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Base Skills that use the After Attacking timing, id range 1601+.
Self | Allies | Enemies |
+ |
Distant Beacon (Apply Attack Reduction) Teda Teda Dragon Tamer (Push left) Nezha Nezha Mt. Daisetsu Dweller (Apply Nullify Debuff) Horkeu Kamui Daughter of the Fourth Heaven (Apply Crit+) Suzuka Daughter of the Fourth Heaven (Increase CP) Suzuka Cloistered Boss (Apply Regeneration) Gyobu Filial Dog Warrior (Apply Remove Debuff) Moritaka Filial Dog Warrior (Increase HP) Moritaka Filial Dog Warrior (Increase CP) Moritaka Nurturer of Love and Mercy (Apply Nourishment) Kimun Kamui Nurturer of Love and Mercy (Apply Protection) Kimun Kamui Retainer of the Deep Snow (Increase CP) Kimun Kamui River Splasher (Push right) Moritaka (Jamboree) Floor Controller (Apply Crit) Hephaestus (Summer) Drama Queen (Increase CP) Hombre Tigre (Summer) Undersea Reveler (Increase HP) Aegir Inimitable Illusionist (Increase CP) Cait Sith Double Disher (Apply Weapon Change (Magic)) Licho (Festival) Sagacious Elucidator (Increase CP) Furufumi (Festival) Prayer Utterer (Apply Nourishment) Marduk Prayer Venerator (Apply Nourishment) Marduk Prayer Venerator (Increase CP) Marduk Vampire (Increase CP) Ellie Vampire (Increase HP) Ellie Esteemed Vampire (Increase CP) Ellie Esteemed Vampire (Increase HP) Ellie Stagehand (Apply Vigor) Ziz (Christmas) Thrustbuster (Apply Weapon Change (Thrust)) MacRoich Thread Needler (Apply Weapon Change (Snipe)) MacRoich Asura Pounder (Increase CP) Durga (Nightmare) Slick Artisan (Apply Unction) Kurogane Oily Artisan (Apply Unction) Kurogane Soaring Snatcher (Push) Nodens Metal-Armed Menace (Increase CP) Nodens Aerial Abductor (Push) Nodens Radiant Master of the Silver Arm (Increase CP) Nodens Inspired by Promises (Increase HP) Astaroth Inspired by Promises (Apply DEF Up) Astaroth Pain Consumer (Increase HP) Oguchi Magami Oguchi Magami Menders of Anguish (Apply Remove Debuff) Shiva (Summer) Menders of Anguish (Increase CP) Shiva (Summer) Mountain Stream Sightseer (Increase CP) Arachne (Summer) Star-Chaser's Fire (Apply Blessing) Zabaniyya (Fashionista) Radiantly Enchanted (Apply Tenacity) Alp (Halloween) Crisis-Detection Expert (Apply Melee Defense) Ose (Christmas) Prepared One (Apply Combo) Ose (Christmas) Beltane Illusionist (Increase CP) Cait Sith Indulger of Light (Decrease CP) Balor (Valentine) Red Dragon Sorcerer (Increase CP) Itzamna (Valentine) Contrarian (Decrease HP) Barong Self Contradiction (Decrease HP) Barong Affectionate Great Bear (Apply Nourishment) Kimun Kamui Affectionate Great Bear (Apply Protection) Kimun Kamui Smoke Jumper (Apply Nullify Debuff) Ulaanbaatar Rappelling Firefighter (Apply Nullify Debuff) Ulaanbaatar Trainees in Agony (Increase CP) Shiva (Summer) Trainees in Agony (Apply Remove Debuff) Shiva (Summer) Straightforward One (Apply Ardor) Yamasachihiko (Pool) Summernight Laborer (Apply Weapon Change (Slash)) Heracles (Pool) Lion Wrestler (Apply Limit) Heracles (Pool) Lion Wrestler (Apply Arousal) Heracles (Pool) Drawer of Clear Streams (Apply