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Revision as of 05:30, 19 June 2021

Nocturnal Dance
Rarity 5
Kijima Hyogo
効果1Increases HP by 250~500
効果2Increases ATK by 250~500
恵風和寵Islander's SanctumNo additional CS effects
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply SpiritDeal extra 400~800 damage to enemies for 2 turns (Buff) to self and allies on the entire board
    +500~1000 HP to self and allies on the entire board / 80~100%
Element world.pngWORLD
Element none.pngALL-ROUND
Show applicable transients (87)
Brown Agent (☆2)
Ahura Mazda (☆3)
Ahura Mazda (☆5)
World Alchemist (☆2)
Amaterasu (☆3)
Amaterasu (☆5)
World Angel (☆1)
Azathoth (☆3)
Azathoth (☆4)
Beowulf (☆3)
Beowulf (☆4)
Bertro (☆4)
Bigfoot (☆3)
Bigfoot (☆5)
Brown Camouflager (☆2)
Christine (☆3)
Christine (☆4)
World Ciramantep (☆2)
Curren & MS-C1 (☆3)
Brown Drone Pilot (☆2)
Fuxi (☆3)
Fuxi (☆5)
World Giant (☆2)
Himavat (☆3)
Himavat (☆4)
Horus (☆3)
Horus (☆5)
∀Isaac (☆3)
∀Isaac (☆4)
Ixbalanque (☆3)
Ixbalanque (☆4)
Jacob (☆5)
World Jiangshi (☆2)
Kijimuna (☆3)
Kijimuna (☆4)
Kijimuna (☆4 Canaan)
Korpokkur (☆3)
Korpokkur (☆5)
Kyoma (☆3)
Brown Livestreamer (☆2)
MacRoich (☆3)
MacRoich (☆4)
Masashi (☆3)
Masashi (☆5)
Missing ∀ (☆2)
Musashi (☆3)
Musashi (☆4)
Brown Nightgaunt (☆2)
Nyarlathotep (☆5 Main Story)
Perun (☆3)
Perun (☆5)
Protagonist (☆3)
Protagonist (☆4)
Brown Ranger (☆2)
Robinson (☆4 Canaan)
World Senri (☆2)
Shino (☆5 Valentine)
Smoky God (☆3)
Smoky God (☆4)
Starman ∀ (☆2)
Tadatomo (☆5 Main Story)
Takeminakata (☆3)
Takeminakata (☆5)
Tangaroa (☆3)
Tangaroa∞ (☆3)
Tangaroa (☆5)
Tangaroa (☆5 Canaan)
Tezcatlipoca (☆5)
Tomte (☆4)
Brown Tribe (☆2)
Brown Trickster (☆2)
Brown Trooper (☆2)
Ulaanbaatar (☆3)
Ulaanbaatar (☆5)
Wakan Tanka∞ (☆3)
Wakan Tanka (☆5 Fashionista)
Willie Wildcat (☆3)
Willie Wildcat (☆5)
Brown Wraith (☆2)
Brown Luchador (☆2)
Y'golonac (☆3)
Y'golonac (☆4)
Brown Yaksha (☆2)
Yoritomo (☆3)
Yoritomo (☆5)
Zhurong (☆4)
Zhurong (☆5 Christmas)
Translated from Japanese
Official Japanese
「はいさい、タンガロア! 島んちゅ同士、よろしく頼むよー!」

「ああ、キジムナー。我ら、島の大地に根を下ろし、島の恵みと共に生きる者なれば。」 海の向こうの世界、ニライカナイを支える大樹の子キジムナー。 そして貝の世界ルミア・カナロアの父祖の依代にして、緑繁る島の酋長たる、タンガロア。 図らずも交わった2つの世界の夜を祝い、キジムナーとタンガロアは、それぞれの歓びを踊りに変えて示しあう。 力強く地を踏みしめ、その空に高く諸手を挙げて、彼らは高らかに笑い、生のリズムを全身で表現する。 それにつられて、愛する子らも、共に生きる歓びを、その豊饒への感謝を踊りに乗せる。 大地に深く根を張り、大空に枝葉を広げ支える、彼らの在り方を示すように。


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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 926c22eb
No. 17148
19 months ago
Score 0 You


Reverse Yaoi hands.
Anonymous user: 0f692898
No. 16400
22 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: aea46d31
No. 10599
44 months ago
Score 0 You


Because it's by a yaoi artist, and you know how things be with hands in yaoi - the more uber the hands the more lewd it is
Anonymous user: 8977bbe6
No. 10575
44 months ago
Score 0 You
The art is so good in this AR card but as soon as I saw it I thought something was off... WHY IS KIJIMUNA'S HANDS SO FUCKING SMALL??? THEY ARE TINYYYYY
Anonymous user: ccc37805
No. 10496
45 months ago
Score 0 You
No, you see, it's of utmost importance to get a shot from below of the kid. Even if every other character in the picture is positioned from the waist up. No, I don't care that he should be floating for that angle to be possible. I HAVE to get this kid's crotch on everyone's face
Anonymous user: a50ddc97
No. 10482
45 months ago
Score 0 You
English name in game is Nocturnal Dance. I'm not sure how to update that in the wiki without breaking something
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