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| duration = Gacha!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;Main and Free Quests!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;Special Quests!August 22nd, 2022 @ 18:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;High Difficulty Quests!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;Item Exchange!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> September 6th, 2022 @ 23:59
| duration = Gacha!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;Main and Free Quests!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;Special Quests!August 22nd, 2022 @ 18:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;High Difficulty Quests!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> August 30th, 2022 @ 13:59;Item Exchange!August 12th, 2022 @ 20:00 -> September 6th, 2022 @ 23:59
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|text=モードきらめくアタシのお店へようこそ! よく素材を集めてくれましたわネ。どうぞ御礼をお持ちになって?;"Mode is the fashion trend that is yet to be. One must read the styles and predict how it shall all unfold. And to that end, the future shall be shaped by these hands!"<!--モードとは、これから来るべき流行の事。ファッションは先読みし仕組まれるもの。そう、未来はアタシの手にかかっているのよネ!-->;ふう……眠いわネ~……今日で徹夜ももう4日目! ですがモードを作るに時間は待ってくれません、手も抜きません、この服を着る誰かの為にも!;よくて? 背筋をピッと、お伸ばしなさいネ。どんな服もどんな飾りも、始まりはそこから。自信を持ちなさい! アタシの服に選ばれたのなら。;アタシの糸は、真実のアナタを浮かび立たせる。 誰もがそれを怖がるのでしょうネ……。だからこうして……孤高を貫くの。;あのだるんだるんのファッション……ああ許せませんわネ。 モードに関わる者として、一言言って差し上げなくては!;"Monsieur Gyumao was the first person to invest in my fashion—to believe in my future! As such, I have custom-tailored his suit by hand to the very highest of standards."<!--ギュウマオウ社長は、アタシのモードを、未来を信じて、最初に投資してくれた方です。彼の特注のスーツは、アタシが手づから縫ったのよ!-->;アタシのインスピレイションは、ここから始まる。さあ、イベントへと繰り出しましょう! 新たなモードの出会いを探しに!;ようこそお越しになられました。交換所は此方に。我が胸に秘めたる思いも、お持ち出し下さい。;"A lowly sinner such as I dreads even being reflected in the pupils of such a supreme being whose words bring such grace. I am but a tool to be used, unworthy of so much as a passing thought."<!--あの方こそ、恩寵をお伝えくださる至高の御方。私如きには、目に入れるも恐れ多く御座います。使い捨ての道具など、気に掛けてはなりませぬ。-->;"Though it may be presumptuous of me, I do understand what it means to take pride in devoting one's everything to beauty. I take pride in my work as a torture specialist, after all."<!--「美」へと己がすべてを捧げるあの矜持。おこがましくはありますが、少し理解できます。この私にも、拷問官としての誇りが御座います故。-->;To think even an outfit by the same person's hands can look so breathtaking when worn. I can only lament my own inexperience.<!--ああ……同じ方の手による服でも、なんと見事な着こなしでしょうか。我が未熟をただ、嘆くばかりに御座います。-->;"If you have committed a crime, do confess. I will set about torturing you until you have been absolved of your sins. It is the only value I can offer, and I offer it gladly."<!--もし罪を犯されたらば、どうか私めに告解を。主様の罪を雪ぐまで、満身を持って拷問に励みます。これが唯一の取柄です故、お任せあれ。-->;"Grant unto me unparalleled tribulation. I am no supreme being, yet I pass judgment upon others, so if I do not suffer the most of anyone, the scales will be forever out of balance."<!--私に無上の艱難辛苦をお与えくださいませ主よ。我が身は絶対者に非ずして、他を責め立てる者。ならば誰より己が苦しまねば天秤が合いますまい?-->;"I am intimately familiar with how one's duties can wear down the body and soul alike, and it is my determination that you are in great need of rest. I beg you heed this warning."<!--職務柄、体と心の壊し方には些か詳しくございます。その私が見る限り……貴方様には休息が必要かと。どうか、我が諫言を聞き届けくださりませ、主よ。-->;This body you see is but a mindless tool designed only to implement torture in accordance with the law. To suggest that a tool should have a will of its own is the height of folly.<!--我が身は是、心無き道具にありますれば。ただ法に従い、責め苦を与えるもの。