Catalog/Misc/Charge Skill/Magic

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Below is a list of units whose charge skill takes effect in Magic range. The damage dealt per square is the product of the ATK, the Magic penalty multiplier (0.28), the charge skill bonus multiplier, and (1 + 0.5*log(Sacred Artifact Lv)). Units who have skills that reduce damage Magic range (e.g. Reflect Adept) will also take less damage from charge skills with this range.


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Yellow Ninja AetherShot8050Poisoner Fearless Ninja BinderWeapon Spread Magic.pngAetherflight Jutsu
Yellow Ghost AetherMagic12040Wraith Sacrifice The Cursed RoamerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Thurst
World Angel WorldThrust7054Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Wood-O'-Lantern WoodMagic10050Fey Folk Pumpkin Thrower Mischief Maker HaunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngTrick or Treat!
Wood Pirate WoodThrust9842Seafarer Swimmer Pack Leader Conformity CrusherWeapon Spread Magic.pngStormy Pillage
Wood Angel WoodThrust7052Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Water-O'-Lantern WaterMagic10050Fey Folk Pumpkin Thrower Mischief Maker HaunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngTrick or Treat!
Water Pirate WaterMagic9548Seafarer Swimmer Pack Leader Conformity CrusherWeapon Spread Magic.pngStormy Pillage
Water Angel WaterThrust7053Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Valiant Angel ValiantThrust7054Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Shaded Ghost InfernalMagic11943Wraith Sacrifice The Cursed RoamerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Thurst
Red Ninja FireShot8053Poisoner Fearless Ninja BinderWeapon Spread Magic.pngFireflight Jutsu
Red Ghost FireMagic11836Wraith Sacrifice The Cursed RoamerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Thurst
Purple Ninja NetherShot8153Poisoner Fearless Ninja BinderWeapon Spread Magic.pngNetherflight Jutsu
Purple Ghost NetherMagic12242Wraith Sacrifice The Cursed RoamerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Thurst
Nether-O'-Lantern NetherMagic10050Fey Folk Pumpkin Thrower Mischief Maker HaunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngTrick or Treat!
Nether Pirate NetherSlash9745Seafarer Swimmer Pack Leader Conformity CrusherWeapon Spread Magic.pngStormy Pillage
Nether Angel NetherThrust7055Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Light Mage AetherMagic8448Researcher Reflect Adept Savior Seal BreakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Magic
Infernal Angel InfernalThrust7051Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Ice Mage WaterMagic7755Researcher Reflect Adept Savior Seal BreakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Magic
Green Ninja WoodShot7948Poisoner Fearless Ninja BinderWeapon Spread Magic.pngWoodflight Jutsu
Green Ghost WoodMagic11737Wraith Sacrifice The Cursed RoamerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Thurst
Fire-O'-Lantern FireMagic10050Fey Folk Pumpkin Thrower Mischief Maker HaunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngTrick or Treat!
Fire Pirate FireBlow9644Seafarer Swimmer Pack Leader Conformity CrusherWeapon Spread Magic.pngStormy Pillage
Fire Mage FireMagic7850Researcher Reflect Adept Savior Seal BreakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Magic
Fire Angel FireThrust7054Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Earth Mage WoodMagic7848Researcher Reflect Adept Savior Seal BreakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Magic
Dark Mage NetherMagic8254Researcher Reflect Adept Savior Seal BreakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Magic
Blue Ninja WaterShot7849Poisoner Fearless Ninja BinderWeapon Spread Magic.pngWaterflight Jutsu
Blue Ghost WaterMagic12445Wraith Sacrifice The Cursed RoamerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Thurst
Aether-O'-Lantern AetherMagic10050Fey Folk Pumpkin Thrower Mischief Maker HaunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngTrick or Treat!
Aether Pirate AetherShot9946Seafarer Swimmer Pack Leader Conformity CrusherWeapon Spread Magic.pngStormy Pillage
Aether Lucky Cat AetherBlow2510Wealth Bringer Fortune Dealer Sacrifice Blood of the BeastWeapon Spread Magic.pngLuck Bringer
Aether Angel AetherThrust7051Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Yellow Trickster AetherMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Yellow Livestreamer AetherShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
World Alchemist WorldBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Wood Valkyrie WoodMagic7848Heavenly Messenger The Abandoned Shape Shifter Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAurora Armor
Wood Mermaid WoodMagic17550Artist Sacrifice Ship Sinker Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSiren's Call
Wood Alchemist WoodBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
White Trickster ValiantMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
White Livestreamer ValiantShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Water Valkyrie WaterMagic7755Heavenly Messenger The Abandoned Shape Shifter Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAurora Armor
Water Mermaid WaterMagic16253Artist Sacrifice Ship Sinker Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSiren's Call
