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=[[Event Quest:We'll Meet Again in the West(2020 Re-Release)|Desert Journey (2020 Re-Release)]]=
| Events |
[[Event Quest:We'll Meet Again in the West(2020 Re-Release)|Desert Journey]] receives a full reprint with its Event Quests, Item Exchange, High Difficulty Quests, Special Quests and Summons, all of which are now translated. More info can be found on the event page.
| [[AR Equipment]] |
5 New AR Cards were added:
* {{AR Equip|蒲田ギルドの師弟}}
* {{AR Equip|砂漠のプライベート・レッスン?}}
* {{AR Equip|剣豪と刀鍛冶の攻防}}
* {{AR Equip|サバイバルリゾート}}
* {{AR Equip|ギュウマオウ式OJT!}}
The last one can be obtained in the event shop.
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
3 new Summons were added:
* [[Gacha:Desert Journey (2020 Re-Release)|Desert Journey Transient Summon (2020)]]
* [[Gacha:Desert Journey AR Equipment|Desert Journey AR Summon]]
* [[Gacha:Bessatsu Kemono Magazine|Bessatsu Collaboration Transient Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
4 new Skill Quests were added:
* {{Skill name|ろくろを回す者+}} (upgrade for {{Skill name|ろくろを回す者}})
* {{Skill name|道を示す者+}} (upgrade for {{Skill name|道を示す者}})
* {{Skill name|大聖なる者+}} (upgrade for {{Skill name|大聖なる者}})
* {{Skill name|御車将軍+}} (upgrade for {{Skill name|御車将軍}})
| [[Status]]es |
A new status, {{Status|id=133}} was added.

=New Semester 2020=
=New Semester 2020=

Revision as of 10:07, 28 April 2020

This page is under construction

Below is a list of the most recent news and game updates.

Desert Journey (2020 Re-Release)


 [ Events ]
Desert Journey receives a full reprint with its Event Quests, Item Exchange, High Difficulty Quests, Special Quests and Summons, all of which are now translated. More info can be found on the event page.

 [ AR Equipment ]
5 New AR Cards were added:

The last one can be obtained in the event shop.

 [ Summons ]
3 new Summons were added:

 [ Skill Quests ]
4 new Skill Quests were added:

 [ Statuses ]
A new status, [[|No name provided (id 133).]]No description provided. (Unknown) was added.

New Semester 2020


 [ Date Quests ]
Oniwaka's and Moritaka's Date Quests were added.

 [ Skill Quests ]
Two new Skill Evolutions were added alongside their respective quests:

 [ Summons ]
Transient summon for Oniwaka and Moritaka was added.


 [ Date Quests ]
Toji's Date Quest was released.


 [ Event Quests ]
New quests dedicated to farming Coins were added.


 [ Date Quests ]
Licht's Date Quest was added.

 [ Summons ]
Transient summon for Licht and Toji was added.


 [ Transients ]
5 new Transient were added:

 [ Summons ]
A new transient Summon was added that features all units listed above.

 [ Statuses ]
4 (technically 6) new statuses were added:

 [ Date Quests ]
Maria's Date Quest was added.


 [ Skill Quests ]
Two new Skill Evolutions were added alongside their respective quests:


 [ Date Quests ]
Ophion's Date Quest was added.

 [ Summons ]
Transient summon for Ophion and Maria was added.

  • Features Ophion and Maria as well as their respective versions.


 [ Date Quests ]
Zabaniyya's and Claude's Date Quests were added.

 [ Skill Quests ]
Two new Skill Evolutions were added alongside their respective quests:

 [ Summons ]
Two new Transient Summons were added. They feature permanent versions of units with new Date Quests at higher than usual odds.


 [ Transients ]
4 new Transients were added:

 [ Summons ]
A new transient Summon was added that features all units listed above.

 [ New game mechanics ]
Every character can now love any other character, provided that the loving character reached the final Limit Break stage.

Love voice lines can now be played by pressing a dedicated button on the 2nd tab of the Transient description scree.

 [ Statuses ]
Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) was added as a currently unused status. Its effect is unknown.

 [ My Guild ]
BGM from the Valentine Timeslip event was added in the music box.

 [ Andvari's Shop ]
Zao and Zao as well as a few My Guild items were added to the shop.

[Show Comments]

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 4fea1b97
No. 12924
34 months ago
Score 0 You
he tokyo on my afterschool until i summoners
Anonymous user: c1f42e36
No. 11709
40 months ago
Score 0 You
Shino being crucify to Yasuyori's shit is big Housamo wiki energy.
Anonymous user: 2125b4ec
No. 11490
41 months ago
Score 0 You

Hoyeon Jung, Squid Game star, reveals in a recent interview to Vogue Korea that lately she’s been obsessed with "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners", an LGBT gacha game by LifeWonders

“I don't think it’s something the world needs right now, whenever I roll the gacha, my mood changes for the worse"
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