Catalog/Misc/Charge Skill/Shot

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Below is a list of units whose charge skill takes effect in Shot range. The damage dealt per square is the product of the ATK, the Shot penalty multiplier (0.45), the charge skill bonus multiplier, and (1 + 0.5*log(Sacred Artifact Lv)). Units who have skills that reduce damage Shot range (e.g. Deflect Adept) will also take less damage from charge skills with this range.


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Yellow Devil AetherShot8047Tailed Demon Fear Incarnate Roamer The UnboundWeapon Spread Shot.pngCharge Shoot
Shaded D-Evil InfernalShot8253Tailed Demon Fear Incarnate Roamer The UnboundWeapon Spread Shot.pngCharge Shoot
Red Devil FireShot8051Tailed Demon Fear Incarnate Roamer The UnboundWeapon Spread Shot.pngCharge Shoot
Purple Devil NetherShot8154Tailed Demon Fear Incarnate Roamer The UnboundWeapon Spread Shot.pngCharge Shoot
Green Devil WoodShot7950Tailed Demon Fear Incarnate Roamer The UnboundWeapon Spread Shot.pngCharge Shoot
Blue Devil WaterShot7847Tailed Demon Fear Incarnate Roamer The UnboundWeapon Spread Shot.pngCharge Shoot


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
サンドドラゴン WoodThrust14694Imitation Sandstone Golem Burned Into Memory One Who Crumbles At DawnWeapon Spread Shot.pngSunburn
Yellow Wraith AetherShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Yellow Trooper AetherShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Yellow Camouflager AetherNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
World Senri WorldSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Wood Senri WoodSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
White Wraith ValiantShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
White Trooper ValiantShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
White Tribe ValiantShot126116Islander Gardener Anointed One Citizen of DeathWeapon Spread Shot.pngTribal Secret Mystery
White Camouflager ValiantNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Water Senri WaterSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Valiant Senri ValiantSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Shadow Scaled Wyvern InfernalThrust182106Dragonborn Incinerator Winged One Mountain DwellerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBreath Weapon
Ruby Scaled Wyvern FireThrust181105Dragonborn Incinerator Winged One Mountain DwellerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBreath Weapon
Red Wraith FireShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Red Trooper FireShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Red Camouflager FireNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Purple Wraith NetherShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Purple Trooper NetherShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Purple Camouflager NetherNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Obsidian Scaled Wyvern NetherThrust182106Dragonborn Incinerator Winged One Mountain DwellerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBreath Weapon
Nether Senri NetherSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Infernal Senri InfernalSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Green Wraith WoodShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Green Trooper WoodShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Green Camouflager WoodNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Gold Scaled Wyvern AetherThrust183104Dragonborn Incinerator Winged One Mountain DwellerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBreath Weapon
Fire Senri FireSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Emerald Scaled Wyvern WoodThrust182107Dragonborn Incinerator Winged One Mountain DwellerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBreath Weapon
