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{{Status list|Debuff}}
{{Status list|Debuff}}
===Other statuses===
The following statuses do not have a status type ID matching with either buffs or debuffs.
{{Status list|6}}

Revision as of 15:35, 15 February 2020

Statuses are in-battle game mechanics that modify a character card's properties or abilities for a certain amount of turns. When these allotted turns are exhausted, the status is removed from the card in the beginning of the next turn.

Viewing statuses

The statuses an allied card is affected by is listed in-battle on the left-side team panel (indicated by their icons). A brief description of each of these statuses, their remaining turn lifespan, as well as their Status Level is listed at the top of a card's in-game full summary, which is accessible by selecting the card's icon in the team panel.

The statuses of an enemy card is affected by is listed in-battle when touching and holding an enemy card on in the Battle Zone. Buffs will be labeled in red, while debuffs will be labeled in blue.

Some statuses affecting a card are visible directly on the card in the Battle Zone. For example, some skills that lock a card ability (attacking, skill activation, or charge skill activation) are indicated with an X-mark overlaying the card in battle.

Status sources

Effects from skills often apply statuses to allied and/or enemy cards in-battle. These statuses can come from innate non-charge skills, innate charge skills, and effects granted by AR cards. The Level of statuses from innate non-charge skills is equal to the applying card's Skill Level. From innate charge skills, it is equal to the applying card's Sacred Artifact Level. From effects granted by AR cards, it is equal to the AR card's Max Lv.

Some statuses are event-exclusive, and will only be applied when certain conditions are met. These conditions can include team positioning relative to the leader, selecting them before battle in the team selection screen, or simply using event-featured units.

Status durations

1. Buffs and debuffs do not have their durations refreshed when applied again.

For example, if you were to cast Blessing on an ally with Youl, they would be Blessed for 4 turns. If you were to wait 3 turns and cast it on the same ally with Youl again, the buff will not reset and the Blessing will wear off the next turn. Also, buffs that have an activation timing of Beginning of Phase are applied AFTER buffs have counted down. Therefore it's safe to wipe out an enemy Phase with 1 buff turn remaining if you want to reapply a buff that has a Beginning of Phase timing.

2. Buffs and debuffs applied to your team on your team will always count down by 1 at the beginning of your turn.

For example, if you apply the buff Blessing to an ally, it will have a countdown of 4. Then, at the start of your turn, Blessing healing effect will apply, and THEN count down by 1, for 4 turns. This means Blessing will heal you 4 times, the same as its listed turn duration.

3. Buffs and debuffs applied to the enemy team will always count down by 1 at the beginning of their turn.

This means that, in practical terms, each debuff applies to the enemy team (and your team) 1 less turn than what is listed in the chart below. For example, even though Curse technically lasts "5" turns, it will only reduce the Attack of your enemies for 4 of their attacks, because it instantly counts down from 5 to 4 at the start of their turn. (assuming you applied Curse to the enemy during your turn). The same is true for when the enemy puts Curse on you.

The reason for this is it allows you and the enemy team to have a debuff-free turn. Otherwise, debuffs could be applied to you or the enemy team infinitely.

4. ALL healing and damaging debuffs either heal or deal at the end of the enemies team for BOTH team.

"The enemies team" means the team that is not your team in all cases. In effect, this actually means that debuffs like Poison will actually damage you more than the enemy team. Because damage happens at the end of the enemies team, this means it happens before any debuffs on you have counted down. However, in the enemies case, they had their turn first, and the debuff has already counted down for them. So Poison will damage you 5 times, but the enemy can only be damaged by Poison 4 times before it has to be reapplied. While this is biased in the enemies favor, it is only biased for the damage ticks of damage debuffs. Everything else is equal for both teams.


In the game, statuses are identified as buffs, debuffs, or neither. Buffs are affected by inflicted debuffs that deny buffs such as Remove Buff or Nullify Buff, while debuffs are affected by bestowed buffs that mitigate debuffs such as Remove Debuff, Nullify Debuff, or Reflect Debuff. Buffs that also have negative effects such as Berserk or Rage are not affected by buffs that mitigate debuffs.

Status Level and status efficacy

The Status Level determines the efficacy of some modifications of the status. It will affect HP restoration/depletion and damage multiplication. It will not affect CP increase/depletion, skill activation rate modification, or ability modification.

The final modifier (referring to either a multiplier for damage buffs/debuffs, or an addend for Health Point restoration/depletion) is dependent on the Status Level as well as the minimum and maximum modifiers.

