Main Quest:Chapter 13

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Ship of Theseus (1)
Shinagawa Ward
Level 0
Board size 3x4
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 革命のゲーム 3

Ship of Theseus (2)
Shinjuku Ward
Level 0
Board size 3x4
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest テセウスの船 1

Ship of Theseus (3)
Shibuya Ward
Level 0
Board size 3x4
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest テセウスの船 2

Defiant (1)
Shinjuku Ward
Level 67
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1520 152 per stamina
Card XP Given 2180 218 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest テセウスの船 3
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Korpokkur
[When Appearing] Apply Take 10000 damage at a time to self / 100%
[Turn Start] Apply Nullify Debuff to self
    -300 HP to enemies on the entire board / 100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal extra damage against 8 skills

Child (x0.05), Child+ (x0.05), Bovine Broker (x0.05), Symbol of Prosperity (x0.05), Symbol of Prosperity+ (x0.05), Earth Eater (x0.05), Earth Eater+ (x0.05), Pure Beast (x0.05)

/ 100%
[After Debuff] Apply Remove Debuff to self / 60%
[Status Resistance] Remove Bind
    Remove Skill Lock
    Remove Double Lock / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 7 statuses / 100%
67 1 67 70000 9400 x1
Phase 2 Korpokkur
[When Appearing] Apply Take 10000 damage at a time to self / 100%
[Turn Start] Apply Nullify Debuff to self
    -300 HP to enemies on the entire board / 100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal extra damage against 8 skills

Child (x0.05), Child+ (x0.05), Bovine Broker (x0.05), Symbol of Prosperity (x0.05), Symbol of Prosperity+ (x0.05), Earth Eater (x0.05), Earth Eater+ (x0.05), Pure Beast (x0.05)

/ 100%
[After Debuff] Apply Remove Debuff to self / 60%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 1, 5, 9...) Apply Freeze (Stackable 1) to enemies on the entire board
    (Total turns 2, 6, 10...) Apply Freeze (Stackable 2) to enemies on the entire board
    (Total turns 3, 7, 11...) Apply Freeze (Stackable 3) to enemies on the entire board
    (Total turns 4, 8, 12...) Apply Freeze (Stackable 4) to enemies on the entire board
    Push away self by 1 square / 100%
[Before Hitting] Push away hit units by 1 square / 100%
[When Appearing] Decrease vertical movement by 10 / 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove Bind
    Remove Skill Lock
    Remove Double Lock / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 7 statuses / 100%
67 1 67 120000 13500 x1
Coin ?? x42000
Defiant (2)
Minato Ward
Level 68
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1540 154 per stamina
Card XP Given 2210 221 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 逆天 1
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1
Target: Survive 4 turns
Wakan Tanka∞
[Status Resistance] Remove Bind
    Remove Skill Lock
    Remove Double Lock / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 7 statuses / 100%
[While Moving] Increase horizontal movement by 2 / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Mark 2 Squares Away to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
    Apply Mark 3 Squares Away to enemies at the 3rd square in front of self
    Apply Mark 4 Squares Away to enemies at the 4th square in front of self
    Apply Mark 5 Squares Away to enemies at the 5th square in front of self / 100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 2x damage to Mark 2 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 3x damage to Mark 3 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 4x damage to Mark 4 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 5x damage to Mark 5 Squares Away-affected enemies / 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Take 10000 damage at a time to self / 100%
[When Hit′] Push away hitting units by 3 squares / 100%
68 0 68 10000000 7900 x1
Phase 2
Target: Survive 4 turns
Wakan Tanka∞/Enemy#transient0
[Status Resistance] Remove Bind
    Remove Skill Lock
    Remove Double Lock / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 7 statuses / 100%
[While Moving] Increase horizontal movement by 2 / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Mark 2 Squares Away to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
    Apply Mark 3 Squares Away to enemies at the 3rd square in front of self
    Apply Mark 4 Squares Away to enemies at the 4th square in front of self
    Apply Mark 5 Squares Away to enemies at the 5th square in front of self / 100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 2x damage to Mark 2 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 3x damage to Mark 3 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 4x damage to Mark 4 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 5x damage to Mark 5 Squares Away-affected enemies / 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Take 10000 damage at a time to self / 100%
[When Hit′] Push away hitting units by 3 squares / 100%
[When Appearing] +100 CP to self
    Apply CS Lock to self / 100%
[After Moving] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
68 1 68 10000000 11200 x1
Coin ?? x42000
Defiant (3)
Minato Ward
Level 70
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1580 158 per stamina
Card XP Given 2270 227 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 逆天 2
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1
Target: Defeat all Tangaroa enemies
White Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Green Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Yellow Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Red Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Blue Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Purple Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Black Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Brown Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
70 1 70 80000 2600 x1
Tangaroa∞/Enemy#transient0 Default kit 70 1 70 100000 3100 x1
Battle in the Storm (1)
Minato Ward
Level 0
Rank XP Given 1580
Card XP Given 2270
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 逆天 3