Water Alchemist WaterBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Valiant Alchemist ValiantBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Red Trickster FireMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Red Livestreamer FireShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Purple Trickster NetherMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Purple Livestreamer NetherShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Nether Valkyrie NetherMagic8254Heavenly Messenger The Abandoned Shape Shifter Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAurora Armor
Nether Mermaid NetherMagic19149Artist Sacrifice Ship Sinker Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSiren's Call
Nether Alchemist NetherBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Infernal Mermaid InfernalMagic19855Artist Sacrifice Ship Sinker Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSiren's Call
Infernal Alchemist InfernalBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Green Trickster WoodMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Green Livestreamer WoodShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Fire Valkyrie FireMagic7850Heavenly Messenger The Abandoned Shape Shifter Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAurora Armor
Fire Mermaid FireMagic18648Artist Sacrifice Ship Sinker Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSiren's Call
Fire Alchemist FireBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Brown Trickster WorldMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Brown Livestreamer WorldShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Blue Trickster WaterMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Blue Livestreamer WaterShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Black Trickster InfernalMagic118122Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Black Livestreamer InfernalShot124126App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Aether Valkyrie AetherMagic8448Heavenly Messenger The Abandoned Shape Shifter Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAurora Armor
Aether Mermaid AetherMagic18951Artist Sacrifice Ship Sinker Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSiren's Call
Aether Alchemist AetherBlow24285Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
∀Isaac WorldNone498102Dawn Watcher Steel Trapper Avian Dreamer ReformerWeapon Spread Magic.pngUnbreakable Hindering CaveCaves of Steel
Ziz AetherShot480150Giver Sacrifice Hoster of Feasts ImmortalWeapon Spread Magic.pngAffectionate Embrace of FeathersLoving Asylum
Zhurong NetherBlow345255Pure Beast Image Burner Flame Finder Seeker of AuroraWeapon Spread Magic.pngMystic BrillianceColors of the Aurora
Willie Wildcat All-RoundMagic120480Withstanding the Kickback Student Space Merc Assailant Modified OneWeapon Spread Magic.pngComplete Collapse CannonWorld Scrub Trigger
Wakan Tanka∞ WorldShot265335Distancer Arm Extender Pillar of Heaven EqualizerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPreeminent Great WishGrateful Sundance
Volkh Vseslav InfernalBlow364236Amniotic Devilwolf Aggressor Raided Reckoner Curse DispellerWeapon Spread Magic.pngFearsome Frozen SoulIcebound Heist
Typhon WaterThrust458283Swimmer Storm Dancer Giant Devourer of WorldsWeapon Spread Magic.pngFierce Inverse StormGigantic Typhoon
Tvastar FireThrust465135Bringer of Life Life Giver Energy Emitter Framework Fine-TunerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAccessorized Work Like No OtherCreator's Vengeance
Tuaring AetherMagic430170Revealer of Secrets Omnisapient Being Mathematician TestifierWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Smoking False EvidenceImitation Game
Thunderbird AetherSlash456209Hero Lightning Dasher Storm Dancer Storm ThresherWeapon Spread Magic.pngFurious WindstormClose-Woven Catcher
Tezcatlipoca InfernalShot412178Smoke Blower Claimer of Offerings Sun Transgressor Mirror of WarWeapon Spread Magic.pngDestructive Light's ReflectionDark Reflection
Tangaroa WoodThrust445229Island Guardian Great Creator Dragonborn ForefatherWeapon Spread Magic.pngBloody Mountains And RiversLumia Kanaloa
Takemaru InfernalMagic525350Ruler of Ogres Jilted Lover Carpenter Pillar MakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngReturning Home Without a HeadHollow Return
Tadatomo FireSlash558256Reincarnate Avenger Blood of the Beast NinjaWeapon Spread Magic.pngSky-Burning ReportScroll of Inferno
Sphinx NetherMagic334266Riddler Movement Questioner Assistant Esoteric OneWeapon Spread Magic.pngJudgment Clouding RiddleHeru-em-Akhet
Sol WoodBlow289311Healing Thaumaturgist Protector Demolisher Priest of LifeWeapon Spread Magic.pngLast Thanks at Lightning SpeedSage's Staff
Snegurochka NetherThrust313287Perfect Fit for a Magical Girl Wishing for the End Deliverer Ring ConnectorWeapon Spread Magic.pngDiamond Dust on the MoonflowersZimniye Gryozy
Shuichi WoodSlash404197Researcher Farseer Masquerader Seer of the PastWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Favor to My Beloved BrotherRecord of Nineveh
Shiva InfernalThrust112488Shut Third Eye Annihilator Abstinent TrioWeapon Spread Magic.pngMany Swings from One AttackCrescent Trimurti
Shiro NetherMagic435175Leader Fear Incarnate Seal Breaker Tailed DemonWeapon Spread Magic.pngFive Books of MadnessCosmic Terror
Shennong WoodThrust446154Poisoner Antibody Generator Propagator of Plenty Bearer of the FlagWeapon Spread Magic.pngDoctor's Dozen DistractionsDoctor's Orders
Seth ValiantMagic420178Voyager Wind Manipulator The Forgotten Travel GuardianWeapon Spread Magic.pngChaotic RestraintHeart of Chaos
