Category:Wood transients

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Below is a list of all Wood cards currently in the game.

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 50ATK at Lv 50Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Wood-O'-Lantern Magic1005045503525Fey Folk Pumpkin Thrower Mischief Maker HaunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngTrick or Treat!
Wood Pirate Thrust984248893249Seafarer Swimmer Pack Leader Conformity CrusherWeapon Spread Magic.pngStormy Pillage
Wood Maid Long Slash1008048003290Sweeper Expeller Cleanser Deep CleanerWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngHousekeeping
Wood Angel Thrust705245463565Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Green Wolf Thrust1254355642520Blood of the Beast Guard Adept Sacrificial Defender GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst
Green Slime Blow762454372611Poisoner Amorphous Lifeform Gourmand DissolverWeapon Spread Blow.pngCharge Knock-back
Green Ninja Shot794846903402Poisoner Fearless Ninja BinderWeapon Spread Magic.pngWoodflight Jutsu
Green Ghost Magic1173750593021Wraith Sacrifice The Cursed RoamerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Thurst
Green Fencer Slash824750902972Berserker Parry Adept Knightly One Deflect AdeptWeapon Spread Slash.pngCharge Slash
Green Devil Shot795051902877Tailed Demon Fear Incarnate Roamer The UnboundWeapon Spread Shot.pngCharge Shoot
Earth Mage Magic784852892774Researcher Reflect Adept Savior Seal BreakerWeapon Spread Magic.pngCharge Magic

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 55ATK at Lv 55Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
サンドドラゴン Thrust1469461652484Imitation Sandstone Golem Burned Into Memory One Who Crumbles At DawnWeapon Spread Shot.pngSunburn
Wood Valkyrie Magic784858213052Heavenly Messenger The Abandoned Shape Shifter Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngAurora Armor
Wood Senri Slash1419952553394Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Wood Mobster Snipe15010050273902Supporter Danger Spotter Cooperator BackupWeapon Spread Snipe.pngParalyzing Shot
Wood Merman Shot15910947744201Swimmer Sacrifice Guard Breaker Deep DiverWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWater Cannon
Wood Mermaid Magic1755058893062Artist Sacrifice Ship Sinker Flow DiverterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSiren's Call
Wood Jiangshi Thrust2307059722704Stiff-limbed Lifeless One Shadow Stalker Tagged with a TalismanWeapon Spread Thrust.pngHollow Ring Moon
Wood Giant Blow13410648113838Giant Persistor Fearless AdvancerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngMarch of the Giants
Wood Einherjar Slash824756023271Immortal Fearless The Indomitable ChildWeapon Spread Thrust.pngWar Cry
Wood Deity Blow2349862742791Magnetic Force Cloudy Dreamer Distant One Haloed OneWeapon Spread Blow.pngJudgment
Wood Ciramantep Slash12211850803568Givers and Takers of Menace Predators to Maturity Morning Marcher DisparagersWeapon Spread Slash.pngBear Claw
Wood Baron None2305072671676Ruler Instigator Taskmaster Manifesto MakerWeapon Spread Blow.pngPunishment
Wood Alchemist Blow2428539225041Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Green Yaksha Blow775557673110Frightful Imp Lawbreaker Strutting Sprite Punishing PixieWeapon Spread Blow.pngオーガホーン
Green Wraith Shot13810255483100Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Green Trooper Shot13011051003548Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Green Trickster Magic11812251763473Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
Green Tribe Thrust12411554313493Islander Gardener Anointed One Citizen of DeathWeapon Spread Thrust.pngTribal Secret Mystery
Green Ranger Long Slash11013046234026Range Finder Hardsheller Warmonger InsectoidWeapon Spread Snipe.pngArmored Tactics
Green Ogre Thrust1565258593055Poisoner Ogre Brethren Berserker DefenderWeapon Spread Thrust.pngCharge Thurst
Green Nightgaunt Slash11512553303318Swarming Aggressor Sanity Defiler Tickler Abyssal ScurrierWeapon Spread Slash.pngUFO Abduction
Green Luchador Blow1706059722947Warmonger Jungle Jumper Midnight Mister Spreader of LunacyWeapon Spread Thrust.pngTécnica Favorita
Green Livestreamer Shot12412645744079App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
Green Drone Pilot None12212851523501Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
Green Camouflager None10913153523297Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Green Agent Snipe13510554663182Disentangler Systemic Executor Digital Receiver Signal DividerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngDigital Rewrite
Emerald Scaled Wyvern Thrust18210749873971Dragonborn Incinerator Winged One Mountain DwellerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBreath Weapon

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 60ATK at Lv 60Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao Blow32928164673959Mountain Dweller Vanguard Adamantite Mountain MoghulWeapon Spread Shot.pngFoothill PurificationThird-Eye Chakra
