime Those Etched in Each Other's Hearts (Pull) Hephaestus (Summer) Floor Controller (Apply Charm) Hephaestus (Summer) Toxic Presence (Apply Fatal Poison (Stackable 2)) Shennong (Summer) Toxic Presence (Apply Fatal Poison (Stackable 3)) Shennong (Summer) Toxic Presence (Apply Fatal Poison (Stackable 4)) Shennong (Summer) Toxic Presence (Apply Fatal Poison (Stackable 5)) Shennong (Summer) Toxic Presence (Apply Fatal Poison (Stackable 1)) Shennong (Summer) Toxic Presence (Apply Poison) Shennong (Summer) Hoster of Feasts (Increase CP) Ebisu Hoster of Feasts (Increase HP) Ebisu Undersea Reveler (Apply Fear) Aegir Big Catch Regaler (Increase HP) Ebisu Big Catch Regaler (Increase CP) Ebisu Whisker Whisperer (Apply Nullify Buff) Cait Sith Benevolent One (Apply Blessing) Babalon Aspiring Matron (Apply Blessing) Babalon Celestial Ravager (Apply Break) Marduk Misty Reverie (Apply Dazzle) Ellie Hardsheller (Apply Fatal Poison) Red Ranger Blue Ranger Green Ranger Yellow Ranger Purple Ranger Black Ranger White Ranger Brown Ranger Curtain Caller (Apply Dazzle) Ziz (Christmas) Love Duster (Apply Dazzle) Seth (Valentine) Light Loather (Apply Dazzle) Mephistopheles Luminophobe (Apply Dazzle) Mephistopheles Revolutionary Czar (Apply Non-Debuff Weakening) Volkh Vseslav Snarling at Reality (Apply Remove Buff) Kuniyoshi (Nightmare) Snarling at Reality (Apply Non-Buff Weakening) Kuniyoshi (Nightmare) Asura Pounder (Apply Weakness) Durga (Nightmare) Twin-Hearted Zosma (Decrease HP) Oz Lonely Illuminator (Decrease HP) Cthugha (Nightglows) Precision Mover (Decrease HP) Breke (Nightglows) Dreamer (Apply Dazzle) Alice Returning Dreamer (Apply Dazzle) Alice Duelist of the End (Pull) Fuxi Enticer (Apply Charm) Catoblepas Suited Siren (Apply Charm) Catoblepas Skin Barer (Apply Remove Buff) Tajikarao (Summer) Appraiser (Apply Weakness) Thunderbird (Summer) Demolisher (Apply Nullify DEF Up) Sol Demolisher (Apply Nullify Protection) Sol Disciple of Destruction (Apply Remove Defensive Buffs) Sol Disciple of Destruction (Apply Weapon Weakness (Shot)) Sol Flirt (Apply Charm) Typhon (Make Sail) Indomitable Flirt (Apply Charm) Typhon (Make Sail) Image Burner (Apply Darkness) Zhurong Image Burner (Apply Decrease 2000 HP After Debuff) Zhurong Image Weaver (Apply Remove all debuffs) Zhurong Image Weaver (Apply Distribute All Debuffs) Zhurong Image Weaver (Apply Darkness) Zhurong Image Weaver (Apply Decrease 2000 HP After Debuff) Zhurong Image Weaver (Apply Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills)) Zhurong Wild Wheels of Flame (Apply Burn) Horkeu Kamui (Hot Paradise) A Hand in the Underworld (Apply Weakness) Xolotl (Hot Paradise) Noir of the White Sun (Decrease HP) Xolotl (Hot Paradise) Brilliant Agent (Apply Fear) Mineaki (Hot Paradise) Information Master (Decrease CP) Mineaki (Hot Paradise) Versed in Life and Death (Apply Stigma) Mineaki (Hot Paradise) Underworld Announcer (Apply Skill Lock) Mineaki (Hot Paradise) Comedian (Apply Drain) Hotei Hotei Moonlight Basker (Apply Spread Debuffs) Toji (Halloween) Stitch Connector (Apply Fear) Alp (Halloween) Interrupter (Apply Obstruct) Red Trickster Blue Trickster Green Trickster Yellow Trickster Purple Trickster Black Trickster White Trickster Brown Trickster Arm Extender (Apply Mark 2 Squares Away) Wakan Tanka∞ Arm Extender (Apply Mark 3 Squares Away) Wakan Tanka∞ Alltender (Apply Mark 3 Squares Away) Wakan Tanka∞ Alltender (Apply Mark 4 Squares Away) Wakan Tanka∞ Alltender (Apply Mark 5 Squares Away) Wakan Tanka∞ Alltender (Apply Mark 2 Squares Away) Wakan Tanka∞ Pillar Seeker (Apply Remove Buff) Tangaroa∞ Fate Binder (Apply Charm) Shinya Matchmaker of Many (Apply Charm) Shinya Matchmaker of Many (Apply ATK Buff Resistance) Shinya Matchmaker of Many (Apply Charm Weakening) Shinya Matchmaker of Many (Apply Charm) Shinya Smoothing Out Twists of Fate (Apply Healing Reversal) Hermes Toad Master (Apply