Ryota WoodMagic408192Fortune Dealer Gourmand Sower of Plenty Miracle WorkerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPre-Meal Good HarvestUltimate Supper
R-19 AetherBlow404202Fearless Child Fugitive Living LightningWeapon Spread Magic.pngVoluntary Self DestructD-Blaster
Quantum NullBlow383217Breaker Through the Cracks The Chosen Experiment SubjectWeapon Spread Magic.pngReflection of Uncertain Life StateStuck in Limbo
Perun WorldSlash327273Upturner Modifier Powder Miller DisseminatorWeapon Spread Magic.pngOrigin and History of ThunderStatic Rewrite
Pazuzu FireMagic498102Evil Warder Reptile Tamer Endurer Lab CoronerWeapon Spread Magic.pngScorched Earth Style Preventative MeasuresSky Scourge Exorcism
Oz WoodBlow410190Blood of the Beast Hesitant Recluse Courageous Coward Twin-Hearted LionWeapon Spread Magic.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Ose NetherShot330270Masquerader Mischievous Trickster Spreader of Lunacy Covert OperatorWeapon Spread Magic.png10000 Lies in the Blink of an EyeOscillating Crown
Nyarlathotep WoodBlow401201Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Roamer The AbyssalWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Bizarre MistakesCrawling Chaos
Nobuharu WoodBlow402200Athlete Head of Festivities Morale Raiser King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Magic.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Nekros&Bacchus NetherMagic365235Inciter of Lust Consoler of Pain Embodier of Will Death DegeneratorWeapon Spread Magic.pngExtreme Withering SufferingUnderworld King's Staff
Mineaki WaterMagic399197Expeller of Maladies Analyzer of Defects Closer of Wounds Ill-wisherWeapon Spread Magic.pngSpirit-Eyed Cold OnlookerHigher Clairvoyance
Michael ValiantSlash318282Similar to His Brother Wing-Inheriting Hero Supreme One JudgeWeapon Spread Magic.pngRuler of the Pure RealmIlu Kanaph Seraph
Maria NetherMagic482146Preacher Stigma Brander Herbalist GardenerWeapon Spread Magic.pngStrenuous Hard WorkThorns of Golgotha
Licho AetherThrust435165False Villain In Beast's Clothing Power of Suggestion Bombastic NarratorWeapon Spread Magic.pngPassing Enthusiastic EndorsementRoar to the Moon
Kuniyoshi WoodMagic396203Artist Researcher Dreamer Beast HunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngMoving Along as Wills DecideAuto-substantiation
Kresnik AetherSlash290310Silver Shooter Mentor Cowl-Clad InterceptorWeapon Spread Magic.pngCrossfire Information SupportWarding Cross
Kotaro FireShot398200Ninja Dragonborn Storm Dancer Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Magic.pngEnshrined SnakeAvaricious Serpent
Korpokkur WorldMagic430170Hider in the Leaves Eternal Child Boundary Marker Frost BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrecipitous Hailstorm of FrostCold Sky at Morning
Kijimuna WoodThrust566153Islander Flowerer Swimmer Earth EaterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSwaying Grove of Blessed TreesBanyan Haka
Jinn FireSlash409256Gourmand Vanguard Mentor The Hot-bloodedWeapon Spread Magic.pngSmoke-Clouded EyesVow of the Djinn
Jambavan AetherThrust401204Medical Practitioner Destroyer of Wickedness Blood of the Beast Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngArmored on the Outside, a Beast WithinDaughter of Jambavan
Ifrit FireBlow399289The Sealed The Unbound Athlete Hoster of FeastsWeapon Spread Magic.pngHell's Locked FlamesLesser Key of Conflagration
Horkeu Kamui WaterBlow392215Mountain Dweller Blood of the Beast Vanguard SidekickWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrave and Loyal Freezing StrikeGallant Guardian
Hermes WaterMagic389211Irritating One Listening Musician Leaping Thief MessengerWeapon Spread Magic.pngManipulative Skills and Shining PipeArcos Phileteon
Hecate NetherSlash430170Occult Researcher Shipper Flight-of-Fancier New Moon IncarnationWeapon Spread Magic.pngMixture of the Self and VulgarityWeighted Balance
Hakumen FireSlash374242Binder Ruler Blood of the Beast CajolerWeapon Spread Magic.pngMagnificent Dark FigureDangerous Courtesan
Gyobu WoodMagic412153Cloudy Dreamer Lawbreaker Blood of the Beast Life GiverWeapon Spread Magic.pngOld Tanuki TransformationMaster of Deceit
Goemon FireMagic410190Posturer Dark Masker Scenic Frolicker Sower of ThrillsWeapon Spread Magic.pngRental High Class ActorSteal the Show!
Girimekra InfernalBlow334266Contriver Overbearer Aspirator School HopperWeapon Spread Magic.pngFalling Acts and Rebellious WillAgainst It All
Gandharva WaterBlow396202Gambler Artist Winged One Defender of ThronesWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Gambling Dice RollLady Luck
Gabriel AetherMagic398202Heavenly Messenger Artist Winged One ProphetWeapon Spread Magic.pngFour Loves in OneGloria in Excelsis
Fafnir FireShot320280Fierce One Wanting One Monopolist Fire DragonWeapon Spread Magic.pngStern Blazing WildfireGnitaheið
Duo AetherMagic405199Researcher Seer Shut-in Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngOne Hundred Thousand StarsUniversal Atlas
Ded AetherThrust400250Fortune Dealer Fey Folk Mentor Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngClear Dividing OrderRobgoblin Goodfellow
Curren & MS-C1 WorldThrust315285Advancer Girl and Robot Rewinder Initiative TakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngTimeless RapidsClock Hands Time Accel
Cu Sith WoodBlow399196Blood of the Beast Fey Folk The Abandoned Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Mount Breaks StringsThird Howling
