Remove all debuffs/Used Skills
This is an article that lists skills used by a status. For the status itself, see Remove all debuffs
Base Skill
Apply Remove all debuffs
[When Leaving] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self
+1000~2000 HP to allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 50~100%
[Status Resistance] Remove Stigma / 50~100%
Grieving Guardian
[Phase Start] Apply Ardor to self and allies 1 square around self / 40~80%
[When Leaving] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self
+1000~2000 HP to allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 50~100%
Surtr (Valentine)
Metabolic Burner
[On Miss] Apply Combo to self / 30~60%
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 45~90%
Defeater of Decadence
[Turn Start] Apply Remove all buffs to self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 50~100%
[Turn Start] Apply Brawn to self / 45~90%
Kalki (Christmas)
Fate Chronicler
[Phase Start] +500~1000 HP to self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 45~90%
[When Hit′] (Phase turn 1) Apply Charm to hitting units
(Phase turn 2) Apply Charm to hitting units
(Phase turn 3) Apply Charm to hitting units / 25~50%
Furufumi (Festival)
Returning Dreamer
[Before Hitting] Apply Dazzle to hit units / 36~72%
[Before Hitting] Apply Dazzle to enemies near hit units, directly adjacent to them / 25~50%
[After Moving] Apply Remove all buffs to enemies in Magic range
Apply Remove all debuffs to enemies in Magic range / 45~90%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 5, 10, 15...) Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies on the entire board
(Total turns 6, 12, 18...) +25~50 CP to self and allies on the entire board / 50~100%
[Turn Start] (Total turns 7, 14, 21...) Apply Countdown to self, allies and enemies on the entire board / 100%
Smoky God
[When Appearing] Apply Stigma Strengthening to self / 50~100%
[Turn Start] (Phase turn 2) Apply Stigma to self / 45~90%
[After Moving] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 50~100%
Jugo (Summer)
Image Weaver
[Before Hitting] Apply Decrease 2000 HP After Debuff to hit units / 50~100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills) to hit units
Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units
Apply Distribute All Debuffs to hit units / 35~70%
[Before Hitting] (Phase turn 1) Apply Darkness to hit units / 45~90%
Bubble Blower
[When Leaving] +1000~2000 HP to allies 1 square around self
+25~50 CP to allies 1 square around self
Apply Remove all debuffs to allies 1 square around self / 50~100%
Star Reader
[Turn Start] Apply Charm to enemies in Shot range / 30~60%
[After Moving] Apply Curse to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self / 50~100%
[After Hitting] Apply Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills) to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
Apply Remove all debuffs to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
Apply Distribute All Debuffs to enemies in a 2-square cross radius around the 2nd square in front of self / 20~40%
Tsukuyomi (Halloween)
Field Noble
[After Hitting] +8~16 CP to self and allies in Slash range / 45~90%
[Turn Start] (If CP = 100) Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] Apply Vertical movement expansion to allies on the left and right of self / 50~100%
Summer Day's Noon Lights
[If Stationary] (If HP > 50%) +400~800 HP to allies 1 square around self / 40~80%
[Turn Start] (If HP < 20%) +40~80 CP to self / 45~90%
[Turn Start] (If HP < 20%) Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 40~80%
Leib (Summer)
Sky Survey Buddy
[After Hitting] Apply Dazzle to hit units / 40~80%
[After Hitting] Apply Charm to hit units / 15~30%
[Status Resistance] Remove Break / 50~100%
[When Appearing] Attract enemies on the entire board by 1 square
Move enemies anywhere to the right of self 1 square to the left
Move enemies anywhere to the left of self 1 square to the right
Apply Non-Debuff Strengthening to self and allies on the entire board / 50~100%
[If Stationary] Apply Purification to allies directly adjacent to self / 45~90%
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 45~90%
Algernon (Summer)
Dragon King of Muspel
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies 1 square around self / 50~100%
[While Moving] Increase horizontal movement by 1 / 100%
[When Appearing] Apply ATK Up to self
Apply DEF Up to self / 50~100%
[Before Hitting] -1000~-2000 HP to hit units / 35~70%
Colorful Photographer
[Before Hitting] Apply Decrease 2000 HP After Debuff to hit units and enemies directly adjacent to them / 50~100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills) to hit units
Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units
Apply Distribute All Debuffs to hit units / 35~70%