Yasuyori Slash49910160873785Bough Shaker Font of Vitality Spiritual Dog Warrior Dancer with DeathWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngCutting to the Soul of the ProblemBlade of Falling Leaves
Yamasachihiko Shot31228860043868Swordsmanship Expert Lugger Luck Changer StackerWeapon Spread Shot.pngWily Mountain Ocean EnvyMountain Majesty
Xolotl Shot68425375862555Gardener Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Blow.pngLost in FoliageTwisted Bastion
Wakan Tanka Thrust51421961423775Athlete Persistor Tagalong LiberatorWeapon Spread Blow.pngThe Captain Paves the WayRed Road
Volos Thrust52614973942634Peacemaker Gardener Sprouter Sower of PlentyWeapon Spread Shot.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Temujin Shot39620361773695Blood of the Beast Pursuer Avenger MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngRaining Tears of ArrowsWisdom of the Mani Khan
Taurus Mask Blow39720367813093Artist Athlete Seal Breaker StarshineWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRoom-Dividing BullCorona Borealis
Tangaroa Thrust44522962103701Island Guardian Great Creator Dragonborn ForefatherWeapon Spread Magic.pngBloody Mountains And RiversLumia Kanaloa
Tajikarao Thrust42616460114106Head of Festivities Whistle-blower Way-farer GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngHeavenly Gate CrasherMountain Mover
Sol Blow28931167313140Healing Thaumaturgist Protector Demolisher Priest of LifeWeapon Spread Magic.pngLast Thanks at Lightning SpeedSage's Staff
Shuichi Slash40419766603509Researcher Farseer Masquerader Seer of the PastWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Favor to My Beloved BrotherRecord of Nineveh
Shennong Thrust44615462763595Poisoner Antibody Generator Propagator of Plenty Bearer of the FlagWeapon Spread Magic.pngDoctor's Dozen DistractionsDoctor's Orders
Ryota Magic40819270883084Fortune Dealer Gourmand Sower of Plenty Miracle WorkerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPre-Meal Good HarvestUltimate Supper
Qinglong Blow5029874872384Youth Parole Officer Mentor Tai-Chi Adept Dragon of FortuneWeapon Spread Blow.pngSix Merits of the Dragon SpellProtection of the Sage Dragon
Oz Blow41019065093363Blood of the Beast Hesitant Recluse Courageous Coward Twin-Hearted LionWeapon Spread Magic.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Nyarlathotep Blow40120162993569Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Roamer The AbyssalWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Bizarre MistakesCrawling Chaos
Nobuharu Blow40220062413331Athlete Head of Festivities Morale Raiser King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Magic.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Marduk Snipe29930162003672Celestial Sunderer Dragon Tamer Prayer Utterer Geyser BlasterWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWeakening Opening Light from WithinVeil of Amar Utu
Macan Blow40219861813689Berserker Blood of the Beast Immortal Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngPossession By Mad TigerMad Tiger
Leib Shot41520064873391Life Replacer In Beast's Clothing Prayer Dauber Great Tree's StrengthWeapon Spread Shot.pngResuscitation by the Tree EnvoyBlood of the Alder
Kurogane Shot54523168523516Inventor Slick Artisan Weakness Spotter Limit BreakerWeapon Spread Shot.pngMechanized MasterpieceConstruct of the Gods
Kuniyoshi Magic39620361803693Artist Researcher Dreamer Beast HunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngMoving Along as Wills DecideAuto-substantiation
Krampus Slash30130856654232Hero Defender of Justice The Cursed The MisfortunateWeapon Spread Slash.pngBells of Certain PunishmentToll of the Wildebell
Kijimuna Thrust56615368093421Islander Flowerer Swimmer Earth EaterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSwaying Grove of Blessed TreesBanyan Haka
Ikutoshi Blow40520461833696Berserker Child Storm Dancer Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Blow.pngGreat Ruthless SkillsDwarven Changeling
Hombre Tigre Blow34028054334446Warmonger Agile Wrestler War Crier GrapplerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngFree-Flying Tiger's FangCrouching Tiger, Leaping Jaguar
Hogen Slash32026358774008Duality Wielder Mountain Dweller Winged One SwordmasterWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngSix Swords, Three StrategiesBlade of Stratagem
Hippolytus Shot35524556784194Mossbed Pure of Heart Wreath Weaver IdeologueWeapon Spread Shot.pngPure and Chaste InnocentBastion of Chastity
Hastur Thrust48022065053406Master of Winds Disaster Marker Cloaked in Yellow DefilerWeapon Spread All.pngCreeping Plague Across the WorldYellow King's Sign
Gyobu Magic41215366093257Cloudy Dreamer Lawbreaker Blood of the Beast Life GiverWeapon Spread Magic.pngOld Tanuki TransformationMaster of Deceit
Furufumi None44420081841705Scribe of Prophecy Catastrophe Auger Salvation Herald Archive WalkerWeapon Spread All.pngCentury Verse ReturnCenturies of Nostradamus
Echo Blow48211866883184Reiterator Shaker Devoted Sweetheart AdorerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngDrunk on Heartbroken TearsLove is Blind!