Dark Camouflager InfernalNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Brown Wraith WorldShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Brown Trooper WorldShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Brown Tribe WorldShot127115Islander Gardener Anointed One Citizen of DeathWeapon Spread Shot.pngTribal Secret Mystery
Brown Camouflager WorldNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Blue Wraith WaterShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Blue Trooper WaterShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Blue Camouflager WaterNone109131Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
Black Wraith InfernalShot138102Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
Black Trooper InfernalShot130110Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
Black Tribe InfernalShot125117Islander Gardener Anointed One Citizen of DeathWeapon Spread Shot.pngTribal Secret Mystery
Azure Scaled Wyvern WaterThrust180108Dragonborn Incinerator Winged One Mountain DwellerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBreath Weapon
Aether Senri AetherSlash14199Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao WoodBlow329281Mountain Dweller Vanguard Adamantite Mountain MoghulWeapon Spread Shot.pngFoothill PurificationThird-Eye Chakra
Yamasachihiko WoodShot312288Swordsmanship Expert Lugger Luck Changer StackerWeapon Spread Shot.pngWily Mountain Ocean EnvyMountain Majesty
Xiwangmu WaterShot500100Motherly One Fairy of Kunlun Host Yaochi JinmuWeapon Spread Shot.pngSatisfying Smothering PeachesPantao Paiduy
Volos WoodThrust526149Peacemaker Gardener Sprouter Sower of PlentyWeapon Spread Shot.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Vapula NetherShot428172Commanding One Flying About Lecturer of Grimoires SculptorWeapon Spread Shot.pngSupreme CrafterShem HaMephorash
Ulaanbaatar WorldThrust335265Lounger Smoke Jumper Invasion Foiler Disaster BegonerWeapon Spread Shot.pngSeven Stars of the Northern CapitalMighty Ursa Major
Tu'er Shen WaterShot326274Leaper City Dweller Mediator Rainbow GazerWeapon Spread Shot.pngRainbow Freed From FateYi Yen Fu Precognition
Tsukuyomi InfernalSlash380220Reflector of Desires Caster of Shadows Dancer on the Water Creature of the NightWeapon Spread Shot.pngDrinking Inside Deep into the NightMidnight Maneater
Tsathoggua WaterThrust400205Amorphous Lifeform Ruler Gourmand Air BlasterWeapon Spread Shot.pngWatching Idly with Companion JewelsSaturnian Elder
Tianzun InfinityShot440160Party Sage The Understander The Path AdmirableWeapon Spread Shot.pngConquering Road to Total EqualityWuwei Ziran
The Hero AetherSlash440160The Championed The Saved Endeavorer of the Beyond The Chosen OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Glimpse of Infinite PossibilitiesThe Chosen One's Sword
Temujin WoodShot396203Blood of the Beast Pursuer Avenger MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngRaining Tears of ArrowsWisdom of the Mani Khan
Tanngrisnir AetherBlow400200Immortal Server Wanderer Thundering ServantWeapon Spread Shot.pngThunderous BonecrusherDiligent Steed
Tanetomo ValiantSlash380220Tactician Ritual Dancer Spiritual Dog Warrior AssassinWeapon Spread Shot.pngDeep Ruinous Wisdom in LovelinessAvenger's Blade
Takeminakata All-RoundBlow471129Severed Soul Stopgap Boulder Bowler Recounted OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngRetreating Honored SoldierGreatest Glory Recounted
Sitri FireBlow366305Soul Shooter Tailed Demon Fate Binder Tough-Winged GriffonWeapon Spread Shot.pngTampered Love, Clouded PassionChimeran Matchmaker
Simurgh NetherShot319281Eternally Living Punisher Influential One Nest BuilderWeapon Spread Shot.pngDon's Pledge of Force and OrderMantiq Al-Ta'ir