Battle in the Storm (2)
Minato Ward
Level 0
Rank XP Given 1580
Card XP Given 2270
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 嵐の中の緒戦 1

Battle in the Storm (3)
Minato Ward
Level 0
Rank XP Given 1580
Card XP Given 2270
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 嵐の中の緒戦 2

Transformation (1)
Taito Ward
Level 67
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1520 152 per stamina
Card XP Given 2180 218 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 嵐の中の緒戦 3
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Green Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1 Coin ?? x42000
White Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Red Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1
Brown Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1
Phase 2 Yellow Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1 Coin ?? x47250
Blue Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1 G All-round Boost ?? x1
Dark Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1 All-round Energy Shard ?? x2
Purple Camouflager Default kit 67 1 67 90000 9000 x1
Transformation (2)
Taito Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 変容 1

Transformation (3)
Shinagawa Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 変容 2

Infinite Loop (1)
Nakano Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 変容 3

Infinite Loop (2)
Nakano Ward
Level 68
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1540 154 per stamina
Card XP Given 2210 221 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 無限ループ 1
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1
Target: Survive 5 turns
Dark Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
68 1 68 10000000 5500 x2 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Brown Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
68 1 68 10000000 7500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
White Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
68 1 68 10000000 7500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Volkh Vseslav
[When Appearing] Apply Debuff Strengthening to self / 50~100%
[Turn Start] Apply Curse to self / 45~90%
[When Hit″] Apply Remove Debuff to self / 100%
[After Debuff] -400 HP to self / 100%
[After Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 15~30%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler enemies
    Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler of Munition enemies / 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
68 1 68 12000000 7000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
[When Appearing] +50~100 CP to self / 50~100%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 4, 8, 12...) +50~100 CP to self / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Apply Charm Weakening to self / 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Countdown Weakening to self / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units and enemies directly adjacent to them / 20~40%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 1.4x damage to Possession-affected enemies / 100%
[Turn Start] (Total turn 4) Apply Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 7) to self
    (Total turn 8) Apply Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 8) to self
    (Total turn 12) Apply Attack Power Reduction (Stackable 9) to self / 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
68 1 68 12000000 20000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Infinite Loop (3)
Taito Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 無限ループ 2

End of an Illusion (1)
Minato Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 無限ループ 3