Cu Sith Blow39919664213450Blood of the Beast Fey Folk The Abandoned Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Mount Breaks StringsThird Howling
Claus None33526563373534Country's Ruler Conferring One Replacing One SurvivorWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrotherly Crown of Wide Starry AccomplishmentHárbarðr Gambanteinn
Catoblepas Shot32627460793793Moper Spectacle Enticer Self-ReliantWeapon Spread Snipe.pngCharming Eyed Mountain SpiritBedazzling Eye
Avarga Blow39021060133828Grappler Dragon Slayer Mentor Storm RiderWeapon Spread Blow.pngTalons of the GalesStromforged Khangarid
Arsalan Blow40223861693850Anointed One Blood of the Beast Monarch Expeller of EvilWeapon Spread Magic.pngGlossy Surge of Protective OilsAnointed Savior
Amduscias Blow50010070022869Audio Specialist Idol-to-be Stubborn Worker Gazer of Brightest StarsWeapon Spread Blow.pngGaze of Beautiful GreeneryGrimoire Gaze

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 65ATK at Lv 65Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao Thrust84147073344683Mountain Dweller Vanguard Adamantite Mountain MoghulWeapon Spread Shot.pngFoothill PurificationThird-Eye Chakra
Yoshito (Christmas)Slash79540571534039スノーランドパペッティア 幼馴染の布教者 ゼンマイ式音楽隊長 姥雪のキッズデイドリーマーWeapon Spread Slash.pngDuty and Filial Piety with LoveUragiri no Yaiba?
Yasuyori Long Slash46573567444448Bough Feller Expender of Vitality Spiritual Dog Warrior Wrestler with DeathWeapon Spread All.pngCutting to the Soul of the ProblemBlade of Falling Leaves
Yamasachihiko Shot58861267564436Swordsmanship Expert Fish Reeler Dazzling Revenant StackerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWily Mountain Ocean EnvyMountain Majesty
Xolotl Shot119936184183059Gardener Blood of the Beast Sacrificial Defender Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Blow.pngLost in FoliageTwisted Bastion
Volos Shot95132682263015Peacemaker Gardener Sprouter Sower of PlentyWeapon Spread Shot.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Tuaring (Christmas)Snipe65554565134679Light Clothes Carrier Oedo Holy Night's Passerby Definer of Man One Who Sees the FutureWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWork Setting of Grace and WisdomImitation Game?
Tetsuox (Jiangshi)Blow67053068614331Whirlwind Vagabond Breakout Performer Killer Star SupernovaWeapon Spread Magic.pngFor Eternity and AlwaysWhirlwind Snare?
Temujin Shot80040368074383Blood of the Beast Pursuer Avenger MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngRaining Tears of ArrowsWisdom of the Mani Khan
Teda (Christmas)Blow65854264564736Pampered One Waited Upon Boy King of the Holy Night Resplendent OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngUniversal Reflecting Sun RaysSolar Prayer?
Taurus Mask Thrust80040376553534Artist Athlete Seal Breaker StarshineWeapon Spread Thrust.pngRoom-Dividing BullCorona Borealis
Tanngrisnir (Mountain)Shot76943171414051Jet Skier Past Summer Lover Feeder Returning PartnerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngSkanda's Packhorse RunVinr Tanngnjóstr?
Sol Magic72048072513941Healing Thaumaturgist Guardian Monk Demolisher Chaplain of LifeWeapon Spread Magic.pngLast Thanks at Lightning SpeedSage's Staff
Sitri (Christmas)Thrust73446470314160Hater of Exposure Hero Chaser Festival Crasher Gift BearerWeapon Spread Blow.pngEncouragement in a Single BoundChimeran Matchmaker?