Cthugha FireBlow380220Cheater Solitude Shunner Living Flame Exasperation AceWeapon Spread Magic.pngBurning the Encroaching StarsFomalhaut Flare
Claus WoodNone335265Country's Ruler Conferring One Replacing One SurvivorWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrotherly Crown of Wide Starry AccomplishmentHárbarðr Gambanteinn
Claude FireMagic403201Berserker Monarch Head of Festivities Fervor StokerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGorgeous Bridal CommandSplendiferous Corona
Cipactli InfinityNone335265Showering One Circulator Devouring One Nature's PerformerWeapon Spread Magic.pngBlessings of Terrifyingly Huge SizeTlaltecuhtli
Christine All-RoundMagic371285Standing Ovation Mask Bearer Enchantress Ender of DreamsWeapon Spread Magic.pngFantasy EmbracePhantom Embrace
Choji FireMagic401196Gourmand Cook Hoster of Feasts Slick ArtisanWeapon Spread Magic.pngChoice of Luxurious FeastsFeast of Apicius
Bigfoot All-RoundMagic333267Bewilder Traceless Snowy Mountain Dweller EndgameWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreat Hidden BlizzardGiant Sasquatch Snowman
Bertro InfernalSnipe311289Brilliant Ruminator Hungry Wolf Mechaman CalculatorWeapon Spread Magic.pngPitying Moon's Questioned PhilosophyHarsh Mistress
Benten WaterShot441261Seafarer Binder Artist Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngPraise Pain FluxDrifting Currents
Behemoth NetherBlow420200Immoveable One Bulker Sacrifice AmasserWeapon Spread Magic.pngExtreme High Time Pulling and BingingContinental Gorger
Barguest NetherBlow399203Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Mountain Dweller The MisfortunateWeapon Spread Magic.pngEvil Sealing and Lamenting CorpseCrossroads of the Witch Queen
Bael InfernalMagic445155Revelator Nerve Plucker Offering Seeker HierarchaeologistWeapon Spread Magic.pngBlood Union of Church and StateBurnt Offering
Babalon NetherMagic331258Moral Rebel Benevolent One Enchantress Conformity CrusherWeapon Spread Magic.pngScarlet Babalon
Azazel AetherMagic401199Blood of the Beast Heavenly Messenger Sacrifice FarseerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPocket World's Natural LawEyes of the Fallen
Astaroth NetherMagic448152Cunning Prosecutor Perceiver of Disparity Timid Soul Insecure PerfectionistWeapon Spread Magic.pngSoul Unsettling Poisonous SnakeCriminatores Diabolus
Ashigara WaterBlow409216Mountain Dweller Grappler Blood of the Beast Martial Arts MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bear King's Forward PushThread Bear Champ
Arsalan WoodBlow402238Anointed One Blood of the Beast Monarch Expeller of EvilWeapon Spread Magic.pngGlossy Surge of Protective OilsAnointed Savior
Andvari NetherBlow405205Fey Folk Excavator The Cursed Gold GrabberWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreed Beyond The GodsRing of the Nibelung
Amaterasu WorldNone486114One Who Retreats and Hides Eldest Sister Endless One The ZenithWeapon Spread Magic.pngTrembling in Fear and GriefKashikodokoro no Kagami
Alice NetherMagic398204Child Dreamer Roamer Dasher of DreamsWeapon Spread Magic.pngMarch Garden BanTea Party Madness


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Ziz AetherMagic970230Giver Sacrifice Hoster of Feasts Apocalypse ObserverWeapon Spread Magic.pngAffectionate Embrace of FeathersLoving Asylum
Yoshito NetherNone765435Clockwork Eliminator Filial Distender Substituter Proxy Dog WarriorWeapon Spread Magic.pngBloody Omen of ShameBlade of Treachery
Yamasachihiko WoodShot588612Swordsmanship Expert Fish Reeler Dazzling Revenant StackerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWily Mountain Ocean EnvyMountain Majesty
Volos (Beachside)ValiantThrust657543Happy Harvester Cutter of Ties Summery Spirit Sentimental SapWeapon Spread Magic.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Vapula (Valentine)FireThrust981219Creator Idol Akiba Group Performer Center-Moving Winged Lion Golem ChoreographerWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Brilliant Red EndeavorShem HaMephorash?
Typhon WaterMagic825450Swimmer Storm Dancer Giant Devourer of WorldsWeapon Spread Magic.pngFierce Inverse StormGigantic Typhoon
Tvastar FireThrust595605Bringer of Life Serpentine Sire Nectar Injector Component CreatorWeapon Spread Magic.pngAccessorized Work Like No OtherCreator's Vengeance
Tsukuyomi (Halloween)NetherMagic906294Moonlight Host Star Reader Radiant Reflector Ruler of the Night WorldWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Beautiful Flowering DateYoru no Osukuni?
Tianzun (Christmas)AetherShot753447Snow Land's Villain Parade-Loving Sage Holy Night's Bad Teacher Grand Finale's Key PlayerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCheered By All the Little ThingsWuwei Ziran?
Thunderbird AetherShot871437Hero Lightning Dasher Storm Dancer Storm ThresherWeapon Spread Magic.pngFurious WindstormClose-Woven Catcher
Thunderbird (Summer)ValiantMagic603597Engulfer of Evil Appraiser Like Lightning Dream-guarding WingsWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bird Punishing Evil and Rewarding GoodClose-Woven Catcher?
Tetsuya (Christmas)AetherMagic675525Glarer Admirable Flexible Looking For a FightWeapon Spread Magic.pngFrom Death I Persist Once AgainOuroboros Rebirth
Tetsuox NetherSlash732492Lawbreaker Gambler Retaker DaredevilWeapon Spread Magic.pngRaging Wind and Chasing SuperiorityWhirlwind Snare
Tetsuox (Jiangshi)WoodBlow670530Whirlwind Vagabond Breakout Performer Killer Star SupernovaWeapon Spread Magic.pngFor Eternity and AlwaysWhirlwind Snare?
