From the Depths

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From the Depths
Rarity 5
効果1Increases HP by 250~500
効果2Increases ATK by 250~500
興亡深情Abyssus AbyssumIncreases CS Multiplier by +2
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff) to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 50~100%
Element water.pngWATER
Element evil.pngINFERNAL
Show applicable transients (208)
CollapseTranslated from Japanese
"You'll have to keep your word. You will return my students to where they belong. If you make any mistake……"

"Yes, I will keep my word. After all, you are……me."

Triton, born in Olympus, believes that order is good. Dagon, cut off from Canaan and fallen into the world of the Old Ones, drowns in chaos. They were different beings in different worlds, people who wouldn't have met otherwise. However, they once recognized each other's existence, and "fate" connected them. If they were to reach out to each other, to receive and entrust something, the world will expand beyond the "walls". And their wishes and memories are passed on. The wish that sank into the abyss will someday guide someone else. Lastly, let's mention something deeply related to both of them "being in the abyss and carrying the flood." In every world, there is a "box" that contains "taboos" that must not be opened. Thus, after opening the box and learning about the taboos, what happens is "a great flood that washes away the world's memories." Indeed, one of the purposes of the "great flood" is to "wash away the memories of the taboo." ・・・・・・Dagon takes pleasure in breaking these taboos, while Triton is strict with them. The difference in their personalities is the difference in "whether or not they know the taboos of the world." Therefore, the connection of their memories is the key to overturning the common sense of the world and opening the door to the "Exceptions."

Official Japanese

「ああ、必ず約束は守ろうとも 何せ、お前は……私なのだからな」 異世界オリュンポスに生まれ、秩序を良しとするトリトン。 異世界カナーンから切り離され、異世界オールドワンズへと堕ち、混沌に溺れたダゴン。 彼らは世界を違える別の存在であり、本来であれば交わらぬはずの者たちであった。 しかし、互いの存在を認知し、ひとたび「縁」がその間を繋いだならば。 互いが手を延ばし、何かを受け取り託そうとしたのならば、世界はあらゆる「壁」を超えて広がる。 そして願いは、記憶は継がれていく。 深淵に沈んだ願いはいつか、別の誰かの導きとなるのだろう。 最後に、「深淵に在りて洪水を担う」この両名に深く関わる事物のことを記しておこう。 全ての世界には「禁則(タブー)」を封じた、開けてはならぬ「箱」がある。 そして、箱を開け禁則を知った後に起こるは「世界の記憶すべてを沈める大洪水」。 そうだ、「大洪水」の目的の1つは「禁則の記憶を洗い流す」こと。 ……禁則を破ることに悦楽を覚えるダゴンと、禁則に厳しいトリトン。 2人の性格の違いこそ「世界の禁則を知ってしまったか否か」の差、である。 故に、彼らの記憶の結びつきは、世界の常識を覆し「例外」への扉を拓く鍵となるのだ。


Event Line
Profile Triton: You'll have to keep your word. You will return my students to where they belong. If you make any mistake…… Dagon: Yes, I will keep my word. After all, you are……me.
Charge Triton: "Dagon! You were me, once. I need your help, now!"

Dagon: "Very well, Triton. Go beyond the abyss and follow our promise."

Both: Sink, Abyssus Abyssum!


  • The CS name is "Abyssus Abyssum: Deep Emotions Ebb and Flow"

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

No. 17749
14 months ago
Score 0++
This illustration is weirdly beautiful. I can’t place how. It’s sad and hopeful and… I don’t know. It’s just beautiful.
Anonymous user: 4d9d88f2
No. 8082
52 months ago
Score 0 You
Blessing >//<
Anonymous user: 54d5879b
No. 6254
58 months ago
Score 0 You
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love the illust so much holy
Anonymous user: 15dd90fc
No. 4385
61 months ago
Score 0 You


It means the charge skill multiplier increases by 2. You can see the charge skill multiplier for each transient in the bottom right corner of their infobox. A 5 star unit would go from having 4x multiplier to a 6x when equipping this AR
Anonymous user: 044c8dca
No. 4382
61 months ago
Score 0 You
I got this AR a couple of months ago and i still dont know what "Increases CS Multiplier by +2" means
Anonymous user: d719ebc1
No. 3433
64 months ago
Score 0 You
GomTang is truly a blessing to us all
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