道具が己の意思を持とう等、おぞましいにも程がありましょう。-->;"Ngh! Please! I do not wish for you to show me such a gentle touch as that! I am but a simple tool. Please... Please, use me. Admonish me!"<!--っ……それ以上、優しく触れてはくださいますな。ただの道具には過ぎた扱いに御座います。どうか……どうか責め立ててくださりますよう。-->;主の命とあらば、喜んで着替えましょうとも。ですが、私に斯様な服が似合うのでしょうか。失望させぬことを、ただ祈るのみに御座います。;"Truly, a magnificent spectacle, but it holds no draw for me. What?! A m-model?! In front of everyone?! This... This must be punishment. It's the only explanation!"<!--何とも華美なる催しに御座いましょう。しかしこの私には縁なきものと…えっ、モデル?皆様の前で?罰…なのでしょうか?-->;"Come, please. Allow me to show you the way. I pray you have a wonderful time."<!--さあ、催しはこちらです。このザバーニーヤがご案内いたします故、どうか楽しんでくださりますよう願っております。-->;熱い夏の準備を、ここでしっかりしていくんだ。途中で倒れたりしないように、気を付けるんだぞ。;天然、とよく言われるのだがお前、意味が分かるか? 何、ぴったりだと? ……ふうむ、お前が言うならそうなのだろう。;"I don't get people who feel lonely. I mean, in this vast universe, we've all been lucky enough to meet up and forge bonds together, you know? Hmm, why's Ashigara looking at me funny?"<!--寂しがり屋の気持ちは、あまり理解できないな。だってすべては宇宙を通じて繋がっているんだから……。うむ。何故アシガラは、ヘンな顔で俺を見るんだ?-->;"It feels so good when we touch. It's like there's a static shock, and suddenly our souls are connected. I love being with you."<!--んっ……お前と触れ合うと、何だか気持ちが良いな。ビリビリして、心が繋がっている感じがする。ああ、共にいるんだな。俺と……お前は。-->;"If you're feeling down, let's just both look up at the stars, okay? There's no reason to feel like you're alone. You'll always have those stars, and me, to keep you company. Chin up!"<!--落ち込んだ時は一緒に星を眺めよう。寂しくなんかない。たくさんの星も俺もいつも一緒だ。だから――顔を上げてくれ。な?-->;"Are you saying I'm too quick to believe what others say? You really think someone would do that? Just go around and tell lies? I don't think so... Not you, at least. Um, did I say something weird?"<!--人のいう事を信じすぎ、だと?だが、お前が俺に嘘をつくわけがないだろう?……ん、何か変な事を言ったか、俺は?-->;"I'm often told I'm terrible when it comes to reading the room. Is that a good thing or a bad thing, though? What do you think?"<!--俺は空気を読まないと、よく言われるが……それは悪い事なのだろうか?なあ、お前はどう思う?-->;このウェアは、俺のイメージでつくったそうだ。まさに今!俺はアメフトとひとつになった。この一体感、フィット感、気持ちいいぜ!;あの広いグラウンドの上に、俺は独りで立っていた。その孤独を繋いでくれた。お前のことを……俺はきっと、特別に想っている。;ああ、稲妻と共に、またあの熱い日々が来るんだ。俺とお前で、この手を繋いでこの夏だけの思い出を、俺と一緒に作ろうぜ!;"When all the games and practices are over, the next challenge is always just around the corner. So rest up, and then let's dart off and face whatever it is head on, okay?"<!--試合や練習が終わった時、次の挑戦がまた始まる。しっかり体を休めたら、また俺と一緒に駆け出そう。-->;"You got any materials to exchange, you bring them over to my guild. We'll forge the hell out of whatever you've got and make it better than ever! I guarantee it!"<!--素材を交換したら、儂らのギルドへ来るが良い。主らの得物、儂が手づから鍛え上げてやるぞう!-->;もう隻眼となって長いからのぉ……だが、見えずともわかるものもある。 そう! 筋肉さえあれば万事解決じゃ!;がっはっはっ、こんな爺でよければいつでも胸に飛び込んで来なぁ! どうだ、筋肉はいいもんじゃろう!;このすぅつというやつは窮屈で好かんぜ。こうやって動こうとするとよ、今にも……おお!? ほれ見ぃ。 ぼたんが飛びおったぁ。;がっはっはっ! ワシの晴れ姿に惚れたかよぉ? 生涯現役、筋肉最強を謳っとるこのワシじゃ。まだまだ若いもんには負けんぞ、おぉっ!;"It's fine that my apprentices take their jobs seriously, but sometimes I worry they tinker with their tools and gadgets a bit too much. I always hammered into them the importance of building strong muscles, so now that they got 'em, I wonder if I could get them to try blacksmithing for a change."<!--うちの小僧は真面目はいいが、機巧いじりにばかり目がいっとってな。よい筋肉に育った事じゃし鍛冶にも興味もたんかなあ。-->;"Anyone who would neglect their weapons is an absolute fool. How could I ever go easy on someone like that? Just like muscles, you use 'em or lose 'em, and I assure you a day will come they'll wish they had taken care of 'em! Constant maintenance, that's the key."<!--己が得物の手入れを怠る奴は許せんわい。いつか、酷いしっぺ返しをくらうだろうよ。筋肉も得物も、日々の世話が肝心かなめよ!-->;ああ、このスーツを仕立ててくれた嬢ちゃんか、技術も才覚も一流よ。