Takeminakata (Valentine)WaterMagic910290Two-Faced Sumo Wrestler Pushing Through the Path of Love V-Day Celebrity Heavy Stone CarrierWeapon Spread Magic.pngRetreating Honored SoldierGreatest Glory Recounted
Tadatomo FireMagic705698Reincarnate Avenger Blood of the Beast NinjaWeapon Spread Magic.pngSky-Burning ReportScroll of Inferno
Tadatomo (Valentine)NetherShot698508Love Trapper The Lovesick Spiritual Dog Warrior ReincarnateWeapon Spread Magic.pngReports of Undying LoyaltyScroll of Inferno?
Sphinx NullMagic671529Riddler of the Labyrinth Masked Inquisitor Pharaoh's Assistant Esoteric Puzzle KingWeapon Spread Magic.pngJudgment Clouding RiddleHeru-em-Akhet
Sol WoodMagic720480Healing Thaumaturgist Guardian Monk Demolisher Chaplain of LifeWeapon Spread Magic.pngLast Thanks at Lightning SpeedSage's Staff
Snegurochka NetherShot746454One Cool Girl Wishing for Winter's End Santa's Child Silver Flower Ring's Snow PrincessWeapon Spread Magic.pngDiamond Dust on the MoonflowersZimniye Gryozy
Shuichi WoodMagic801396Researcher Farseer Masquerader Seer of the PastWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Favor to My Beloved BrotherRecord of Nineveh
Shiro (Valentine)FireMagic863399The Lovesick Cook Fortune Dealer Tailed DemonWeapon Spread Magic.pngSweet RitualCosmic Terror?
Shiro NetherMagic826370Researcher Fear Incarnate Seal Breaker Tailed DemonWeapon Spread Magic.pngFive Books of MadnessCosmic Terror
Shinya (Valentine)WaterMagic670530Bonding Representative Snow Melter Illuminating Retainer Stealthy InvaderWeapon Spread Magic.pngLove Binding ArrowPass On Eros
Shennong ValiantThrust724476Poisoner Antibody Factory Propagator of Plenty Heritor of the FlagWeapon Spread Magic.pngDoctor's Dozen DistractionsDoctor's Orders
Seth ValiantMagic722518Voyager Wind Manipulator The Forgotten GuideWeapon Spread Magic.pngChaotic RestraintHeart of Chaos
Sarutahiko (Host)FireMagic922278Foaming One Summer's Bubbly Host One Who Takes the Big Stage Customer Service TechnicianWeapon Spread Magic.pngDazzling Bubble Festival DreamsSarutahiko no Aramitama?
Ryota WoodMagic820425Fortune Dealer Gourmand Sower of Plenty Miracle WorkerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPre-Meal Good HarvestUltimate Supper
R-19 AetherShot799399Fearless Child Fugitive Living LightningWeapon Spread Magic.pngVoluntary Self DestructD-Blaster
Pazuzu FireMagic990210Evil Warding Oil Baron Reptile Tamer Imposer of Repression Lab CoronerWeapon Spread Magic.pngScorched Earth Style Preventative MeasuresSky Scourge Exorcism
Oz WoodMagic860340Blood of the Beast Hesitant Recluse Courageous Coward Twin-Hearted LionWeapon Spread Magic.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Ose NetherSnipe720480Masquerader Mischievous Trickster Spreader of Lunacy Agent ProvocateurWeapon Spread Magic.png10000 Lies in the Blink of an EyeOscillating Crown
Nyarlathotep WoodMagic798400Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Roamer The AbyssalWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Bizarre MistakesCrawling Chaos
Nodens AetherBlow510690Aerial Abductor Lightning Seizer One Possessed Radiant Master of the Silver ArmWeapon Spread Magic.pngMaking a Tough Killing QuicklyAirgetlam Abduction
Nobuharu WoodThrust799402Athlete Head of Festivities Morale Raiser King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Magic.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Nezha WoodBlow333867Speedster Dragon Tamer Sacred Lotus Incarnate Chariot of FireWeapon Spread Magic.pngRebirth Linked with Roaring FlightsFull Speed Ahead
Mineaki (Hot Paradise)AetherBlow891309Brilliant Agent Information Master Versed in Life and Death Underworld AnnouncerWeapon Spread Magic.pngDistant Spying and Secret HealingHigher Clairvoyance?
Mineaki WaterMagic797401Expeller of Maladies Analyzer of Defects Preserver of Life Ill-wisherWeapon Spread Magic.pngSpirit-Eyed Cold OnlookerHigher Clairvoyance
Maria NetherMagic989330Preacher Stigma Brander Herbalist GardenerWeapon Spread Magic.pngStrenuous Hard WorkThorns of Golgotha
Kuniyoshi WoodMagic805403Artist Researcher Dreamer Beast HunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngMoving Along as Wills DecideAuto-substantiation
Kresnik AetherSlash640560Silver Shooter Kin Hunter Cowl-Clad Transformed StrikerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCrossfire Information SupportWarding Cross
Kijimuna WoodBlow882429Islander Flowerer Seafarer Earth EaterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSwaying Grove of Blessed TreesBanyan Haka
Kagutsuchi (Jamboree)WoodThrust690510Table Waiter Empath Defier of Hardship Flaming HomusubiWeapon Spread Magic.pngWorld-Burning Flames from WithinBurning Delivery?