Shuten WaterBlow405201Athlete Ogre Brethren Excavator King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Shot.pngHundred Oni's Field AttackOni Rush
Shinya AetherShot428214Soul Shooter Fate Binder Heavenly Messenger StarshineWeapon Spread Shot.pngLove Binding ArrowPass On Eros
Shamash InfinityThrust319281Witness Confirmer Bearer Personal TutorWeapon Spread Shot.pngRereading of Overwhelming GuiltSha Naqba Imuru
Sandayu InfernalShot340260Subdivisor Enfeebler Mentor EscapistWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Million Collective OpeningsIga Shadow Division
Q'ursha AetherNone490210Goal Seeker One Night Spender Nostalgic LeaperWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Deep Encompassing Love for the BallParadise and Damnation
Ophion AetherShot397205Dragonborn Ruler Great Creator ReincarnateWeapon Spread Shot.pngFall of the World EggBirth of Olympus
Nodens AetherBlow281319Soaring Snatcher Lightning Grappler One Possessed Metal-Armed MenaceWeapon Spread Shot.pngMaking a Tough Killing QuicklyAirgetlam Abduction
Nobumichi AetherSlash112488Fishing Patrolman Restrictor Spiritual Dog Warrior UndoubtingWeapon Spread Shot.pngWide Observation Against KillingSubduing Blade
Mephistopheles InfernalMagic444156Solemnly Sworn Mirror Demon Light Loather ForfeiterWeapon Spread Shot.pngAt the Underworld's DoorDelayed Departure
Melusine WaterShot356258Excavator Ruler Dragonborn Winged OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngBlighted DragonLady of the Land
Manticore FireBlow135465Invasive Species One Who Values Harmony Archery Imitator Thorn ShooterWeapon Spread Shot.pngThe Bungled Eight Basic Steps of ArcherySewochini Mibela Ch'irak'i
Lucifuge NetherShot406225Disease Carrier Shadow Dweller Tailed Demon RulerWeapon Spread Shot.pngEver Changing QuickeningInfernal Misconception
Loki InfernalShot490110Bound Criminal Lip Licker Giant of the End The VillainWeapon Spread Shot.pngChant of Genuine LegitimacyThe Real McCoy
Licht NetherShot404204Artist Ruler Agitator in the Shadows Spreader of LunacyWeapon Spread Shot.pngPillaging RulerTrojan Legacy
Leib WoodShot415200Life Replacer In Beast's Clothing Prayer Dauber Great Tree's StrengthWeapon Spread Shot.pngResuscitation by the Tree EnvoyBlood of the Alder
Kyuma FireShot397199Athlete The Indomitable Leader MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngHeavenly Child's Five CometsGoliath Smiter
Kurogane WoodShot545231Inventor Slick Artisan Weakness Spotter Limit BreakerWeapon Spread Shot.pngMechanized MasterpieceConstruct of the Gods
Kimun Kamui FireThrust310290Procurements from the Hunt Bringer of Blessings Retainer of the Deep Snow Shape ShifterWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Bear's Fated Life and DeathUnbearable Fate
Kagutsuchi FireBlow398200Child Guard Adept Life Giver The Hot-bloodedWeapon Spread Shot.pngSelf Scorching FlamesBurning Delivery
Jormungandr InfinityThrust352248Endbringer Robust Appreciator Towering One Consuming OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngFighting Fire with Fire By OneselfMidgardsormr
Jiraiya WaterSlash398198Fortune Dealer Ninja Ogre Brethren RetakerWeapon Spread Shot.pngTriple-Dash FrogTripedal Leapfrog
Ixbalanque All-RoundShot321279Sharp Eye Midfielder Defense Player Position ChangerWeapon Spread Shot.pngAll That's Shot Must EndGrass of the Plains
Inaba FireShot410190Excited in the Year of the Rabbit Wisher One Who Plays SurefootedWeapon Spread Shot.pngHeaven's Blessing for MarriageInaba White Rabbit
Ibaraki FireThrust451189Mountain Dweller Excavator Ogre Brethren EnchantressWeapon Spread Shot.pngWoman's FerocityFerocious Ogress
Hotei AetherShot333267Spreader Blessed Worker of Miracles ComedianWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Blessing's Full of LaughterBlessings and laughter for all!
