Skill Range/0 0 1 1 0 0

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Base Skills

Charge and AR Skills

Charge Skill Kijimuna (Apply Evasion)
Kijimuna (Apply Evasion)
Takemaru (Apply Evasion)
Thunderbird (Increase CP)
Thunderbird (Increase CP)
Thunderbird (Apply Reflect Debuff)
Thunderbird (Apply Reflect Debuff)
Tetsuox (Apply Combo)
Tetsuox (Apply Combo)
Tetsuox (Increase CP)
Tetsuox (Increase CP)
Hogen (Festival) (Increase CP, Apply Evasion)
Nobuharu (Festival) (Increase CP)
Seth (Apply Evasion)
Seth (Apply Evasion)
Leib (Apply Remove all debuffs)
Hephaestus (Apply Concentration)
Arachne (Apply DEF Up)
Arachne (Apply DEF Up)
Goemon (Apply Distribute Buff)
Chernobog (Beachside) (Apply Crit)
Chernobog (Beachside) (Increase HP)
Seth (Beachside) (Increase CP)
Seth (Beachside) (Apply Evasion)
Licho (Apply Glint)
Licho (Apply Glint)
Tangaroa (Canaan) (Apply DEF Up)
Kijimuna (Canaan) (Apply Evasion)
Kijimuna (Canaan) (Apply Nourishment)
Tezcatlipoca (Apply Reflect Debuff)
Shennong (Increase HP)
Shennong (Increase HP)
Bael (Apply Evasion)
The Hero (Increase HP)
The Hero (Increase HP)
Sol (Apply Protection)
Sol (Increase HP)
Sol (Apply Protection)
Kimun Kamui (Apply Distribute Buff)
Kimun Kamui (Increase HP)
Kimun Kamui (Apply Distribute Buff)
Tvastar (Apply Adamantine)
Ryota (Festival) (Increase HP)
Tezcatlipoca (Festival) (Apply Reflect Debuff)
Furufumi (Festival) (Increase CP)
Ellie (Apply Guts)
Ellie (Apply Guts)
Itzamna (Apply Remove Debuff)
Itzamna (Apply Nourishment)
Kengo (Valentine) (Apply Limit)
Seth (Valentine) (Increase HP)
Seth (Valentine) (Apply Remove all debuffs)
Kresnik (Apply Blessing)
Nodens (Apply Crit)
Nodens (Apply Crit)
Fuxi (Apply ATK Up)
Red Agent (Increase CP)
Blue Agent (Increase CP)
Green Agent (Increase CP)
Yellow Agent (Increase CP)
Purple Agent (Increase CP)
Black Agent (Increase CP)
White Agent (Increase CP)
Brown Agent (Increase CP)
Horkeu Kamui (Hot Paradise) (Apply Guts)
Hotei (Increase CP)
Hotei (Apply Distribute Buff)
Hotei (Increase CP)
Ebisu (Halloween) (Increase HP)
Ose (Christmas) (Apply Evasion)
Ose (Christmas) (Apply Remove Debuff)
Boogeyman (Apply Protection)
Tuaring (Apply Concentration)
Ulaanbaatar (Apply Nullify Debuff)
Ulaanbaatar (Apply Remove Debuff)
∀Isaac (Apply DEF Up)
Oz (Pool) (Increase CP)
Smoky God (Pool) (Apply Guts)
Smoky God (Pool) (Increase HP)
Vapula (Apply Nullify Debuff)
Sphinx (Increase HP)
Sandayu (Halloween) (Apply Crit)
Kresnik (Halloween) (Increase CP)
Kresnik (Halloween) (Increase HP)
Ellie (Halloween) (Increase HP)
Simurgh (Apply Advantage vs Oppression)
Simurgh (Increase HP)
Inaba (Increase HP)
Yoritomo (Valentine) (Apply Nullify Debuff)
Nobumichi (Apply Increased Recovery)
MacRoich (Summer) (Apply Crit+)
Reprobus (Apply Brawn)
Dagon (Summer) (Increase CP)
Arsalan (Summer) (Apply DEF Up)
Arsalan (Summer) (Apply ATK Up)
Shamash (Apply Ardor)
Ganglie (Christmas) (Apply Ardor)
Horus (Christmas) (Apply Concentration)
Masanori (Valentine) (Increase HP)
Masanori (Valentine) (Apply Evasion)
Takeminakata (Valentine) (Apply Adamantine)
Takeminakata (Valentine) (Increase HP)
Hei Long Yi Quan (Increase HP)
Hei Long Yi Quan (Apply Copy 1 Buff)
Ame-no-Uzume (Apply Remove Debuff)
Tu'er Shen (Increase HP)
Tu'er Shen (Apply Evasion)
Red Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
Blue Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
Green Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
Yellow Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
Purple Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
Black Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
White Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
Brown Drone Pilot (Apply Crit)
Nyarlathotep (Main Story) (Apply Apply Evasion At Turn Start)
Baphomet (Apply Concentration)
Kokopelli (Apply Combo)
Bael (Host) (Apply Concentration)
Kumano Gongen (Apply ATK Up)
Kyoma (Apply DEF Up)
Snegurochka (Apply Guts)
Tianzun (Christmas) (Increase CP)
Yig (Apply Guts)
Yig (Apply Guts)
Apollo (Increase HP)
Apollo (Increase HP)
Apollo (Apply Evasion)
Echo (Valentine) (Apply Combo)
Echo (Valentine) (Apply Crit+)
Hombre Tigre (Summer) (Apply Charm)
Bertro (Decrease HP)
Bertro (Decrease HP)
Ellie (Apply Guts)
Red Yaksha (Apply Break)
Blue Yaksha (Apply Break)
Green Yaksha (Apply Break)
Yellow Yaksha (Apply Break)
Purple Yaksha (Apply Break)
Black Yaksha (Apply Break)
White Yaksha (Apply Break)
Brown Yaksha (Apply Break)
Horkeu Kamui (Hot Paradise) (Apply Bind)
Sandayu (Halloween) (Apply Bind)
Bathym (Nightclub) (Apply Charm)
AR Skill From the Depths (Apply Reflect Debuff)
Chocolate Dynamite! (Increase HP)
Celebration Live! (Increase CP)
Umamichi Kung-Fu Generation (Apply Anchor)
Ogres and Fortune (Increase CP)
Live on Valentine's Day! (Increase CP)
Golden Harvest (Increase HP)
Toasting Tigers (Apply Oppression Advantage)
A Melting Snow-like Delight (Apply Increased Recovery)
Hearty Singing (Increase HP)
Fluffy and Furry ☆ Magic Show! (Apply Nullify Debuff)
Wild-Space Chase (Apply Limit)
The Experiment Begins! (Apply Concentration)
The Plan D Youth (Apply Blessing)
The Rowdy Old Library (Apply Ardor)
Fist Fight! (Apply Oppression)

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