End of an Illusion (2)
Shinagawa Ward
Level 69
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1560 156 per stamina
Card XP Given 2240 224 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 幻想の果て 1
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Blue Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[Phase Start] Decrease horizontal movement by 10 / 100%
69 1 69 25000 5500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Purple Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[Phase Start] Decrease horizontal movement by 10 / 100%
69 1 69 25000 5500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Yellow Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[Phase Start] Decrease horizontal movement by 10 / 100%
69 1 69 25000 5500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Red Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[Phase Start] Decrease horizontal movement by 10 / 100%
69 1 69 25000 5500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Takeminakata Default kit 69 1 69 40000 4000 x1
End of an Illusion (3)
Taito Ward
Level 69
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1560 156 per stamina
Card XP Given 2240 224 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 幻想の果て 2
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Enigma
[Phase Start] Apply DEF Up to allies 1 square around self / 45~90%
[Turn Start] Apply Copy all buffs to allies directly adjacent to self / 35~70%
[Status Resistance] Resist 20 statuses / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Darkness to hit units / 40~80%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 2x damage to Darkness-affected enemies / 100%
[Before Being Attacked] Apply Tenacity to self / 30~60%
[When Hit″] Apply Protection to allies in reverse Slash range / 25~50%
[Status Resistance] Resist 7 statuses / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 1 / 100%
69 1 69 15000 3500 x3 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
[Before Hitting] Apply Nullify debuff/Remove reflect to hit units / 40~80%
[When Appearing] Apply Poison Weakening to self / 100%
[After Not Moving] Apply Logic Bomb (☆3) to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Logic Bomb (☆3) to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self / 45~90%
[Status Resistance] Remove Confusion / 50~100%
[When Hit′] Apply Confusion to hitting units / 45~90%
[Attack Modifier] Deal extra damage against 6 skills
    Deal 2x damage to Bestow Mechaman-affected enemies
    Deal 2x damage to Bestow Mechaman (Amatsumara)-affected enemies / 100%
[Phase Start] Apply Evasion to self / 45~90%
[Status Resistance] Remove Darkness / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 1 / 100%
69 1 69 35000 4800 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Phase 2 Enigma
[Phase Start] Apply DEF Up to allies 1 square around self / 45~90%
[Turn Start] Apply Copy all buffs to allies directly adjacent to self / 35~70%
[Status Resistance] Resist 20 statuses / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Darkness to hit units / 40~80%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 2x damage to Darkness-affected enemies / 100%
[Before Being Attacked] Apply Tenacity to self / 30~60%
[When Hit″] Apply Protection to allies in reverse Slash range / 25~50%
[Status Resistance] Resist 7 statuses / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 1 / 100%
69 1 69 20000 4500 x6 G All-round Boost ?? x3
Tuaring Default kit 69 1 69 50000 5500 x1 G All-round Boost ?? x3
All-round Energy Shard ?? x2
Pulled From the Swamp (1)
Shinagawa Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 幻想の果て 3