Tenacity) Heracles (Pool) Shadow Stylist (Increase CP) Arachne Nighttime Attacker (Apply Crit+) Kresnik (Halloween) Nighttime Attacker (Apply Crit) Kresnik (Halloween) Midfielder (Increase CP) Ixbalanque Field Noble (Increase CP) Ixbalanque Beastly Samalian King (Increase HP) Ahab Endgame (Increase CP) Bigfoot Folklore Terminus (Increase CP) Bigfoot School Hopper (Increase HP) Girimekra Enduring Exchange Student (Increase HP) Girimekra Tracker (Apply Remove Debuff) Yoritomo (Valentine) The Director (Increase CP) Oscar Last Act Director (Increase CP) Oscar Superhuman (Apply Protection) Ahura Mazda Eternal Recurrence Superhuman (Apply Protection) Ahura Mazda Original Supreme Judge (Increase CP) Ahura Mazda Huge Kaiju Actor (Increase CP) Cipactli Chainsaw-Wielder in Summer Clothes (Apply Remove Debuff) Boogeyman (Summer) Expedition Leader of the Unexplored (Apply Crit+) MacRoich (Summer) One With Support (Apply Crit++ Resistance) Maria (Seaside) Pursuing Estrella (Increase CP) Hombre Tigre (Summer) Summer-Maned Lion King (Increase CP) Arsalan (Summer) Summer-Maned Lion King (Apply Remove Debuff) Arsalan (Summer) Summer-Maned Lion King (Apply Concentration) Arsalan (Summer) Bestowed Green Sword User (Apply Unction) Arsalan (Summer) Flaming Summer's Forged Creature (Apply Tenacity) Gullinbursti (Summer) Childish Egotist (Apply Anchor) Masashi Egotistic Boy Detective (Apply Anchor) Masashi Idle Descender (Apply Anchor) Ulaanbaatar (Christmas) Fellow Traveler (Apply Unction) Ganglie (Christmas) Future Zhu Bajie (Increase HP) Ganglie (Christmas) Future Zhu Bajie (Apply Nullify Debuff) Ganglie (Christmas) One Who Sees the Future (Apply Glint) Tuaring (Christmas) Oni Law Agent (Apply Remove Debuff) Toji (Valentine) Wreath Weaver (Increase CP) Hippolytus Hippolytus Rooftop Proclaimer (Increase HP) Taishakuten (Valentine) Dream-drawing Doujin Artist (Apply Protection) Kuniyoshi (Nightmare) Royally Swamped Miracle Worker (Increase CP) Jambavan (Nightmare) Great Outdoors Sound Engineer (Apply Reflect Debuff) Echo Retainer of the Deep Snow (Increase CP) Kimun Kamui Hunter of the Snowfields (Increase CP) Kimun Kamui Neck Holder (Decrease HP) Y'golonac Neck Holding Host (Decrease HP) Y'golonac Dancer of the Three Swords (Apply Remove Debuff) Suzuka Seal Breaker (Apply Remove Debuff) Shiro Gatekeeping Viceregal (Apply Remove Debuff) Shiro Muncher (Increase HP) Kenta Munching Inugami (Increase HP) Kenta Bringing Back Childhood (Apply Nullify Debuff) Korpokkur (Christmas) Child-Doting Space Ranger (Increase CP) Korpokkur (Christmas)
| Ball of Energy (Apply Ardor) Teda Mass of Energy (Apply Ardor) Teda Mt. Daisetsu Dweller (Apply Nullify Debuff) Horkeu Kamui Cloistered Boss (Apply Regeneration) Gyobu The Chosen One (Apply Remove Debuff) The Hero The Hero Filial Dog Warrior (Apply Remove Debuff) Moritaka Bringer of Blessings (Apply Nourishment) Kimun Kamui Bringer of Blessings (Apply Protection) Kimun Kamui Nurturer of Love and Mercy (Apply Protection) Kimun Kamui Nurturer of Love and Mercy (Apply Nourishment) Kimun Kamui Retainer of the Deep Snow (Increase