だが足りねえもんがある。それは……挫折と、筋肉よ!;なにやら、いろいろ盛り上がっとるのう!ファッションショーはどうにも手が出な……何! ボディビルもやっとる!? 行くぞぉっ!;どいつもこいつも、ワシが手掛けた逸品どもよ。持っていけい! そして鍛えるがよかろう!;いらっしゃいませ、お客様。って、アンタかいお使い。ついでに 一息ついていきなよ。ここの飲み物はキラキラして……素敵だからさ。;ふん。中々に上等なのを拵えたもんだ。似合ってる? 当り前さ、このアタシだよ?着こなす度胸があれば充分。着物と同じさね。;ほら、背筋をピンと伸ばして! シャンとしなっ! いつだって、不敵な顔で笑うのさ。そしたら……幸運なんざ向こうから跳び込んでくるからね。;"Your hands are so rough and scarred, but your touch is so gentle. It's... kinda nice. If only you could've always been by my side, everything would've worked out. Life can be so unfair!"<!--アンタの手つき、傷だらけなのに優しいね…そういうのも嫌いじゃないよ。あ~あ、あんたがこっちの側なら楽だったのに。人生なんてままならないモンさね。ふふっ。-->;まったく、夜の帝王と来たら、ギルドは人任せ、学校はサボりがち。あげくにアタシをホストに? そろそろ……ヤキ、入れとこうかねえ。;あたしがちょっとビシッと決めたら、子分の連中が妙に騒ぎ立ててさ…おかしいかい?な、なぁアンタは…どう思うのさ;ふふふ~ふぃ~♪ って、きゃああっ!?なんだいその顔、鬼の攪乱見たようなツラでさ。アタシが新品下ろして浮かれちゃおかしいかい?;"Hey, would you look at that. I'm real busy with my games right now, though, yeah? So Imma just let my lackeys take care of the rest."<!--いろいろ集めてきたのであ~るな。我はゲームで忙しいのであ~るから、眷族たちに全部おまかせするのであ~る!-->;"Being wound up so tight ain't gonna do you any good. Sometimes you gotta let your lazy side loose, yeah? Just lie down and take a nap for an hour or five."<!--そーんなに気を張ったって、ダメな時はダメダメなのであーる。そんな時は惰眠をむさぼるが良いのであーる。-->;"It's not easy being stylish, yeah? But hey, now that we're all ready, let's go out together and enjoy some luxury dining. Good food is the best way I know of to recharge!"<!--まったく、きちんと着こなすのは大変であ~る。さ、これで準備万端、一緒にお出かけであ~る。ちょっと贅沢ごはんで、元気出すであ~る!-->;ニートがファッションショーのモデルに抜擢?そんなのは、ありえなさすぎるのであ~る。はあ…寝て起きたら夢にならないであ~るか…;アラクネちゃんにも、ほとほと困ったであ~る。服にも向き不向きがあってしかるべきであ~る。そんな強引なとこが、誰かを思いだして……あああ;ファッションショー?興味ないのであ~る。屋台が出てる?新作のハチミツスイーツも?何をしているであ~るか!行くであ~る!;"Huh? Whaddaya mean, rubbery? Of course they are. Now stop poking my lackeys, yeah? Y'know, the texture kinda grows on you after a while."<!--ぬ、ねばねばするだと?それは我の眷属、仕方ないのであ~る。慣れてくると、意外と気持ち良いのであ~る。-->;"When all you're doing is gaming, it doesn't matter what you wear. If you get it dirty, you take it off. Heck, just don't wear anything in the first place! Problem solved!"<!--ゲームするのに、服装は関係ないのであ~る。汚れたら脱ぐ。いっそ着なくてOKであ~る。-->;こーんな格好した旧支配者など、見たことないのであ~る。え、いつもの格好もらしくない? あれは我の個性だから、大丈夫なのであ~る。;支配者への貢物であ~るか。 今はおなかいっぱいだが、嬉しいのであ~る。御礼に、好きな物を持っていくといいのであ~る。
|text=Mode is the fashion trend that is yet to be. One must read the styles and predict how it shall all unfold. And to that end, the future shall be shaped by these hands!;Monsieur Gyumao was the first person to invest in my fashion—to believe in my future! As such, I have custom-tailored his suit by hand to the very highest of standards.;A lowly sinner such as I dreads even being reflected in the pupils of such a supreme being whose words bring such grace. I am but a tool to be used, unworthy of so much as a passing thought.;Were it not for this ceremony, it would not be permissible to touch me. I am but a tool; I am your spear. But now, and only now, let me feel your flames... your punishments.;Though it may be presumptuous of me, I do understand what it means to take pride in devoting one's everything to beauty. I take pride in my work as a torture specialist, after all.;To think even an outfit by the same person's hands can look so breathtaking when worn. I can only lament my own inexperience.;If you have committed a crime, do confess. I will set about torturing you until you have been absolved of your sins. It is the only value I can offer, and I offer it gladly.;Grant unto me unparalleled tribulation. I am no supreme being, yet I pass judgment upon others, so if I do not suffer the most of anyone, the