Shuichi Magic80139672653926Researcher Farseer Masquerader Seer of the PastWeapon Spread Magic.pngA Favor to My Beloved BrotherRecord of Nineveh
Ryota Magic82042574694068Fortune Dealer Gourmand Sower of Plenty Miracle WorkerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPre-Meal Good HarvestUltimate Supper
Oz Magic86034073653827Blood of the Beast Hesitant Recluse Courageous Coward Twin-Hearted LionWeapon Spread Magic.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Nyarlathotep Magic79840070694125Blood of the Beast Blink Jumper Roamer The AbyssalWeapon Spread Magic.pngMad Bizarre MistakesCrawling Chaos
Nobuharu Thrust79940277203469Athlete Head of Festivities Morale Raiser King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Magic.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Nobuharu (Festival)Snipe75658471744468Head of Festivities Arbitrator Morale Raiser Sound ShooterWeapon Spread All.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Nezha Blow33386762024990Speedster Dragon Tamer Sacred Lotus Incarnate Chariot of FireWeapon Spread Magic.pngRebirth Linked with Roaring FlightsFull Speed Ahead
Maria (Seaside)Slash86945264684858Beach Babe Gardener The Indomitable Melon SplitterWeapon Spread Slash.pngRuthlessness to WatermelonsThorns of Golgotha?
MacRoich (Summer)Shot68551566594533Midsummer Youth Actor Two-Faced Map Spreader Expedition Leader of the UnexploredWeapon Spread Shot.pngTwo Victories in One BattleGearr nan Colann?
Kyuma (Valentine)Thrust64455667414451Pitcher of the Mound Group Huddle Legacy of Doubt Giant BreakerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngFull Force Flash ThrowGoliath Smiter?
Kuniyoshi Magic80540371394056Artist Researcher Dreamer Beast HunterWeapon Spread Magic.pngMoving Along as Wills DecideAuto-substantiation
Kijimuna Blow88242976843999Islander Flowerer Seafarer Earth EaterWeapon Spread Magic.pngSwaying Grove of Blessed TreesBanyan Haka
Kenta (Valentine)Long Slash71066073323886Clinger Giver of Proof Hand Holder Smiling OneWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngLost Like a StrayBereaved Dog
Kagutsuchi (Jamboree)Thrust69051070644128Table Waiter Empath Defier of Hardship Flaming HomusubiWeapon Spread Magic.pngWorld-Burning Flames from WithinBurning Delivery?
Jugo (Summer)Shot76343767844408Grudge Gatherer Self-Reflective The Ready Overcomer of IndolenceWeapon Spread Magic.pngDevoted Pursuit of Judo ArtsBound Sacrifice?
Itzamna (Valentine)Magic95025088592333Soothsayer Kindly Forest Elder Far-Flung Flourisher Red Dragon SorcererWeapon Spread Magic.pngNew Perceptions Now and HereafterItzamna Kinich Ahau?
Ikutoshi Thrust79940468094386Berserker Child Storm Dancer Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Thrust.pngGreat Ruthless SkillsDwarven Changeling
Hombre Tigre Thrust72051063894912Warmonger Agile Wrestler Death Dancer Jungle JaguarWeapon Spread Thrust.pngFree-Flying Tiger's FangCrouching Tiger, Leaping Jaguar
Hogen Slash74748865924764Duality Wielder Mountain Dweller Winged One SwordmasterWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngSix Swords, Three StrategiesBlade of Stratagem
Hippolytus Shot71548565764616Mossy Garden Manager Unspoiled Auriga Wreath Weaver Herbivorous AdvocateWeapon Spread Shot.pngPure and Chaste InnocentBastion of Chastity
Gyobu Magic83641274103805Cloudy Dreamer Lawbreaker Blood of the Beast Honorable TanukiWeapon Spread Magic.pngOld Tanuki TransformationMaster of Deceit
Gullinbursti (Summer)None68551554625730Amazingly Fast Deliveryman Flaming Summer's Forged Creature "Anyone, Anywhere" Brilliant CopyWeapon Spread Magic.pngSkill and Muscle Bringing New WindsSlidrugtanni?
Furufumi None99920093591833Scribe of Prophecy Catastrophe Auger Deliverance Author Archive KeeperWeapon Spread All.pngCentury Verse ReturnCenturies of Nostradamus
Echo Blow76843276363556Reverberator Nature's Resonator Paragon of First Love Adoring NymphWeapon Spread All.pngDrunk on Heartbroken TearsLove is Blind!