HP) Kimun Kamui Sworn Ally (Apply Vigor) Shiro (Jamboree) Journeyer Toward Enlightenment (Increase HP) Aizen (Jamboree) Predators to Maturity (Apply Nourishment) Fire Ciramantep Water Ciramantep Wood Ciramantep Aether Ciramantep Nether Ciramantep Infernal Ciramantep Valiant Ciramantep World Ciramantep Floor Controller (Apply Crit) Hephaestus (Summer) Medicine Bomb (Increase HP) Shennong (Summer) Prayer Venerator (Apply Nourishment) Marduk Rose Smeller (Apply Crit) Yasuyori (Christmas) Stagehand (Apply Vigor) Ziz (Christmas) Tricky Tanuki (Apply Distribute Buff) Goemon Slick Artisan (Apply Unction) Kurogane Oily Artisan (Apply Unction) Kurogane Metal-Armed Menace (Increase CP) Nodens Metal-Armed Menace (Apply Remove Debuff) Nodens Radiant Master of the Silver Arm (Increase CP) Nodens Radiant Master of the Silver Arm (Apply Remove Debuff) Nodens Lonely Illuminator (Push) Cthugha (Nightglows) Star-Chaser's Fire (Apply Blessing) Zabaniyya (Fashionista) Inciter (Apply Vigor) Daikoku (Hot Paradise) Inciter (Apply Glint) Daikoku (Hot Paradise) Radiantly Enchanted (Apply Tenacity) Alp (Halloween) Radiantly Enchanted (Increase CP) Alp (Halloween) Radiantly Enchanted (Increase HP) Alp (Halloween) The Great Elusive Phantom Thief (Increase CP) Jiraiya (Christmas) Sharp-Eyed Spy (Increase HP) Ose (Christmas) Agitator in the Shadows (Increase CP) Licht Cornered Demagogue (Increase CP) Licht Hopeful Minstrel (Increase CP) Cait Sith (Valentine) Hopeful Minstrel (Apply Remove Debuff) Cait Sith (Valentine) Soothsayer (Apply Evasion) Itzamna (Valentine) Affectionate Great Bear (Apply Protection) Kimun Kamui Affectionate Great Bear (Apply Nourishment) Kimun Kamui Rappelling Firefighter (Apply Nullify Debuff) Ulaanbaatar Rappelling Firefighter (Apply Remove Debuff) Ulaanbaatar Surprised by the Splash (Apply Ardor) Yamasachihiko (Pool) Lion Wrestler (Apply Arousal) Heracles (Pool) Lion Wrestler (Apply Limit) Heracles (Pool) Drawer of Clear Streams (Apply Protection) Heracles (Pool) Drawer of Clear Streams (Apply Tenacity) Heracles (Pool) Shadow Stylist (Apply Glint) Arachne Shadow Stylist (Increase CP) Arachne Prominentizor (Apply Glint) Arachne Prominentizor (Increase CP) Arachne Grandmaster of the Three Iga Ninjas (Apply Spread Buffs) Sandayu (Halloween) Midfielder (Increase CP) Ixbalanque Field Noble (Increase CP) Ixbalanque Beastly Samalian King (Increase HP) Ahab Endgame (Increase CP) Bigfoot Folklore Terminus (Increase CP) Bigfoot Sightless Seer (Increase HP) Jacob (Valentine) Faith Orb Dog Warrior (Apply Crit) Nobumichi Isolated Superior (Push) Cthugha (Nightglows) Superhuman (Apply Protection) Ahura Mazda Eternal Recurrence Superhuman (Apply Protection) Ahura Mazda Expedition Leader of the Unexplored (Apply Crit+) MacRoich (Summer) Summer-Maned Lion King (Apply Remove Debuff) Arsalan (Summer) Summer-Maned Lion King (Apply Concentration) Arsalan (Summer) Bestowed Green Sword User (Apply Unction) Arsalan (Summer) Nochebuena Shepherd (Apply Increased Recovery) Ziz (Christmas) Out of Control War Weapon (Apply Crit) Nezha Childish Egotist (Apply Anchor) Masashi Egotistic Boy Detective (Apply Anchor) Masashi Spitting Image of Yatsufusa (Increase HP) Masashi Idle Descender (Apply Anchor) Ulaanbaatar (Christmas) Fellow Traveler (Apply Unction) Ganglie (Christmas) Future Zhu Bajie (Apply Nullify Debuff) Ganglie (Christmas) One Who Sees the Future (Apply Glint) Tuaring (Christmas) Oni Law Agent (Apply Remove Debuff) Toji (Valentine) Rooftop Proclaimer (Increase HP) Taishakuten (Valentine) Retainer of the Deep Snow (Increase HP) Kimun Kamui Hunter of the Snowfields (Increase HP) Kimun Kamui Supreme One (Apply Blessing) Michael The Four Supreme Archangels (Apply Blessing) Michael Seal Breaker (Apply Remove Debuff) Shiro Gatekeeping Viceregal (Apply Remove Debuff) Shiro Reward Giver (Increase HP) Hastur (Christmas) Bringing Back Childhood (Apply Nullify Debuff) Korpokkur (Christmas) Passion Dancer (Apply Nullify Debuff) Tomte (Valentine)
| Assassin (Apply Remove Buff) Tanetomo Tanetomo Devourer of the Strong+ (Apply Buff Reversal) Licht (Valentine) Judgement Dealer (Apply Stigma) Zabaniyya Hierarchophant (Apply Curse) Bael Hierarchophant (Apply Oppression) Bael Hierarchophant (Apply Weakness) Bael Dragon Tamer (Push right) Nezha Nezha Bodhisattva+ (Apply Obstruct) Hanuman (Journey) Death Bringer (Apply Countdown) Cu Sith Death Howler (Apply Countdown) Cu Sith Thundering Pep Squad (Apply Ardor) Nobuharu (Festival) Thundering Pep Squad (Apply Paralysis) Nobuharu (Festival) The Chosen One (Apply Remove Buff) The Hero The Hero Fiery Spirit (Apply Burn) Orgus Lugger (Apply Break) Yamasachihiko Lugger (Pull) Yamasachihiko Fish Reeler (Apply Break) Yamasachihiko Fish Reeler (Pull) Yamasachihiko Enthralling Dance (Apply Charm) Shennong (Summer) Enthralling Dance (Apply Dazzle) Shennong (Summer) Heavenly Sweeper (Apply Dazzle) Algernon (Summer) Heavenly Sweeper (Apply Charm) Algernon (Summer) Undersea Celebrant (Apply Fear) Aegir Burning Genie (Apply Conflagration) Ifrit (Make Sail) Burning Genie (Apply Burn) Ifrit (Make Sail) Fallen Abstraction (Apply Nullify Buff) Tsathoggua Jade Lion King (Apply Unction Weakening) Arsalan Seafaring Adept (Apply Remove all buffs) Eita Seafaring Adept (Apply Weakness) Eita Illusionist (Apply Dazzle) Cait Sith Cat Conjurer (Decrease CP) Cait Sith Inimitable Illusionist (Apply Dazzle) Cait Sith Whisker Whisperer (Decrease CP) Cait Sith Double Disher (Apply Weapon Change (None)) Licho (Festival) Double Disher (Apply Weakness) Licho (Festival) Celestial Sunderer (Push right) Marduk Prayer Utterer (Apply Curse) Marduk Celestial Ravager (Push right) Marduk Prayer Venerator (Apply Curse) Marduk Red Hot Santa (Apply Burn) Ded (Christmas) Play Shepherd (Apply Charm) Ziz (Christmas) Thundering Runner (Apply Weakness) Kengo Beaconing Pugilist (Apply Paralysis) Pollux (Christmas) Dual Handler (Apply Break) MacRoich Dual Demagogue (Apply Break) MacRoich Tricky Tanuki (Apply Remove Buff) Goemon Tricky Tanuki (Apply Duplicate Debuff (for inflicting skills)) Goemon Tricky Tanuki (Apply Remove Debuff) Goemon Tricky Tanuki (Apply Distribute Debuff) Goemon