Hippolytus WoodShot355245Mossbed Pure of Heart Wreath Weaver IdeologueWeapon Spread Shot.pngPure and Chaste InnocentBastion of Chastity
Himavat WorldShot102498Accumulator Brand Wearer Famed Mountaineering Club President Hima Alaya of UpheavalWeapon Spread Shot.pngSpiritual Enlightenment Through One's LandHima Alaya Pole Shift
Heracles NetherNone345255The Enslaved Spooler of Thread The Laborer The Weapon-for-HireWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Life of Pain and SufferingOracular Decree
Hephaestus FireSlash480240Bronze Quickener Weakness Spotter System Melder Purity DevoteeWeapon Spread Shot.pngFactory Ascension OpportunityDivinity Wrought
Gurangatch WaterBlow500100Scaled Grinded Diving Coach PressuredWeapon Spread Shot.pngCarving Out the World's SecretsGun'-yung-ga'-lung
Fuxi WorldSlash424176Net Stringer Duelist Instiller Bagua DivinerWeapon Spread Shot.pngChanging Out Old Water for NewHeavenly Compass
Ebisu WaterShot526164Seafarer Wrangler Hoster of Feasts Fortune SeekerWeapon Spread Shot.pngMyriad-fold Haul From a Single StreamBountiful Returns
Durga InfernalBlow381315Athlete Driving Force Guard Breaker TeleporterWeapon Spread Shot.pngFirst Place DedicationFirst in Glory
Breke WaterSlash360240Mechaman Drifter Shape Shifter Quick LearnerWeapon Spread Shot.pngScattering Like Stars in SpaceWerewolf Warfare
Arachne InfernalShot340450Shadow Surveyor Affair Maker Genius of Sorts ProminentizorWeapon Spread Shot.pngFearsome Neurotic ArtisanSilken Snare
Apollo AetherShot294306Like A Gap Addictive One Heavenly Solo Idol The Ideal PersonWeapon Spread Shot.pngEye-Catching Brilliant TalentPhoebus Hecaërgus
Amatsumara FireBlow419230Coiler of the Dragon Hard Worker Dragonborn Mentor of the Next WaveWeapon Spread Shot.pngLightweight Stone OreIron-Gazed Dragon
Algernon ValiantThrust310290Mechaman Price Payer Time Traveler Clean SweeperWeapon Spread Shot.pngDesperate Dreams in an Iron CurseMechanical Bouquet
Ahura Mazda WorldBlow470230Superhuman Judger of Good and Evil Highest Priest Remaining at the EndWeapon Spread Shot.pngQuick and Decisive JudgmentDesirable Dominion
Ahab WaterShot470275Seafarer Avenger Blood of the Beast Spreader of LunacyWeapon Spread Shot.pngOcean's Dying VowOath of the Whaler
Agyo WaterMagic533189Destroyer of Wickedness The Abandoned Blood of the Beast Symbol of ProsperityWeapon Spread Shot.pngEmotional SolidarityCleansing Dependence
Aegir WaterThrust386324Usher Undersea Celebrant Giant PlundererWeapon Spread Shot.pngDrinking on the Open SeaFishy Feast


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zao WoodThrust841470Mountain Dweller Vanguard Adamantite Mountain MoghulWeapon Spread Shot.pngFoothill PurificationThird-Eye Chakra
Yig NullShot648552Watcher from N'gos Favor Bather Holy Serpent with Many Children Out of the AeonsWeapon Spread Shot.pngTotal Exterminating RetributionTrussle in Zandanua
Yamasachihiko (Pool)AetherThrust655545Summertime Fisher Straightforward One Surprised by the Splash Sharer of Good ThingsWeapon Spread Shot.pngGreat Efforts in Finding HooksOno ga Sachisachi?
Volos WoodShot951326Peacemaker Gardener Sprouter Sower of PlentyWeapon Spread Shot.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Vapula NetherShot806394Golem Commander Flying Winged Lion Marquis of Grimoires Sculptor of YetzirahWeapon Spread Shot.pngSupreme CrafterShem HaMephorash
Tu'er Shen WaterShot683517Parkour Master Future City Dweller Free Love Mediator Heterochromic RabbitWeapon Spread Shot.pngRainbow Freed From FateYi Yen Fu Precognition
Temujin WoodShot800403Blood of the Beast Pursuer Avenger MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngRaining Tears of ArrowsWisdom of the Mani Khan
Teda (Christmas)WoodBlow658542Pampered One Waited Upon Boy King of the Holy Night Resplendent OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngUniversal Reflecting Sun RaysSolar Prayer?