Jugo FireThrust797405Dragonborn Sacrifice The Indomitable Martial Arts MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngCurse-bound Martial PlanBound Sacrifice
Jugo (Summer)WoodShot763437Grudge Gatherer Self-Reflective The Ready Overcomer of IndolenceWeapon Spread Magic.pngDevoted Pursuit of Judo ArtsBound Sacrifice?
Jiraiya (Seaside)AetherThrust790448Beach Babe Hoster of Feasts Ogre Brethren Living LightningWeapon Spread Magic.pngLightning Brilliant SageBreakneck Leapfrog
Jambavan AetherMagic804399Medical Practitioner Destroyer of Wickedness Blood of the Beast Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngArmored on the Outside, a Beast WithinDaughter of Jambavan
Itzamna (Valentine)WoodMagic950250Soothsayer Kindly Forest Elder Far-Flung Flourisher Red Dragon SorcererWeapon Spread Magic.pngNew Perceptions Now and HereafterItzamna Kinich Ahau?
Itzamna FireNone883317Sleeping Lizard Liberal Arts Scholar Imparter of Light Magnanimous SageWeapon Spread Magic.pngScale Rain CreationItzamna Kinich Ahau
Inaba FireMagic770430Excited in the Year of the Rabbit Recovery Wisher Serious Player Surefooted MatchmakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngHeaven's Blessing for MarriageInaba White Rabbit
Ikutoshi (Gendarme)FireSlash820410Glory Seeker Driving Force Starshine Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Magic.pngAtmospheric Evening StarDwarven Changeling?
Ifrit FireShot817449The Sealed The Unbound Athlete Hoster of FeastsWeapon Spread Magic.pngHell's Locked FlamesLesser Key of Conflagration
Horkeu Kamui WaterBlow796410Mountain Dweller Blood of the Beast Vanguard SidekickWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrave and Loyal Freezing StrikeGallant Guardian
Hermes WaterMagic836364Smoothing Out Twists of Fate Speaker of Change Leaping Thief Zenith MessengerWeapon Spread Magic.pngManipulative Skills and Shining PipeArcos Phileteon
Hecate NetherMagic820380Occult Researcher Coupling Enthusiast Doctor of Delusion Lunar RepresentativeWeapon Spread Magic.pngMixture of the Self and VulgarityWeighted Balance
Hakumen FireSlash801409Binder Ruler Blood of the Beast CajolerWeapon Spread Magic.pngMagnificent Dark FigureDangerous Courtesan
Hakumen (Valentine)AetherShot989380Love Trapper Soul Shooter Ruler CajolerWeapon Spread Magic.pngBurning-Tail UrgencyDangerous Courtesan?
Gyobu WoodMagic836412Cloudy Dreamer Lawbreaker Blood of the Beast Honorable TanukiWeapon Spread Magic.pngOld Tanuki TransformationMaster of Deceit
Gullinbursti (Summer)WoodNone685515Amazingly Fast Deliveryman Flaming Summer's Forged Creature "Anyone, Anywhere" Brilliant CopyWeapon Spread Magic.pngSkill and Muscle Bringing New WindsSlidrugtanni?
Goemon FireMagic670530Posturer Shape Shifter Scenic Frolicker Sower of ThrillsWeapon Spread Magic.pngRental High Class ActorSteal the Show!
Ganglie (Journey)WaterThrust843445Wave Commander Voyager Flirt Mobilized GeneralWeapon Spread Magic.pngIndolent Self-IndulgenceLackadaisical General
Gandharva WaterMagic805402Gambler Artist Winged One Defender of ThronesWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Gambling Dice RollLady Luck
Gabriel (Valentine)FireMagic829395The Lovesick Heavenly Messenger Cook Benevolent OneWeapon Spread Magic.pngMutual Blessings and AffectionGloria in Excelsis?
Ellie (Halloween)WaterMagic635565Queen of Butterflies Lifesucker Nocturnal Schoolgirl Attendant FollowingWeapon Spread Magic.pngFriendly Chattering of ButterfliesBloody Nightwalker?
Cu Sith WoodMagic805396Blood of the Beast Fey Folk The Abandoned Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Mount Breaks StringsThird Howling
Claude (Christmas)WaterMagic600600Romantic Whisperer Helping Hand Smoocher BrideWeapon Spread Magic.pngGorgeous Bridal CommandSplendiferous Corona
Choji FireMagic797402Gourmand Cook Hoster of Feasts Slick ArtisanWeapon Spread Magic.pngChoice of Luxurious FeastsFeast of Apicius
Cait Sith (Valentine)WoodShot895305Tactful Conductor Undaunted One Prancing Kitty Hopeful MinstrelWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Greatest Musical FurRex Felium?
Bertro WorldThrust519681Swift Contemplator Hungry Wolf Mechaman Exceptional CalculatorWeapon Spread Magic.pngPitying Moon's Questioned PhilosophyHarsh Mistress
Bertro (Christmas)NetherMagic753447Temperature Drop Astonishing Machine Body Splintered Lone Wolf Gifted of the Holy NightWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrinciple of Enrichment and ImmutabilityHarsh Mistress?