Formula for statuses with amplifying multipliers

For amplifying multiplier, the formula of the modifier is below:

Multiplieramplifying = m×(1 + (Lvstatus/100)×(M/m - 1))


  • Lvstatus is the Status Level
  • m is the minimum multiplier at Status Lv 0 (technically inaccessible)
  • M is the maximum multiplier at Status Lv 100
Example status amplifying multiplier calculation

The status Nourishment+150~300HP/turn, ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 1.5x for 3 turns (Buff) has a minimum damage multiplier of 1.1 and a maximum of 1.5 . If the Status Lv is 75, then the multiplier would be calculated as follows:

Multiplier = 1.1×(1 + (75/100)×(1.5/1.1 - 1))
= 1.4

Thus, a Level 75 Nourishment will multiply a card's attacking damage by 1.4.

Usually, the maximum modifier is simply double the minimum modifier. In this case, the formula would be simplified as below:

Multiplierattenuating = m*(1+(Lvstatus/100))

Formula for statuses with attenuating multipliers

For attenuating multipliers, the formula of the modifier is below:

Multiplierattenuating = M×(1 - (Lvstatus/100)×(1 - m/M))


  • Lvstatus is the Status Level
  • M is the maximum multiplier at Status Lv 0 (technically inaccessible)
  • m is the minimum multiplier at Status Lv 100

Usually, the minimum modifier is simply half the maximum modifier. In this case, the formula would be simplified as below:

Multiplierattenuating = M×(1 - 0.5×(Lvstatus/100))

Example status attenuating multiplier calculation

The status TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) has a maximum damage multiplier of 0.9 and a minimum of 0.45, exactly half the maximum. If the Status Lv is 75, then the multiplier would be calculated as follows:

Multiplier = 0.9×(1 - 0.5×(75/100))
= 0.5625

Thus, a Level 75 Tenacity will multiply the damage a card receives from an attack by 0.5625.

List of statuses

Below is a list of buffs and debuffs.