Tanetomo ValiantShot755445Peony Planner Lovelorn Dancer Spiritual Dog Warrior AssassinWeapon Spread Shot.pngDeep Ruinous Wisdom in LovelinessAvenger's Blade
Taishakuten AetherBlow954246Notoriety Bearer Defiant Daeva Rumbling Reprobate Prideful IndraWeapon Spread Shot.pngIrreverence for Heaven's Reverse SideDaeva of All Creation
Sitri FireShot672618Soul Shooter Tailed Demon Fate Binder Tough-Winged GriffonWeapon Spread Shot.pngTampered Love, Clouded PassionChimeran Matchmaker
Shuten WaterThrust802399Athlete Ogre Brethren Excavator King of the Four HeavensWeapon Spread Shot.pngHundred Oni's Field AttackOni Rush
Shinya AetherShot856428Soul Shooter Fate Binder Heavenly Messenger StarshineWeapon Spread Shot.pngLove Binding ArrowPass On Eros
Saturnus NetherShot952248Nightclub Eventer Orbital Saturn Legendary Cinderella Boy Attribute HolderWeapon Spread Shot.pngCircle of Dissimilar StarsAuria Saturnalia
Sarutahiko WaterThrust880320Cleanser Passionate Guide Bubble Blower Bathing Room AttendantWeapon Spread Shot.pngYearning Irascible PassionsRestless Mind Monkey
Nobumichi AetherThrust480720Officer Fishing Canine Heavenly Net Wielder Faith Orb Dog Warrior One Who Trusts FateWeapon Spread Shot.pngWide Observation Against KillingSubduing Blade
Mephistopheles InfernalMagic666534Unholy Contractor Mirror Demon Luminophobe Steward of LossWeapon Spread Shot.pngAt the Underworld's DoorDelayed Departure
Melusine WaterShot850416Excavator Ruler Winged One DragonbornWeapon Spread Shot.pngBlighted DragonLady of the Land
Melusine (Christmas)FireShot650550Ruler Cuddler Blind Shooter Yuletide DancerWeapon Spread Shot.pngBlighted DragonLady of the Land
Marduk (Nightclub)AetherMagic506694Club Newbie Consumed by the Groove Talent that Divides the Crowd Unrivaled ReincarnationWeapon Spread Shot.pngThe Challenge of Raising One's FeetAmar Utu Bêlu?
MacRoich (Summer)WoodShot685515Midsummer Youth Actor Two-Faced Map Spreader Expedition Leader of the UnexploredWeapon Spread Shot.pngTwo Victories in One BattleGearr nan Colann?
Lucifuge NetherShot790403Disease Carrier Shadow Dweller Tailed Demon RulerWeapon Spread Shot.pngEver Changing QuickeningInfernal Misconception
Kyuma FireShot797403Athlete The Indomitable Leader MarksmanWeapon Spread Shot.pngHeavenly Child's Five CometsGoliath Smiter
Kimun Kamui FireThrust610590Procurements from the Hunt Nurturer of Love and Mercy Retainer of the Deep Snow Ice CutterWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Bear's Fated Life and DeathUnbearable Fate
Kagutsuchi FireThrust798396Child Guard Adept Life Giver The Hot-bloodedWeapon Spread Shot.pngSelf Scorching FlamesBurning Delivery
Jiraiya WaterShot792407Fortune Dealer Ninja Ogre Brethren RetakerWeapon Spread Shot.pngTriple-Dash FrogTripedal Leapfrog
Ixbalanque All-RoundShot642558Sharp Forward Field Noble Reserve Defender Bewildering BallerWeapon Spread Shot.pngAll That's Shot Must EndGrass of the Plains
Ibaraki FireShot777456Mountain Dweller Excavator Ogre Brethren EnchantressWeapon Spread Shot.pngWoman's FerocityFerocious Ogress
Hippolytus WoodShot715485Handgrown Horticulturalist Unspoiled Auriga Wreath Weaver Herbivorous AdvocateWeapon Spread Shot.pngPure and Chaste InnocentBastion of Chastity
Himavat WorldShot491709Heavy Snow Accumulator High Brand Model Parvateshvara Roof Of The WorldWeapon Spread Shot.pngSpiritual Enlightenment Through One's LandHima Alaya Pole Shift
Cu Sith (Halloween)NetherThrust845433Peacemaker Shape Shifter The Abandoned Graveyard LurkerWeapon Spread Shot.pngDark Mourning LeadThird Howling?
