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Queen of Kabukicho
Rarity 5
効果1Increases HP by 400~800
効果2Increases ATK by 100~200
盟月之種ムーンライト・シャドウNo additional CS effects
[Quest StartWhen a Quest is initiated. Triggers regardless of slotting (functions on sub and support slots, unless specified). Not interrupted when this unit leaves battle.] No effect
    No effect
    No effect
    No effect
    No effect
    No effect / 100%
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply CharmCannot attack for 3 turns (Debuff) to enemies in Shot range / 40~80%
[Quest StartWhen a Quest is initiated. Triggers regardless of slotting (functions on sub and support slots, unless specified). Not interrupted when this unit leaves battle.] Extra chance of Lesser HP Seed (+5~10%)
    Extra chance of HP Seed (+5~10%)
    Extra chance of Greater HP Seed (+5~10%)
    Extra chance of Lesser ATK Seed (+5~10%)
    Extra chance of ATK Seed (+5~10%)
    Extra chance of Greater ATK Seed (+5~10%)
Element dark.pngNETHER
Element evil.pngINFERNAL
Andvari's Shop
1st run: (From 2022-01-01 to 2022-03-31)
2nd run: (From 2022-10-01 to 2022-12-31)
Show applicable transients (219)
Black Agent (☆2)
Purple Agent (☆2)
Akiha Gongen (☆5 Summer)
Infernal Alchemist (☆2)
Nether Alchemist (☆2)
Algernon (☆4 Summer)
Alice (☆3)
Alice (☆4)
Alice (☆5 Halloween)
Alp (☆3)
Alp (☆4)
Amanojaku (☆3)
Amanojaku (☆4)
Andvari (☆3)
Andvari (☆4)
Nether Angel (☆1)
Infernal Angel (☆1)
Arachne (☆3)
Arachne (☆4)
Arsalan (☆4 Halloween)
Astaroth (☆3)
Asterius (☆4 Island)
Azathoth (☆4 Halloween)
Babalon (☆3)
Babalon (☆5)
Babe Bunyan (☆4 Summer)
Bael (☆3)
Bael (☆5)
Balor (☆5 Valentine)
Barguest (☆3)
Barguest (☆4)
Nether Baron (☆2)
Bathym (☆3)
Bathym (☆4)
Behemoth (☆3)
Behemoth (☆4)
Belphegor (☆3)
Belphegor (☆4)
Bertro (☆3)
Bertro (☆4 Christmas)
Bigfoot (☆5 Mountain)
Boogeyman (☆3)
Boogeyman (☆4)
Cait Sith (☆3)
Cait Sith (☆4)
Dark Camouflager (☆2)
Purple Camouflager (☆2)
Chernobog (☆3)
Chernobog (☆5)
Infernal Ciramantep (☆2)
Nether Ciramantep (☆2)
Cthugha (☆5 Nightglows)
Cu Sith (☆4 Halloween)
Dagon (☆3)
Dagon (☆5)
Dagon (☆5 Summer)
Daikoku (☆3)
Daikoku (☆5)
Daikoku (☆4 Hot Paradise)
Ded (☆5)
Nether Deity (☆2)
Infernal Deity (☆2)
Purple Devil (☆1)
Shaded D-Evil (☆1)
Obsidian Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Shadow Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Black Drone Pilot (☆2)
Purple Drone Pilot (☆2)
Durga (☆3)
Durga (☆4)
Ebisu (☆4 Halloween)
Nether Einherjar (☆2)
Ellie (☆3)
Ellie (☆5)
Ellie (☆4 Halloween)
Enigma (☆3)
Enigma (☆4)
Purple Fencer (☆1)
Fenrir (☆4 Make Sail)
Ganglie (☆5 Christmas)
Garmr (☆3)
Garmr (☆4)
Purple Ghost (☆1)
Shaded Ghost (☆1)
Infernal Giant (☆2)
Nether Giant (☆2)
Girimekra (☆3)
Girimekra (☆4)
Gyobu (☆3)
Gyobu (☆4)
Gyumao (☆4 Valentine)
Hakumen (☆4 Nightclub)
Hecate (☆3)
Hecate (☆4)
Heracles (☆3)
Heracles (☆5)
Ibaraki (☆3)
Ibaraki (☆4)
Israfil (☆3)
Israfil (☆5)
Jacob (☆5 Valentine)
Infernal Jiangshi (☆2)
Nether Jiangshi (☆2)
Jiraiya (☆4 Christmas)
Kalki (☆4 Christmas)
Kenta (☆3)
Kenta (☆4)
Krampus (☆4)
Kresnik (☆5 Halloween)
Kuniyoshi (☆5 Nightmare)
Nether-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Licht (☆3)
Licht (☆5)
Black Livestreamer (☆2)
Purple Livestreamer (☆2)
Loki (☆3)
Loki (☆5)
Lucifuge (☆3)
Lucifuge (☆4)
Dark Mage (☆1)
Nether Maid (☆1)
Marchosias (☆3)
Marchosias (☆4)
Maria (☆3)
Maria (☆4)
Masanori (☆3)
Masanori (☆4)
Mephistopheles (☆3)
Mephistopheles (☆4)
Nether Mermaid (☆2)
Infernal Mermaid (☆2)
Nether Merman (☆2)
Infernal Merman (☆2)
Nether Mobster (☆2)
Nekros&Bacchus (☆3)
Nekros&Bacchus (☆5)
Black Nightgaunt (☆2)
Purple Nightgaunt (☆2)
Purple Ninja (☆1)
Purple Ogre (☆2)
Shaded Ogre (☆2)
Oscar (☆3)
Oscar (☆5)
Ose (☆3)
Ose (☆4)
Oz (☆4 Pool)
Nether Pirate (☆1)
Pollux (☆4 Christmas)
Black Ranger (☆2)
Purple Ranger (☆2)
Raven Arthur (☆4)
Robinson (☆3)
Robinson (☆4)
Sanat Kumara (☆3)
Sanat Kumara (☆5)
Sandayu (☆3)
Sandayu (☆5)
Saturnus (☆3)
Saturnus (☆4)
Infernal Senri (☆2)
Nether Senri (☆2)
Shino (☆3)
Shino (☆5)
Shino (☆5 Valentine)
Shiro (☆3)
Shiro (☆4)
Shiva (☆3)
Simurgh (☆3)
Dark Slime (☆1)
Shaded Slime (☆1)
Snegurochka (☆3)
Snegurochka (☆4)
Sphinx (☆3)
Surtr (☆3)
Surtr (☆5)
Suzuka (☆3)
Suzuka (☆4)
Suzuka (☆4 Fashionista)
Tadatomo (☆4 Valentine)
Taishakuten (☆5 Valentine)
Takemaru (☆3)
Takemaru (☆5)
Tangaroa∞ (☆5)
Tetsuox (☆3)
Tetsuox (☆4)
Tetsuox (☆4 Jiangshi)
Tetsuya (☆3)
Tetsuya (☆4)
Tetsuya (☆4 Christmas)
Tezcatlipoca (☆3)
Tindalos (☆3)
Tindalos (☆5)
Toji (☆5 Halloween)
Black Tribe (☆2)
Purple Tribe (☆2)
Black Trickster (☆2)
Purple Trickster (☆2)
Black Trooper (☆2)
Purple Trooper (☆2)
Tsukuyomi (☆3)
Tsukuyomi (☆5)
Tsukuyomi (☆4 Halloween)
Nether Valkyrie (☆2)
Vapula (☆3)
Vapula (☆4)
Volkh Vseslav (☆3)
Volkh Vseslav (☆5)
Purple Wolf (☆1)
Shaded Wolf (☆1)
Black Wraith (☆2)
Purple Wraith (☆2)
Black Luchador (☆2)
Purple Luchador (☆2)
Black Yaksha (☆2)
Purple Yaksha (☆2)
Yig (☆3)
Yoshito (☆3)
Yoshito (☆4)
Zhurong (☆3)
Translated from Japanese
Official Japanese

