Akashic Records

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Salomon-kun AR Card

Starting from version 4.0.0 (Main Quest Chapter 9), players can make use of the Akashic Records feature (AR Card / Equipment, herein referred to as AR Equipment).

General Information

  • Players can receive Salomon-kun upon completing the AR Lesson quest under the Lessons region marker on the main map, and by completing missions related to the Main Quest.
  • AR Equipment can provide additional effects. These effects may have limitations and may apply to other units. For example, Salomon-kun supplies an additional 50~100 ATK and HP to the equipped unit.
  • AR Equipment can provide additional skills. These skills can be any typical skill, as they're solely referred to by ID. However, unlike normal skills, they cannot be sealed, and are not influenced by a unit's skill level or skill seeds.
  • However, AR Equipment may impose a restriction. Currently, the only restriction is against element.
  • Currently, AR Equipment have an AR Cost of 1, a restriction separate of Team Cost.
  • Like units, an AR Equipment cannot be used multiple times within the same team.

AR Equipment Level

Level Group EXP Success Rate
1 10000 10%
2 5000 10%
3 5000 10%
4 2500 10%
5 2500 10%
6 1250 10%
7 1250 10%
8 1250 10%
9 1250 10%
10 1000 10%
11 0 00%
  • AR Equipment level up in a similar manner as leveling a unit's Skill Level based on percent chance, and the level cap is 100.
  • You cannot raise an AR's level past each 10 increment if would cause it to go over. For example, if you have an AR at level 27, the game will not allow you to put in more tokens than what's needed to get to level 30. Only after you level it to 30 will you be allowed to put in the tokens for 31-40.
  • Similar to leveling a unit, raising AR level has a chance of a Great or Fever bonus. A Great will cause a bonus of +1, and Fever will cause a bonus level of +2. However, you can't go over the level cap this way.
  • You cannot normally raise an AR's level by more than 10 at once, no matter what level it's currently at. However, it is possible to do, as long as you get a Great or Fever bonus AND you do not cross over the max level limit.
  • According to Salomon's AR Lesson 3, the more tokens you put in, the greater the chance of a Great and Fever bonus. However, it's not explained by how much exactly. (See Notes)
  • Similar to unit's Sacred Artifact level, obtaining duplicates of an AR Equipment will raise its upper level limit. Each level is assigned to a level group.
  • An AR Equipment's level scales the strength of both of its stat increases. Like with skills, the stat increase of an AR will be double where it started.
  • However, the power of an AR's Additional Skill increases not by its current level, but by it's current possible MAX level.
  • Each AR Equipment is assigned to a level group. This value is simply Floor(Lv/10)+1, where Floor() is rounding down.
  • AR Equipment are leveled with AR Token. Each quantity of AR Token adds an additional 10% to level (reward XP to) a piece of equipment. The amount of XP yielded is dependant on the level group a piece of equipment is in. For example, in level group 5, only 2500 XP is yielded compared to level group 1's 10000. These parameters are item-dependant.

List of AR Equipment


  • Acquisition of additional AR Equipment is unknown. It is assumed you can acquire these through Dungeon Quests.
  • Potency and acquisition of both AR Token 2 and AR Token 3 are unknown.
  • The exact dialog Salomon gives regarding a Great and Fever bonus is "By the way, the chances of a "Great" or "Fever" bonus increase with the number of tokens you use to power up! For example using 3 tokens at a time has a better chance of triggering a bonus than just 1 token. However, the chance of a bonus is very low, so even if you use lots of tokens, more often than not you won't activate the bonus. It's rare enough that you should consider yourself extremely lucky if you get a Fever bonus!"

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Anonymous user: ad18c460
No. 16779
20 months ago
Score 0 You


Get more copies of the AR and use AR tokens to level them up. Any rates that aren't 100% to start will usually double between level 1 and 100, so if an AR skill is at 30% it will get to 60% at level 100. 50% becomes 100% and so on. Unless it's a farmable AR, you'll usually be stuck with low activation rates due to AR banners having terrible rates
Anonymous user: 5b125640
No. 15301
26 months ago
Score 0 You


i mean activation rates
Anonymous user: 5b125640
No. 15294
26 months ago
Score 0 You
how to increase % effects in AR equipments?
Anonymous user: 4211d8b3
No. 3043
65 months ago
Score 0 You
This game mechanic reminds me of the memoria cards from magia record where you put cards to boost your characters.
Anonymous user: b57289d7
No. 3035
65 months ago
Score 0 You
I think they're really cool I just think making the summon for one cost the same as a new unit is very excessive. Maybe 1 or 2 transient stones or maybe use the ally summon points but 5 transient stones?
Anonymous user: 888a74ed
No. 3032
65 months ago
Score 0 You

>>3031 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabsolutely not worth it. the rates are garbage and you need to get the same card multiple times for it to be of any use.

if you have a fave, save for them instead, definitely, 1000%.
Anonymous user: fe9ba8ca
No. 3031
65 months ago
Score 0 You
Worth rolling for AR? I’m leaning more towards saving for my fav unit
Anonymous user: ab904221
No. 3022
65 months ago
Score 0 You
Sounds like a pretty cool concept, LW should make more of that equipment. It would be pretty hard to make quests for each one, so they should make a gacha for it or something. As for the cost, maybe make it cost as much as regular units because fuck you and no, we're not giving you more stones.
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