Curse) Jiraiya (Christmas) The Great Elusive Phantom Thief (Decrease CP) Jiraiya (Christmas) Crimson-Capped (Apply Burn) Arc (Valentine) Exposer of Flesh (Apply Dazzle) Balor (Valentine) Restless Demon Eye (Apply Paralysis) Balor (Valentine) Restless Demon Eye (Apply Countdown) Balor (Valentine) Jamming Engine (Apply Darkness) Enigma Digital Jammer (Apply Obstruct) Enigma Digital Jammer (Apply Darkness) Enigma Lamenter (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Israfil Lamourenter (Apply Fear) Israfil Lamourenter (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Israfil Revealer of Secrets (Apply Nullify debuff/Remove reflect) Tuaring Rescinder of Secrets (Apply Remove Defensive Buffs) Tuaring Rescinder of Secrets (Apply Nullify debuff/Remove reflect) Tuaring Computer Scientist (Apply Weakness) Tuaring Modifier (Apply Possession) Perun Cognition Scrambler (Apply Possession) Perun Brainy Team Leader (Apply Weakness) Shiro (Jamboree) Reviver (Apply Conflagration) Tadatomo (Main Story) Wishful Bloomer (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Tadatomo (Main Story) Discord Sower (Apply Possession) Red Camouflager Blue Camouflager Green Camouflager Yellow Camouflager Purple Camouflager Dark Camouflager White Camouflager Brown Camouflager Surprised by the Splash (Decrease HP) Yamasachihiko (Pool) Achiever of Labors (Apply Drain) Heracles (Pool) Summer Black Tengu (Apply Conflagration) Akiha Gongen (Summer) Ascertainer (Apply Bind) Akiha Gongen (Summer) Performer of Tall Tales (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Babe Bunyan (Summer) Performer of Tall Tales (Apply Decrease Allies' HP When Leaving) Babe Bunyan (Summer) Performer of Tall Tales (Apply Decrease Allies' CP When Leaving) Babe Bunyan (Summer) One Who Crumbles At Dawn (Apply Conflagration) サンドドラゴン Costumed Vampire (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Kresnik (Halloween) Moonlight Host (Decrease HP) Tsukuyomi (Halloween) Nocturnal Schoolgirl (Apply Darkness) Ellie (Halloween) Beastly Samalian King (Decrease HP) Ahab Craving Solitude (Apply Darkness) Kirito Destitute and Unbound (Apply Darkness) Kirito Bewilder (Apply Break) Bigfoot Reality Shaker (Apply Break) Bigfoot Fictitious Stage Lady (Apply Dazzle) Christine Dreamer (Apply Dazzle) Christine Punisher (Apply Regeneration) Simurgh Punisher (Apply Healing Reversal) Simurgh Punishment by Example (Apply Regeneration) Simurgh Punishment by Example (Apply Healing Reversal) Simurgh Immesurable One (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Zhurong (Christmas) Temperature Drop (Apply Freeze) Bertro (Christmas) Boy King of the Holy Night (Apply Weakness) Teda (Christmas) Jumper (Decrease HP) Fire Senri Water Senri Wood Senri Aether Senri Nether Senri Infernal Senri Valiant Senri World Senri One Who Plays (Decrease CP) Inaba Serious Player (Apply Obstruct) Inaba Serious Player (Decrease CP) Inaba Gardener and Educator (Apply Curse) Boogeyman Burned at the Stake (Apply Blessing) Arc Crowned by Giants (Push) Balor Crowned by Giants (Decrease CP) Balor Giant (Push) Balor Giant (Decrease CP) Balor Overbearer (Apply Oppression) Girimekra Overbearing Elephant (Apply Oppression) Girimekra Snowball Shooter (Apply Freeze) Jacob (Valentine) Halter of Plots (Apply Paralysis) Yoritomo (Valentine) Illuminating Retainer (Apply Blessing) Shinya (Valentine) Stealthy Invader (Apply Weakness) Shinya (Valentine) Master of Winds (Apply Buff Reversal) Hastur Higher than the Winds (Apply Fatal Poison) Hastur Higher than the Winds (Apply Buff Reversal) Hastur One Night Spender (Apply Charm) Q'ursha One Night Stander (Apply Charm) Q'ursha One Night Stander (Decrease CP, CP steal) Q'ursha Lab Coroner (Apply Bind) Pazuzu Pazuzu Grinded (Decrease CP) Gurangatch Grinded (Decrease HP) Gurangatch Diving Coach (Apply Skill Lock) Gurangatch Harm Grinder (Decrease CP) Gurangatch Harm