Choji (Christmas)AetherShot642558Sagely Visionary Faint Reflector Fortune Gastronomist Culinary Crown CrafterWeapon Spread Shot.pngChoice of Luxurious FeastsFeast of Apicius
Catoblepas (Summer)FireShot1420980Banner Charger Beach Partier Summer Cosplayer In the Heat of the MomentWeapon Spread Shot.pngLively and Graceful Jealous LoveLa Temptation?
Breke WaterSlash730470Mechaman Drifter Shape Shifter Adaptive SoldierWeapon Spread Shot.pngScattering Like Stars in SpaceWerewolf Warfare
Bael (Host)FireShot948252Issuer of Numbers Summer's Devilish Host Sweet Entrapper ReminiscentWeapon Spread Shot.pngThe Arrogant and IrreverentBurnt Offering?
Apollo AetherShot723477Hecaërgus of the Gap Addictive Paean Heavenly Solitary Loxias Mankind's Ideal PhoebusWeapon Spread Shot.pngEye-Catching Brilliant TalentPhoebus Hecaërgus
Amanojaku InfernalThrust660540Partner Helper Contrarily Masked Passionate to Reform King of FerocityWeapon Spread Shot.pngNominal Top-Down Reversed PriorityContrary Ogre
Algernon ValiantThrust660540Mechaman Price Payer Time Traveler Fullmetal JanitorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDesperate Dreams in an Iron CurseMechanical Bouquet
Agyo WaterShot852411Destroyer of Wickedness The Abandoned Blood of the Beast Symbol of ProsperityWeapon Spread Shot.pngEmotional SolidarityCleansing Dependence


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zabaniyya (Fashionista)ValiantShot1635890Photogenic Figure Law Enforcer Meteor Chaser Purgatorial EscapeeWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Clear Vow From the Bottom of my HeartWrath of Longinus?
Ulaanbaatar (Christmas)AetherShot11971203Idle Descender Gesir Bogdo of the Disaster Oedo Holy Night's Firefighter At Peace with the FutureWeapon Spread Shot.pngSeven Stars of the Northern CapitalMighty Ursa Major
Tsathoggua WaterShot1710780Amorphous Lifeform Ruler Gourmand Master of DarknessWeapon Spread Shot.pngWatching Idly with Companion JewelsSaturnian Elder
Tadatomo (Main Story)All-RoundShot12551145Conflagrated Samurai Reviver Paternal Admirer Wishful BloomerWeapon Spread Shot.pngFearless Indomitable LightRuthless Cutthroat
Snow (Valentine)AetherThrust1822578Royal Servant The Selector Beautifier The Ultimate ButlerWeapon Spread Shot.pngCultured and Culturing LoveAshtamangala?
Shino (Valentine)All-RoundShot1850810Assembler Fruitless Flower Peony-Branded Hound Life CompanionWeapon Spread Shot.pngThe Same Blessing's ReturnRuthless Cutthroat?