scales will be forever out of balance.;I am intimately familiar with how one's duties can wear down the body and soul alike, and it is my determination that you are in great need of rest. I beg you heed this warning.;This body you see is but a mindless tool designed only to implement torture in accordance with the law. To suggest that a tool should have a will of its own is the height of folly.;Ngh! Please! I do not wish for you to show me such a gentle touch as that! I am but a simple tool. Please... Please, use me. Admonish me!;You may find yourself lost on numerous occasions when trekking through the flames—burnt by uncertainty, charred by regret... But I hope you will never doubt the sincerity of my wishes for you.;Though I never felt I could be by your side before, wearing this outfit has changed me a bit. It has provided a glimpse of the destination that awaits upon this journey I have undertaken.;Come, please. Allow me to show you the way. I pray you have a wonderful time.;I'd like for you to always remember this summer as it comes to a close, so you can one day remind me of this wistful feeling in the air.;If you're feeling down, I'll cry with you, just as long as you show me that sunny smile again afterward. Yeah, that's the one!;I don't get people who feel lonely. I mean, in this vast universe, we've all been lucky enough to meet up and forge bonds together, you know? Hmm, why's Ashigara looking at me funny?;You know, I like that approach to life: not just running, but always galloping forward. It really stirs something deep within me.;I think I've forgotten that all-encompassing sadness, even if a certain someone I know is still dreaming about it. All that remains of it, for me, are the lightning scars upon my chest.;It feels so good when we touch. It's like there's a static shock, and suddenly our souls are connected. I love being with you.;If you're feeling down, let's just both look up at the stars, okay? There's no reason to feel like you're alone. You'll always have those stars, and me, to keep you company. Chin up!;When all the games and practices are over, the next challenge is always just around the corner. So rest up, and then let's dart off and face whatever it is head on, okay?;My students've been following the lead of their seniors recently. Used to be, they'd follow my lead, but I think I was too soft on 'em! N-Not that I'm broken up about it or anything. Obviously!;Your hands are so rough and scarred, but your touch is so gentle. It's... kinda nice. If only you could've always been by my side, everything would've worked out. Life can be so unfair!;You know, I owe you some serious thanks for making me this super fly outfit. I've never felt more like a blossoming schoolgirl!;Would you believe folks used to, like, worship me? Honestly, the whole thing was just a pain in the ass. I skived off every chance I got. I'd rather just sleep all day.;Huh? Whaddaya mean, rubbery? Of course they are. Now stop poking my lackeys, yeah? Y'know, the texture kinda grows on you after a while.;When all you're doing is gaming, it doesn't matter what you wear. If you get it dirty, you take it off. Heck, just don't wear anything in the first place! Problem solved!;It's a pain in the bum to think about, but that nerdy kid with the book seems, like, familiar somehow. Maybe...? Nah, it's not worth the brain power.;That kid works, like, way too hard. That one's mother nagged me a lot. And that one... Ugh, I can't be bothered with this.  