Icon Name Duration Note Used skills
[弱体解除] Remove Debuff 1 turns Remove one debuff Link
[全弱解除] Remove all debuffs 1 turns Remove all debuffs. Not nullified by Nullify Buff. Link
[CT] Crit 1 turns ATK Up by 2x ~ 4x for 1 turn Link
[CT+] Crit+ 1 turns ATK Up by 2.5x ~ 5x for 1 turn Link
[CT++] Crit++ 1 turns ATK Up by 3x ~ 6x for 1 turn Link
[攻撃強化] ATK Up 4 turns ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns Link
[剛力] Brawn 4 turns ATK Up by 1.15x ~ 2.3x for 4 turns Link
[闘志] Vigor 3 turns ATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 3 turns Link
[激怒] Rage 2 turns ATK Up and DEF Down by 1.25x ~ 2.5x for 2 turns Link
[防御強化] DEF Up 4 turns DEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns Link
[守護] Protection 1 turns DEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn Link
[金剛] Adamantine 4 turns DEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns Link
[頑強] Tenacity 1 turns DEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn Link
[庇護] Asylum 1 turns DEF Up by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 1 turn Link
[祝福] Blessing 4 turns +300~600HP/turn for 4 turns Link
[再生] Regeneration 4 turns +400~800HP/turn for 4 turns Link
[加速] Acceleration 3 turns +8CP/turn for 3 turns Link
[奮起] Arousal 1 turns +10CP/turn for 1 turn Link
[回避] Evasion 1 turns DEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn Link
[暴走] Berserk 4 turns ATK Up and DEF Down by 1.3x ~ 2.6x for 4 turns Link
[覚悟] Resolve 4 turns ATK Up and DEF down by 1.5x ~ 3x for 4 turns Link
[突破] Break (placeholder) 1 turns Nullify Evade Link
[根性] Guts 5 turns +1HP when HP is at 0 at the end of the turn for 5 turns. Removed once activated. Link
[無窮] Infinitude 1 turns ATK Up by 1.3x ~ 2.6x, -400~-800HP for 1 turn Link
[温泉] Hot Springs (Onsen) 0 turns Increase CP upon release Link
[聖油] Unction 2 turns DEF Up by 0.85x ~ 0.425x, +150~300HP every turn for 2 turns Link
[不動] Immobility 3 turns +12CP/turn, cannot move at will for 3 turns Link
[熱情] Ardor 2 turns ATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x, +5CP/turn for 2 turns Link
[閃き] Glint 2 turns +10% skill activation rate for 2 turns Link
[弱体無効] Nullify Debuff 4 turns Prevent receiving debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. Link
[弱体反射] Reflect Debuff 4 turns Reflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. Link
[反撃] Counterattack 2 turns Counterattack against enemy (???) Link
[連撃] Combo 2 turns ATK Down by 0.6x (excepting charge attacks), attack twice each turn for 2 turns Link
[集中] Concentration 2 turns ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns Link
[極限] Limit 1 turns ATK Up by 1x~2x → 2x~4x as HP→0 for 1 turn Link
[固定] Fixity 999 turns +12CP/turn, cannot move at will for 999 turns Link
[係留] Anchor 3 turns Prevent forced movement for 3 turns Link
[意気] Spirit 2 turns Deal extra 400~800 damage to enemies for 2 turns Link
[攻撃力小UP] Base ATK Up (Small) 3 turns +250~500ATK for 3 turns Link
[攻撃力中UP] Base ATK Up 3 turns +500~1000ATK for 3 turns Link
[攻撃力大UP] Base ATK Up (Large) 10 turns +1000~2000ATK for 10 turns Link
[横移動力増加] Horizontal movement expansion 3 turns Increases movement distance in horizontal direction by 1 square for 3 turns Link
[縦移動力増加] Vertical movement expansion 3 turns Increases movement distance in vertical direction by 1 square for 3 turns Link
[全方向移動力増加] Movement expansion in all directions 3 turns Increases movement distance in all directions by 1 square for 3 turns Link
[暴走+] Berserk+ 4 turns ATK Up by 1.3x ~ 2.6x, DEF Down by 1.3x for 4 turns Link
[注目] Taunt 2 turns Adds aggro to unit for 2 turns. Link
[武器種変更:全域] Weapon Change (All) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to All-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[武器種変更:魔法] Weapon Change (Magic) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Magic-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[武器種変更:斬撃] Weapon Change (Slash) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Slash-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[激怒+] Rage+ 2 turns ATK Up by 1.25x ~ 2.5x, DEF Down by 1.25x for 2 turns Link
[祈り] Prayer 6 turns +10% skill activation rate for 6 turns Link
[滋養] Nourishment 3 turns +150~300HP/turn, ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 1.5x for 3 turns Link
[武器種変更:打撃] Weapon Change (Blow) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Blow-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[武器種変更:狙撃] Weapon Change (Snipe) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Snipe-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[注目] Taunt (1 turn) 1 turns Adds aggro to unit for 1 turn. Link
[武器種変更:無] Weapon Change (None) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to None-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[超再生] Super Regeneration 5 turns +100000HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[武器種変更:全域] Weapon Change (All) 99 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to All-ranged for 99 turns. Link