Pulled From the Swamp (2)
Taito Ward
Level 70
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1580 158 per stamina
Card XP Given 2270 227 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 泥沼からの救難 1
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Dark Camouflager Default kit 70 1 70 25000 5500 x1 Coin ?? x110250
Purple Camouflager Default kit 70 1 70 25000 5500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Red Camouflager Default kit 70 1 70 25000 5500 x1 G All-round Boost ?? x1
Nezha Default kit 70 1 70 30000 3500 x1 All-round Energy Crystal ?? x2
[Before Being Attacked] Apply Tenacity to self / 40~80%
[Turn Start] (Phase turns 6, 7, 8...) Apply Burn to self / 100%
[When Appearing] Apply Burn Weakening (skill rate) to self / 100%
[On Miss] Apply Freeze to enemies in a 3x3 area around the front of self
    Apply Protection to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 45~90%
[If Stationary] Apply Break to enemies in Long Slash range / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Vigor to allies in Slash range / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Blessing to self and allies on the left and right of self / 16~32%
[When Appearing] Apply CS Lock (Wakan Tanka∞) to self / 100%
70 1 70 30000 4000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Sanat Kumara Default kit 70 1 70 40000 4000 x1
Pulled From the Swamp (3)
Taito Ward
Level 71
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1600 160 per stamina
Card XP Given 2300 230 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 泥沼からの救難 2
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1
Target: Survive 7 turns
Purple Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
71 1 71 10000000 4000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Green Trooper
[Before Being Attacked] Apply Tenacity to self / 30~60%
[Turn Start] Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 30~60%
[While Moving] Increase vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Defense Modifier] Take 0.7x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltyShot-ranged enemies
    Take 0.7x damage from 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe-ranged enemies / 100%
[After Hitting] +5~10 CP to self / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Paralysis to enemies in Shot range / 38~76%
[When Leaving] Apply Paralysis to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 45~90%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
71 1 71 10000000 4000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Black Trooper
[Before Being Attacked] Apply Tenacity to self / 30~60%
[Turn Start] Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 30~60%
[While Moving] Increase vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Defense Modifier] Take 0.7x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltyShot-ranged enemies
    Take 0.7x damage from 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe-ranged enemies / 100%
[After Hitting] +5~10 CP to self / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Paralysis to enemies in Shot range / 38~76%
[When Leaving] Apply Paralysis to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 45~90%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
71 1 71 10000000 2500 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Blue Trooper
[Before Being Attacked] Apply Tenacity to self / 30~60%
[Turn Start] Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 30~60%
[While Moving] Increase vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Defense Modifier] Take 0.7x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltyShot-ranged enemies
    Take 0.7x damage from 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe-ranged enemies / 100%
[After Hitting] +5~10 CP to self / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Paralysis to enemies in Shot range / 38~76%
[When Leaving] Apply Paralysis to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 45~90%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
71 1 71 10000000 4000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Red Trooper
[Before Being Attacked] Apply Tenacity to self / 30~60%
[Turn Start] Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 30~60%
[While Moving] Increase vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Defense Modifier] Take 0.7x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltyShot-ranged enemies
    Take 0.7x damage from 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe-ranged enemies / 100%
[After Hitting] +5~10 CP to self / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Paralysis to enemies in Shot range / 38~76%
[When Leaving] Apply Paralysis to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 45~90%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
71 1 71 10000000 4000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Yellow Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
71 1 71 10000000 4000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
[When Appearing] Apply Drastic Skill Activation Rate Increase to self / 100%
[If Stationary] +750~1500 HP to self / 20~40%
[Turn Start] -1000 HP to self / 100%
[While Moving] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Phase Start] Apply Confusion to enemies in a 3-square diamond radius ahead / 15~30%
[Phase Start] Apply Bestow Mechaman to self and allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 20~40%
[If Stationary] Apply Protection to allies 1 square around self / 15~30%
[If Stationary] +5~10 CP to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 10~20%
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self / 100%
[When Appearing] +100~200 CP to self / 100%
[Turn Start] Apply Reflect Debuff to self / 15~30%
[When Hit′] -1000 HP to hitting units / 20~40%
71 1 71 12000000 4000 x1 G All-round Boost ?? x1
Decisive Tokyo Station Battle (1)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 72
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1620 162 per stamina
Card XP Given 2330 233 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 泥沼からの救難 3
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Red Camouflager Default kit 72 1 72 12000 4800 x5 Coin ?? x52500
Blue Camouflager Default kit 72 1 72 12000 4800 x5 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Phase 2 Green Camouflager Default kit 72 1 72 12000 4800 x4 Coin ?? x68250
White Camouflager Default kit 72 1 72 12000 4800 x4 G All-round Boost ?? x1
Yoshito Default kit 72 1 72 23000 5500 x1 All-round Energy Shard ?? x2
Masanori Default kit 72 1 72 25000 5300 x1
Decisive Tokyo Station Battle (2)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 73
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1640 164 per stamina
Card XP Given 2360 236 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 東京駅大決戦 1
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Yellow Camouflager Default kit 73 1 73 15000 5500 x6 Coin ?? x57750
Purple Camouflager Default kit 73 1 73 15000 5500 x6 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Dark Camouflager Default kit 73 1 73 18000 5000 x3
Phase 2 Dark Camouflager Default kit 73 1 73 25000 5500 x13 Coin ?? x68250
Masanori Default kit 73 1 100 32000 5800 x1 G All-round Boost ?? x1
Yoshito Default kit 73 1 100 30000 6000 x1 All-round Energy Crystal ?? x2
Decisive Tokyo Station Battle (3)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 0
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 東京駅大決戦 2

Destruction (1)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 74
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1660 166 per stamina
Card XP Given 2390 239 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 東京駅大決戦 3
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Brown Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[When Leaving] +30 CP to self and allies 1 square around self / 100%
74 1 74 9000 5500 x6 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Temujin Default kit 74 1 74 20000 5000 x1 All-round Spell Token ?? x3
Perun Default kit 74 1 74 30000 4500 x1 G All-round Boost ?? x1
Valiant Energy Cluster ?? x2
Destruction (2)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 74
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1660 166 per stamina
Card XP Given 2390 239 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest デストラクション 1
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Dark Camouflager
[On Miss] Apply Weapon Change (None) to enemies in Thrust range / 25~50%
[On Miss] Apply Evasion to self / 20~40%
[On Miss] +30~60 CP to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] (If HP > 51%) Apply Weapon Change (Slash) to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (If HP < 50%) Apply Evasion to self / 30~60%
[Before Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units / 20~40%
[Status Resistance] Remove Possession / 50~100%
[When Leaving] +30 CP to self and allies 1 square around self / 100%
74 1 74 9000 5500 x8 Greater HP Seed ?? x1
Volkh Vseslav Default kit 74 1 74 40000 5000 x1 Greater HP Seed ?? x1
Greater ATK Seed ?? x1
Destruction (3)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 75
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1680 168 per stamina
Card XP Given 2420 242 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest デストラクション 2
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Blue Camouflager Default kit 75 1 75 15000 5000 x5 Coin ?? x131250
White Camouflager Default kit 75 1 75 15000 5000 x2 Greater HP Seed ?? x1
Dark Camouflager Default kit 75 1 75 15000 5000 x2 Greater ATK Seed ?? x1
Ramu Default kit 75 1 75 28000 10000 x1
Between All and Infinity (1)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest デストラクション 3