Tricky Tanuki (Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills)) Goemon Frontier Settler (Push left) Babe Bunyan Babe Bunyan Aggressor (Apply Possession) Masanori Volkh Vseslav Revolutioneer (Apply Buff Reversal) Masanori Samsara Scholar (Apply Oppression) Masanori Soul Invader (Apply Possession) Masanori Soul Invader (Apply Weapon Change (Long Slash)) Masanori Soul Invader (Apply Doubt) Masanori Brutal Revolutionary (Apply Buff Reversal) Masanori Reliable Roper (Pull) Akiha Gongen Safety Snarer (Pull) Akiha Gongen Snarling at Reality (Apply Nullify Buff) Kuniyoshi (Nightmare) Lightning Grappler (Apply Paralysis) Nodens Lightning Seizer (Apply Paralysis) Nodens Lonely Illuminator (Push) Cthugha (Nightglows) Flash of Speed (Apply Oppression) Cthugha (Nightglows) Laser Shooter (Apply Darkness) Breke (Nightglows) Beast of the Labyrinth (Apply Fear) Asterius Duelist (Apply Remove Buff) Fuxi Duelist of the End (Apply Remove Buff) Fuxi Skin Barer (Apply Buff Removal on Hit) Tajikarao (Summer) Aquatic Model (Apply Dazzle) Arachne (Summer) Flame Finder (Apply Conflagration) Zhurong Zhurong Seeker of Aurora (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Zhurong Zhurong Seeker of Aurora (Decrease CP, CP steal) Zhurong Zhurong Shrouded Embodiment (Apply Remove Debuff) Daikoku (Hot Paradise) Shrouded Embodiment (Apply Curse Resistance) Daikoku (Hot Paradise) Moonlight Basker (Apply Possession) Toji (Halloween) Representative of Ice (Decrease HP) Korpokkur Representative of Ice (Apply Freeze (Stackable 1)) Korpokkur Representative of Ice (Apply Freeze (Stackable 2)) Korpokkur Representative of Ice (Apply Freeze (Stackable 3)) Korpokkur Representative of Ice (Apply Freeze (Stackable 4)) Korpokkur Beltane Illusionist (Apply Dazzle) Cait Sith Icy Gazer (Apply Fear) Boogeyman Boogeyman Lamenter (Decrease CP, CP steal) Israfil Lamourenter (Decrease CP, CP steal) Israfil Occult Researcher (Apply Curse) Hecate Hecate Occult Researcher (Apply Fatal Poison) Hecate Hecate Wishful Bloomer (Decrease CP, CP steal) Tadatomo (Main Story) Frightening One (Apply Fear) Gorozaemon Frightening One (Apply Break) Gorozaemon Frightening Great Youkai (Apply Break) Gorozaemon Frightening Great Youkai (Apply Fear) Gorozaemon Summernight Laborer (Pull) Heracles (Pool) Achiever of Labors (Apply Curse) Heracles (Pool) Restraining One (Decrease CP, CP steal) Tindalos (Summer) Esoteric One (Apply Weapon Change (Blow)) Sphinx Masked Inquisitor (Apply Flat Damage Strengthening) Sphinx Esoteric Puzzle King (Apply Weapon Change (Blow)) Sphinx Night Runner (Apply Evasion Resistance) Sandayu (Halloween) Night Runner (Apply Drain) Sandayu (Halloween) Star Reader (Apply Distribute All Debuffs) Tsukuyomi (Halloween) Star Reader (Apply Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills)) Tsukuyomi (Halloween) Star Reader (Apply Remove all debuffs) Tsukuyomi (Halloween) Lifesucker (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Ellie (Halloween) Queen of Butterflies (Apply Regeneration) Ellie (Halloween) Queen of Butterflies (Apply Madness) Ellie (Halloween) Nocturnal Schoolgirl (Apply Darkness Weakening) Ellie (Halloween) Immesurable One (Apply Confusion) Zhurong (Christmas) Splintered Lone Wolf (Apply Remove Buff) Bertro (Christmas) Burned at the Stake (Apply Stigma) Arc Sin-bearer (Apply Stigma) Arc Aspirator (Decrease CP, CP steal) Girimekra Insufflating Mount (Decrease CP, CP steal) Girimekra Sightless Seer (Apply Blessing) Jacob (Valentine) Snow Melter (Apply Latent Remove Buff Before Being Hit) Shinya (Valentine) Stone-Faced Stoic (Decrease CP) Tanetomo (Valentine) Reptile Tamer (Apply Crit Resistance) Pazuzu Pazuzu Restrictor (Apply Remove Buff) Nobumichi Heavenly Net Wielder (Apply Remove Buff) Nobumichi Audio Specialist (Decrease HP) Amduscias Yesteryear's Audio Specialist (Decrease HP) Amduscias The Masked (Decrease CP) Oscar The Veiled (Decrease CP) Oscar Scarred-Back Wanderer (Apply Combo) Gurangatch DNA Drinker (Apply Confusion) Yuma Isolated Superior (Push) Cthugha (Nightglows) The Path (Decrease HP) Tianzun Monk of the Infinite Path (Decrease HP) Tianzun All In (Apply Fear) Beowulf All In on the Battlefield (Apply Fear) Beowulf Missing (Decrease HP, Lifesteal) Missing ∀ Missing ∞ Missing Φ Missing (Decrease CP, CP steal) Missing ∀ Missing ∞ Missing Φ Wild Dancer Panda (Apply Charm) Alp Wild Dancer Panda (Apply Confusion) Alp Wild Dancer (Apply Charm) Alp Two-Faced (Apply Duplicate Buff) MacRoich (Summer) Two-Faced (Apply Remove Buff) MacRoich (Summer) One With Support (Decrease HP) Maria (Seaside) Dragging Big Bro (Pull) Yamasachihiko Sky Survey Buddy (Apply Dazzle) Algernon (Summer) Sky Survey Buddy (Apply Charm) Algernon (Summer) Ointment Soaker (Decrease CP) Arsalan (Summer) Stomach Filler (Apply CP-dependent ATK Down and DEF Down on Turn Start) Behemoth (Summer) Stomach Filler (Apply CS Lock) Behemoth (Summer) Stomach Filler (Apply Immobility) Behemoth (Summer) Sweltering Southern Santa (Apply Burn) Ded (Christmas) Nochebuena Shepherd (Apply Charm) Ziz (Christmas) Beast Path Gangster (Apply Decrease HP On Miss) Gyobu Childish Egotist (Apply Nullify Buff) Masashi Egotistic Boy Detective (Apply Nullify Buff) Masashi Lazy Inspector (Decrease CP) Ganglie (Christmas) Pure of Heart (Apply Curse) Hippolytus Unspoiled Auriga (Apply Curse) Hippolytus Unspoiled Auriga (Apply Obstruct) Hippolytus Waiting for Everyone (Decrease CP, CP steal) Hei Long Yi Quan Everyone's Loyal Dog (Decrease CP, CP steal) Hei Long Yi Quan Chick Trainer (Apply Weapon Change (Slash)) Raven Arthur Colorful Photographer (Apply Burn) Zhurong Great Outdoors Sound Engineer (Apply Fear) Echo Tireless One (Apply Guts Resistance) Barong (Host) Mask Bearer (Apply Possession) Christine Masquerader (Apply Possession) Christine Three-Way Ninjutsu User (Apply Bind) Jiraiya Gloomy Throne of Emptiness (Apply Confusion) Azathoth (Halloween) Watching Over Growth (Apply Nullify Buff) Korpokkur (Christmas) Holy Night's Bad Teacher (Apply Fear) Tianzun (Christmas) Samsara Scholar (Apply Oppression) Masanori Samsara Genius (Apply Oppression) Masanori Talented Mood Maker (Apply Charm) Tomte (Valentine)