Benten WaterMagic839416Seafarer Binder Artist Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngPraise Pain FluxDrifting Currents
Barguest NetherMagic805405Fey Folk Blood of the Beast Mountain Dweller The MisfortunateWeapon Spread Magic.pngEvil Sealing and Lamenting CorpseCrossroads of the Witch Queen
Azazel AetherMagic799396Blood of the Beast Heavenly Messenger Sacrifice FarseerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPocket World's Natural LawEyes of the Fallen
Asterius (Island)NetherSlash871448Deep Diver Islander Shut-in Living LightningWeapon Spread Magic.pngObstructed Giant Bated BreathLabrys of the Labyrinth
Astaroth AetherNone432768Serpentine Prosecutor Possessor of Disparity Brave of Heart Chaser of PerfectionWeapon Spread Magic.pngSoul Unsettling Poisonous SnakeCriminatores Diabolus
Ashigara WaterMagic850420Mountain Dweller Grappler Blood of the Beast Martial Arts MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bear King's Forward PushThread Bear Champ
Arsalan WoodBlow825428Anointed One Blood of the Beast Monarch Expeller of EvilWeapon Spread Magic.pngGlossy Surge of Protective OilsAnointed Savior
Arsalan (Halloween)NetherBlow812442Peacemaker Shape Shifter Anointed One Graveyard LurkerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAwe Inspiring Oil DemonAnointed Savior?
Arachne (Summer)WaterBlow540660Midsummer Fashion Leader Mountain Stream Sightseer Paddle Rower Aquatic ModelWeapon Spread Magic.pngArtisan's Finest Dissolving WorkSilken Snare?
Andvari NetherThrust799397Fey Folk Excavator The Cursed Gold GrabberWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreed Beyond The GodsRing of the Nibelung
Amatsumara (Fashionista)AetherMagic758451Photogenic Figure Fullmetal Scholar Reflection in the Mirror Head of the ClassWeapon Spread Magic.pngLightweight Stone OreIron-Gazed Dragon
Alp NetherThrust850350Charming Charmer Wild Dancer Dream Eater Party StarterWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Long Night of Spirits and DreamsDream Deep
Alice NetherMagic798402Child Dreamer Roamer Dasher of DreamsWeapon Spread Magic.pngMarch Garden BanTea Party Madness
Algernon (Summer)NetherMagic1050150New Era Pioneer Heavenly Sweeper Mechaman Floor-StamperWeapon Spread Magic.pngDesperate Dreams in an Iron CurseMechanical Bouquet


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao (Gendarme)WoodMagic1864786Willful One Mountain Menace Morale Raiser HikerWeapon Spread Magic.pngFoothill PurificationThird-Eye Chakra
Yoritomo (Valentine)WoodMagic13541046Halter of Plots System Builder Snowy Demon Warrior TrackerWeapon Spread Magic.pngUncompromising Against 1000 DemonsDemonic Judgment?
Yasuyori (Christmas)AetherMagic10401360Sunset Rider Standout Stalwart Support Dog Rose SmellerWeapon Spread Magic.pngResilient Virtue's OrderBlade of Falling Leaves?
Xolotl (Hot Paradise)ValiantSlash1420980Stone Serpent Weaver Out of the Waters A Hand in the Underworld Noir of the White SunWeapon Spread Magic.pngLost in FoliageTwisted Bastion
Willie Wildcat All-RoundMagic12801120Withstanding the Kickback Future World's Starman Orbital Jaeger Genetically Modified TherianWeapon Spread Magic.pngComplete Collapse CannonWorld Scrub Trigger
Volkh Vseslav InfernalThrust1654746Amniotic Devilwolf Hostile Aggressor Raided Reckoner Revolutionary CzarWeapon Spread Magic.pngFearsome Frozen SoulIcebound Heist
Tuaring AetherMagic1800600Rescinder of Secrets Omnisapient Avatar Computer Scientist Primordial ExistenceWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Smoking False EvidenceImitation Game
Tomte (Valentine)WaterMagic12101190Mystic Idol Fan Service Giver Talented Mood Maker Passion DancerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlert and Dutiful Blue EncouragementVihta Loyly?
Tindalos (Summer)ValiantMagic1534866Soaked to the Skin Staff Employer Restraining One Summer ExposerWeapon Spread Magic.png令律執処Gift of Lycanthropy?
Tezcatlipoca WorldShot9401460Smoke Commander Progenitor of Sacrifices Sun Transgressor Vision of the Great WarWeapon Spread Magic.pngDestructive Light's ReflectionDark Reflection
Tanngrisnir AetherThrust2000400Immortal Server Wanderer Lightning DeliveryWeapon Spread Magic.pngThunderous BonecrusherDiligent Steed
Tangaroa WoodShot13851092Island Guardian Great Creator Dragonborn Island AncestorWeapon Spread Magic.pngBloody Mountains And RiversLumia Kanaloa
Takeminakata All-RoundBlow1486914Fallen Fighter Water Seal Boulder Bowler Unrecounted OneWeapon Spread Magic.pngRetreating Honored SoldierGreatest Glory Recounted
Takemaru InfernalBlow2259350Ruler of Ogres Jilted Lover Master Craftsman Coal-Black PillarWeapon Spread Magic.pngReturning Home Without a HeadHollow Return
Sandayu (Halloween)WoodSlash12951105Martial Arts Master Grandmaster of the Three Iga Ninjas Night Runner Headless HorsemanWeapon Spread Magic.pngQuick Draw InstructionIga Sannin Wake-mi no Jutsu?