[武器種変更:打撃] Weapon Change (Blow) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Blow-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[武器種変更:無] Weapon Change (None) 2 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to None-ranged for 2 turns. Link
[武器種変更:横一文字] Weapon Change (Long Slash) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Long Slash-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[CS変更:全域] CS Weapon Change (All) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to All-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[武器種変更:突撃] Weapon Change (Thrust) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Thrust-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[毒反転] Poison Reversal 1 turns When user is Poisoned: ATK Up by 2x, DEF Up by 0.6x, +400HP/turn for 1 turn. Link
[武器種変更:狙撃] Weapon Change (Snipe) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Snipe-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[武器種変更:射撃] Weapon Change (Shot) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Shot-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[武器種変更:全域] Weapon Change (All) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to All-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[CS変更:魔法] CS Weapon Change (Magic) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to Magic-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[CS変更:全域] CS Weapon Change (All) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to All-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[武器種変更:無] Weapon Change (None) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to None-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[弱体複製(3つ)] Copy 3 Debuffs 1 turns Copies 3 debuffs from target to caster. Duration of debuffs are reset. Link
[武器種変更:斬撃] Weapon Change (Slash) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Slash-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[CS変更:打撃] CS Weapon Change (Blow) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to Blow-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[CS変更:横一文字] CS Weapon Change (Long Slash) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to Long Slash-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[武器種変更:魔法] Weapon Change (Magic) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Magic-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[CS変更:無] CS Weapon Change (None) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to None-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[強化複製(2つ)] Copy 2 Buffs 1 turns Copies 2 buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. Link
[武器種変更:狙撃] Weapon Change (Snipe) 2 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Snipe-ranged for 2 turns. Link
[無窮] Infinitude (Stackable 1) 1 turns ATK Up by 1.3x ~ 2.6x, -400~-800HP for 1 turn Link
[無窮] Infinitude (Stackable 2) 1 turns ATK Up by 1.3x ~ 2.6x, -400~-800HP for 1 turn Link
[武器種変更:横一文字] Weapon Change (Long Slash) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Long Slash-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[武器種変更:突撃] Weapon Change (Thrust) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Thrust-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[スキル発動率激増] Drastic Skill Activation Rate Increase 1 turns Increases skill activation rate by 50% for 1 turn Link
[魅了耐性] Charm Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Charm / 100% Link
[火傷耐性] Burn Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Burn / 100% Link
[CS変更:射撃] CS Weapon Change (Shot) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to Shot-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[浄化] Purification 3 turns Acquire skill for 3 turns: [Turn Start] Remove Debuff from self / 100% Link
[呪い耐性] Curse Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Curse from self / 100% Link
[凍結耐性] Freeze Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Freeze from self / 100% Link
[攻撃力低下耐性] ATK Down Resistance 1 turns Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove status effects which reduce ATK / 100% Link
[CS変更:全域] CS Weapon Change (All) 2 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to All-ranged for 2 turns. Link
[根性耐性] Guts Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Guts / 100% Link
[HP減少反転] HP Loss Reversal 3 turns Health-decreasing effects from skills and statuses heal user instead for 3 turns Link
[ダメージ反転] Damage Reversal 1 turns Taking damage heals the user instead for 1 turn Link
[崩し耐性] Break Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Break / 100% Link
[被回復増加] Increased Recovery 3 turns Healing from skill effects increased by 1.5x for 3 turns Link
[恐怖耐性] Fear Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Fear / 100% Link