Latest revision as of 15:12, 23 September 2022

Seaside Fashionista (2022 Re-Release)
News Link
Gacha August 12, 2022 20:00 to August 30, 2022 13:59
Main and Free Quests August 12, 2022 20:00 to August 30, 2022 13:59
Special Quests August 22, 2022 18:00 to August 30, 2022 13:59
High Difficulty Quests August 12, 2022 20:00 to August 30, 2022 13:59
Item Exchange August 12, 2022 20:00 to September 06, 2022 23:59

Event Details

The Fashionista event from 2019 will be rerunning for the event period! During this period, the main quest, free quest and HDQs will be released and fully localised in the game's supporting languages. Special quests will come later during the 22nd. The banner will also be rerun along with a new AR banner, both of which apply a boost in the event free quests. Just like the previous full event, all units with a swimsuit will also provide a boost.

Transients Rate AR Equipment Rate
Zabaniyya (Any card) 20 Tips on Clothing 30
Wakan Tanka (Any card) 20 "Welcome, Gems of the Night" 20
Amatsumara (Any card) 20 Hearty Singing 20
Tsathoggua (Any card) 20 Summertime Shower 10
Suzuka (Any card) 20
Arachne (Any card) 20
Protagonist (Any card) 20
Every unit with a swimsuit skin will also receive a [10%] bonus

The following skills also have skill evolutions:

Quest Details

Quest details for this event can be found here.

Item Exchange

Item Cost Total Stock Total Cost
Arachne Sticker Set x20 100 2000
Arachne Likes x250 21 5250
Photo Studio (Room) Sticker Set x20 1 20
Camera and Tripod (Wall) Sticker Set x20 1 20
Photography Equipment (Floor) Sticker Set x20 1 20
Studio Lighting (Hang) Sticker Set x20 1 20
TOKYO MODE COLLECTION Sticker Set x20 1 20
Magazine Cover Title Sticker Set x20 1 20
Magazine Cover Text 1 Sticker Set x20 1 20
Magazine Cover Text 2 Sticker Set x20 1 20
Lesser HP Seed Likes x160 3 480
HP Seed Likes x350 3 1050
Greater HP Seed Likes x700 3 2100
Lesser ATK Seed Sticker Set x160 3 480
ATK Seed Sticker Set x350 3 1050
Greater ATK Seed Sticker Set x700 3 2100
Greater HP Blossom Likes x1500 3 4500
Greater ATK Blossom Sticker Set x1500 3 4500
G Water Boost Likes x25 150 3750
G Aether Boost Likes x25 300 7500
G Infernal Boost Likes x25 240 6000
G Valiant Boost Likes x25 240 6000
G World Boost Likes x25 240 6000
G All-round Boost Likes x100 150 15000
Warrior Soul G Sticker Set x100 200 20000
Water Spell Token Likes x15 100 1500
Aether Spell Token Likes x15 150 2250
Infernal Spell Token Likes x15 150 2250
Valiant Spell Token Likes x15 100 1500
World Spell Token Likes x15 100 1500
Water Shard Sticker Set x15 10 150
Aether Shard Sticker Set x15 20 300
Infernal Shard Sticker Set x15 15 225
Valiant Shard Sticker Set x15 10 150
World Shard Sticker Set x15 10 150
Water Crystal Likes x50 10 500
Aether Crystal Likes x50 20 1000
Infernal Crystal Likes x50 15 750
Valiant Crystal Likes x50 10 500
World Crystal Likes x50 10 500
Water Energy Cluster Sticker Set x200 10 2000
Aether Energy Cluster Sticker Set x200 20 4000
Infernal Energy Cluster Sticker Set x200 15 3000
Valiant Energy Cluster Sticker Set x200 10 2000
World Energy Cluster Sticker Set x200 10 2000
Preliminary Thrust Crest Likes x150 5 750
Preliminary Blow Crest Likes x150 5 750
Preliminary Shot Crest Likes x150 10 1500
Preliminary Magic Crest Likes x150 5 750
Preliminary Snipe Crest Likes x150 5 750
Preliminary None Crest Likes x150 5 750
Thrust Crest Sticker Set x250 5 1250
Blow Crest Sticker Set x250 5 1250
Shot Crest Sticker Set x250 10 2500
Magic Crest Sticker Set x250 5 1250
Snipe Crest Sticker Set x250 5 1250
None Crest Sticker Set x250 5 1250
Forget-Me-Not Likes x500 10 5000
Forget-Me-Not Sticker Set x500 10 5000
Honor Medallion Likes x400 15 6000
Honor Medallion Sticker Set x400 15 6000
AR Token Likes x100 50 5000
AR Token Sticker Set x100 50 5000
Ally Points Likes x50 200 10000
Ally Points Sticker Set x50 200 10000
Coin Likes -1 -1
Coin Sticker Set -1 -1


Click to change characters
モードきらめくアタシのお店へようこそ! よく素材を集めてくれましたわネ。どうぞ御礼をお持ちになって?

Transient Summon

Seaside Fashionista (2021 Re-Release).png

Seaside Fashionista AR Equipment Summon.png


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No. 14144
31 months ago
Score 0++
It is so sad that they reduced the challenges to daily-level with that ancient basic music. I mean not sad for actually clearing them, sad thematically because I will never forget that grande finale with phase one Pret-a-porter side and then you reach phase two and suddenly TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER
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