「そういうことさ。もし君に他の行き場がないのなら、僕ら歌舞伎町アウトローズが歓迎しよう。」 夜に目を開ける街、新宿歌舞伎町。 その奥、宵闇を潜ったその先には、きらびやかな不夜城の玉座が待ち受ける。 喉に甘く、冷たく、艷やかなその雫をグラスに受けながら、女王は泰然と君臨し、笑みを浮かべる。 片や、その傍らに侍る帝王は、その言葉や指先、香る空気こそを甘やかに纏う。 2人はそれぞれ夜の空を征く者、闇の眷属を従えるもの。 日の差す世界に居場所を失くした君よ、ようこそ――我らが歌舞伎町ギルドへ。


Event Line


  • The CS name is "Moonlight Shadow: Moon Alliance's Seed"
  • This AR increases the drop rate of seeds by a starting value of 5 (5%?), increasing to 10 (10%?) when approaching Max Lv 100. This exclusively includes Lesser HP Seed, HP Seed, Greater HP Seed, Lesser ATK Seed, ATK Seed, Greater ATK Seed. Thus, it does not increase drop rates for Lv Seeds, Skill Seeds, or any Blossom. This includes units slotted in Support.

[Show Comments]

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: b0e51ba6
No. 12151
37 months ago
Score 0 You


It works on support. it's just a mistranslation. Double checked in housamo.info official page.
Anonymous user: 75a95477
No. 12111
37 months ago
Score 0 You


Draw 2 cards
Anonymous user: e3b9ba9c
No. 12109
37 months ago
Score 0 You

From @housamo_eng on Twitter Skill 1 [Phase Start]: Apply Charm to the three enemies in front of this unit. 40%-80%

Skill 2 [When Obtaining Items]: Increase the drop rate of Lesser, Normal, and Greater Seeds (not active on support units). 100%
No. 12107
37 months ago
Score 0++


Phase start inflict Charm at shot range 40%-80%

As for its supplementary seed boosting(?) effects I still don't know
Anonymous user: 75804310
No. 12106
37 months ago
Score 0 You
But... what does it do? The skill section is still empty
No. 12087
37 months ago
Score 0++
The skill desciption I saw was empty. bug?
No. 12086
37 months ago
Score 0++

>>12078 R.I.P. Tomte...

I mean Tomato
No. 12078
37 months ago
Score 0++

1. Tsukuyomi's pecs

2. Ellie's drink is tomato juice.
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