[武器種変更:全域] Weapon Change (All) 2 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to All-ranged for 2 turns. Link
[武器種変更:射撃] Weapon Change (Shot) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Shot-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[武器種変更:全域] Weapon Change (All) 4 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to All-ranged for 4 turns. Link
[弱点耐性] Weakness Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Weakness / 100% Link
[魅了耐性] Charm Resistance 2 turns Acquire skill for 2 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Charm / 100% Link
[注目耐性] Taunt Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Taunt, Taunt (1 turn), Taunt (Stackable 1-5) from self / 100% Link
[縦移動力増加] Vertical movement expansion 3 turns Increases movement distance in vertical direction by 1 square for 3 turns Link
[回避耐性] Evasion Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Evasion / 100% Link
[縦移動力増加] Vertical movement expansion 2 turns Increases movement distance in vertical direction by 1 square for 2 turns Link
[横移動力増加] Horizontal movement expansion 2 turns Increases movement distance in horizontal direction by 1 square for 2 turns Link
[回避耐性] Evasion Resistance 1 turns Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Evasion / 100% Link
[威圧耐性] Oppression Resistance 2 turns Acquire skill for 2 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Oppression / 100% Link
[クリティカル耐性] Crit Resistance 2 turns Acquire skill for 2 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Crit from self / 100% Link
[暗闇耐性] Darkness Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Darkness / 100% Link
[根性耐性] Guts Resistance 3 turns Acquire skill for 3 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Guts / 100% Link
[係留耐性] Anchor Resistance 999 turns Acquire skill for 999 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Anchor / 100% Link
[CS変更:突撃] CS Weapon Change (Thrust) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to Thrust-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[イカ焼き] Grilled Squid 999 turns ATK Up by 10x ~ 100x for 999 turns Link
[おでん] Oden 999 turns +50CP/turn for 999 turns Link
[スキル発動率増] Increased Skill Activation 1 turns +30% skill activation rate for 1 turn Link
[スキル発動率増] Increased Skill Activation 1 turns +30% skill activation rate for 1 turn Link
[スキル発動率増] Increased Skill Activation 1 turns +30% skill activation rate for 1 turn Link
[スキル発動率増] Increased Skill Activation 2 turns +100% skill activation rate for 2 turns Link
[注目時強化] Taunt Strengthening (Tsathoggua) 1 turns While user has Taunt: Increase skill activation rate by 60% and Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Before Being Hit] Remove Taunt Strengthening (Tsathoggua) / 100% Link
[強化全散布] Distribute All Buffs 1 turns Spread all remembered buffs Link
[強化全複製(ばらまきスキル用)] Duplicate All Buffs (for bestowing skills) 1 turns Duplicate all buffs (for bestowing skills) Link
[武器種変更:射撃] Weapon Change (Shot) 2 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Shot-ranged for 2 turns. Link
[武器種変更:射撃] Weapon Change (Shot) 2 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Shot-ranged for 2 turns Link
[凍結耐性] Freeze Resistance 3 turns Acquire skill for 3 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Freeze from self / 100% Link
[強化単体複製] Copy 1 Buff 1 turns Copy 1 removable buff from target to caster Link
[強化単体散布] Spread 1 Buff 1 turns Spread 1 removable buff from caster to target Link
[S封印耐性] Skill Lock Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Skill Lock from self / 100% Link
[混乱耐性] Confusion Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Confusion from self / 100% Link
[強化複製(3つ)] Spread 3 Buffs 1 turns Spread 3 Buffs from caster to target / 100% Link
[束縛耐性] Bind Resistance 1 turns Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Bind / 100% Link
[スキル封印耐性] Skill Lock Resistance 1 turns Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Skill Lock from self / 100% Link
[縦移動力増加] Vertical movement expansion 1 turns Increases movement distance in vertical direction by 1 square for 1 turn Link
[横移動力増加] Horizontal movement expansion 1 turns Increases movement distance in horizontal direction by 1 square for 1 turn Link
[暗闇耐性] Darkness Resistance 1 turns Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Darkness / 100% Link
[脱力耐性] Drain Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Drain / 100% Link
[妨害耐性] Obstruct Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Obstruct / 100% Link
[CS変更:魔法] CS Weapon Change (Magic) 3 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to Magic-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[スキル封印耐性] Skill Lock Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 4 turns: [Status Resistance] Remove Skill Lock from self / 100% Link
[束縛耐性] Bind Resistance 4 turns Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Bind / 100% Link


