Afterschool Workshop

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Revision as of 07:48, 29 November 2021 by Spike (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)
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Afterschool Workshop
Rarity 4
Kira Nerisu
効果1Increases HP by 100~200
効果2Increases ATK by 300~600
点鉄成筋We Are CraftersNo additional CS effects
[Quest StartWhen a Quest is initiated. Triggers regardless of slotting (functions on sub and support slots, unless specified). Not interrupted when this unit leaves battle.] No effect
    No effect
    No effect
    No effect
    No effect
    No effect / 100%
[Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Grant Guts ResistanceAcquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Guts / 100% (Special Status id 4) to hit units
    Apply Guts ResistanceAcquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Guts / 100% (Buff) to hit units / 50~100%
[After HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, after attack damage is applied, after the target's [When Hit] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hit units / 0%
[Quest StartWhen a Quest is initiated. Triggers regardless of slotting (functions on sub and support slots, unless specified). Not interrupted when this unit leaves battle.] (Disabled on supports) Extra chance of Lesser HP Seed (+5~10%)
    (Disabled on supports) Extra chance of HP Seed (+5~10%)
    (Disabled on supports) Extra chance of Greater HP Seed (+5~10%)
    (Disabled on supports) Extra chance of Lesser ATK Seed (+5~10%)
    (Disabled on supports) Extra chance of ATK Seed (+5~10%)
    (Disabled on supports) Extra chance of Greater ATK Seed (+5~10%)
Andvari's Shop
Translated from Japanese
Official Japanese

それを表すかのように、今日もクラフターズの工房の片隅にはトレーニンググッズが所狭しと並んでいる。 クラフターズは東京にあふれる「神器」のメンテナンスを一手に引き受ける技術屋集団。 一人一人と接すれば、それぞれが異なる専門分野・見地から親身になって相談に乗ってくれることは間違いない。 が、しかし。ひとたび一番お勧めのトレーニング法の話ともなれば、喧々囂々の議論百出はいつものことだ。 科学的手法に基づいたメニューからお互いを高め合うメンタルケアまで。 魅せろ! 技術の粋で! 見せろ! 筋肉を! ※クラフターズはいかなる技術職の人材も受け付けています。詳しくはギルドマスター迄


Event Line


  • This AR increases the drop rate of seeds by a starting value of 5 (5%?), increasing to 10 (10%?) when approaching Max Lv 100. This exclusively includes Lesser HP Seed, HP Seed, Greater HP Seed, Lesser ATK Seed, ATK Seed, Greater ATK Seed. Thus, it does not increase drop rates for Lv Seeds, Skill Seeds, or any Blossom.
  • The reason why there is an effect of Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) at 0% is to use the unique property of Remove Buff, which removes Guts at a 100% rate on overkill. Therefore, this AR allows removal of Guts when attacking enemies with 0 HP.

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Anonymous user: b2539a1d
No. 18475
10 months ago
Score 0 You
No. 12553
35 months ago
Score -1++

Kira Nerisu's thick fing -

Hold on, why aren't they showing off their thick rugged fingers?? What a waste of the artist's talent -﹏-
Anonymous user: 3bc2dc88
No. 11872
39 months ago
Score 1 You

I find it amusing the card with the characters with Muscleguts has effect debuffs the Gut buff~

Also the Seed drop boost, how come it's not part of the skill effect description?
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