Ryota (Christmas)WoodMagic1835777Defender of Justice Hoster of Feasts Morale Raiser Miracle ChildWeapon Spread Magic.pngPre-Meal Good HarvestUltimate Supper
Moritaka (Valentine)FireSlash1599850The Lovesick Blood of the Beast Spiritual Dog Warrior Loyal SamuraiWeapon Spread Magic.pngComplementary Love Tempered in IceBlade of Ice
Michael ValiantLong Slash12501150Resembling God Twelve-Winged Angel The Four Supreme Archangels Judge of the Heavenly WorldWeapon Spread Magic.pngRuler of the Pure RealmIlu Kanaph Seraph
Loki InfernalMagic1950450Bound Criminal Debate Specialist Loptr of the End Last Laugh TricksterWeapon Spread Magic.pngChant of Genuine LegitimacyThe Real McCoy
Leib WoodSnipe1930660Life Replacer In Beast's Clothing Prayer-Dye Bear Great Tree's SpiritWeapon Spread Magic.pngResuscitation by the Tree EnvoyBlood of the Alder
Kotaro FireShot1597803Ninja Dragonborn Storm Dancer Famous Clone MasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngEnshrined SnakeAvaricious Serpent
Kengo (Valentine)ValiantMagic9801420Stalwart Contender Eternal Warrior Gloved Fighter Judgment EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWell-Tempered Fierce AttackGeant Basher?
Jormungandr InfinityShot12751125Giant Dragon of the End Robust Appreciator Towering Walls Consuming World SerpentWeapon Spread Magic.pngFighting Fire with Fire By OneselfMidgardsormr
Jinn FireMagic1634898Gourmand Vanguard Shape Shifter Hot-Blooded TeacherWeapon Spread Magic.pngSmoke-Clouded EyesVow of the Djinn
Horkeu Kamui ValiantSlash1632844Cleaver of the Frozen Stars Vanguard Mountain Dweller Adorning OneWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrave and Loyal Freezing StrikeGallant Guardian
Horkeu Kamui (Hot Paradise)FireMagic1450950Vapor-shrouded Wild Wheels of Flame Noble Kamui Seeking a Last AbodeWeapon Spread Magic.pngRefined Vigorous Training VowGallant Guardian?
Heracles (Pool)FireMagic12491151Summernight Laborer Lion Wrestler Drawer of Clear Streams Achiever of LaborsWeapon Spread Magic.pngTroubles for the Competent and ApologeticMadicce Omphale?
Gunzo (Valentine)AetherThrust742469The Lovesick Athlete The Indomitable Rugby RangerWeapon Spread Magic.pngKind-Hearted FlusteringTrample Down?
Gabriel AetherMagic1605804Heavenly Messenger Artist Winged One Archangel of the MoonWeapon Spread Magic.pngFour Loves in OneGloria in Excelsis
Fuxi (Christmas)AetherShot10001400Captivated with Delight Yin-Yang Monomania Waiting in a Box Perfector of the Holy NightWeapon Spread Magic.pngChanging Out Old Water for NewHeavenly Compass
Fafnir FireMagic10001400Blazing Sorcerer Item Wanter Golden Monopolist Dragon King of MuspelWeapon Spread Magic.pngStern Blazing WildfireGnitaheið
Duo AetherMagic1601798Researcher Seer Shut-in Fount of WisdomWeapon Spread Magic.pngOne Hundred Thousand StarsUniversal Atlas
Ded NetherShot1650880Fortune Dealer Fey Folk Mentor Judge and JuryWeapon Spread Magic.pngClear Dividing OrderRobgoblin Goodfellow
Dagon (Summer)NetherShot12501150Deep One in the Summer Shade Napping Fugitive Source of Pain One Who Waits in the Deep SeaWeapon Spread Magic.png禍拾可畏Over Shadow?
Claude FireSlash1605802Berserker Monarch Head of Festivities Emperor of ZealotsWeapon Spread Magic.pngGorgeous Bridal CommandSplendiferous Corona
Boogeyman (Summer)WaterMagic12851115Explorer of Ectasy Chainsaw-Wielder in Summer Clothes Cutter of the Sea of Trees One Who Shows TraumaWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Gentle Dream All DayFear of Darkness
Bigfoot All-RoundMagic12001200Reality Shaker Evanescent Sasquatch Cryptid of the Snowy Mountain Folklore TerminusWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreat Hidden BlizzardGiant Sasquatch Snowman
Benten (Christmas)AetherNone1680720巻き込む者 Mysterious Girl Carefree One Receiver of AttentionWeapon Spread Magic.pngFlying Solo By Reading RhythmsHarahvati Aredvi?
Bathym (Nightclub)WoodMagic12881112Emperor's Vanguard Enthusiastic Clubber Head-Turner Gehenna's BreakdancerWeapon Spread Magic.pngBeastly on the Outside, Working on the InsideHathaninim Hagadolim?
Balor (Valentine)NetherMagic1466934Exposer of Flesh Indulger of Light Restless Demon Eye Infant-Bested KingWeapon Spread Magic.pngSharp Manly Gaze and Suppressed VirtueGlare of the Doomed
Bael InfernalMagic1655745Revelator Nerve Wrecker Offering Collector HierarchophantWeapon Spread Magic.pngBlood Union of Church and StateBurnt Offering
Babalon NetherThrust1454884Moral Rebel Benevolent One Tailed Demon Sneering HarpyWeapon Spread Magic.pngScarlet Babalon
Andvari (Beachside)AetherMagic1446954Prideful Boaster Excavator Dauntless Dwarf Weary CoasterWeapon Spread Magic.pngShakedown With Mild PityRing of the Nibelung?
Alice (Halloween)NetherSlash12681145Peacemaker Shape Shifter Dreamer Lord of the GraveyardWeapon Spread Magic.pngBlood Replenishing GleaningsTea Party Madness?