[Before Hitting] (Phase turn 1) Apply Darkness to hit units and enemies directly adjacent to them / 45~90%
[After Hitting] Apply Burn to hit units and enemies directly adjacent to them / 40~80%
[After Buff] Apply Glint to self / 20~40%
The Four Supreme Archangels
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to allies 1 square around self / 45~90%
[After Hitting] Apply Blessing to allies 1 square around self / 40~80%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 2x damage to Stigma-affected enemies / 100%
[Status Resistance] Remove Stigma / 50~100%
Unrivaled Reincarnation
[Phase Start] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 45~90%
[Phase Start] Apply Glint to self / 50~100%
[Before Hitting] Apply Spirit to self / 35~70%
Marduk (Nightclub)
Charge Skill
Apply Remove all debuffs
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Pollux (Christmas) (
Thrust 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self
Apply Regeneration to self / 100%
Breke (
Shot 2x),
Breke (
Shot 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Regeneration to self and allies 1 square around self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 100%
Leib (
Shot 2x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Regeneration to self and allies 1 square around self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies 1 square around self / 100%
Leib (
Magic 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Remove all debuffs to allies 1 square around self
+8~16 CP to allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 100%
Tomte (
Slash 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Evasion to self
+1000~2000 HP to self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Jacob (
Blow 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self
Apply Rage+ to self / 100%
Heracles (
Shot 2x),
Heracles (
Shot 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Movement expansion in all directions to self
Apply Crit to self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self / 100%
Nezha (
Magic 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] -5000~-10000 HP to hit units
Apply Remove all buffs to allies on the entire board
Apply Remove all debuffs to allies on the entire board
Apply Remove all buffs to self and hit units
Apply Remove all debuffs to self and hit units / 100%
Shiva (
All 10x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] -5000~-10000 HP to hit units
Apply Remove all buffs to allies on the entire board
Apply Remove all debuffs to allies on the entire board
Apply Remove all buffs to self and hit units
Apply Remove all debuffs to self and hit units / 100%
Shiva (
All 10x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self
+450~900 HP to self
Move hit units 1 square to the right / 100%
Marduk (
Snipe 2x)
[Before Hitting (Any CS Hit)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self
+1200~2400 HP to self
Apply Combo to self / 100%
[Before Hitting (CS)] Move hit units 1 square to the right / 100%
Marduk (
Snipe 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies directly adjacent to self
Apply Evasion to self
+200~400 HP to self and allies directly adjacent to self / 100%
Seth (Valentine) (
Snipe 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Decrease 3000 HP After Debuff to hit units
Apply Duplicate All Debuffs (for inflicting skills) to hit units
Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units
Apply Distribute All Debuffs to hit units
-250~-500 HP to hit units, steal 100% of decreased HP
-20~-40 CP to hit units, steal 100% of decreased CP / 100%
Zhurong (
All 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies on the entire board
Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units
Apply Crit++ to self / 100%
Wakan Tanka∞ (
All 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies on the entire board
Apply Remove all debuffs to hit units
Apply Crit++ to self / 100%
Wakan Tanka∞ (
All 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Evasion to self and allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self
+500~1000 HP to self and allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 100%
Itzamna (Valentine) (
Magic 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies 1 square around self
Apply Nullify Debuff to self and allies 1 square around self
Apply Crit to self / 100%
Ulaanbaatar (
Snipe 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply ATK Up to self and allies directly adjacent to self
Apply DEF Up to self and allies directly adjacent to self
Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 100%
Arsalan (Summer) (
Snipe 4x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] -5000~-10000 HP to enemies on the entire board
+2000~4000 HP to self and allies on the entire board
Apply Remove all debuffs to self and allies 1 square around self / 100%
モウショウ (
Blow 4x)