Icon Name Duration Note Used skills
[強化解除] Remove Buff 1 turns Remove one buff Link
[全強解除] Remove all buffs 1 turns Removes all buffs. Not nullified or reflected by Nullify and Reflect Debuff, respectively. Link
[毒] Poison 5 turns -100~-200HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[猛毒] Fatal Poison 5 turns -200~-400HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[火傷] Burn 5 turns -300~-600HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[威圧] Oppression 2 turns Cannot move at will for 2 turns Link
[マヒ] Paralysis 5 turns ATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, cannot move at will for 5 turns Link
[恐怖] Fear 5 turns Cannot move at will, -10CP/turn for 5 turns Link
[呪い] Curse 5 turns ATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns Link
[幻惑] Dazzle 3 turns ATK Down by 0.7x ~ 0.35x for 3 turns Link
[魅了] Charm 3 turns Cannot attack for 3 turns Link
[凍結] Freeze 4 turns DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns Link
[石化] Petrify 5 turns Cannot act (move, skill, attack), DEF Down by 1.3x ~ 2.6x for 5 turns Link
[告死] Countdown 2 turns -10000~-20000HP/turn for 2 turns Link
[S封印] Skill Lock 5 turns Cannot activate skills for 5 turns. Link
[CS封印] CS Lock 3 turns Block charge and CS activation and for 3 turns. Link
[束縛] Bind 4 turns Cannot activate skills, ATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns. CS effects still apply. Link
[行動不能] Immobility (placeholder) 5 turns Locks all actions (movement, skills, attacking) Link
[烙印] Stigma 3 turns DEF Down by 1.15x ~ 2.3x, -150~-300HP/turn for 3 turns Link
[二重封印] Double Lock 3 turns Block skill and CS activation for 3 turns Link
[崩し] Break 2 turns Cannot move at will, DEF Down by 1.2x ~2.4x for 2 turns Link
[強化無効] Nullify Buff 4 turns Prevent receiving buff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. Link
[憑依] Possession 2 turns Block CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. Link
[弱点] Weakness 1 turns DEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn Link
[妨害] Obstruct 2 turns -15% skill activation rate for 2 turns Link
[脱力] Drain 2 turns -10% skill activation rate, -10CP/turn for 2 turns Link
[薔薇の封印] Rose Seal 2 turns Cannot activate skills for 2 turns Link
[強化単体複製] Duplicate Buff 1 turns The inflicting card copies a buff from the target. Duration of buffs are reset and original Status Lv is maintained. Link
[強化全複製] Buff Snatch (All) 1 turns Steals all buffs Link
[強化単体散布] Distribute Buff 1 turns The target receives a remembered buff from the bestower. Used with Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills). Link
[強化単体複製(ばらまきスキル用)] Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) 1 turns The inflicting card remembers a buff of the target, but not copied for self. Duration of buff is reset and original Status Lv is maintained. Used with Distribute Buff. Link
[強化全複製(ばらまきスキル用)] Spread Buffs 1 turns Copies all buffs from caster to the target. Duration of buffs are reset and original Status Lvs are maintained. Ignores Nullify Buff. Link
[弱体全複製(ばらまきスキル用)] Spread Debuffs 1 turns Copies all debuffs from the caster to the target. Duration of debuffs are reset and original Status Lvs are maintained. Ignores Nullify and Reflect Debuff. Link
[強化全複製(対象から自身へ)] Copy all buffs 1 turns Copies all buffs from target to caster. Duration of buffs are reset. Ignores Nullify Buff. Link
[暗闇] Darkness 3 turns ATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns Link
[強化反転] Buff Reversal 3 turns When holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. Link
[火傷] Burn (Stackable 1) 5 turns -300~-600HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[火傷] Burn (Stackable 2) 5 turns -300~-600HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[火傷] Burn (Stackable 3) 5 turns -300~-600HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[火傷] Burn (Stackable 4) 5 turns -300~-600HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[火傷] Burn (Stackable 5) 5 turns -300~-600HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[劫火] Conflagration 2 turns When user is burned: enemies deal 3000 extra damage for 2 turns Link
[猛毒] Fatal Poison (Stackable 1) 5 turns -200~-400HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[猛毒] Fatal Poison (Stackable 2) 5 turns -200~-400HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[猛毒] Fatal Poison (Stackable 3) 5 turns -200~-400HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[猛毒] Fatal Poison (Stackable 4) 5 turns -200~-400HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[猛毒] Fatal Poison (Stackable 5) 5 turns -200~-400HP/turn for 5 turns Link
[弱体単体複製(ばらまきスキル用)] Duplicate Debuff (for inflicting skills) 1 turns The inflicting card remembers a debuff of the target, but not copied for self. Duration of debuff is reset and original Status Lv is maintained. Used with Distribute Debuff. Link
[弱体単体散布] Distribute Debuff 1 turns The target receives a remembered debuff from the inflictor. Used with Duplicate Debuff (for inflicting skills). Link
[疑念] Doubt 2 turns When not possessed: ATK Down by 0.1x; When possessed: ATK Up by 10x for 2 turns Link
[発狂] Madness 3 turns Decreases vertical movement by 1, enemies deal 400~800 extra damage for 3 turns Link
[武器種変更:横一文字] Weapon Change (Long Slash) 3 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Long Slash-ranged for 3 turns. Link
[凍結] Freeze (Stackable 1) 4 turns DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns Link
[凍結] Freeze (Stackable 2) 4 turns DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns Link
[凍結] Freeze (Stackable 3) 4 turns DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns Link
[凍結] Freeze (Stackable 4) 4 turns DEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns Link
[武器種変更:横一文字] Weapon Change (Long Slash) 1 turns Changes the unit's weapon type to Long Slash-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[CS変更:横一文字] CS Weapon Change (Long Slash) 1 turns Changes the unit's charge skill weapon type to Long Slash-ranged for 1 turn. Link
[弱体単体複製] Duplicate Debuff 1 turns The inflicting card remembers a debuff of the target. Link
[強化単体複製(対象から自身へ)] Duplicate Buff 1 turns The inflicting card copies a buff from the target. Duration of buffs are reset and original Status Lv is maintained. Link
[HP回復反転] Healing Reversal 3 turns Healing effects from skills and statuses decrease HP instead for 3 turns Link
[CS封印] CS Lock (AR) 1 turns Block charge and CS activation and for 1 turn. Link
[混乱] Confusion 3 turns Decreases horizontal movement by 1; acquire skill for 3 turns: [After Attacking] -1000HP to allies 1 square around self / 100% Link
[虚飾] Vanity 1 turns A debuff with no effect that lasts for 1 turn Link
[汚れ] Dirt 3 turns ATK Down by 0.5x for 3 turns / 100% Link
[弱体全複製(ばらまきスキル用)] Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills) 1 turns Duplicate all debuffs Link
[弱体全散布] Distribute All Debuffs 1 turns Distribute all debuffs Link

Other statuses

The following statuses do not have a status type ID matching with either buffs or debuffs.

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Anonymous user: 91306cef
No. 14124
30 months ago
Score 0 You
Why do the initials have to be CP, why couldn't it be any other initials. Have we not learned from Club Penguin???
Anonymous user: c1f416f3
No. 12454
36 months ago
Score 0 You
What Status effect would Yauyori get by eating his shit?
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