Between All and Infinity (2)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 76
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1700 170 per stamina
Card XP Given 2450 245 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 全と無限の狭間に 1
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 White Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[After Hitting] Attract hit units by 1 square / 100%
[When Leaving] +500 HP to allies on the entire board / 100%
76 1 76 9000 5500 x3 Dark Camouflager ?? x1
Brown Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[After Hitting] Attract hit units by 1 square / 100%
[When Leaving] +500 HP to allies on the entire board / 100%
76 1 76 9000 5500 x2 Dark Camouflager ?? x1
Black Tribe
[Phase Start] Apply Blessing to self / 40~80%
[After Moving] Apply Regeneration to allies on the left and right of self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Unction to self and allies on the left and right of self / 40~80%
[When Hit″] Apply Glint to self / 22~44%
[When Leaving] +500 HP to allies on the entire board / 100%
76 1 76 9000 5500 x2 Dark Camouflager ?? x1
[Turn Start] Attract enemies on the entire board by 1 square / 30~60%
[Defense Modifier] Take 0.6x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltySlash-ranged enemies
    Take 0.6x damage from 1.00x ATK penaltyBlow-ranged enemies
    Take 1.3x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltyShot-ranged enemies
    Take 1.3x damage from 0.28x ATK penaltyMagic-ranged enemies
    Take 0.6x damage from 0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash-ranged enemies
    Take 1.3x damage from 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe-ranged enemies
    Take 1.3x damage from 0.10x ATK penaltyAll-ranged enemies / 100%
[While Moving] Decrease horizontal movement by 1 / 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove Buff Reversal / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Apply ATK Up (3 turns) to self
    Apply DEF Up (3 turns) to self / 100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Remove Buff to hit units / 15~30%
[Turn Start] Apply Duplicate Debuff to allies 1 square around self
    Apply Remove Debuff to allies 1 square around self / 30~60%
[After Debuff] +200~400 HP to self / 20~40%
[Turn Start] Apply Spread Debuffs to enemies in Long Slash range / 30~60%
[Turn Start] Apply Spread Debuffs to enemies in a 5-square horizontal line around the 2nd square in front of self / 15~30%
[Turn Start] Apply Spread Debuffs to enemies in a 5-square horizontal line around the 3rd square in front of self / 5~10%
76 1 100 35000 4000 x1
Between All and Infinity (3)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 77
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1720 172 per stamina
Card XP Given 2480 248 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 全と無限の狭間に 2
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Wave Wall
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self
    Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
[Defense Modifier] Take 10x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltySlash-ranged enemies / 100%
[When Leaving] -10~-20 CP to self and allies on the entire board / 100%
[Forced Movement Resistance] Resists all forced movement / 100%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove Bind
    Remove Skill Lock
    Remove Double Lock / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 5 statuses / 100%
77 1 100 30000 100 x2
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self
    Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
[Defense Modifier] Take 10x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltySlash-ranged enemies / 100%
[When Leaving] -10~-20 CP to self and allies on the entire board / 100%
[Forced Movement Resistance] Resists all forced movement / 100%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove Bind
    Remove Skill Lock
    Remove Double Lock / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 5 statuses / 100%
77 1 100 30000 100 x2
World Plant
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self
    Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
[Defense Modifier] Take 10x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltySlash-ranged enemies / 100%
[When Leaving] -10~-20 CP to self and allies on the entire board / 100%
[Forced Movement Resistance] Resists all forced movement / 100%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10 / 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove Bind
    Remove Skill Lock
    Remove Double Lock / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 5 statuses / 100%
77 1 100 30000 100 x2
Wakan Tanka∞
[When Hit′] Push away hitting units by 3 squares / 40~80%
[Defense Modifier] Take 2x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltySlash-ranged enemies
    Take 2x damage from 1.00x ATK penaltyBlow-ranged enemies
    Take 0.6x damage from 0.45x ATK penaltyShot-ranged enemies
    Take 0.6x damage from 0.28x ATK penaltyMagic-ranged enemies
    Take 2x damage from 0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash-ranged enemies
    Take 0.6x damage from 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe-ranged enemies
    Take 0.6x damage from 0.10x ATK penaltyAll-ranged enemies / 100%
[While Moving] Decrease vertical movement by 1 / 100%
[Status Resistance] Resist 26 statuses / 50~100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Mark 2 Squares Away to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
    Apply Mark 3 Squares Away to enemies at the 3rd square in front of self
    Apply Mark 4 Squares Away to enemies at the 4th square in front of self
    Apply Mark 5 Squares Away to enemies at the 5th square in front of self / 50~100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 2x damage to Mark 2 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 3x damage to Mark 3 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 4x damage to Mark 4 Squares Away-affected enemies
    Deal 5x damage to Mark 5 Squares Away-affected enemies / 100%
[Phase Start] Apply ATK Up to self / 50~100%
[Phase Start] Apply Regeneration to self / 45~90%
[Status Resistance] Resist 9 statuses / 50~100%
[When Appearing] +50~100 CP to self / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Apply CS Lock (Wakan Tanka∞) to self / 100%
[After Moving] Apply Remove CS Lock to self / 50~100%
[Turn Start] (If CP = 100) Apply Spread Buffs to allies 1 square around self / 40~80%
[Turn Start] (If CP < 100) Apply Remove Debuff to self, allies and enemies on the entire board / 45~90%
[When Leaving] -5000000 HP to allies on the entire board / 100%
77 1 100 35000 4500 x1 Brown Camouflager ?? x1
Between All and Infinity (4)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 全と無限の狭間に 3