Cu Sith Magic80539668754316Blood of the Beast Fey Folk The Abandoned Death BringerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWhite Mount Breaks StringsThird Howling
Claus None78042072653927Ruler of Midgard Giver of Royal Orders Brother's Replacement Proclaimer of Good EndingsWeapon Spread All.pngBrotherly Crown of Wide Starry AccomplishmentHárbarðr Gambanteinn
Catoblepas Shot78141968024390Moper Center of Attention Suited Siren Thine Own SelfWeapon Spread Snipe.pngCharming Eyed Mountain SpiritBedazzling Eye
Cait Sith (Valentine)Shot89530574943698Tactful Conductor Undaunted One Prancing Kitty Hopeful MinstrelWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Greatest Musical FurRex Felium?
Avarga Thrust71049065164676Grappler Dragon Slayer Thunder Tamer Storm RiderWeapon Spread Thrust.pngTalons of the GalesStromforged Khangarid
Arsalan Blow82542870104452Anointed One Blood of the Beast Monarch Expeller of EvilWeapon Spread Magic.pngGlossy Surge of Protective OilsAnointed Savior

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 70ATK at Lv 70Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao (Gendarme)Magic186478691033847Willful One Mountain Menace Morale Raiser HikerWeapon Spread Magic.pngFoothill PurificationThird-Eye Chakra
Yoritomo (Valentine)Magic1354104685824097Halter of Plots System Builder Snowy Demon Warrior TrackerWeapon Spread Magic.pngUncompromising Against 1000 DemonsDemonic Judgment?
Wakan Tanka Blow172286477025108Athlete Persistor Tagalong Football CaptainWeapon Spread Blow.pngThe Captain Paves the WayRed Road
Tangaroa Shot1385109277575010Island Guardian Great Creator Dragonborn Island AncestorWeapon Spread Magic.pngBloody Mountains And RiversLumia Kanaloa
Tajikarao Thrust155482675775200Head of Festivities Whistle-blower Door Buster Heavy HandWeapon Spread Thrust.pngHeavenly Gate CrasherMountain Mover
Shennong (Summer)Long Slash146094079274753Toxic Presence Impetuous Sunshine Enthralling Dance Medicine BombWeapon Spread All.pngDoctor's Dozen DistractionsDoctor's Orders
Sandayu (Halloween)Slash1295110579314749Martial Arts Master Grandmaster of the Three Iga Ninjas Night Runner Headless HorsemanWeapon Spread Magic.pngQuick Draw InstructionIga Sannin Wake-mi no Jutsu?
Ryota (Christmas)Magic183577787114157Defender of Justice Hoster of Feasts Morale Raiser Miracle ChildWeapon Spread Magic.pngPre-Meal Good HarvestUltimate Supper
Qinglong Blow196143991713509Seven East Mansions Master Dirtied by the Masses Tai-Chi Sage Azure Dragon of the Four SpiritsWeapon Spread Blow.pngSix Merits of the Dragon SpellProtection of the Sage Dragon
Nomad (Christmas)Shot1221117971845496Truth Investigator Poking at Deductions Fierce Avenger Truth GifterWeapon Spread Shot.pngVengeance, No Matter the Toils and InvestigationsBurning Bright?
Macan Thrust160080575115167Berserker Blood of the Beast Immortal Mutant WeretigerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngPossession By Mad TigerMad Tiger
Leib Snipe193066093023434Life Replacer In Beast's Clothing Prayer-Dye Bear Great Tree's SpiritWeapon Spread Magic.pngResuscitation by the Tree EnvoyBlood of the Alder
Kurogane Magic158597583094562Inventor Slick Artisan Weakness Spotter Iron ArtisanWeapon Spread Shot.pngMechanized MasterpieceConstruct of the Gods
Hastur Thrust185055086244909Higher than the Winds Disaster Marker King in Yellow Humanity's DefilerWeapon Spread All.pngCreeping Plague Across the WorldYellow King's Sign
Bathym (Nightclub)Magic1288111271815498Emperor's Vanguard Enthusiastic Clubber Head-Turner Gehenna's BreakdancerWeapon Spread Magic.pngBeastly on the Outside, Working on the InsideHathaninim Hagadolim?
Amduscias (Valentine)Shot1187121384494231Lead Musician Candidate from Underground Roving Eyes Emerald IdolWeapon Spread All.pngThe Definition of Green with EnvyGrimoire Charm Eyes?
Amduscias Blow190050090823598Yesteryear's Audio Specialist Idol at the Bottom Hardworking Therian Future StarWeapon Spread Blow.pngGaze of Beautiful GreeneryGrimoire Gaze
Aegir (Christmas)Shot1021137969705710Master of the Waves Radiant Hunter Caster of Nets Pearl PilfererWeapon Spread Shot.pngJeweled Treasure HallFishy Feast?

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