Grinder (Decrease HP) Gurangatch Buddy Diver (Apply Skill Lock) Gurangatch Drinker (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Yuma DNA Drinker (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Yuma Enlightened Mechanic (Apply Remove Buff) Kurogane (Nightglows) Isolated Superior (Decrease HP) Cthugha (Nightglows) Judger of Good and Evil (Apply Buff Reversal) Ahura Mazda Original Supreme Judge (Apply Buff Reversal) Ahura Mazda The Path (Apply Weakness) Tianzun Monk of the Infinite Path (Apply Weakness) Tianzun Performer (Apply Charm) Red Livestreamer Blue Livestreamer Green Livestreamer Yellow Livestreamer Purple Livestreamer Black Livestreamer White Livestreamer Brown Livestreamer Natural Law of the Impartial Plains (Apply Possession) Wakan Tanka∞ Absorbent (Pull) Missing ∀ Missing ∞ Missing Φ Grand Light Wielder (Decrease CP, CP steal) Jacob Winged Idol (Apply Charm) Gabriel Riot Instigator (Apply Oppression) Motosumi Punk with Wild Child (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Motosumi Hidden Island Monster (Apply Darkness) Asterius (Island) Expedition Leader of the Unexplored (Apply Weakness) MacRoich (Summer) Treasure Digger (Apply Break) Andvari (Beachside) Dragging Big Bro (Apply Break) Yamasachihiko Summer Party's Behemoth (Increase CP) Behemoth (Summer) Three-Star Padrone (Apply Drain) Choji (Christmas) Follower of the Duel (Apply Break) Gordon Follower of the Duel (Apply Weakness) Gordon Duel Arena's Flygja (Apply Break) Gordon Duel Arena's Flygja (Apply Weakness) Gordon Fire Dragon (Decrease HP) Fafnir Dragon King of Muspel (Decrease HP) Fafnir Replacing One (Apply Dazzle) Claus Replacing One (Decrease CP, CP steal) Claus Brother's Replacement (Apply Dazzle) Claus Brother's Replacement (Decrease CP, CP steal) Claus Big Project Creator (Decrease HP) Tindalos (Summer) Armored Beauty (Apply Skill Lock) Taromaiti Beast Path Gangster (Apply Confusion) Gyobu Beast Path Gangster (Apply Healing Reversal) Gyobu Out of Control War Weapon (Apply Burn) Nezha Out of Control War Weapon (Apply Bestow Break When Leaving) Nezha Breaker (Apply Poison) Quantum The Chosen (Apply Weakness) Quantum Experiment Subject (Apply Major HP Decrease When Buffed) Quantum Future Choosing Girl (Apply Weakness) Quantum Naughty One (Apply Freeze) Otter Naughty One (Apply Remove Buff) Otter Frozen Land's Mischief Maker (Apply Freeze) Otter Frozen Land's Mischief Maker (Apply Remove Buff) Otter Oedo Holy Night's Firefighter (Apply Nullify Buff) Ulaanbaatar (Christmas) Oedo Holy Night's Firefighter (Apply Remove Buff) Ulaanbaatar (Christmas) Oedo Holy Night's Playboy (Apply Rage) Ganglie (Christmas) Oedo Holy Night's Playboy (Apply Buff Reversal) Ganglie (Christmas) Definer of Man (Decrease HP) Tuaring (Christmas) Oedo Holy Night's Fire/Theft Preventer (Apply Bind) Horus (Christmas) Tai-Chi Adept (Apply Skill Lock) Qinglong Dragon of Fortune (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Qinglong Tai-Chi Sage (Apply Skill Lock) Qinglong Azure Dragon of the Four Spirits (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Qinglong Azure Dragon of the Four Spirits (Decrease HP) Qinglong Snowball Pitcher (Apply Freeze) Jacob (Valentine) Benevolent One (Apply Blessing) Gabriel (Valentine) Pop Singer of Love (Apply Blessing) Gabriel (Valentine) Brilliant Home Ec Teacher (Apply Burn) Surtr (Valentine) Valentine's Promoter (Apply Paralysis) Taishakuten (Valentine) Revolutionary Constituent (Decrease CP, CP steal) Masanori (Valentine) Valentine's Celebrity (Decrease CP) Takeminakata (Valentine) Sanity Blaster (Apply Fear Weakening) Nyarlathotep Incomprehensible Prankster God (Apply Skill Lock) Azathoth (Halloween) Time Tempered Teacher (Apply Duplicate Buff) Amatsumara (Fashionista) Time Tempered Teacher (Apply Remove Buff) Amatsumara (Fashionista) Waiting for Everyone (Apply Immobility) Hei Long Yi Quan Everyone's