Shamash InfinityThrust10551345Witness to Immortality's Quest Confirmer of Crimes Bearer of Vengeance Dingir for OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngRereading of Overwhelming GuiltSha Naqba Imuru
Sandayu InfernalShot1480920Subdivisor Discombobulator Shadow Ninja Master of ElusionWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Million Collective OpeningsIga Shadow Division
Q'ursha AetherNone1857543Goal Hunter One Night Stander Nostalgic Stray Leaper on Lightning WingsWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Deep Encompassing Love for the BallParadise and Damnation
Ophion AetherShot1599803Dragonborn Ruler Great Creator Primordial Wyrm ReincarnateWeapon Spread Shot.pngFall of the World EggBirth of Olympus
Nomad (Christmas)WoodShot12211179Truth Investigator Poking at Deductions Fierce Avenger Truth GifterWeapon Spread Shot.pngVengeance, No Matter the Toils and InvestigationsBurning Bright?
Moritaka (Jamboree)ValiantShot13301070Samurai of Inheritance River Splasher Pillar to His Friends Bearer of ColdWeapon Spread Shot.pngQuick and Deft Surplus KnowledgeBlade of Ice?
Licht NetherShot1601799Artist Ruler Agitator in the Shadows Frenzy ConductorWeapon Spread Shot.pngPillaging RulerTrojan Legacy
Kurogane WoodMagic1585975Inventor Slick Artisan Weakness Spotter Iron ArtisanWeapon Spread Shot.pngMechanized MasterpieceConstruct of the Gods
Kresnik (Halloween)NetherShot12551145Costumed Vampire Veteran Kindred Hunter Nighttime Attacker GunslingerWeapon Spread Shot.pngMany Thanks for the Bloody Blade I Was Born and RaisedWarding Cross?
Krampus (Jiangshi)FireShot13201080Sin Reveler Smirking Emperor Self-Affirmationist The Fifth JudgeWeapon Spread Shot.pngBells of Certain PunishmentToll of the Wildebell
Jacob (Valentine)NetherThrust12071193Beckoner to All Snowball Shooter Sightless Seer Peerless BoxerWeapon Spread Shot.pngAtrocity of BoredomBlade of the Cherubim?
Heracles NetherShot13761024Honorable Slave The Unwilling Participant Undertaker of Trials Invoker of MadnessWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Life of Pain and SufferingOracular Decree
Hephaestus FireThrust1740920Bronze Quickener Weakness Spotter System Melder Immaculate FlamecraftWeapon Spread Shot.pngFactory Ascension OpportunityDivinity Wrought
Eita (Set Sail)WaterThrust1493965Swimmer Storm Thresher Seafarer Sea-favoredWeapon Spread Shot.pngUnparalleled SpearPeerless Trident
Chernobog (Beachside)FireSnipe1560840Feeder of Flames Advance Planner Blurrer of Lines Fortuitous Dark LordWeapon Spread Shot.pngFriendship Over Good CharcoalEphemeral Frost?
Barong (Host)AetherShot11611239One Who Goes to the Audience Summer-Colored Show Dancer Chip Holder Tireless OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngIntoxicated By One's Summoned MercyBanas Pati Barong Dance?
Alp (Halloween)AetherShot1622778Wildly Dancing Dream Demon Stitch Connector Star Performer Radiantly EnchantedWeapon Spread Shot.pngThe Long Night of Spirits and DreamsDream Deep
Ahura Mazda WorldBlow1840560Eternal Recurrence Superhuman Original Supreme Judge High Priest of Conflagration One Who Remains at the EndWeapon Spread Shot.pngQuick and Decisive JudgmentDesirable Dominion
Ahab WaterShot1648877Seafarer Avenger Blood of the Beast Overthrower of the HeavensWeapon Spread Shot.pngOcean's Dying VowOath of the Whaler
Aegir WaterThrust14301010Usher Undersea Celebrant Giant Pillaging NeptuneWeapon Spread Shot.pngDrinking on the Open SeaFishy Feast
Aegir (Christmas)WoodShot10211379Master of the Waves Radiant Hunter Caster of Nets Pearl PilfererWeapon Spread Shot.pngJeweled Treasure HallFishy Feast?