Base Skill |
Beach Babe (allies, enemies) Ashigara (Seaside) Bathym (Seaside) Hanuman (Journey) Jiraiya (Seaside) Maria (Seaside) Fervor Stoker (allies, enemies) Claude Emperor of Zealots (allies, enemies) Claude The Hot-blooded (self) Jinn Kagutsuchi Kagutsuchi Hot-Blooded Teacher (self) Jinn Forefather (allies) Tangaroa Triton Triton Island Ancestor (allies) Tangaroa Defender of Justice (allies) Krampus Krampus Ryota (Christmas) Sound Shooter (self, allies, enemies) Nobuharu (Festival) Rampager (self) Hogen (Festival) Celestial Hot-Head (allies) Gyumao Gyumao Flame Spreader (self, allies) Ifrit (Make Sail) Smoocher (self) Claude (Christmas) Smoocher (allies) Claude (Christmas) Jilted Lover (allies) Takemaru Takemaru Dream Grabber (allies) Oniwaka (Setsubun) Continent Devourer (self) Behemoth Grieving Guardian (self, allies) Surtr (Valentine) Prayer-Dye Bear (allies) Leib Emotional Ruler (self, allies) Durga (Nightmare) Painter of Dreams (self) Kuniyoshi (Nightmare) Photogenic Figure (allies) Amatsumara (Fashionista) Suzuka (Fashionista) Tsathoggua (Fashionista) Wakan Tanka (Fashionista) Zabaniyya (Fashionista) Light of the Plains (self, allies) Wakan Tanka (Fashionista) Sea-favored+ (self, allies) Eita (Set Sail) Blurrer of Lines (allies) Chernobog (Beachside) Griever (self) Sanat Kumara Breakout Performer (self) Tetsuox (Jiangshi) Sky Dasher+ (self) Yule Yule Beach Babe+ (allies, enemies) Ashigara (Seaside) Bathym (Seaside) Hanuman (Journey) Jiraiya (Seaside) Maria (Seaside) Emperor of Zealots+ (allies, enemies) Claude Passion-filled (self) Tomte Passion Spreader (self, allies) Tomte Steam Stoker (self) Takemaru (Christmas) Steam Stoker (allies) Takemaru (Christmas) Produ-Surfer (allies) Leannan Sidhe Fervent Wrestler (self, allies) Taurus Mask (Christmas) The Hot-blooded (self) Taurus Mask (Christmas) Distant Beacon (self) Teda Teda Ball of Energy (allies) Teda Mass of Energy (allies) Teda Speedster (self) Nezha Nezha Relief Pitcher (self) Kyuma Thundering Pep Squad (self, allies) Nobuharu (Festival) Thundering Pep Squad (enemies) Nobuharu (Festival) The Reinforced (self) The Hero Quietly Dignified (self) Orgus Performer (allies) Hephaestus (Summer) Burning Genie (self, allies) Ifrit (Make Sail) Inimitable Illusionist (self) Cait Sith Sagacious Elucidator (allies) Furufumi (Festival) Red Hot Santa (allies) Ded (Christmas) Giant Breaker (self) Kyuma (Valentine) Top Streamer (allies) Tindalos Scalding Screamer (self) Cthugha (Nightglows) Guide (allies) Sarutahiko Passionate Guide (allies) Sarutahiko Star Performer (self, allies) Alp (Halloween) Beltane Illusionist (self) Cait Sith Trance Inductee (allies) Barong Trance Diviner (allies) Barong Millstone Auteur (self) Perun Water Seal (self, allies) Takeminakata Paternal Admirer (self, allies) Tadatomo (Main Story) Trainees in Agony (self) Shiva (Summer) Consuming One (self) Jormungandr Consuming World Serpent (self) Jormungandr Courage Bonder (allies) Oz (Pool) Straightforward One (self) Yamasachihiko (Pool) Surprised by the Splash (allies) Yamasachihiko (Pool) In the Heat of the Moment (self, allies) Catoblepas (Summer) Inspired One (self, allies) Babe Bunyan (Summer) Moonlight Host (allies) Tsukuyomi (Halloween) Bedridden Land-dwellers (self) Behemoth Excited One (self) Zhurong (Christmas) Resplendent One (allies) Teda (Christmas) Recovery Wisher (allies) Inaba Gazer of Brightest Stars (self) Amduscias Future Star (self) Amduscias Playwright (allies) Oscar Hedonistic Playwright (self, allies) Oscar Living Mechaman (self) Breke The Understander (allies) Tianzun Heaven-stretched (allies) Tianzun He Who Has Everything (allies) Beowulf Winged Idol (self, allies) Gabriel Nature's Performer (self) Cipactli Huge Kaiju Actor (self) Cipactli Pushy Polar Bear (allies) Leib (Summer) Treasure Digger (self) Andvari (Beachside) Sweltering Southern Santa (allies) Ded (Christmas) Brother's Replacement (allies) Claus Brilliant Protagonist (self) Masashi Oedo Holy Night's Passerby (allies) Tuaring (Christmas) Reformer (self) Amanojaku Passionate to Reform (self) Amanojaku Brilliant Home Ec Teacher (allies) Surtr (Valentine) Comet Striker (self) Krampus (Valentine) Valentine's Promoter (self, allies) Taishakuten (Valentine) Dream-drawing Doujin Artist (self) Kuniyoshi (Nightmare) Dream-drawing Doujin Artist (self, allies) Kuniyoshi (Nightmare) Drunken Veteran (self) Hogen (Festival) Bringer of Profit (allies) Hei Long Yi Quan Tie-Up Adman (allies) Hei Long Yi Quan Stuffed Toy Artisan (self, allies) Prometheus Hot Topic of the Stuffed Toy World (self, allies) Prometheus Great Springs Guide (self, allies) Sarutahiko Someone's Substitute (self, allies) Bigfoot (Mountain) Overheated Cyber Butler (self, allies) Enigma (Mountain) Future Alpinist (allies) Zao (Mountain) Feeder (self, allies) Tanngrisnir (Mountain) Club Athlete (self, allies) Wakan Tanka (Nightclub) Club Athlete (self) Wakan Tanka (Nightclub) Nightclub Owner (allies) Hakumen (Nightclub) Becoming Man (self) Kyoma Inorganic (self) Kyoma Wishing for Winter's End (self, allies) Snegurochka Passionate Happy Ender (self) Hastur (Christmas) Child-Doting Space Ranger (self, allies) Korpokkur (Christmas)
| Nerve Plucker (x1.5) Bael Nerve Wrecker (x2) Bael White-Maned Herbalist (x2.5) Snow
| Pillar of Heaven Wakan Tanka∞ Wakan Tanka∞ Artificial Intelligence Enigma Cloned AI Enigma