Loyal Dog (Apply Immobility) Hei Long Yi Quan Investigator (Decrease CP) Belphegor Happiness Investigator (Decrease CP) Belphegor Withstanding the Kickback (Apply Remove Buff) Willie Wildcat Willie Wildcat Assailant (Apply Confusion) Willie Wildcat Orbital Jaeger (Apply Confusion) Willie Wildcat Superintendant (Push) Raven Arthur Legendary Fire Superintendant (Push) Raven Arthur All-seeing Virupaksha (Apply Skill Lock) Mineaki (Hot Paradise) Ruler of Ne-no-Kuni (Apply Buff Reversal) Daikoku (Hot Paradise) Colorful Photographer (Apply Remove all debuffs) Zhurong Colorful Photographer (Apply Distribute All Debuffs) Zhurong Colorful Photographer (Apply Darkness) Zhurong Colorful Photographer (Apply Decrease 2000 HP After Debuff) Zhurong Colorful Photographer (Apply Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills)) Zhurong Great Outdoors Sound Engineer (Decrease HP) Echo Soul Reaper (Apply Oppression) Chernobog Soul Reaper (Decrease CP) Chernobog Polar Night Soul Reaper (Apply Freeze) Chernobog Polar Night Soul Reaper (Apply Oppression) Chernobog Polar Night Soul Reaper (Decrease CP, CP steal) Chernobog Conveyor from Above (Apply Poison on adjacent squares when attacked) Red Drone Pilot Blue Drone Pilot Green Drone Pilot Yellow Drone Pilot Purple Drone Pilot Black Drone Pilot White Drone Pilot Brown Drone Pilot Mopping Up (Apply Drain on adjacent squares when attacked) Red Drone Pilot Blue Drone Pilot Green Drone Pilot Yellow Drone Pilot Purple Drone Pilot Black Drone Pilot White Drone Pilot Brown Drone Pilot Wing-Inheriting Hero (Apply Burn) Michael Twelve-Winged Angel (Apply Burn) Michael Psychological Counselor (Decrease CP, CP steal) Baphomet Rule Maker of the Heart (Decrease CP, CP steal) Baphomet Emperor Host (Apply Arousal) Perun (Host) Issuer of Numbers (Apply Vanity) Bael (Host) Summer's Bubbly Host (Apply Burn) Sarutahiko (Host) Summer's Bubbly Host (Apply Weakness) Sarutahiko (Host) Hoster of Feasts (Increase HP) Jiraiya (Seaside) Hoster of Feasts (Increase CP) Jiraiya (Seaside) Great Banquet Ninja (Increase CP) Jiraiya (Seaside) Skyleaper Rank 18 (Decrease HP) Bathym (Seaside) Flirt (Apply Charm) Ganglie (Journey) [[Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".|<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>]] (?) See full listNo values specified. Great Babalon the Apostate (Apply Vanity) Babalon Accumulator (Apply Freeze) Himavat Heavy Snow Accumulator (Apply Freeze) Himavat Sparking One (Apply Burn) Kumano Gongen Mutually Destructive Spark (Apply Burn) Kumano Gongen Route Climber (Apply Bind) Enigma (Mountain) Vulnerability Complementer (Apply Confusion) Enigma (Mountain) Farming Plant's Hardworking Student (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Saturnus Attribute Holder (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Saturnus Enthusiastic Clubber (Apply Charm) Bathym (Nightclub) Noisy One (Apply Paralysis) Wakan Tanka (Nightclub) The One to Lean On (Apply Stigma) Hakumen (Nightclub) Nightclub Owner (Apply Nullify Buff) Hakumen (Nightclub) Talent that Divides the Crowd (Apply Oppression) Marduk (Nightclub) King Solomon's Great Unicorn (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Amduscias Three-Way Ninjutsu User (Apply Remove Buff) Jiraiya Munching Inugami (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Kenta Munching Inugami (Apply Break) Kenta Munching Inugami (Apply Oppression) Kenta New Archery Club Member (Apply Oppression) Manticore Becoming Man (Apply Fear) Kyoma Becoming Man (Apply Drain) Kyoma Inorganic (Apply Fear) Kyoma Inorganic (Apply Drain) Kyoma Rewinder (Decrease HP) Curren & MS-C1 Needle Advancer (Increase CP) Curren & MS-C1 Time Rewinder (Decrease HP) Curren & MS-C1 Missionary's Childhood Friend (Apply Healing Reversal) Yoshito (Christmas) Cursed Enforcer (Apply Curse) Krampus Never Forget to Reply (Apply Charm) Echo (Valentine)