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SUMMONS,[1] more commonly referred to as The App, is a mysterious smartphone application that can grant its users otherworldly, magical powers.[2]1 It is also responsible for hosting the Game, a massive competition between the various guilds and Worlds within Tokyo.


On its surface, the App is a popular social networking phone application used primarily by students. However, there exists a hidden function within the app to become registered as a player for the Game, becoming a full-fledged App User and granting the new player access to Sacred Artifacts and summoning.[3]2

The App icon is a hexagram.


Fujimi Academy Experiments

Research and development on the App first started in Fujimi Academy as a series of experiments conducted on the students attending. The academy lauded itself as the ideal school, taking Tokyoites and Transients alike with different physical and psychological traits, educating them according to their individual needs. However, the professors and board of executives were all researchers, and all of the students were their test subjects. They would be referred to as a cult.

Eventually, word would get out about the inhumane tests being done on the students, and a group of vigilantes such as Suzuka would tear the whole building down. Unbeknownst to them, a small section of the researchers escaped to another facility, taking some students with them to continue their experiments.[4]1

In the new facility, students were forced to take part in an archaic version of the Game. They were told to use their various backgrounds and specialties during the experiment to aid them, and that completing it would result in their graduation from the academy. The teachers told their students that the perspective they would gain from the class and the contributions they make would be used to help those in the outside world. Arc questions if the teachers were aware of the truth behind the experiment, if they simply lied to themselves, or if they were too unaware.

The students were imbued with special powers by mixing in the memories of other mythological and historical figures with the students. They found themselves participating in real life-or-death battles. Students of one facility would be pitted against students of another facility, slaughtering others to protect those they saw as family. In the end, the experiment would fall apart midway through because their battles would lead to the creation of an Exception, killing all of the students except for a select few.

The experiment carried out in Fujimi Academy's Otemachi branch was likely the prototype behind the App, with its original purpose being a battle royale death game designed to create an immortal, omniscient god.[5]14 Leib describes how something as complex as the App could not appear out of nowhere, but would require numerous testing phases and experimentation. He theorizes that someone else took all of this data, finished constructing the App, and published it.[4]15


After its release, the App would grow in popularity. A group of people which Toji belonged to would oppose the App, discovering the inherent danger within the Game.

A conference was held by the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office to ask for opinions regarding the safety of the App. The government asked The Wisemen about their opinions on the currently trending App, submitting their answers to a panel of experts. Due to their evaluation, the government would come to believe that the App was harmless and safe, despite Toji's warnings. While Shuichi claims that their own opinions held little weight due to them being simply a student think tank, Toji would later find out that the Wisemen were also entrusted with managing the government funding of those involved. Their influence went much higher than any of Toji's group could have imagined. By the time anyone realized how dangerous the App truly was, it was too late—The App had spread too far already.[6]6

Toji's group would not stop their efforts to put a stop to the game despite their setbacks. However, the group members would be dealt with, leaving Toji as the last member remaining.[7]6


Game Features

Registration and App Users

Through an unknown method, a person can become an App User.

There are two types of App Users: those that summon Sacred Artifacts to fight, and those that can summon familiars to fight for them.[3]1


During an App Battle, the participants' attributes can be seen. Attributes are likely assigned automatically by the App based on the user's nature, though connections may not be obvious or unclear so they should not always be taken literally and should be subject to heavy interpretation. It is unclear how someone that has different attributes for their in-game and / are shown in-universe. Some attributes are considered Rare.[3]1

The first five attributes are likely seen as common attributes seen with many of the Game's players.

Element fire.pngFIRE Associated to those associated with fire or heat of some sort.
Element water.pngWATER Associated to those associated with water.
Element earth.pngWOOD Associated to those associated with nature or plants.
Element light.pngAETHER Associated to those that represent "goodness" or a connection to the heavens.
Element dark.pngNETHER Associated to those that represent "evil" or a connection to the underworld.

The next three attributes can be symbolic of the natural cycle of a world. According to Horkeu Kamui, the Element world.png masses are felled by a Element evil.png Dark Lord, the Dark Lord is felled by a Element hero.png hero, and the hero is crushed by the masses in the end.[8]17

Element evil.pngINFERNAL Typically assigned to those that are connected to Shadows in some way, either because they are one or because they have control over them.[9]12
Element hero.pngVALIANT Typically assigned to those that are seen as a "hero", theorized to show that the person had inherited something from the world's exile.
Element world.pngWORLD Typically assigned to those that represent some aspect of a world's System or that they hold a World Pillar.

The final three attributes represent those that cannot be confined by a System's framework.[10]12

Element none.pngALL-ROUND Represents the omnipotent and omniscient, they exist outside the world so that they can know everything about the world.
Element infinity.pngINFINITY Represents those that are unaffected by the limits of the world's frame, believed to be bigger than the world itself.
Element zero.pngNULL Represents people that are believed to exist nowhere in the world or not exist at all, resulting in an existence outside of the world as a whole.

Location and Information Tracking

When the App is running, all users can see one's location and affiliation. Opponents who an App User has never battled before will only be able to see limited information, but one's location is available to everyone at all times.[3]1 Those with administrative privileges, such as the Game Masters and Entertainers, can hide their own information and location as well as select others' if they so wish.[11]2

App Battles

Users can also engage in App Battles with other users. All App Battles must be accepted, otherwise the user forfeits their access to the rest of the App's features. App Battles occur in Battle Zones, where Rules can be enforced. The end of an App Battle is typically marked by the defeat of one of the participants.

These Battle Zones can typically be terminated by turning off the App. However, they can persist even when the App is closed under the condition that only App Users and Transients remain in the Battle Zone, as summarized by Alice in I Ain't Scared a No Halloween!. Such "Battle Zones" are restricted in an enclosed area.

Injuries and effects done during an App Battle within a collision of worlds do not reset once the App Battle is finished because collisions are a Battle Zone in itself. Tp revert everything to normal, the collision must be closed.[8]17

Battle Zones

Only App Users can see inside Battle Zones.[3]1


For more detailed information about guilds, see Guild.

The App allows for formations of guilds among groups of users, which grants certain perks. With guilds, several Rules can be enforced in an enclosed area for an indefinite period of time, without the need of a Battle Zone.

SNS Features


The App features video calls, audio-only calls, and texts.


Debuting in Seaside Fashionista, users can use stickers to as a decorative feature.


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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 0e688fa0
No. 16635
15 months ago
Score 0 You

> Element none.pngALL-ROUND Represents the omnipotent and omniscient, they exist outside the world so that they can know everything about the world.

is musashi a god or something?
Anonymous user: 8c5d9186
No. 16620
16 months ago
Score 0 You
TLDR: Toji was right, the app was a terrible idea and it alongside anyone who help produce the app should be sent off to maximum security prison at best or executed as threats to humanity at worst. No I'm not kidding. The only realistic ending this game deserves is the rest of the outside world saw the entirety of the game in Tokyo and proceeds to execute or contain (SCP style) the world reps as threats to humanity.
Anonymous user: 78bc7609
No. 3279
59 months ago
Score 0 You
I'm surprised LifeWonders hasn't made a communication app based off of SUMMONS. I'd use it in a heartbeat.
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