Between All and Infinity (5)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 78
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 1740 174 per stamina
Card XP Given 2510 251 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 全と無限の狭間に 4
n=1 Enemies Drops
Unit Skills LV SA Lv S Lv HP ATK # Item % Amount
Phase 1 Brown Camouflager Default kit 78 1 78 12000 6000 x4 Coin ?? x157500
Enigma Default kit 78 1 78 28000 5300 x1 Greater HP Blossom ?? x1
∀Isaac Default kit 78 1 78 30000 5000 x1 Greater ATK Blossom ?? x1
[When Appearing] Apply Resistance to self
    Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10
    Apply Burn Weakening to self / 100%
[Turn Start] (Phase turn 1) +100 CP to self
    Apply Combo to self / 100%
[After Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units
    Apply Doubt to hit units
    Apply Fear to hit units / 30%
[Forced Movement Resistance] Resists all forced movement / 100%
[When Hit′] Attract hitting units by 1 square
    -800 HP to hitting units / 100%
[Opponent Turn Start] Apply Protection to self
    Apply Tenacity to self
    Apply DEF Up to self
    Apply Adamantine to self / 100%
[Turn Start] Apply Combo to self / 100%
[After Hitting] Apply Possession to hit units
    Apply Doubt to hit units
    Apply Fear to hit units / 50%
[Forced Movement Resistance] Resists all forced movement / 100%
[When Appearing] Decrease horizontal and vertical movement by 10
    Apply Burn Weakening to self / 100%
[When Hit′] Attract hitting units by 1 square
    -500 HP to hitting units / 100%
[Opponent Turn Start] Apply Protection to self
    Apply Tenacity to self
    Apply DEF Up to self
    Apply Adamantine to self / 100%
78 1 100 38000 12000 x1
Tuaring Default kit 78 1 78 25000 5500 x1
Between All and Infinity (6)
Chiyoda Ward
Level 0
Board size 5x6
Award Transient Stone (Free) x1
Required Quest 全と無限の狭間に 5

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

No. 16551
18 months ago
Score 0++
how can i beat the shark (Between All and Infinity (5))
Anonymous user: f2dd4005
No. 16536
18 months ago
Score 0 You
Is anyone else dealing with crashes? I keep trying to advance through the story but game keeps crashing. I'm stuck on ship of theseus (2) and can only get past it if I skip. The app is up to date and I have cleared the cache, but still constant crashes.
Anonymous user: 572294d0
No. 16402
19 months ago
Score 0 You
Damn how to beat that shark?
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